[csw-announce] New postgresql 8.1.0 packages available

Mark Round mark at markround.com
Tue Nov 15 08:21:54 CET 2005

I'm pleased to announce that PostgreSQL 8.1.0 packages are now  
available from Blastwave, and should be making their way out to the  
mirrors as I type. This set of packages includes libpq, the core  
postgresql package, contrib, and the updated set of JDBC drivers.

Please note that there are a large number of changes with this 8.1.0  
release - for details on all the new features, please see the  
official PostgreSQL announcement : http://www.postgresql.org/docs/ 
whatsnew .

Please also note that if you are intending to update to this version  
from a previous installation (either 7.3.x or 8.0.x), you will need  
to do a dump and reload of your database. Your old data directory  
will not work with the new packages, due to changes made by the  
PostgreSQL developers. For information on this dump and reload  
procedure, see the HTML documentation (also included with the  
package) at the following URL : http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/ 
interactive/backup.html . I recommend taking a full dump of your  
database and testing the backup works as expected before proceeding  
with this upgrade.

All comments, bug reports, feedback etc. welcome.

mark at blastwave.org

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