[csw-buildfarm] FYI: Temporarily deactivation .la-files

Chad Harp harpchad at opencsw.org
Thu Jan 22 17:39:10 CET 2009

Is there a reason we shouldn't leave it that way (and replicate the 
change on the rest of the build env)?

I've been having a similar problem and have been delaying some updates 
until the .la problem gets resolved.  I understand that in some cases 
the .la files are required, but we could deal with those on an exception 

Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have currently serious trouble with .la-files and have therefore
> temporarily renamed all files from
>    /opt/csw/lib/*.la
> to
>    /opt/csw/lib/*.la.moved
> on build8s only (!). I'll undo the changes after my tests.
> Please be aware and let me know if you encounter anything.
> Best regards
>    -- Dago
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