[csw-buildfarm] group request

Darin Perusich Darin.Perusich at cognigencorp.com
Fri Apr 16 16:59:46 CEST 2010

On 04/16/2010 10:27 AM, Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Hi Darin,
> Am 15.04.2010 um 23:38 schrieb Darin Perusich:
>> Can someone create a group on the build servers called 'cswsys' and add
>> my account to it? I'm attempting to rebuild the amanda package and
>> during 'make install' a 'chown darin:sys' is failing because I'm not a
>> member. This wasn't happening on Solaris 8 but I'm building on Sol9,
>> likely some type of fakeroot problem. The amanda users default group is
>> 'sys' which grants it read permission to raw disk devices and a number
>> of utilities are in the 'sys' group. The addition of this group will
>> allow me to set the group to that group then I can sed it to 'sys' in
>> the prototype file so the perms are properly set.
> I would rather not add groups just for building stuff. Isn't
>   --disable-installperms
> enough to let Amanda build? The goal is to make packages buildable
> on a wide variety of build hosts and customizing them on a per-package
> scheme would really complicate things. You could later on adjust
> things in the prototype.
> Please let me know if this works.

I'm rebuilding with this option but I don't believe it's going to be
adequate. The problem when setting --disable-installperms is the
permission are then not properly set during 'make install' and the user
and group pairs in the prototype will not be properly setup, there are
some 90+ files/dirs which need to be amanda:sys.

This is definitely a fakeroot problem on Solaris 9. I've tested the
chown operation on Solaris 8 and 10 (w/ fakeroot built for sol10) and
it's functioning properly. I guess simply building on 8 will be the
easiest way to get around this for now.

Darin Perusich
Unix Systems Administrator
Cognigen Corporation
395 Youngs Rd.
Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone: 716-633-3463
Email: darinper at cognigencorp.com

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