[csw-buildfarm] maintainer account

Ben Walton bwalton at opencsw.org
Tue Sep 13 22:12:13 CEST 2011

Excerpts from Shawn McDermott's message of Tue Sep 13 14:53:26 -0400 2011:

Hi Shawn,

> I am in the process of using opencsw to create and maintain some
> packages for internal use, however, I have several dependencies that
> I will be creating packages for as well.  It might be cool if I can
> make those packages available to the world since they are for
> publicly available projects like tokyocabinet.

We'll get you going asap.  We need the following from you:

1. Mantis username from (http://www.opencsw.org/mantis).  This will
   become your buildfarm login and your @opencsw.org address.
2. Sourceforge username for commit rights.
3. External email (we'll use this one most likely unless you'd prefer
   another one?
4. SSH public key.
5. An initial package that you'll be working on.

I'll try to create this tonight if you get me all the required
details.  Feel free to say hi in #opencsw on freenode's IRC too.  It's
a friendly bunch in there.

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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