[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[2526] csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Dec 11 11:41:18 CET 2008

Revision: 2526
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2008-12-11 10:41:13 +0000 (Thu, 11 Dec 2008)

Log Message:
mGAR v2: Merge [2453] SVN revision in PSTAMP

Modified Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk	2008-12-11 10:10:54 UTC (rev 2525)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk	2008-12-11 10:41:13 UTC (rev 2526)
@@ -18,6 +18,17 @@
 SPKG_SPECS     ?= $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES)))
 _PKG_SPECS      = $(filter-out $(NOPACKAGE),$(SPKG_SPECS))
+# We have to deal with four cases here:
+# 1. There is no svn binary -> NOSVN
+# 2. There is a svn binary, but the directory does not belong to a repository -> NOTVERSIONED
+# 3. There is a svn binary, but not everything was committed properly -> UNCOMMITTED
+# 4. There is a svn binary and everything was committed -> r<revision>
+# Calculating the revision can be time consuming, so we do this on demand
+define _REVISION
+$(if $(shell if test -x $(SVN); then echo yes; fi),$(if $(shell $(SVN) info >/dev/null 2>&1; if test $$? -eq 0; then echo YES; fi),$(if $(shell $(SVN) status --ignore-externals 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^X'),UNCOMMITTED,$(shell $(SVN) info --recursive 2>/dev/null | $(GAWK) '$$1 == "Revision:" && MAX < $$2 { MAX = $$2 } END {print "r" MAX }')),NOTVERSIONED),NOSVN)
 SPKG_CATEGORY  ?= application
@@ -25,7 +36,7 @@
 SPKG_PACKAGER  ?= Unknown
 SPKG_EMAIL     ?= Unknown
-SPKG_PSTAMP    ?= $(LOGNAME)@$(shell hostname)-$(shell date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
+SPKG_PSTAMP    ?= $(LOGNAME)@$(shell hostname)-$(call _REVISION)-$(shell date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
 SPKG_BASEDIR   ?= $(prefix)
 SPKG_CLASSES   ?= none
 SPKG_OSNAME    ?= $(shell uname -s)$(shell uname -r)

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