[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[9086] csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk

wahwah at users.sourceforge.net wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Mar 10 21:14:15 CET 2010

Revision: 9086
Author:   wahwah
Date:     2010-03-10 20:14:15 +0000 (Wed, 10 Mar 2010)

Log Message:
libxdg-basedir: Turns out that the configuration arguments don't do a thing.  Patching the source to use OpenCSW directories.  Also enabling tests (which thankfully pass).

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/Makefile	2010-03-10 19:49:06 UTC (rev 9085)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/Makefile	2010-03-10 20:14:15 UTC (rev 9086)
@@ -22,9 +22,13 @@
 UFILES_REGEX = $(GARNAME)-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz
 PACKAGES = CSWlibxdgbasedir
 CATALOGNAME = libxdg_basedir
-sysconfdir = /etc$(prefix)
-localstatedir = /var$(prefix)
+TEST_TARGET = check
+# These settings do not do anything.  xdg-basedir has the paths hardcoded in
+# basedir.c, there's a separate patch for it.
+# sysconfdir = /etc$(prefix)
+# localstatedir = /var$(prefix)
 BUILD64 = 1
+PATCHFILES += opencsw-paths.patch
 include gar/category.mk

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/checksums	2010-03-10 19:49:06 UTC (rev 9085)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/checksums	2010-03-10 20:14:15 UTC (rev 9086)
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-944202425e5359666f268d18671303d4  download/libxdg-basedir-1.0.2.tar.gz
+944202425e5359666f268d18671303d4  libxdg-basedir-1.0.2.tar.gz
+8cb87bb30e60d569db6d96c7dec17ee2  opencsw-paths.patch

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/files/opencsw-paths.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/files/opencsw-paths.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/libxdg-basedir/trunk/files/opencsw-paths.patch	2010-03-10 20:14:15 UTC (rev 9086)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- libxdg-basedir-1.0.2/src/basedir.c.orig	2010-03-10 21:04:10.463085037 +0100
++++ libxdg-basedir-1.0.2/src/basedir.c	2010-03-10 21:05:03.056021665 +0100
+@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
+ static const char
+ 	DefaultRelativeDataHome[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR ".local" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "share",
+ 	DefaultRelativeConfigHome[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR ".config",
+-	DefaultDataDirectories1[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "usr" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "local" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "share",
++	DefaultDataDirectories1[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "opt" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "csw" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "share",
+ 	DefaultDataDirectories2[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "usr" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "share",
+-	DefaultConfigDirectories[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "etc" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "xdg",
++	DefaultConfigDirectories[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "etc" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "opt" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "csw" DIR_SEPARATOR_STR "xdg",
+ 	DefaultRelativeCacheHome[] = DIR_SEPARATOR_STR ".cache";
+ static const char

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