[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: opencsw:[301] web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/ qa-maintainers-activity.php

wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Feb 20 10:32:16 CET 2011

Revision: 301
Author:   wbonnet
Date:     2011-02-20 09:32:16 +0000 (Sun, 20 Feb 2011)

Log Message:
Push maintainer activity QA page

Added Paths:

Added: web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa-maintainers-activity.php
--- web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa-maintainers-activity.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qa-maintainers-activity.php	2011-02-20 09:32:16 UTC (rev 301)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Template Name: Maintainer detail
+<?php get_header(); ?>
+    // Create the DAO object
+    $maintDAO = new maintainersDAO();
+    $qaDAO    = new qaDAO();
+    // Connect to database
+    $maintDAO->connect();
+    $qaDAO->connect();
+    print "<div id=\"container\">";
+    print "<div id=\"content\">";
+    print "<div class=\"post hentry\">";
+    print "<h2>Last maintainer activity overview</h2>";
+    print     "<div class=\"entry\">";
+    print     "<span>The following list displays the last activity overview of each maintainer. The purpose of this QA page is to detected maintainers who potentially retired. The date display for each maintainer is the last time a package from this maintainer has been added to unstable catalog. Maintainers may have submited package in the meantime. Activity date is updated only when pacakge is available in the unstable catalog, and not when a package is submited.</span>";
+    print     "<br>";
+    print     "<br>";
+    print     "<span>Please note that since this page does not take in account all the possible form of activity of a maintainer, it is only informative. Meanwhile, publishing date in unstable catalog is a fairly good indicator if it is considered over a few months. Maintainers with no package release over several months are being contacted by the board for status update.</span>" ;
+    // Retrieve the statistics from the database
+    $arrayMaint = $maintDAO->getListOfActiveMaintainers();
+    // Disconnect from the database
+    $maintDAO->disconnect();
+    print "<h3>Maintainers ( " . count($arrayMaint) . " )</h3>";
+    print "<table border=\"0\">";
+    print "<tbody  class=\"package-list\">";
+    print "<tr>";
+    print "<th>Name</th><th>Last activity date</th><th>Package</th>\n" ;
+    print "</tr>";
+    $totalPkg = 0;
+    for( $i = 0 ; $i < count($arrayMaint) ; $i++) {
+        $maint = $arrayMaint[$i] ;         // Get the current row
+        $lastActivityInfo   = $qaDAO->getMaintainerLastUnstableSubmitDate($maint["maintainer"]);
+        print "<tr>";
+        if ( $lastActivityInfo[0]["date"] == "") {
+            print "<td><a title='" . $maint["fullname"] . "' href='/maintainers/" . $maint["maintainer"] . "'>" . $maint["fullname"] . "</a></td><td>-</td><td>The maintainer has no package</td>\n";
+        } else  {
+            print "<td><a title='" . $maint["fullname"] . "' href='/maintainers/" . $maint["maintainer"] . "'>" . $maint["fullname"] . "</a></td><td>" . $lastActivityInfo[0]["date"] . "</td><td><a href=/package/" . $lastActivityInfo[0]["software"] . ">" . $lastActivityInfo[0]["software"] . "</a></td>\n";
+        }
+    }
+    // Close table
+    print "</tbody>";
+    print "</table>";
+    print "<br>";
+    print "<br>";
+    print "</div>";
+    print "</div>";
+    print "</div><!-- #content -->";
+    print "</div><!-- #container -->";
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>

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