[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[22145] csw/mgar/gar/v2

guengel at users.sourceforge.net guengel at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Oct 6 20:28:24 CEST 2013

Revision: 22145
Author:   guengel
Date:     2013-10-06 18:28:23 +0000 (Sun, 06 Oct 2013)
Log Message:
Added chkdbcat and associated module. It is used to check the database catalog for errors.

Added Paths:

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/chkdbcat
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/chkdbcat	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/chkdbcat	2013-10-06 18:28:23 UTC (rev 22145)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+import argparse
+import logging
+from lib.python import chkdbcat
+class MyCheckDBCatalog(chkdbcat.CheckDBCatalog):
+    """Class overriding CheckDBCatalog.notify()"""
+    def __init__(self, catrel, arch, osrel, fn_ts, chkcat, verbose=False):
+        super(MyCheckDBCatalog,self).__init__(catrel, arch, osrel, fn_ts, chkcat)
+        self.__verbose = verbose
+    def notify(self, date, addr, pkginfo):
+        # TODO: Do actual notification. To be discussed.
+        if self.__verbose: print('Notify %s' % addr)
+        print(date, add, pkginfo)
+def argparser():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check Database Catalog.')
+    parser.add_argument('--debug', help='enable debug output', required=False, default=False, action='store_const', const=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--verbose', help='be verbose', required=False, default=False, action='store_const', const=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--arch', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--catalog-release', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--os-release', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--timestamp-file', default='/var/cache/chkdbcat/timestamp.json')
+    parser.add_argument('--chkcat-path', default='/opt/csw/bin/chkcat')
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+    args = argparser()
+    if args.debug:
+        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+    if args.verbose: print("Checking Database Catalog {0} {2} {1}".format(args.catalog_release, args.arch, args.os_release))
+    with MyCheckDBCatalog(args.catalog_release, args.arch,
+                          args.os_release, args.timestamp_file,
+                          args.chkcat_path, args.verbose) as checker:
+        success = checker.check()
+        if args.verbose:
+            if success:
+                print("Database Catalog {0} {2} {1}: OK".format(args.catalog_release, args.arch, args.os_release))
+            else:
+                print("Database Catalog {0} {2} {1}: FAILED".format(args.catalog_release, args.arch, args.os_release))
+                print("chkcat output")
+                print checker.stderr
+        exit(0) if success else exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py	2013-10-06 18:28:23 UTC (rev 22145)
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+"""Check catalog data stored in the database for consistency.
+Check catalog data stored in the database for consistency using Peter
+Bonivart's chkcat.
+Notifications for invalid catalogs can be customized by overriding
+import cjson
+import datetime
+import dateutil.parser
+import logging
+import os.path
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from lib.python.shell import ShellCommand
+from lib.python.rest import RestClient
+from lib.python.generate_catalog_file import CatalogFileGenerator
+class FSLock(object):
+      """Simple Lock class
+      Provide a simple locking mechanism using a directory as lock.
+      """
+      def __init__(self, dirname):
+            self.__dirname = dirname
+      def __enter__(self):
+            """Create lock directory."""
+            logging.debug("Create lock dir: %s", self.__dirname)
+            os.mkdir(self.__dirname)
+            return self
+      def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
+            """Remove lock directory."""
+            logging.debug("Remove lock dir: %s", self.__dirname)
+            os.rmdir(self.__dirname)
+class TimestampRecord(object):
+      """Record Timestamp for a given Catalog, Architecture, and OS Release into a json encoded file."""
+      def __init__(self, fn):
+            """Constructor.
+            "fn is" the filename to read from and write to. File will be
+            created if necessary and is not required to exist prior
+            instantiation of class.
+            """
+            self.__filename = fn
+            if os.path.exists(self.__filename):
+                  self.__read_data()
+            else:
+                  self.__ts_by_catalog={}
+      def __enter__(self):
+            """Dummy."""
+            return self
+      def __exit__(self, exc_type, wdc1, wdc2):
+            """Save data to file."""
+            if exc_type is None:
+                  logging.debug("Save TimestampRecord to file")
+                  self.save()
+      def __read_data(self):
+            """Read json data into memory.
+            Read json data from file and create a dictionary with
+            (catrel,arch,osrel) as key and string representation of
+            timestamp as value.
+            Dictionary is stored in self.__ts_by_catalog
+            """
+            with open(self.__filename, "r") as fp:
+                  keyval_list = cjson.decode(fp.read())
+                  ts_by_ctlg = dict((tuple(x), y) for x, y in keyval_list)
+                  self.__ts_by_catalog = ts_by_ctlg
+      def save(self):
+            """Save in memory data to file.
+            Save self.__ts_by_catalog json encoded to file. If self.__ts_by_catalog is
+            empty, nothing will be done.
+            """
+            # We don't create an empty json file in order to prevent
+            # reading from an empty json file upon instanciation with
+            # the same file name
+            if not self.__ts_by_catalog: return
+            with open(self.__filename, "w") as fp:
+                  fp.write(cjson.encode(self.__ts_by_catalog.items()))
+      def get(self, catrel, arch, osrel):
+            """Get time stamp for given catrel, arch, and osrel.
+            Time stamp will be returned as datetime. None will be
+            returned if no time stamp has been recorded for catalog
+            triple.
+            """
+            catkey = (catrel, arch, osrel)
+            if self.__ts_by_catalog.has_key(catkey):
+                  return dateutil.parser.parse(self.__ts_by_catalog[catkey])
+            else:
+                  return None
+      def set(self, catrel, arch, osrel, date):
+            """Set time stamp for a given catrel, arch, and osrel.
+            If date is an instance of datetime, the value obtained by
+            calling isoformat() will be stored. 
+            If date is an instance of str, it has to be a date in iso format.
+            """
+            assert date is not None
+            catkey = (catrel, arch, osrel)
+            if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
+                  self.__ts_by_catalog[catkey] = date.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
+            elif isinstance(date, str):
+                  # try to convert string into datetime, so that we
+                  # know it has proper format.
+                  self.__ts_by_catalog[catkey] = dateutil.parser.parse(date).isoformat()
+            else:
+                  raise TypeError("Expected instance of str or datetime, got %s" % str(type(date)))
+class CatalogTiming(object):
+      """Fetch Catalog Timing information.
+      Fetch Catalog Timing information, such as when packages have
+      been built and uploaded.
+      """
+      _epoch_start = datetime.datetime(datetime.MINYEAR,1,1,0,0,0,0)
+      # Mapping of key name to list index with optional transformation.
+      # Used by __list_to_dict_generator()
+      __list_to_dict_translation = ( 
+            ('pkg', 0),
+            ('version', 1),
+            ('spkg', 2),
+            ('fullname', 3),
+            ('md5', 4),
+            ('built', 10,
+             lambda x: CatalogTiming._epoch_start if x is None else dateutil.parser.parse(x)),
+            ('upload', 11,
+             lambda x: CatalogTiming._epoch_start if x is None else dateutil.parser.parse(x)),
+            ('uploadby', 12)
+      )
+      def __init__(self, catrel, arch, osrel):
+            self.__catrel = catrel
+            self.__arch = arch
+            self.__osrel = osrel
+            self.__timing_data = self.__json_list_to_dict(self.fetch())
+      def __list_to_dict_generator(self, l):
+            """Generate tuples suitable to create a dictionary.
+            It uses the tuples t in self.__list_to_dict_translation to
+            extract the value at position t[1] in l using t[0] as key name.
+            If len(t)==3, it assumes t[2] is callable and calls t[2]
+            with the value at position t[1] in l as argument.
+            """
+            for tr in self.__list_to_dict_translation:
+                  if len(tr) == 2:
+                        yield (tr[0], l[tr[1]])
+                  elif len(tr) == 3:
+                        yield (tr[0], tr[2](l[tr[1]]))
+      def __json_list_to_dict(self, jdat):
+            """Translate json encoded timing data to a list of dictionaries.
+            Returns a list of dicts decoded from json input.
+            Json input "jdat" is expect to have the form:
+            [
+             [
+              "libz1",
+              "1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17",
+              "CSWlibz1",
+              "libz1-1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz",
+              "7684a5d3a096900f89f78c3c2dda3ff3",
+              197630,
+              [...],
+              [...],
+              "libz1 - Zlib data compression library, libz.so.1",
+              125,
+              "2013-09-17T07:13:30",
+              "2013-09-17T10:36:15",
+              "raos"
+             ],
+             . . .
+            ]
+            Output is a list of dictionaries:
+            [
+             { "pkg": "libz1",
+               "version": "1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17",
+               "spkg": "CSWlibz1",
+               "fullname": "libz1-1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz",
+               "md5": "7684a5d3a096900f89f78c3c2dda3ff3",
+               "built": "2013-09-17T07:13:30",
+               "upload": "2013-09-17T10:36:15",
+               "uploadby": "raos"
+              },
+              . . .
+            ]
+            """
+            return [dict(self.__list_to_dict_genrator(v)) for v in jdat]
+      def fetch(self):
+            """Fetch timing information using REST."""
+            return RestClient().GetCatalogTimingInformation(self.__catrel,
+                                                          self.__arch,
+                                                          self.__osrel)
+      def upload_newer_than(self, date):
+            """Retrieve timing information on upload newer than "date"."""
+            self.__timing_data.sort(key=lambda x: x['upload'])
+            # now, find the first item having a `upload date'=>`date'
+            # in __timing_data and splice the list starting at that
+            # index up to the end. Since the list has been sorted in
+            # descending order, this gives all `upload date'=>`date'
+            index=0
+            for f in self.__timing_data:
+                  if f['upload']>=date:
+                        break
+                  index+=1
+            return self.__timing_data[index:]
+class CheckDBCatalog(object):
+      """Check a catalog retrieved from the database.
+      It retrieves a catalog from the database according to the
+      tripple (catrel,arch,osrel) and runs `chkcat' on the catalog. If
+      `chkcat' reports no errors, a time stamp will be written into a
+      file marking the last successful check.
+      If `chkcat' finds errors, the last successful time stamp will be
+      used to find all newly uploaded packages since this last
+      successful check, using "CatalogTiming" class. In that case, the
+      time stamp will NOT be updated.
+      Each new catalog to be checked is required to pass the check
+      initially, since no last successful time stamp is available.
+      The class has to be used in a `with' statement, since the
+      temporary directory required is created by __enter__() and
+      removed by __exit__().
+      """
+      def __init__(self, catrel, arch, osrel, fn_ts, chkcat="/opt/csw/bin/chkcat",
+                   cattiming_class=CatalogTiming,
+                   tsrecord_class=TimestampRecord):
+            """Constructor.
+            "fn_ts" is the path name to the time stamp file.
+            "chkcat" is the path to `chkcat'. By default
+            `/opt/csw/bin/chkcat'.
+            "cattiming_class" and "tsrecord_class" are mainly used for
+            unit tests in order to provide classes with overridden
+            methods.
+            """
+            self.__catalogfgen = CatalogFileGenerator(catrel, arch, osrel)
+            self.__chkcat = chkcat
+            # store for later use
+            self.__catrel = catrel
+            self.__arch = arch
+            self.__osrel = osrel
+            # will be set by __enter__ and unset by __exit__
+            self.tmpdir = None
+            self.__tsrecord_class = tsrecord_class
+            self.__cattiming_class = cattiming_class
+            self.__timestamp_record = tsrecord_class(fn_ts)
+      def __enter__(self):
+            assert self.tmpdir is None
+            self.tmpdir=tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/var/tmp')
+            logging.debug("Created temp dir %s" % self.tmpdir)
+            return self
+      def __exit__(self, wdc1, wdc2, wdc3):
+            """Cleanup temporary directory where catalog has been stored."""
+            assert self.tmpdir is not None
+            logging.debug("Remove tmp directory %s" % (self.tmpdir,))
+            shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+            self.tmpdir = None
+      def __get_notification_address(self, pkginfo):
+            """Returns the address where the notification will be sent to.
+            Find the email address according to package information "pkginfo""
+            """
+            # In case 'uploadby' is non-conclusive, fall back to
+            # retrieve email address of maintainer.
+            if pkginfo['uploadby'] is not None and pkginfo['uploadby'] != "web":
+                  return pkginfo['uploadby']+'@opencsw.org'
+            else:
+                  return RestClient().GetMaintainerByMd5(pkginfo['md5'])['maintainer_email']      
+      def notify(self, date, addr, pkginfo):
+            """Notification.
+            Will be called for each "addr" once. "pkginfo" is a list
+            with packages as retrieved by 'CatalogTiming' since last
+            successful check.
+            """
+            logging.info("TO: %s" % addr)
+            [logging.info("packge %s uploaded since %s might have caused catalog break" % (p['fullname'],str(date))) for p in pkginfo]
+      def fetch_db_cat(self):
+            """Fetch catalog stored in database into temporary direcotry."""
+            assert self.tmpdir is not None
+            self.__catalogfgen.GenerateCatalog(self.tmpdir)
+      def run_chkcat(self):
+            """Run `chkcat' on catalog retrieved into temporary directory."""
+            assert self.tmpdir is not None
+            logging.debug("Run chkcat on %s" % os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "catalog"))
+            (self.__chkcat_retval,
+             self.stdout,
+             self.stderr) = ShellCommand([self.__chkcat,
+                                          "-p",
+                                          os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "catalog")],
+                                         allow_error=True)
+            # see `/opt/csw/bin/chkcat -h' for details on the return code
+            return self.__chkcat_retval in (0,1)
+      def check(self):
+            """Download the catalog and use chkcat on it.
+            In case the catalog is invalid, a list of packages by
+            `uploader' will be composed and notify() called for each
+            uploader.
+            Returns True upon successful check, False otherwise.
+            """
+            retval = False
+            with FSLock('/tmp/CheckDBCat.lock'):
+                  self.fetch_db_cat()
+                  retval = self.run_chkcat()
+                  # Only record successful checks.
+                  if retval:
+                        with self.__timestamp_record:
+                              self.__timestamp_record.set(self.__catrel,
+                                                          self.__arch,
+                                                          self.__osrel,
+                                                          datetime.datetime.now())
+                  # Compose list of packages uploaded since last successful
+                  # check by `uploader'.
+                  notifications = {}
+                  if not retval:
+                        lastsuccessful = self.__timestamp_record.get(
+                              self.__catrel,
+                              self.__arch,
+                              self.__osrel)
+                        if lastsuccessful is None:
+                              logging.warn("No successful catalog check recorded for %s,%s,%s" %
+                                           (self.__catrel, self.__arch, self.__osrel))
+                              return retval;
+                        newpkgs = self.__cattiming_class(self.__catrel,
+                                                         self.__arch,
+                                                         self.__osrel).upload_newer_than(lastsuccessful)
+                        # compose notifications list in a manner so that
+                        # each email address is notified exactly once, even
+                        # when several packages are affected.
+                        notifications = {}
+                        for np in newpkgs:
+                              addr=self.__get_notification_address(np)
+                              notifications.setdefault(addr,{ 'lastsuccessful': lastsuccessful })
+                              notifications[addr].setdefault('newpkgs', []).append(np)
+                        for n in notifications:
+                              self.notify(notifications[n]['lastsuccessful'], n, notifications[n]['newpkgs'])
+            return retval

Property changes on: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Revision Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat_test.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat_test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat_test.py	2013-10-06 18:28:23 UTC (rev 22145)
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+"""Tests for chkdbcat.py."""
+import os
+import cjson
+import datetime
+import logging
+import unittest
+from lib.python.chkdbcat import TimestampRecord, CatalogTiming, CheckDBCatalog
+## Unit tests
+class TCatalogTiming(CatalogTiming):
+      """Override fetch() for CatalogTiming.
+      Class overrides fetch() for use in tests.
+      """
+      def fetch(self):
+            """Provide static data for unit test."""
+            return cjson.decode("""[
+    [
+        "libz1",
+        "1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17",
+        "CSWlibz1",
+        "libz1-1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz",
+        "7684a5d3a096900f89f78c3c2dda3ff3",
+        197630,
+        [],
+        [],
+        "libz1 - Zlib data compression library, libz.so.1",
+        125,
+        "2013-09-17T07:13:30",
+        "2013-09-17T10:36:15",
+        "raos"
+    ],
+   [
+        "zlib_stub",
+        "1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17",
+        "CSWzlib",
+        "zlib_stub-1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17-SunOS5.10-all-CSW.pkg.gz",
+        "93f73a862bf07339badd723cf11eb0ca",
+        1857,
+        [],
+        [],
+        "zlib_stub - Transitional package. Content moved to CSWlibz1",
+        125,
+        "2013-09-17T07:16:39",
+        "2013-09-17T10:36:28",
+        "raos"
+    ],
+        [
+        "389_admin",
+        "1.1.30,REV=2013.01.07",
+        "CSW389-admin",
+        "389_admin-1.1.30,REV=2013.01.07-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz",
+        "f7d9c15d13118a3d837849d581339a65",
+        396732,
+        [],
+        [],
+        "389_admin - The 389 LDAP server Admin Tools",
+        126,
+        "2013-01-07T11:53:26",
+        null,
+        null
+    ],
+    [
+        "zsh",
+        "5.0.1,REV=2012.12.21",
+        "CSWzsh",
+        "zsh-5.0.1,REV=2012.12.21-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz",
+        "78420c21d8772b3ce72518ad91c82813",
+        2176170,
+        [],
+        [],
+        "zsh - Powerful UNIX shell",
+        98,
+        "2012-12-21T00:25:14",
+        null,
+        null
+    ],
+    [
+        "zutils",
+        "1.0,REV=2013.07.05",
+        "CSWzutils",
+        "zutils-1.0,REV=2013.07.05-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz",
+        "82c42dd606530aebc230d813f324c3e5",
+        161930,
+        [],
+        [],
+        "zutils - Utilities to deal with compressed and non-compressed files",
+        3,
+        "2013-07-05T11:28:42",
+        "2013-07-05T13:31:57",
+        "dam"
+    ]
+class TestTimestampRecord(unittest.TestCase):
+      def setUp(self):
+            self.__tmpfile = "/tmp/TestTimestampRecord"
+            self.__now = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
+            self.__fixture = [
+                  [ [(a,b,c) for a in ('unstable', 'kiel', 'testing')]
+                  for b in ('i386', 'sparc') ]
+                  for c in ('SunOS5.10', 'SunOS5.11')]
+      def test_LastSuccessfulCheck_str(self):
+            """Single pass test writing and retrieving data from a file using string date."""
+            try:
+                  os.unlink(self.__tmpfile)
+            except:
+                  pass
+            # With statement used to make sure data is saved to disk
+            with TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile) as obj:
+                  obj.set('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10', self.__now.isoformat())
+            obj = TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile)
+            self.assertEqual(self.__now.isoformat(), obj.get('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10').isoformat())
+      def test_Many_str(self):
+            """Multiple pass test writing and retrieving data from a file using string date."""
+            try:
+                  os.unlink(self.__tmpfile)
+            except:
+                  pass
+            with TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile) as obj:
+                  [[[obj.set(c[0], c[1], c[2], self.__now.isoformat()) for c in b] for b in a] for a in self.__fixture]
+            obj = TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile)
+            [[[self.assertEqual(self.__now.isoformat(),obj.get(c[0], c[1], c[2]).isoformat()) for c in b] for b in a] for a in self.__fixture]
+      def test_LastSuccessfulCheck_obj(self):
+            """Single pass test writing and retrieving data from a file using datetime object."""
+            try:
+                  os.unlink(self.__tmpfile)
+            except:
+                  pass
+            with TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile) as obj:
+                  obj.set('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10', self.__now)
+            obj = TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile)
+            self.assertEqual(self.__now.isoformat(), obj.get('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10').isoformat())
+      def test_Many_obj(self):
+            """Multiple pass test writing and retrieving data from a file using datetime obj."""
+            try:
+                  os.unlink(self.__tmpfile)
+            except:
+                  pass
+            with TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile) as obj:
+                  [[[obj.set(c[0], c[1], c[2], self.__now) for c in b] for b in a] for a in self.__fixture]
+            obj = TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile)
+            [[[self.assertEqual(self.__now.isoformat(),obj.get(c[0], c[1], c[2]).isoformat()) for c in b] for b in a] for a in self.__fixture]
+      def test_SetInvalidType(self):
+            """Test set() with invalid type."""
+            with TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile) as obj:
+                  self.assertRaises(ValueError,obj.set,'unstable','i386','SunOS5.11',"abcd")
+            with TimestampRecord(self.__tmpfile) as obj:
+                  self.assertRaises(TypeError,obj.set,'unstable', 'i386', 'SunOS5.11', 1)
+      def tearDown(self):
+            try:
+                  os.unlink(self.__tmpfile)
+            except:
+                  pass
+class TestCatalogTiming(unittest.TestCase):
+      def test_Newer1(self):
+            obj = TCatalogTiming('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10')
+            self.assertEqual(
+                  len(obj.upload_newer_than(datetime.datetime(datetime.MINYEAR,1,1,0,0,0,0))),
+                  5
+            )
+      def test_Newer2(self):
+            obj = TCatalogTiming('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10')
+            self.assertEqual(
+                  len(obj.upload_newer_than(datetime.datetime(2013,9,1,0,0,0,0))),
+                  2
+            )
+      def test_Newer3(self):
+            obj = TCatalogTiming('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10')
+            self.assertEqual(
+                  len(obj.upload_newer_than(datetime.datetime(2040,1,1,0,0,0,0))),
+                  0
+            )
+class TestCheckDBCatalog(unittest.TestCase):
+      class TCheckDBCatalogInvalid(CheckDBCatalog):
+            """Generate an invalid catalog."""
+            def fetch_db_cat(self):
+                  logging.debug('Create catalog %s' %
+                                os.path.join(self.tmpdir,'catalog'))
+                  with open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir,'catalog'), 'w') as fp:
+                        # The catalog is invalid because several dependencies are missing
+                        fp.write("""zsh 5.0.1,REV=2012.12.21 CSWzsh zsh-5.0.1,REV=2012.12.21-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz 78420c21d8772b3ce72518ad91c82813 2176170 CSWcommon|CSWlibiconv2|CSWlibncursesw5|CSWlibpcre1|CSWlibgdbm4 none none
+zutils 1.0,REV=2013.07.05 CSWzutils zutils-1.0,REV=2013.07.05-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz 82c42dd606530aebc230d813f324c3e5 161930 CSWcas-texinfo|CSWcommon|CSWisaexec|CSWlzip none none""")
+      class TCheckDBCatalogValid(CheckDBCatalog):
+            def fetch_db_cat(self):
+                  """Generate a valid catalog"""
+                  logging.debug('Create catalog %s' %
+                                os.path.join(self.tmpdir,'catalog'))
+                  with open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir,'catalog'), 'w') as fp:
+                        fp.write("""common 1.5,REV=2010.12.11 CSWcommon common-1.5,REV=2010.12.11-SunOS5.8-sparc-CSW.pkg f83ab71194e67e04d1eee5d8db094011 23040 none none none
+                  zsh 5.0.1,REV=2012.12.21 CSWzsh zsh-5.0.1,REV=2012.12.21-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz 78420c21d8772b3ce72518ad91c82813 2176170 CSWcommon none none
+                  zutils 1.0,REV=2013.07.05 CSWzutils zutils-1.0,REV=2013.07.05-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz 82c42dd606530aebc230d813f324c3e5 161930 CSWcommon none none""")
+      class TCheckDBCatalogNotification(TCheckDBCatalogInvalid):
+            expected_notification_on = {
+                  'dam at opencsw.org': {
+                        'lastsuccessful': datetime.datetime(2013,5,17,0,0,0),
+                        'newpkgs': [
+                              'zutils-1.0,REV=2013.07.05-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz'
+                        ]
+                  },
+                  'raos at opencsw.org': {
+                        'lastsuccessful': datetime.datetime(2013,5,17,0,0,0),
+                        'newpkgs': [
+                              'libz1-1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17-SunOS5.10-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz',
+                              'zlib_stub-1.2.8,REV=2013.09.17-SunOS5.10-all-CSW.pkg.gz'
+                        ]
+                  }
+            }
+            def notify(self, date, addr, pkginfo):
+                  assert date == self.expected_notification_on[addr]['lastsuccessful']
+                  if addr == "raos at opencsw.org":
+                        assert len(pkginfo) == 2
+                  elif addr == "dam at opencsw.org":
+                        assert len(pkginfo) == 1
+                  else:
+                        raise Exception("Unexpected address")
+                  for p in pkginfo:
+                        assert p['fullname'] in self.expected_notification_on[addr]['newpkgs']
+      def setUp(self):
+            self.__timestamp_file = '/tmp/TestCheckDBCatalog.ts'
+      def test_InvalidCatalog(self):
+            """Test a locally generated invalid catalog"""
+            with self.TCheckDBCatalogInvalid('unstable','sparc','SunOS5.10', self.__timestamp_file, cattiming_class=TCatalogTiming) as test:
+                  self.assertFalse(test.check())
+      def test_ValidCatalog(self):
+            """Test a locally generated valid catalog"""
+            with self.TCheckDBCatalogValid('unstable','sparc','SunOS5.10', self.__timestamp_file, cattiming_class=TCatalogTiming) as test:
+                  self.assertFalse(test.check())
+      def test_Notification(self):
+            """Test notification for invalid catalog."""
+            # Create last successful test time stamp for catalog to be tested
+            with TimestampRecord(self.__timestamp_file) as tsobj:
+                  tsobj.set('unstable','sparc','SunOS5.10',datetime.datetime(2013,5,17,0,0,0))
+            with self.TCheckDBCatalogNotification('unstable', 'sparc', 'SunOS5.10', self.__timestamp_file, cattiming_class=TCatalogTiming) as test:
+                  self.assertFalse(test.check())
+      def tearDown(self):
+            try:
+                  os.unlink(self.__timestamp_file)
+            except:
+                  pass            
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+      logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+      unittest.main()

Property changes on: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat_test.py
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