SF.net SVN: gar:[23526] csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files

claudio_sf at users.sourceforge.net claudio_sf at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 29 13:17:34 CEST 2014

Revision: 23526
Author:   claudio_sf
Date:     2014-04-29 11:17:33 +0000 (Tue, 29 Apr 2014)
Log Message:
perl/trunk: Remove old files on svn

Removed Paths:

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/sigsystem.t
--- csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/sigsystem.t	2014-04-29 09:21:32 UTC (rev 23525)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/sigsystem.t	2014-04-29 11:17:33 UTC (rev 23526)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -w
-      require './test.pl';
-      skip_all_if_miniperl();
-      skip_all_without_config(qw(d_fork));
-use strict;
-use constant TRUE => ($^X, '-e', 'exit 0');
-use Data::Dumper;
-plan tests => 4;
-SKIP: {
-    skip 'Platform doesn\'t support SIGCHLD', 4 if not exists $SIG{CHLD};
-    require POSIX;
-    require Time::HiRes;
-    my @pids;
-    $SIG{CHLD} = sub {
-	while ((my $child = waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG())) > 0) {
-	    note "Reaped: $child";
-	    push @pids, $child;
-	}
-    };
-    my $pid = fork // die "Can't fork: $!";
-    unless ($pid) {
-	note("Child PID: $$");
-	Time::HiRes::sleep(0.250);
-	POSIX::_exit(0);
-    }
-    test_system('without reaper');
-    my $current = POSIX::SigSet->new;
-    POSIX::sigprocmask(POSIX::SIG_BLOCK(), undef, $current);
-    diag("SIGCHLD is blocked? " . $current->ismember(POSIX::SIGCHLD()));
-    test_system('with reaper');
-    POSIX::sigprocmask(POSIX::SIG_BLOCK(), undef, $current);
-    diag("SIGCHLD is blocked? " . $current->ismember(POSIX::SIGCHLD()));
-    note("Waiting briefly for SIGCHLD...");
-    Time::HiRes::sleep(0.500);
-    ok(@pids == 1, 'Reaped only one process');
-    ok($pids[0] == $pid, "Reaped the right process.") or diag(Dumper(\@pids));
-sub test_system {
-    my $subtest = shift;
-    my $expected_zeroes = 10;
-    my $got_zeroes      = 0;
-    # This test is looking for a race between system()'s waitpid() and a
-    # signal handler.    Looping a few times increases the chances of
-    # catching the error.
-    for (1..$expected_zeroes) {
-	$got_zeroes++ unless system(TRUE);
-    }
-    is(
-	$got_zeroes, $expected_zeroes,
-	"system() $subtest succeeded $got_zeroes times out of $expected_zeroes"
-    );

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/sigsystem.t.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/sigsystem.t.patch	2014-04-29 09:21:32 UTC (rev 23525)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/sigsystem.t.patch	2014-04-29 11:17:33 UTC (rev 23526)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/t/op/sigsystem.t b/t/op/sigsystem.t
-index 197ecb2..dcbbab1 100644
---- a/t/op/sigsystem.t
-+++ b/t/op/sigsystem.t
-@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ SKIP: {
-     require POSIX;
-     require Time::HiRes;
-+    my @pids;
-+    $SIG{CHLD} = sub {
-+	while ((my $child = waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG())) > 0) {
-+	    note "Reaped: $child";
-+	    push @pids, $child;
-+	}
-+    };
-     my $pid = fork // die "Can't fork: $!";
-     unless ($pid) {
- 	note("Child PID: $$");
-@@ -26,15 +33,12 @@ SKIP: {
-     test_system('without reaper');
--    my @pids;
--    $SIG{CHLD} = sub {
--	while ((my $child = waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG())) > 0) {
--	    note "Reaped: $child";
--	    push @pids, $child;
--	}
--    };
-+    my $current = POSIX::SigSet->new;
-+    POSIX::sigprocmask(POSIX::SIG_BLOCK(), undef, $current);
-+    diag("SIGCHLD is blocked? " . $current->ismember(POSIX::SIGCHLD()));
-     test_system('with reaper');
-+    POSIX::sigprocmask(POSIX::SIG_BLOCK(), undef, $current);
-+    diag("SIGCHLD is blocked? " . $current->ismember(POSIX::SIGCHLD()));
-     note("Waiting briefly for SIGCHLD...");
-     Time::HiRes::sleep(0.500);

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/updatecore.mk
--- csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/updatecore.mk	2014-04-29 09:21:32 UTC (rev 23525)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/perl/trunk/files/updatecore.mk	2014-04-29 11:17:33 UTC (rev 23526)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Rules for updating modules in the Perl core
-# Install core updates
-install-core-updates: remove-obsolete-modules
-	@for d in "" $(CORE_UPDATES) ; do \
-		test -z "$$d" && continue ; \
-		echo " ==> Applying core update: $$d" ; \
-		( cd $(WORKDIR)/$$d ; \
-		$(CONFIGURE_ENV) perl Makefile.PL ; \
-		$(BUILD_ENV) make ; \
-		$(TEST_ENV) make test ; \
-		$(INSTALL_ENV) make install INSTALLDIRS=perl DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) ) ; \
-	done
-# Remove obsolete modules
-	@echo " ==> Removing obsolete modules"
-	@( cd $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/perl/$(VERSION) ; \
-		grm -vrf $(CORE_OBSOLETE) )

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