strange packaging error LaternaMagica

Riccardo Mottola rmottola at
Thu May 28 01:25:54 CEST 2020


I tried packaging laterna magica. It builds fine... but at the end I see 

## Validating control scripts.
## Packaging complete.
mkp: exec( pkgtrans -s /home/rmottola/spool.5.9-i386 /tmp/laternamagica 
laternamagica-0.5,REV=2020.05.27-SunOS5.9-i386-CSW.pkg CSWlaternamagica )
pkgtrans: ERROR: no package associated with 
pkgtrans: ERROR: unable to complete package transfer
     - no packages were selected from </home/rmottola/spool.5.9-i386>
mkp: ERROR:  Failed to transfer package CSWlaternamagica to 
/tmp/laternamagica laternamagica-0.5,REV=2020.05.27-SunOS5.9-i386-CSW.pkg
gmake: *** [package-CSWlaternamagica] Error 2
gmake: Leaving directory `/home/rmottola/opencsw/gs_laternamagica/trunk'

I bet I did something trivial wrong... but can you guess what???


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