[csw-maintainers] GAR RFE: Variable(s) to tag files for classes instead of PROTOTYPE_FILTER

Sebastian Kayser skayser at opencsw.org
Sat Jul 4 19:12:05 CEST 2009

Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Am 01.07.2009 um 22:08 schrieb Sebastian Kayser:
>> while working on postfix 2.6 i have noticed again that it is not quite
>> straight-forward to assign files to classes. Instead of exposing the  
>> inner
>> workings of the prototype stuff to the Makefile, could we maybe get  
>> some
>> variables to assign files to classes (functions)?
> For CSWcswclassutils this is already in there :-) Just define
> and everything else will be taken cared of.

Sweet!!! :D Can we add something for USERGROUP also?

Index: /home/skayser/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk
--- /home/skayser/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk        (revision 5361)
+++ /home/skayser/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk        (working copy)
@@ -155,12 +155,14 @@
 SPKG_CLASSES := $(SPKG_CLASSES) $(if $(SAMPLECONF),$(if $(filter cswsampleconf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswsampleconf))
 SPKG_CLASSES := $(SPKG_CLASSES) $(if $(PRESERVECONF),$(if $(filter cswpreserveconf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswpreserveconf))
 SPKG_CLASSES := $(SPKG_CLASSES) $(if $(INITSMF),$(if $(filter cswinitsmf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswinitsmf))
+SPKG_CLASSES := $(SPKG_CLASSES) $(if $(USERGROUP),$(if $(filter cswusergroup,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswusergroup))
 # - set class for all config files
 _CSWCLASS_FILTER = | perl -ane '\
                $(foreach FILE,$(SAMPLECONF),$$F[1] = "cswsampleconf" if ( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
                $(foreach FILE,$(PRESERVECONF),$$F[1] = "cswpreserveconf" if( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
                $(foreach FILE,$(INITSMF),$$F[1] = "cswinitsmf" if( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
+               $(foreach FILE,$(USERGROUP),$$F[1] = "cswusergroup" if( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
                print join(" ", at F),"\n";'
 _EXTRA_GAR_PKGS += CSWcswclassutils


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