[csw-maintainers] [csw-pkgsubmissions] newpkgs pm_calendarsimp, pm_calendarsimple

Philip Brown phil at bolthole.com
Tue Nov 2 17:25:51 CET 2010

On 11/2/10, Ben Walton <bwalton at opencsw.org> wrote:
> Excerpts from Philip Brown's message of Tue Nov 02 11:49:37 -0400 2010:
>> Perhaps not so clear, is that depending on CSWcommon is also wrong.
>> The stub(s) uses nothing of the contents of CSWcommon.
> I for 'two' was unaware of this.  My understanding was that _all_
> packages depend on CSWcommon, regardless or 'need' and in fact, this
> is what GAR does by default.

ah. well, I'm all for better knowledge sharing :)

*most* packages, do actually get use out of it. It's "use", is to
define common shared permissions and modes, for the top level
directories such as /opt/csw/lib, /opt/csw/share, and so on. Since
*most* packages actually deliver files under /opt/csw, this is useful.
Almost all packages, but not quite.
Stub packages are an exception. In theory, cswclassutils could also be
an exception, since it primarily delivers things into /usr/sadm.
However, since it also delivers things into /opt/csw/share (docs), it
also "uses" cswcommon.

Another exception type, would be pure relocatable packages.
(potentially, some web stuff) Since they can be deployed outside of
/opt/csw, they should, strictly speaking, NOT depend on CSWcommon.
That would needlessly clutter up a user's filesystem, if they deploy elsewhere.

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