[csw-maintainers] library package names and unusual SONAME

Daniel Pocock daniel at opencsw.org
Fri Nov 25 14:11:31 CET 2011

I'm uncertain about this output from checkpkg - I want to call the
package CSWlibganglia0, and mgar has successfully built CSWlibganglia0,
but checkpkg wants me to call it CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0

I realise that the SONAME in the library should be fixed by the upstream
maintainer - however, to make a package of this version

a) should I implement some hack in my Makefile to work around this?

b) or should my Makefile patch the package contents to build a library
with a different SONAME?

Notice I already use


and that doesn't seem to make the message go away


This is the message from checkpkg:

# Checkpkg suggests adding the following lines to the GAR recipe:
# This is a summary; see above for details.
# The following lines define a new package: CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0
PACKAGES += CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0
CATALOGNAME_CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0 = libganglia3_1_7_0
PKGFILES_CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0 += $(call
PKGFILES_CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0 += $(call
SPKG_DESC_CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0 += $(DESCRIPTION), libganglia-3.1.7.so.0
RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibganglia0 += CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0
# The end of CSWlibganglia3-1-7-0 definition

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