[csw-maintainers] inoperant reinplace

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Sun Jan 13 11:36:26 CET 2013

Hi Peter,

Am 12.01.2013 um 16:31 schrieb Peter FELECAN:
> Dagobert Michelsen <dam at opencsw.org> writes:
>> Am 11.01.2013 um 09:02 schrieb pfelecan:
>>> Still struggling to finish the packaging of TeXLive...
>>> Here is what I do:
>>> cd ~/opencsw/texlive/trunk
>>> find work -type f -name 'post-install-reinplace*' -print -exec rm {} \;
>>> nohup mgar platforms-remerge platforms-repackage < /dev/null > ~/logs/texlive 2>&1 &
>>> I got the following errors reported by checkpkg, with the afferent proposal of overriding:
>>> CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWtexlive-base += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/share/texmf/scripts/simpdftex/simpdftex
>>> CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWtexlive-latex-extra += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/share/texmf-dist/scripts/pax/pdfannotextractor.pl
>>> CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWtexlive-publishers-doc += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/share/texmf-dist/doc/latex/confproc/buildpapers.sh
>>> CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWtexlive-publishers-doc += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/share/texmf-dist/doc/latex/confproc/example/buildpapers.sh
>>> However, in the recipe I have the following stanzas:
>>> ...
>>> REINPLACE_USRLOCAL		+=	/opt/csw/share/texmf/scripts/simpdftex/simpdftex
>>> REINPLACE_USRLOCAL		+=	/opt/csw/share/texmf-dist/scripts/pax/pdfannotextractor.pl
>>> REINPLACE_USRLOCAL		+=	/opt/csw/share/texmf-dist/doc/latex/confproc/buildpapers.sh
>>> REINPLACE_USRLOCAL		+=	/opt/csw/share/texmf-dist/doc/latex/confproc/example/buildpapers.sh
>>> ...
>>> I don't understand why, on this specific files, the "reinplace" mechanism doesn't work.
>> There are two things to check:
>> 1. Is the reinplacement called on these files? Please take a look at your build log if this is the case
>>   or if there are errors. The command is always printed.
> I don't know. Which is the stanza to look for in the log file?
> Note that the log file is available as /home/pfelecan/logs/texlive

From what I see there the reinplace is not invoked at all which does not match with your
report. I notice however that you have placed the REINPLACEMENT assignments below the
include gar.mk which is generally not recommended as some rules require variables to be
defined when the Makefile code is read. I suggest moving them before the include.
That means all definitions (with the exception of := overrides) before the include,
all rules after the include.

I have just reproduced the behaviour in a minimal example: postinstall-reinplacemenent
does not work at all when the definitions are below the include.

Some of that is written down at the coding style.

I have also added a note at

>> 2. Does the replacement work? It is done with a simple perl-replacement here:
>>     http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gar/browser/csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.mk#L718
>>   Please try perl -p -i.bak -e 's(/usr/local)(/opt/csw)g' <thefile>
>>     if it works manually.
> Yes, tried on:
> /home/pfelecan/opencsw/texlive/trunk/work/solaris10-sparc/install-isa-sparcv8plus/opt/csw/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf

I can verify that.

Best regards

  -- Dago

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