[csw-maintainers] Update of Ghostscript

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Thu Jun 6 14:11:29 CEST 2013

Hi folks,

Am 05.06.2013 um 17:59 schrieb Peter FELECAN <pfelecan at opencsw.org>:
> Dagobert Michelsen <dam at opencsw.org> writes:
>> Am 29.05.2013 um 16:55 schrieb Peter FELECAN <pfelecan at opencsw.org>:
>>> Dagobert Michelsen <dam at opencsw.org> writes:
>>>> I have updated ghostscript to the latest 9.07. However, this goes with bumping libgs from
>>>> libgs.so.8 to libgs.so.9 which are used by a couple of packages that would need rebuilding.
>>>> I am not sure about how libgs.so interacts with other files like printer drivers between
>>>> 8 and 9, probably someone can help me out on this? The updated packages are available at
>>>> http://buildfarm.opencsw.org/experimental.html#ghostscript
>>>> for testing. Additionally, the final packages would need to include CSWlibgs8 for libgs.so.8
>>>> being required by a couple of packages including texlive which will probably not be rebuilt
>>>> because of some minor dependency change :-)
>>> The maintainer of TeXLive greatly appreciate this! Sometime, in the
>>> future, I'll rebuild it and use the new library…
>> I have made updated packages with legacy dependencies of CSWgs to CSWlibgs8 which
>> should allow continuing use of existing software:
>>  http://buildfarm.opencsw.org/experimental.html#ghostscript
>> Peter, would you be so kind verifying texlive against it as it is the most complex package?
> Tested and works for me.

Ok, I have now pushed a new ghostscript 9.07,REV=2013.06.06. There have been the following
changes to the existing package:

- The package is now called CSWghostscript instead of CSWgs
- The existing CSWgs still depends on CSWlibgs8 until all programs have been rebuilt
- The new CSWghostscript uses CSWlibgs9 and there is now CSWghostscript-dev
- The CUPS filters have been put into a separate package CSWghostscript-filters

All known bugs have been addressed which include

#3651 Please provide 64 bit version
#4551 Please upgrade to 9.00
#4704 Documentation reference incorrect in -help page output
#4913 pstopxl: Solaris /bin/sh cannot eval $( ), sed has not option -r

If you encounter anything suspicious just let me know.

Best regards

  -- Dago

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