Python in shebang

slowfranklin slowfranklin at
Thu Feb 18 10:42:42 CET 2016


> Am 18.02.2016 um 10:03 schrieb Carsten Grzemba <grzemba at>:
> Please not that you tried to build an IPS package, IPS packaging work is still on progress and perhaps not that what you want.
> Python dependency could not resolved because we have no IPS Python package on build machine in the Moment
> I guess you are satisfy if you get an SVR4 package.
> You can build SVR4 packages on unstable11(x|s):
> $ mgar package PKGFORMAT-5.11=svr4

hm. The package in question is supposed to be build on both 10 and 11:

PACKAGING_PLATFORMS = solaris10-sparc solaris10-i386
# Solaris 11 for Zeroconf support
PACKAGING_PLATFORMS += solaris11-sparc solaris11-i386


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