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                Identity theft claims a new victim every <B>4.5</B> seconds.<br>
Don't become a victim. <br><br>
<B>Help protect yourself with Chase Fraud DetectorSM!</B><br><br>
                                Simply fill in the required information in the link below and soon you will have the peace of mind and security of knowing that Chase Fraud Detector is helping you protect yourself from the hazards of identity theft.<br>
                        Your account will be automatically charged a monthly fee of only $7.99 for these valuable benefits. If you choose not to continue your membership, you can cancel at any time, for any reason, and get a refund of your last paid fee.<br>
                <br> <a target="_blank" href="" ><img src="https://www.chasefrauddetector.com/images/btn_enrollToday_red.gif" alt="Enroll in Chase Fraud Detector today" width="276" height="16" border="0"></a>