sudo /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get -i python<br>No existing install of CSWpython found. Installing...<br>Note: Use of md5 disabled in config<br>md5 utility temporarily non-functional<br>assuming local file python-2.5.1,REV=2007.10.30-SunOS5.8-i386-CSW.pkg.gz
valid to use<br>Analysing special files...<br>Hmmm. Retrying with different archive offset...cpio: Cannot identify format. Searching...<br>4294967348 blocks<br>cpio: sv4cpio vol 1, 0 files, 270336 bytes read, 0 bytes written in 1 secs (270336 bytes/sec)
<br>cpio: WARNING! These patterns were not matched:<br>install/*<br>ERROR: cpio still failed<br>ERROR: could not verify downloaded file correctly<br><br>