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Hi.<br><br>I'll refer to: http://lists.blastwave.org/pipermail/users/2006-June/001543.html ,<br>which lists a number of Solaris specific patches for ucarp.<br>Of
particular interest would be 'patch 003-ucarp-solaris-if.diff', as I
appear to have a problem with timing between master and backup.<br>(The new master detects backup as active on the virtual IP and decides to disable the virtual IP.)<br><br>Are these patches present in the version of ucarp currently on blastwave?<br>It
sure doesn't look like it, but I could be mistaken. If the patches
really are present, are there any undocumented switches I could use?<br><br>In short, how do I go about not using the up/down scripts?<br><br>Regards,<br><br><br>Dag B.<br><br></body></html>