From dam at Thu Mar 25 16:28:46 2010 From: dam at (Dagobert Michelsen) Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 16:28:46 +0100 Subject: [csw-announce] Decomissioning of Solaris 8 References: Message-ID: <> Dear users, we have supported Solaris 8 for a very long time, but it becomes harder and harder to build recent software for it. As it is now long past EOSL for Solaris 8 we have decided to raise the general build level to Solaris 9. The Solaris 8 catalog will stay in place as it is, but there will be no new packages. If you need updated packages for Solaris 8 you are free to try compiling them yourself on Solaris 8 from the build recipes at Solaris 9 will be supported by OpenCSW until end of phase 1 support, which is the 30-Oct-2011 as documented at Most certainly OpenCSW support will be terminatet at this date, so even though we supported Solaris 8 longer than announced this may not be the case for Solaris 9. Kind regards -- Dago From bonivart at Thu Mar 25 20:13:07 2010 From: bonivart at (Peter Bonivart) Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 20:13:07 +0100 Subject: [csw-announce] Perl 5.10.1 released Message-ID: <> After a long project we have released Perl 5.10.1. More than 100 packages needed to be rebuilt together with 5.10.1 to be compatible with it. Many of those were at the same time upgraded to the latest version available. Here's a complete list of the updated packages: ap2_modapreq2 ap2_modperl irssi libapreq2 libapreq2_devel mod_perl mrtg netsnmp netsnmp_py perl perldoc pidgin pm_apachereq pm_apreq2 pm_archivetar pm_berkeleydb pm_bitvec pm_butils pm_cairo pm_carpclan pm_clone pm_compressbzip2 pm_compressrawbz2 pm_compressrawzlib pm_convertuulib pm_cryptdes pm_cryptosslbignum pm_cryptrijndael pm_cryptssleay pm_cyrus pm_datauuid pm_datecalc pm_dbdmysql pm_dbdoracle pm_dbdoraexplain pm_dbdpg pm_dbdsqlite pm_dbi pm_develcaller pm_develcover pm_devellexalias pm_digest pm_digestnilsimsa pm_digestsha pm_digestsha1 pm_eventlib pm_fcgi pm_filesysdf pm_filetail pm_fontfreetype pm_gd pm_glib pm_gssapi pm_gtk2 pm_htmlparser pm_inline pm_iotty pm_ipcshrlite pm_listmoreutils pm_localegettext pm_mailtools pm_mimebase64 pm_mimetools pm_modulebuild pm_netaddrip pm_netdns pm_netinet pm_netnis pm_netpatricia pm_netssleay pm_osslrandom pm_osslrsa pm_padwalker pm_pango pm_paramsutil pm_paramsvalidate pm_pdl pm_perlioeol pm_perliogzip pm_proctbl pm_scopeguard pm_shout pm_socket6 pm_stringapprox pm_stringcrc32 pm_subname pm_subversion pm_termreadkey pm_termreadlineg pm_textcsvxs pm_textdblmetaphone pm_tk pm_tt2 pm_unicodemap pm_unicodestring pm_unixstatgrab pm_unixsyslog pm_version pm_want pm_wwwcurl pm_xmllibxml pm_xmllibxmlcom pm_xmlparser pm_yamlsyck razor rrdtool spamassassin -- /peter