[csw-buildfarm] [csw-maintainers] FYI: Temporarily deactivation .la-files

Eric J Korpela korpela at opencsw.org
Thu Jan 22 18:13:06 CET 2009

In some cases I'm having the opposite problem because of missing
dependencies that were supposed to be in the .la files of packages
where the .la files were not installed.

Shouldn't problems in .la files be reported as bugs to the package
maintainers?  If a package includes them it's up the the maintainers
to see that they are correct, no?


On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Dagobert Michelsen <dam at opencsw.org> wrote:
> Hi Chad,
> Am 22.01.2009 um 17:39 schrieb Chad Harp:
>> Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
>>> I have currently serious trouble with .la-files and have therefore
>>> temporarily renamed all files from
>>>   /opt/csw/lib/*.la
>>> to
>>>   /opt/csw/lib/*.la.moved
>>> on build8s only (!). I'll undo the changes after my tests.
>>> Please be aware and let me know if you encounter anything.
>> Is there a reason we shouldn't leave it that way (and replicate the
>> change on the rest of the build env)?
>> I've been having a similar problem and have been delaying some updates
>> until the .la problem gets resolved.  I understand that in some cases
>> the .la files are required, but we could deal with those on an
>> exception
>> basis.
> I guess that would be best. That way we don't pollute new packages.
> Best regards
>   -- Dago
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