[csw-buildfarm] /install libXdmcp

William Bonnet william at wbonnet.net
Mon Jun 8 13:25:09 CEST 2009

Dagobert Michelsen a écrit :
> Hi William,
> Am 08.06.2009 um 12:51 schrieb William Bonnet:
>> please can yu install CSWlibxdcmp and CSWlibxdmcpdevel ?
>> I would like also pixman to be updated
> Done. BTW, pixman is at 0.15.8 where 0.15.10 is available.
Ok i was not aware it was already updated to latest (i released it a few 
days ago, you have been fast ;) )

I had a look  to 0.15.10 but (out of the box) it fails at compilation 
stage, at least on sparc. Thus it will need a patch. I'll work on thi 
sin a few days, it is not priority number one. Especially if they 
continue to make a release every two weeks as they did for 0.15.8 and 10.

Thanks for the installation. I suppose you'll also install X11 packages 
you have submitted to Phil as soon as they are published ?


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