[csw-buildfarm] build8x and buid8xt currently down

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Mon Oct 19 08:36:27 CEST 2009


I just started to upgrade the farm with  the latest packages and
than a thought flashed my mind that I had to put
in /etc/opt/csw/csw.conf or OpenSSH stays down on build8*. Needless
to say that build8s, build8x and build8xt had already been updated,
but not build8s.go.opencsw.org. So please be advised that
will stay down until a couple of hours when I get back to the office.
The others machines will be upgraded at that time also.

...and I *will* insert that line now, before the next upgrade :-P

Sorry for the inconvenience

   -- Dago

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