[csw-buildfarm] access request
Vladimir Tsichevski
tsichevski at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 14:15:41 CET 2011
Hi Dagobert,
thank you for a quick reply.
Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Hi Vladimir,
> Am 11.01.2011 um 12:31 schrieb Vladimir Tsichevski:
>> could you please provide me with access to Solaris 10 SPARC development machine. My objective is to compile a slightly customized java-readline package. The results can be provided publicly.
>> I need GCC and make installed. Also jdk1.5+ installed would be a plus.
> Sure. I need the following things to set up an account for you:
> - your intended user name
> - your ssh public key
see attachments (created with ssh-keygen on Linux)
> - a project URL
> - the permission to list you with your project at
> http://www.opencsw.org/extend-it/signup/to-upstream-maintainers/
I'm not a developer of the original project. If it is no problem, of
course, you are permitted to add my name to the list.
> We have multiple versions of gcc and jdk installed. If you need anything specific
> I can install that quickly.
It probably shall compile by any contemporary GCC. I hope no additional
SW required, thanks.
> Best regards
> -- Dago
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