[cfarm-admins] Offer for Sparc machines

Baptiste Jonglez baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org
Sat Jul 21 00:03:30 CEST 2018


On 20-07-18, Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Am 20.07.2018 um 10:42 schrieb Baptiste Jonglez <baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org>:
> > Can you tell us more about your farm? How many machines do you have, with
> > what kind of hardware?  How many users are there, and do they already use
> > a large fraction of the hardware resources?
> > By the way, what kind of access or collaboration do you envision?  Keep in
> > mind that our compile farm has 600+ registered users: if you want to
> > provide access to all our users, we would probably need to discuss an
> > "acceptable use policy" of your hardware resources.
> For OpenCSW we have one T5220 with a T2 CPU and one M3000 with a SPARC64 CPU in place.
> This looks a bit tiny for your requirements now that I think of it.
> We have an additional M3000 with a SPARC64-VII CPU available which
> can run Solaris 10 or Solaris 11. Also we have some unused T5220 with T2 CPUs.
> I can offer you a dedicated usage for these machines and can also do setup and
> patching as needed. We are connected with a 100 MBit symmetrical line and static IP.

If you are able to provide a few dedicated machines for the GCC compile
farm (let's say 2 or 3), and also provide support for them (updating the
OS, installing new packages, etc), then this is really a great addition to
the farm!

Regarding practical matters:

- we need direct SSH access to the machines.  It can be on ports different
  than 22, so you can use the same public IP address for all machines.

- we deploy users and their SSH keys using Ansible (via SSH as root).
  I expect it will work well on Solaris, but if you provide a first
  machine we can test it.

- we also use Ansible to automatically gather technical information, for
  displaying them on https://cfarm.tetaneutral.net/machines/list/
  We also install packages through Ansible as much as possible, so that
  new machines automatically get all the packages previously requested by
  farm users.

- regarding storage, we need ideally at least 500 GB for /home on each
  machine: users tend to leave stuff behind.  If it's too difficult to do,
  you can put all storage for /home on a single machine, and mount it
  through NFS on all other machines.

Does that all sound good to you?

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