[csw-devel] External dependencies

Trygve Laugstøl trygvel at opencsw.org
Thu Dec 4 08:23:42 CET 2008

Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Hi William,
> Am 03.12.2008 um 21:32 schrieb William Bonnet:
>> In the GAR tree, each package has under its trunk an external
>> dependencies linking to gar scripts. On my different boxes svn update
>> process is really slow because of the update of this dependencies. Is
>> there a way to it up ? I guess that each package use the same  
>> version of
>> gar since it is link to the same external think.
> No, it is not. Especially my packages use gar/v2 and more
> will follow when I fixed the open issues. This way the
> packages can be transitioned one-at-a-time.
>> Isn't there a way to have a single external reference for all the
>> package instead of having one per package ? Actually it looks like  
>> if it
>> is running on svn update for each package.
> William, my friend, this is exactly what I have implemented
> today during an otherwise unproductive traintrip:
>    <https://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/gar/index.php?title=Packaging_with_mGAR#Checking_out_all_packages 

Hm, why is this not at wiki.opencsw.org?


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