[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[4448] csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk

idogan23 at users.sourceforge.net idogan23 at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 23 17:34:14 CEST 2009

Revision: 4448
Author:   idogan23
Date:     2009-04-23 15:34:14 +0000 (Thu, 23 Apr 2009)

Log Message:
pyzor: added patches to address several issues

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/Makefile	2009-04-23 14:10:50 UTC (rev 4447)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/Makefile	2009-04-23 15:34:14 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 MASTER_SITES = http://www.pyzor.org/
+PATCHFILES = client.py.diff
+PATCHFILES += pyzor.diff
+PATCHFILES += pyzord.diff
 # We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release
 UFILES_REGEX = $(GARNAME)-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/checksums	2009-04-23 14:10:50 UTC (rev 4447)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/checksums	2009-04-23 15:34:14 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
+d933f0cc0013222f457cbe91ac400c75  download/client.py.diff
 ee7afe4cc9d419bce5f29250a01c4374  download/pyzor-0.4.0.tar.bz2
+7cf7db0609c5fcbca08e93d4521a964c  download/pyzor.diff
+b9d3960264af0633c8f784c36577920b  download/pyzord.diff

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/client.py.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/client.py.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/client.py.diff	2009-04-23 15:34:14 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru pyzor-0.4.0.orig/lib/pyzor/client.py pyzor-0.4.0/lib/pyzor/client.py
+--- pyzor-0.4.0.orig/lib/pyzor/client.py	2002-09-08 22:37:15.000000000 +0200
++++ pyzor-0.4.0/lib/pyzor/client.py	2009-04-23 16:48:08.485649396 +0200
+@@ -8,11 +8,21 @@
+ import getopt
+ import tempfile
+ import mimetools
++import multifile
+ import sha
+ import pyzor
+ from pyzor import *
++import warnings
++def fxn():
++    warnings.warn("deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
++with warnings.catch_warnings():
++    warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
++    fxn()
+ __author__   = pyzor.__author__
+ __version__  = pyzor.__version__
+ __revision__ = "$Id: client.py,v 1.41 2002/09/08 20:37:15 ftobin Exp $"
+@@ -58,11 +68,6 @@
+         self.send(msg, address)
+         return self.read_response(msg.get_thread())
+-    def shutdown(self, address):
+-        msg = ShutdownRequest()
+-        self.send(msg, address)
+-        return self.read_response(msg.get_thread())
+     def build_socket(self):
+         self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+@@ -132,39 +137,50 @@
+     def run(self):
+         debug = 0
+-        (options, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'dh:', ['homedir='])
+-        if len(args) < 1:
+-           self.usage()
+         specified_homedir = None
++        options = None
++        log = None
++        try:
++            (options, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd', ['homedir=', 'log'])
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
++            self.usage()    
++        if len(args) < 1:
++            self.usage()
+         for (o, v) in options:
+             if o == '-d':
+                 debug = 1
+-            elif o == '-h':
+-               self.usage()
+             elif o == '--homedir':
+                 specified_homedir = v
++            elif o == '--log':
++                log = 1
+         self.output = Output(debug=debug)
+         homedir = pyzor.get_homedir(specified_homedir)
++        if log:
++            sys.stderr = open(homedir + "/pyzor.log", 'a')
++            sys.stderr.write("\npyzor[" + repr (os.getpid()) + "]:\n")
+         config = pyzor.Config(homedir)
+         config.add_section('client')
+-        defaults = {'ServersFile': 'servers',
++        defaults = {'ServersFile':        'servers',
+                     'DiscoverServersURL': ServerList.inform_url,
+-                    'AccountsFile' : 'accounts',
++                    'AccountsFile':       'accounts',
++                    'Timeout':            str(Client.timeout),
+                     }
+         for k, v in defaults.items():
+             config.set('client', k, v)
+         config.read(os.path.join(homedir, 'config'))
+         servers_fn = config.get_filename('client', 'ServersFile')
++        Client.timeout = config.getint('client', 'Timeout')
+         if not os.path.exists(homedir):
+             os.mkdir(homedir)
+@@ -197,10 +213,13 @@
+     def usage(self, s=None):
+         if s is not None:
+             sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % s)
+-        sys.stderr.write("""usage: %s [-d] [--homedir dir] command [cmd_opts]
++        sys.stderr.write("""
++usage: %s [-d] [--homedir dir] command [cmd_opts]
+ command is one of: check, report, discover, ping, digest, predigest,
+-                   genkey, shutdown
++                   genkey
+ Data is read on standard input (stdin).
+ """
+                          % sys.argv[0])
+         sys.exit(2)
+@@ -208,9 +227,9 @@
+     def ping(self, args):
+-        getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
+-        if len(args) > 1:
++        try:
++            getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
+         runner = ClientRunner(self.client.ping)
+@@ -221,30 +240,23 @@
+         return runner.all_ok
+-    def shutdown(self, args):
+-        (opts, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
+-        if len(args2) > 1:
++    def info(self, args):
++        try:
++            (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
+-        runner = ClientRunner(self.client.shutdown)
+-        for arg in args2:
+-            server = Address.from_str(arg)
+-            runner.run(server, (server,))
+-        return runner.all_ok
++        do_mbox = 'msg'
+-    def info(self, args):
+-        getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
+-        if len(args) > 1:
+-            self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
++        for (o, v) in options:
++            if o == '--mbox':
++                do_mbox = 'mbox'
+         runner = InfoClientRunner(self.client.info)
+-        for digest in FileDigester(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec):
++        for digest in get_input_handler(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++            if digest is None:
++                continue
+             for server in self.servers:
+                 response = runner.run(server, (digest, server))
+@@ -252,34 +264,45 @@
+     def check(self, args):
+-        getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
+-        if len(args) > 1:
++        try:
++            (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
++        do_mbox = 'msg'
++        for (o, v) in options:
++            if o == '--mbox':
++                do_mbox = 'mbox'
+         runner = CheckClientRunner(self.client.check)
+-        for digest in FileDigester(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec):
++        for digest in get_input_handler(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++            if digest is None:
++                continue
+             for server in self.servers:
+-                response = runner.run(server, (digest, server))
++                runner.run(server, (digest, server))
+         return (runner.found_hit and not runner.whitelisted)
+     def report(self, args):
+-        (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
+-        do_mbox = False
+-        if len(args2) > 1:
++        try:
++            (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
++        do_mbox = 'msg'
+         for (o, v) in options:
+             if o == '--mbox':
+-                do_mbox = True
++                do_mbox = 'mbox'
+         all_ok = True
+-        for digest in FileDigester(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++        for digest in get_input_handler(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++            if digest is None:
++                continue
+             if not self.send_digest(digest, self.digest_spec,
+                                     self.client.report):
+                 all_ok = False
+@@ -302,20 +325,22 @@
+     def whitelist(self, args):
+-        (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
+-        if len(args2) > 1:
++        try:
++            (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
+-        do_mbox = False
++        do_mbox = 'msg'
+         for (o, v) in options:
+             if o == '--mbox':
+-                do_mbox = True
++                do_mbox = 'mbox'
+         all_ok = True
+-        for digest in FileDigester(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++        for digest in get_input_handler(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++            if digest is None:
++                continue
+             if not self.send_digest(digest, self.digest_spec,
+                                     self.client.whitelist):
+                 all_ok = False
+@@ -324,32 +349,34 @@
+     def digest(self, args):
+-        (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
+-        if len(args2) > 1:
++        try:
++            (options, args2) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], '', ['mbox'])
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
+-        do_mbox = False
++        do_mbox = 'msg'
+         for (o, v) in options:
+             if o == '--mbox':
+-                do_mbox = True
++                do_mbox = 'mbox'
+-        for digest in FileDigester(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++        for digest in get_input_handler(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
++            if digest is None:
++                continue
+             sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % digest)
+         return True
+     def print_digested(self, args):
+-        getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
+-        if len(args) > 1:
++        try:
++            getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
++        do_mbox = 'msg'
+         def loop():
+-            for digest in FileDigester(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec):
++	    for digest in get_input_handler(sys.stdin, self.digest_spec, do_mbox):
+                 pass
+         modglobal_apply(globals(), {'DataDigester': PrintingDataDigester},
+@@ -358,9 +385,9 @@
+         return True
+     def genkey(self, args):
+-        getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
+-        if len(args) > 1:
++        try:
++            getopt.getopt(args[1:], '')
++        except getopt.GetoptError:
+             self.usage("%s does not take any non-option arguments" % args[0])
+         import getpass
+@@ -414,7 +441,6 @@
+                   'report':    report,
+                   'ping' :     ping,
+                   'genkey':    genkey,
+-                  'shutdown':  shutdown,
+                   'info':      info,
+                   'whitelist': whitelist,
+                   'digest':    digest,
+@@ -466,7 +492,7 @@
+         (fp, offsets) = self.get_line_offsets(fp)
+-        # did we get an empty file?
++	# did we get an empty (parsed output)file?
+         if len(offsets) == 0:
+             return
+@@ -608,30 +634,36 @@
+-class FileDigester(BasicIterator):
+-    __slots__ = ['digester']
+-    def __init__(self, fp, spec, mbox=False):
+-        self.digester = iter(get_file_digester(fp, spec, mbox))
+-        self.output = pyzor.Output()
+-    def next(self):
+-        digest = self.digester.next()
+-        self.output.debug("calculated digest: %s" % digest)
+-        return digest
+-def get_file_digester(fp, spec, mbox, seekable=False):
++def get_input_handler(fp, spec, style='msg', seekable=False):
+     """Return an object that can be iterated over
+     to get all the digests from fp according to spec.
+     mbox is a boolean"""
+-    if mbox:
++    if style == 'msg':
++        return filter(lambda x: x is not None,
++                      (DataDigester(rfc822BodyCleaner(fp),
++                                    spec, seekable).get_digest(),)
++                      )
++    elif style =='mbox':
+         return MailboxDigester(fp, spec)
+-    return (DataDigester(rfc822BodyCleaner(fp),
+-                         spec, seekable).get_digest(),)
++    elif style == 'digests':
++        return JustDigestsIterator(fp)
++    raise ValueError, "unknown input style"
++class JustDigestsIterator(BasicIterator):
++    __slots__ = ['fp']
++    def __init__(self, fp):
++        self.fp = fp
++    def next(self):
++        l = fp.readline()
++        if not l:
++            raise StopIteration
++        return l.rstrip()
+ class MailboxDigester(BasicIterator):
+@@ -645,7 +677,12 @@
+         self.seekable    = seekable
+     def next(self):
+-        next_msg = self.mbox.next()
++        try:
++            next_msg = self.mbox.next()
++        except IOError:
++            print "Error: Please feed mailbox files in on stdin, i.e."
++            print "    pyzor digest --mbox < my_mbox_file"
++            next_msg = None
+         if next_msg is None:
+             raise StopIteration
+         return DataDigester(next_msg, self.digest_spec,
+@@ -662,39 +699,69 @@
+         self.multifile = None
+         self.curfile   = None
++	# Check if we got a mail or not. Set type to binary if there is no 'From:' header and
++	# type text/plain with encoding 7bit. 7bit is passed trough anyway so nobody cares.
++	if (not msg.has_key("From") and self.type == 'text' and msg.subtype == 'plain' and msg.getencoding() == '7bit'):
++		self.type = 'binary';
++	if self.type is '':
++	    self.type = 'text';
+         if self.type == 'text':
+             encoding = msg.getencoding()
+-            if encoding == '7bit':
+-                self.curfile = msg.fp
+-            else:
+-                self.curfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+-                mimetools.decode(msg.fp, self.curfile, encoding)
+-                self.curfile.seek(0)
++            self.curfile = msg.fp
++            if encoding != '7bit':
++                # fix bad encoding name
++                if encoding == '8bits':
++                    encoding = '8bit'
++                try:
++                    newcurfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
++                    mimetools.decode(msg.fp, newcurfile, encoding)
++                    newcurfile.seek(0)
++                    self.curfile = newcurfile
++                except:
++                    # ignore encoding on errors, pass msg as is
++                    pass
+         elif self.type == 'multipart':
+             import multifile
+             self.multifile = multifile.MultiFile(msg.fp, seekable=False)
+             self.multifile.push(msg.getparam('boundary'))
+-            self.multifile.next()
+-            self.curfile = self.__class__(self.multifile)
++	    try:
++		self.multifile.next()
++		self.curfile = self.__class__(self.multifile)
++	    except:
++	    	#
++	    	# Catch multipart decoding errors
++	    	#
++		fp.seek(0)
++		self.curfile = fp
++		self.type = 'binary'
+         if self.type == 'text' or self.type == 'multipart':
+             assert self.curfile is not None
++        elif self.type == 'binary':
++	    try:
++	 	fp.seek(0)
++	    except:
++	    	pass
++	    self.curfile = fp
+         else:
+             assert self.curfile is None
+     def readline(self):
+         l = ''
+-        if self.type in ('text', 'multipart'):
+-            l = self.curfile.readline()
+-        if self.type == 'multipart' and not l and self.multifile.next():
+-            self.curfile = self.__class__(self.multifile)
+-            # recursion.  Could get messy if
+-            # we get a bunch of empty multifile parts
+-            l = self.readline()
++	try:
++		if self.type in ('text', 'multipart', 'binary'):
++		    l = self.curfile.readline()
++		if self.type == 'multipart' and not l and self.multifile.next():
++		    self.curfile = self.__class__(self.multifile)
++		    # recursion.  Could get messy if
++		    # we get a bunch of empty multifile parts
++		    l = self.readline()
++	except (TypeError, multifile.Error):
++		pass
+         return l

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/pyzor.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/pyzor.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/pyzor.diff	2009-04-23 15:34:14 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru pyzor-0.4.0.orig/scripts/pyzor pyzor-0.4.0/scripts/pyzor
+--- pyzor-0.4.0.orig/scripts/pyzor	2002-06-09 01:24:20.000000000 +0200
++++ pyzor-0.4.0/scripts/pyzor	2009-04-23 17:24:58.103657953 +0200
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/usr/bin/python2 -Wignore::DeprecationWarning
+ import pyzor.client
+ pyzor.client.run()

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/pyzord.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/pyzord.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/pyzor/trunk/files/pyzord.diff	2009-04-23 15:34:14 UTC (rev 4448)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru pyzor-0.4.0.orig/scripts/pyzord pyzor-0.4.0/scripts/pyzord
+--- pyzor-0.4.0.orig/scripts/pyzord	2002-09-08 05:33:44.000000000 +0200
++++ pyzor-0.4.0/scripts/pyzord	2009-04-23 17:30:57.922301138 +0200
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/usr/bin/python2 -Wignore::DeprecationWarning
+ import os
+ import os.path

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