[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[4480] csw/mgar/pkg
valholla at users.sourceforge.net
valholla at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 27 02:26:42 CEST 2009
Revision: 4480
Author: valholla
Date: 2009-04-27 00:26:42 +0000 (Mon, 27 Apr 2009)
Log Message:
initial checkin
Added Paths:
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/Makefile 2009-04-27 00:26:42 UTC (rev 4480)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# vim: ft=make ts=4 sw=4 noet
+ @echo "You are in the pkg/ directory."
+ $(MAKE) -C trunk $*
+ $(MAKE) -C trunk $* || exit 2
+export BUILDLOG ?= $(shell pwd)/buildlog.txt
+ $(MAKE) -C trunk $* || echo " *** make $* in $$i failed ***" >> $(BUILDLOG)
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/trunk/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/trunk/Makefile 2009-04-27 00:26:42 UTC (rev 4480)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+GARNAME = squirrelmail
+GARVERSION = 1.4.17
+DESCRIPTION = A standards-based webmail package written in PHP.
+define BLURB
+ SquirrelMail is a standards-based webmail package written in PHP.
+ It includes built-in pure PHP support for the IMAP and SMTP protocols,
+ and all pages render in pure HTML 4.0 (with no JavaScript required)
+ for maximum compatibility across browsers. It has very few requirements
+ and is very easy to configure and install. SquirrelMail has all the
+ functionality you would want from an email client, including strong
+ MIME support, address books, and folder manipulation.
+PACKAGES = CSWsquirrelmail
+CATALOGNAME_CSWsquirrelmail = squirrelmail
+REQUIRED_PKGS_CSWsquirrelmail = CSWimaprt
+# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of
+# new upstream software release
+UFILES_REGEX = $(GARNAME)-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.bz2
+include gar/category.mk
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/trunk/checksums (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/squirrelmail/trunk/checksums 2009-04-27 00:26:42 UTC (rev 4480)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+6ff0df8ae0e7f13418ed37ea1c93f6f3 download/squirrelmail-1.4.17.tar.bz2
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