[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[4495] csw/mgar/pkg

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 27 14:39:15 CEST 2009

Revision: 4495
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2009-04-27 12:39:15 +0000 (Mon, 27 Apr 2009)

Log Message:
evolution: Add legacy build description from Michael Gernoth

Added Paths:

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my %counter;
+while (<>) {
+	if (/\"GET (\/csw\/.*) HTTP\/.\..\"/) {
+		# print "match: $1\n";
+		my $path = $1;
+		if ($path =~ /\/csw\/(unstable|stable)\/(sparc|i386)\/5\.(8|9|10)\/([^-]*)-.*\.pkg.gz/) {
+			# print "real match: $1 $2 $3 $4\n";
+			$counter{$4}++;
+		}
+	}
+foreach my $pkg (reverse(sort {$counter{$a} <=> $counter{$b} or $b cmp $a} (keys(%counter)))) {
+	printf "% 20.20s -> %d\n", $pkg, $counter{$pkg};

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: human.pl,v 1.1 2004/03/09 10:21:13 simigern Exp $
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Jeremy Mates.  This script is free
+# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+# terms as Perl itself.
+# Run perldoc(1) on this file for additional documentation.
+require 5;
+use strict;
+use Carp;			# better error reporting
+use Getopt::Std;		# command line option processing
+($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.1 $ ') =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
+my (%opts, $base, $regex);
+# various parameters that adjust how the humanization is done
+# these really should be able to be specified on the command line, or
+# read in from a prefs file somewhere, as nobody will agree as to what
+# "proper" human output should look like... :)
+my %format = (
+	     # include decimals in output? (e.g. 25.8 K vs. 26 K)
+	     'decimal' => 1,
+	     # include .0 in decmail output?
+	     'decimal_zero' => 1,
+	     # what to divide file sizes down by
+	     # 1024 is generally "Kilobytes," while 1000 is
+             # "kilobytes," technically
+	     'factor' => 1024,
+	     # percentage above which will be bumped up
+	     # (e.g. 999 bytes -> 1 K as within 5% of 1024)
+	     # set to undef to turn off
+	     'fudge' => 0.95,
+	     # lengths above which decimals will not be included
+	     # for better readability
+	     'max_human_length' => 2,
+	     # list of suffixes for human readable output
+	     'suffix' => [ '', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y' ],
+	     );
+# default conversion to do nothing
+$base = 1;
+# default to working on runs of 4 or more digits
+$regex = '(?:(?<=\s)|(?<=^))(-?\d{4,})(?:\.\d*){0,1}(?=$|\s)';
+# parse command-line options
+getopts('h?kb:m:', \%opts);
+help() if exists $opts{'h'} or exists $opts{'?'};
+# set the base conversion factor
+if (exists $opts{'b'}) {
+    ($base) = $opts{'b'} =~ m/(\d+)/;
+    die "Error: base should be a positive integer\n" unless $base;
+$base = 1024 if exists $opts{'k'};
+# set different regex if requried, add matching parens if none
+# detected in input, as we need to match *something*
+$regex = $opts{'m'} if exists $opts{'m'};
+$regex = '(' . $regex . ')' unless $regex =~ m/\(.+\)/;
+while (<STDIN>) {
+    s/$regex/humanize($1)/ego;
+    print;
+# Inspired from GNU's df -h output, which fixes 133456345 bytes
+# to be something human readable.
+# takes a number, returns formatted string.
+sub humanize {
+    my $num = shift;
+    # error checking on input...
+    return $num unless $num =~ m/^-?\d+$/;
+    # some local working variables
+    my $count = 0;
+    my $prefix = '';
+    my $tmp = '';
+    my $orig_len = length $num;
+    # handle negatives
+    if ($num < 0 ) {
+	$num = abs $num;
+	$prefix = '-';
+    }
+    # adjust number to proper base
+    $num *= $base;
+    # reduce number to something readable by factor specified	
+    while ($num > $format{'factor'}) {
+	$num /= $format{'factor'};
+	$count++;
+    }
+    # optionally fudge "near" values up to next higher level
+    if (defined $format{'fudge'}) {
+	if ($num > ($format{'fudge'} * $format{'factor'})) {
+	    $count++;
+	    $num /= $format{'factor'};
+	}
+    }
+    # no .[1-9] decimal on longer numbers for easier reading
+    # only show decimal if format say so
+    if (length sprintf("%.f", $num) > $format{'max_human_length'} || 
+	! $format{'decimal'}) {
+	$tmp = sprintf("%.0f", $num);
+    } else {
+	$tmp = sprintf("%.1f", $num);
+	# optionally hack trailing .0 as is not needed
+	$tmp =~ s/\.0$// unless $format{'decimal_zero'};
+    }
+    # return number with proper style applied and leading whitespace
+    # for proper right-justification
+    $tmp = $prefix . $tmp . $format{'suffix'}->[$count];
+    return (' ' x ($orig_len - length $tmp)) . $tmp;
+# a generic help blarb
+sub help {
+    print <<"HELP";
+Usage: $0 [opts]
+Script to humanize numbers in data.
+Options for version $VERSION:
+  -h/-?  Display this message
+  -b nn  Integer to offset incoming data by.
+  -k     Default incoming data to Kilobtyes.  Default: bytes.
+  -m rr  Regex to match what to operate on.  Default: $regex.
+Run perldoc(1) on this script for additional documentation.
+    exit;
+=head1 NAME
+human.pl - humanizes file sizes in data
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Make df(1) output readable on systems lacking the human output option:
+  $ df -k | human.pl -k
+Intended as a quick way to humanize the output from random programs
+that displays unreadable file sizes, such as df(1) on large file
+  $ df -k | grep nfs
+  nfs:/mbt    1026892400 704296472 322595928    69%    /mbt
+While certain utilities now support humanized output internally, not
+all systems have those utilities.  Hence, this perl script is intended
+to fill that gap util more utilities support humanization routines
+directly.  This will become more important as file systems continue to
+grow, and the exact number of bytes something takes up less meaningful
+to the user.
+The data munged by this script is less accurate, in that rounding is
+done in an effort to make the numbers more readable by a human.  In
+the above case, the munged data would look like:
+  $ df -k | grep nfs | human.pl -k
+  nfs:/mbt    1.0T 672G 308G    69%    /mbt
+=head2 Normal Usage
+  $ human.pl [options]
+See L<"OPTIONS"> for details on the command line switches supported.
+human.pl expects the data to be humanized to come via STDIN, and
+results will be piped to STDOUT.  Input can either be from a program,
+or you can interactively type numbers into the terminal and get a
+humanized size back.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+This script currently supports the following command line switches:
+=over 4
+=item B<-h>, B<-?>
+Prints a brief usage note about the script.
+=item B<-b> I<base>
+Optional integer to factor the incoming data by.  The humanizing
+routine operates on bytes by default, so numbers of different formats
+will have to be adjusted accordingly.
+The value should be one that adjusts the incoming data to be in bytes
+format; for example, incoming data in Kilobytes would need a base of
+1024 to be converted properly to bytes, as there are 1024 bytes in
+each Kilobyte.
+=item B<-k>
+Overrides B<-b> and treats the incoming data as if in Kilobytes.
+=item B<-m> I<regex>
+Optional perl regex to specify what in the incoming data should be
+operated on; the default of digit runs of four or more characters
+should be reasonable in most cases.
+Your regex should match integers of some kind; otherwise, the script
+will generally do nothing with your data and not print any warnings.
+If you are matching numbers inside of a more complictated regex, you
+will need to put parentheses around the number you want changed, and
+use non-capturing parentheses for preceeding items, as only $1 is
+passed to the humanizing routine.  See perlre(1) for more details.
+If you leave parentheses out of your regex, they will be added around
+it by default.  This lets you supply regex like '\d{7,}' and have it
+work, which is the same as saying '(\d{7,})' in this case.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head2 Reporting Bugs
+Newer versions of this script may be available from:
+If the bug is in the latest version, send a report to the author.
+Patches that fix problems or add new features are welcome.
+=head2 Known Issues
+No known issues.
+=head1 TODO
+Option to read humanizing prefs from a external location would be a
+nice idea.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jeremy Mates, http://sial.org/contact/
+Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Jeremy Mates.  This script is free
+software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 HISTORY
+Inspired from the B<-h> option present in GNU df, which is sorely
+lacking in commercial varients of the same name.  (On the other hand,
+leaving the job of humanizing to an external script is probably more
+inline with the unix philosphopy of filters.)
+=head1 VERSION
+  $Id: human.pl,v 1.1 2004/03/09 10:21:13 simigern Exp $

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+#!/opt/csw/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
+use FindBin qw($RealBin $RealScript);
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my @csw_ignore = qw(
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at boldquot
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at boldquot/LC_MESSAGES
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at quot
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at quot/LC_MESSAGES
+my @csw_dirs = qw();
+#my @csw_dirs = qw(
+my @possible_scripts = qw(request checkinstall preinstall postinstall preremove postremove);
+my @sunwsprolocs = ('/opt/forte11x86/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/forte11/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/studio/SOS10/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/forte8/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/SUNWspro/bin');
+my $builddir     = $ENV{'BUILDDIR'} || '/opt/build/michael';
+my $packagedir   = $ENV{'PACKAGEDIR'} || "${RealBin}/../packages";
+my $content      = "/var/sadm/install/contents";
+my %options; # getopt
+# variables defined via eval
+my $progname     = undef;
+my $version      = undef;
+my $buildroot    = undef;
+my $category     = undef;
+my $vendor       = undef;
+my $hotline      = 'http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/';
+my $email        = 'michael at opencsw.org';
+my @sources      = undef;
+my $prepatch     = undef;
+my @patches      = (); # default to no patches
+my $copyright    = undef;
+my $build        = undef;
+my $suffix       = undef;
+my $rev          = undef;
+my $arch         = undef;
+my $osversion    = undef;
+my @packages     = undef;
+my @isaexecs     = ();
+my $sunwspropath = undef;
+my %attributes   = ();
+my %seenpaths    = ();
+my %contents     = ();
+# helper applications
+my $tar = '/opt/csw/bin/gtar';
+	chdir($builddir) || die("can't change to $builddir");
+	foreach my $source (@sources) {
+		if      (($source =~ /tar\.gz$/)
+		       ||($source =~ /tgz$/)
+		       ||($source =~ /tar\.Z$/)) {
+			system("/bin/gzcat ${RealBin}/../sources/${source} | ${tar} xf -");
+		} elsif ($source =~ /tar\.bz2$/) {
+			system("/bin/bzcat ${RealBin}/../sources/${source} | ${tar} xf -");
+		} elsif ($source =~ /tar$/) {
+			system("${tar} xf ${RealBin}/../sources/${source}");
+		} else {
+			die("don't know how to extrace ${source}");
+		}
+	}
+	if (defined($prepatch)) {
+		open(PREPATCH, "> $builddir/prepatch") || die ("can't create $builddir/prepatch: $!");
+		print PREPATCH $prepatch;
+		close(PREPATCH);
+		system("chmod +x $builddir/prepatch");
+		system("/bin/bash -x $builddir/prepatch");
+		unlink("$builddir/prepatch");
+	}
+	foreach my $patch (@patches) {
+		chdir("$builddir/@{$patch}[1]") || die("can't change to $builddir/@{$patch}[1]");
+		system("gpatch @{$patch}[2] < ${RealBin}/../sources/@{$patch}[0]");
+	}
+sub probe_directory
+        while (my $dir = shift) {
+                -d $dir && return $dir;
+        }
+        return undef;
+	foreach my $exec (@isaexecs) {
+		open(ISA, "> ${builddir}/isaexec.c") || die("can't create ${builddir}/isaexec.c for overwrite: $!");
+		print ISA <<"EOF";
+#include <unistd.h>
+main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
+	return (isaexec("${exec}", argv, envp));
+		close(ISA);
+		system("${sunwspropath}/cc -o ${buildroot}${exec} ${builddir}/isaexec.c");
+		unlink("${builddir}/isaexec.c");
+	}
+	chdir($builddir) || die("can't change to $builddir");
+	open(BUILD, "> $builddir/build") || die ("can't create $builddir/build: $!");
+	print BUILD $build;
+	close(BUILD);
+	system("chmod +x $builddir/build");
+	system("/bin/bash -x $builddir/build");
+	unlink("$builddir/build");
+	isaexec();
+	strip();
+	my $path  = shift;
+	my $perm  = shift;
+	my $user  = 'root';
+	my $group = 'bin';
+	if (%attributes) {
+		$perm  = $attributes{$path}->{perm}   || $perm;
+		$user  = $attributes{$path}->{user}   || $user;
+		$group = $attributes{$path}->{group} || $group;
+	}
+	return "$perm $user $group\n";
+# This functions purpose is to get sure that all directories in /path/to/file
+# are also in file list. It also accounts which filename was packaged in what
+# package. So that it possible to warn the user if a file has been packaed in
+# more than one package.
+	my $r = shift;
+	my $prototype = shift;
+	my $path      = shift;
+	push(@{$seenpaths{$path}}, "CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+	# Handle symlinks in the art of etc/rcS.d/K03cswsamba=../init.d
+	$path =~ s/=.*$//;
+	while ('.' ne ($path = dirname($path))) {
+		if (! grep($_ =~ /^d none \/\Q${path}\E\s+/, @$prototype)) {
+			pkgproto($r, $prototype, `echo ${path} | pkgproto`);
+		}
+	}
+	my $r = shift;
+	my $prototype = shift;
+	while (my $line = shift) {
+		my @fields = split(/\s+/, $line);
+		if ($fields[0] eq 'd') {
+			# d none opt/csw 0755 sithglan icipguru
+			if ((! ($fields[2] =~ /\//)) || (grep($fields[2] eq $_, @csw_ignore)) ) {
+				# skip toplevel dirs (opt, etc, ...)
+			} elsif (grep($fields[2] eq $_, @csw_dirs)) {
+				unshift(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] ? ? ?\n");
+			} else {
+				unshift(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] " . compute_ownership("/$fields[2]", "$fields[3]"));
+			}
+		} elsif ($fields[0] eq 'f') {
+			# f none opt/csw 0755 sithglan icipguru
+			push(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] " . compute_ownership("/$fields[2]", "$fields[3]"));
+			verify_path($r, $prototype, $fields[2]);
+		} elsif ( ($fields[0] eq 's')
+			||($fields[0] eq 'l')) {
+			push(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2]\n");
+			verify_path($r, $prototype, $fields[2]);
+		} else {
+			die ("unknown line: <$line>");
+		}
+	}
+	my $r = shift;
+	my @prototype = ();
+	chdir($buildroot) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+	push(@prototype, "i pkginfo\n");
+	push(@prototype, "i depend\n");
+	if (defined(${copyright})) {
+		-f "$builddir/${copyright}" || die("can't find copyrightfile: $!");
+		system("cp $builddir/${copyright} copyright");
+		push(@prototype, "i copyright\n");
+	}
+	foreach my $file (@possible_scripts) {
+		if (defined($r->{"$file"})) {
+			-f "${RealBin}/../sources/$r->{$file}" || die("can't find $file: $!");
+			system("cp -f ${RealBin}/../sources/$r->{$file} $file");
+			push(@prototype, "i $file\n");
+		}
+	}
+	my @dirs  = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type d | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+	pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @dirs);
+	my @links = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type l | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+	pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @links);
+	my @files = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type f | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+	pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @files);
+	open(PROTOTYPE, "> ${buildroot}/prototype") || die("can't open ${buildroot}/prototype for overwrite: $!");
+	print PROTOTYPE @prototype;
+	close(PROTOTYPE);
+	my %hash; @hash{@_} = ();
+	return sort keys %hash;
+	my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+	my @out = `pkginfo`;
+	my %pkg = ();
+	foreach my $line (@out) {
+		if ($line =~ /^[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s].*)/) {
+			$pkg{$1} = "$2";
+		}
+	}
+	open(DEP, '> depend') || die("can't open depend file: $!");
+	foreach my $dep (@{$r->{dependencies}}) {
+		if (! defined($pkg{$dep})) {
+			print STDERR "WARNING: FAKEING dependency for <$dep>\n";
+			$pkg{$dep} = 'common - THIS IS A FAKE DEPENDENCY';
+		}
+		print DEP "P $dep $pkg{$dep}\n";
+	}
+	if (defined($r->{incompatibilities})) {
+		foreach my $inc (@{$r->{incompatibilities}}) {
+			if (! defined($pkg{$inc})) {
+				print STDERR "WARNING: FAKEING incompatibiltie for <$inc>\n";
+				$pkg{$inc} = 'common - THIS IS A FAKE INCOMPATIBILTY';
+			}
+			print DEP "I $inc $pkg{$inc}\n";
+		}
+	}
+	close(DEP);
+	my $file = shift || die ("one argument expected");
+	my $count = 0;
+	chomp($file);
+	while ((-l $file)
+	    && ($count < 10)) {
+		my $dirname = dirname($file);
+		$file = readlink($file);
+		if(! ($file =~ /^\//)) {
+			$file = $dirname . '/' . $file;
+		} 
+		$count++;
+	}
+	return $file;
+	my ($a1,$a2) = @_;
+	my %h;
+	@h{@$a2} = (1) x @$a2;
+	return grep {!exists $h{$_}} @$a1;
+	open(FILE, ${content}) || die("can't open ${content}: $!");
+	for my $line (<FILE>) {
+		# /etc/cron.d/queuedefs f none 0644 root sys 17 1164 1018133064 SUNWcsr
+		# 0                     1 2    3    4    5   6  7    8          9
+		my @array = split(/\s+/, $line);
+		my ($file, $type, @packages) = @array[0, 1, 9 ... $#array];
+		if ($type =~ /^f$/) {
+			push(@{$contents{$file}}, @packages);
+		}
+	}
+	close(FILE);
+	my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+	populate_contents();
+	chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+	# look for shared libaries
+	my @deps = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} \\( -type f -perm +111 \\) -o -path opt/csw/lib/\\*.so\\* | xargs ldd 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'file not found' 2> /dev/null | grep '=>' | awk '{print \$3}'`;
+	# look for bangs
+	my @files = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type f -perm +111`;
+	foreach my $file (@possible_scripts) {
+		-f "${buildroot}/${file}" && push(@files, "${buildroot}/${file}");
+	}
+	foreach my $file (@files) {
+		chomp($file);
+		open(FILE, $file) || die("can't open ${file}: $!");
+		my $firstline = <FILE>;
+		if ($firstline =~ /^#!\s?([^\s]+)/) {
+			push(@deps, "$1\n");
+		}
+		close(FILE);
+	}
+	# resolve symlinks / substitute
+	@deps = uniq(@deps);
+	for my $element (@deps) {
+		# /bin and /lib are packages in /usr/{bin,lib}
+		$element =~ s#^/bin#/usr/bin#;
+		$element =~ s#^/lib#/usr/lib#;
+		# /opt/csw/lib/sparcv8 is a symlink to .
+		$element =~ s#^/opt/csw/lib/sparcv8#/opt/csw/lib#;
+		# Resolve links if necessary
+		$element = resolve_link($element);
+	}
+	# get dependencies
+	foreach my $dep (@deps) {
+		# </usr/lib/../openwin/lib/libX11.so.4>
+		$dep =~ s#\w+\/\.\.##g;
+		if (defined($contents{$dep})) {
+			push(@{$r->{dependencies}}, @{$contents{$dep}});
+		}
+	}
+	# make them uniq and don't include a dependency to the packet itself
+	@{$r->{dependencies}} = grep("CSW$r->{pkgname}" ne $_, uniq(@{$r->{dependencies}}));
+	if (defined($r->{exclude_dependencies})) {
+		@{$r->{dependencies}} = a1minusa2($r->{dependencies}, $r->{exclude_dependencies});
+	}
+	write_dependencies($r);
+	system("/usr/ccs/bin/strip ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8plus/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8plus+vis/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv9/* 2> /dev/null");
+	my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+	chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+	open(PKGINFO, '> pkginfo');
+print PKGINFO <<"EOF";
+# DESC=[Optional extra info about software. Omit this line if you wish]
+	close(PKGINFO);
+	my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+	my $filename="$r->{filename}-${version}-SunOS${osversion}-${arch}-CSW.pkg";
+	chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+	system("/usr/bin/pkgmk -o -r ${buildroot}");
+	system("/usr/bin/pkgtrans -s /var/spool/pkg ${packagedir}/$filename CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+	unlink("${packagedir}/${filename}.gz");
+	system("/usr/bin/gzip ${packagedir}/$filename");
+	system("rm -rf /var/spool/pkg/CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+# This function makes all files not readable by me readable. This is because
+# the bang checker and pkgmk needs this. The correct permissions are allready
+# in pkginfo file so everything is as it should be.
+	my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+	chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+	system("gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -perm -400 -o -print | xargs -x -n 1 chmod u+r");
+	foreach my $r (@packages) {
+		generate_prototype($r);
+		make_all_files_readable_by_user($r);
+		generate_pkginfo($r);
+		find_dependencies($r);
+		actually_package($r);
+	}
+	foreach my $key (keys(%seenpaths)) {
+		if (1 < @{$seenpaths{$key}}) {
+			print "$key -> @{$seenpaths{$key}}\n";
+		}
+	}
+if (! (-d $builddir)) {
+	mkdir("$builddir", 0755) || die("can't create $builddir: $!");
+# {
+if (! GetOptions(\%options, "p", "b", "c", "s", "u", "rev=s")) {
+	print <<"__EOF__";
+${RealBin}/${RealScript} [-p] [-b] [-c] [-s] specfile ...
+	-p    prepare:  extract and patch sources
+	-b    build:    build and install sources into destenation
+	-c    create:   create package
+	-s    show:     show build script and exit (high precedence!)
+	-u    cleanUp:  remove ${builddir}
+	-rev  <rev>     use <rev> instead of current date
+	If no parameter is specified. The given specfile is processed. (eg.
+	prepared, build and packaged)
+	exit(1);
+# Unset makeflags
+$ENV{'MFLAGS'} = '';
+$ENV{'MAKEFLAGS'} = '';
+my $infile = shift || die('one argument expected');
+if (! defined($arch)) {
+	$arch = `/bin/uname -p` || die("can't get arch: $!");
+	chomp($arch);
+$sunwspropath = probe_directory(@sunwsprolocs) || die ("couldn't find SUNWspro");
+eval `/bin/cat $infile`;
+if (! defined($rev)) {
+	$rev = $options{'rev'} || $ENV{'REV'} || `/bin/date '+20%y.%m.%d'`;
+chomp ($rev);
+$version .= ',REV=' . ${rev};
+if (defined($suffix)) {
+	$version .= $suffix;
+if (! defined($osversion)) {
+	$osversion = `/bin/uname -r`;
+	chomp($osversion);
+if (! -d "${packagedir}") {
+	system("/bin/mkdir -p ${packagedir}");
+if (! keys(%options)) {
+	prepare();
+	build();
+	mkpackage();
+	exit();
+if (defined($options{'s'})) {
+	print $build;
+	exit();
+if (defined($options{'p'})) {
+	prepare();
+if (defined($options{'b'})) {
+	build();
+if (defined($options{'c'})) {
+	mkpackage();
+if (defined($options{'u'})) {
+	system("/bin/rm -rf ${builddir}");
+# }

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-146-configure.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-146-configure.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-146-configure.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- configure.orig	2004-03-14 03:52:15.406174060 +0100
++++ configure	2004-03-14 03:52:36.489888010 +0100
+@@ -11734,7 +11734,7 @@
+ 	ac_cv_db3_ldadd=""
+ 	for name in db db3 db-3.1; do
+-		LIBS="$LIBS_save $with_db3_libs/lib${name}.a -pthread"
++		LIBS="$LIBS_save $with_db3_libs/lib${name}.a"
+ 		cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+ #line $LINENO "configure"
+ /* confdefs.h.  */
+@@ -11803,7 +11803,7 @@
+   echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+ else
+-	LIBS="$DB3_LDADD $LIBS -pthread"
+ 	if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
+   ac_cv_db3_lib_version_match=yes
+ else

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-camel-pop3-store.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-camel-pop3-store.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-camel-pop3-store.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- camel/providers/pop3/camel-pop3-store.c.orig	2004-03-07 13:34:04.219075000 +0100
++++ camel/providers/pop3/camel-pop3-store.c	2004-03-07 13:34:53.471146000 +0100
+@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
+ 				      _("Unable to connect to POP server %s.\n"
+ 					"Error sending password: %s"),
+ 				      CAMEL_SERVICE (store)->url->host,
+-				      store->engine->line ? store->engine->line : _("Unknown error"));
++				      store->engine->line ? (char*)store->engine->line : _("Unknown error"));
+ 	camel_pop3_engine_command_free(store->engine, pcp);

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-ds-nongcc-fixes.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-ds-nongcc-fixes.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-ds-nongcc-fixes.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+--- evolution-data-server-1.0.0/addressbook/libebook/e-book.c.orig	2004-09-27 05:56:55.328187000 -0400
++++ evolution-data-server-1.0.0/addressbook/libebook/e-book.c	2004-09-27 05:57:35.848160000 -0400
+@@ -32,16 +32,14 @@
+        {								\
+ 	 g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,						\
+-		"file %s: line %d (%s): assertion `%s' failed",		\
++		"file %s: line %d: assertion `%s' failed",		\
+ 		__FILE__,						\
+ 		__LINE__,						\
+-		__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,					\
+ 		#expr);							\
+ 	 g_set_error (error, E_BOOK_ERROR, (error_code),                \
+-		"file %s: line %d (%s): assertion `%s' failed",		\
++		"file %s: line %d: assertion `%s' failed",		\
+ 		__FILE__,						\
+ 		__LINE__,						\
+-		__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,					\
+ 		#expr);							\
+ 	 return FALSE;							\
+        };				}G_STMT_END
+--- evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/libecal/e-cal.c.orig	2004-09-27 06:02:06.222945000 -0400
++++ evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/libecal/e-cal.c	2004-09-27 06:02:24.362926000 -0400
+@@ -126,16 +126,14 @@
+        {								\
+ 	 g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,						\
+-		"file %s: line %d (%s): assertion `%s' failed",		\
++		"file %s: line %d: assertion `%s' failed",		\
+ 		__FILE__,						\
+ 		__LINE__,						\
+-		__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,					\
+ 		#expr);							\
+ 	 g_set_error (error, E_CALENDAR_ERROR, (error_code),                \
+-		"file %s: line %d (%s): assertion `%s' failed",		\
++		"file %s: line %d: assertion `%s' failed",		\
+ 		__FILE__,						\
+ 		__LINE__,						\
+-		__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,					\
+ 		#expr);							\
+ 	 return FALSE;							\
+        };				}G_STMT_END
+--- evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/libedata-cal/e-cal-backend.c.orig	2004-09-27 06:04:14.912978000 -0400
++++ evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/libedata-cal/e-cal-backend.c	2004-09-27 06:04:43.372917000 -0400
+@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
+ 	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_CAL_BACKEND (backend));
+ 	g_assert (CLASS (backend)->get_object_list != NULL);
+-	return (* CLASS (backend)->get_object_list) (backend, cal, sexp);
++	(* CLASS (backend)->get_object_list) (backend, cal, sexp);
+ }
+ /**
+--- evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/backends/file/e-cal-backend-file-events.c.orig	2004-09-27 06:06:28.492978000 -0400
++++ evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/backends/file/e-cal-backend-file-events.c	2004-09-27 06:08:50.382913000 -0400
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ /* Private part of the CalBackendFileEvents structure */
+ struct _ECalBackendFileEventsPrivate {
++	unsigned char very_secret;
+ };
+--- evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/backends/file/e-cal-backend-file-todos.c.orig	2004-09-27 06:09:35.912969000 -0400
++++ evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/backends/file/e-cal-backend-file-todos.c	2004-09-27 06:10:30.842913000 -0400
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ /* Private part of the ECalBackendFileTodos structure */
+ struct _ECalBackendFileTodosPrivate {
++	unsigned char very_secret;
+ };
+--- evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise-utils.c.orig	2004-09-27 06:13:25.892943000 -0400
++++ evolution-data-server-1.0.0/calendar/backends/groupwise/e-cal-backend-groupwise-utils.c	2004-09-27 06:16:19.392917000 -0400
+@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
+ 			alarm = e_cal_component_alarm_new ();
+ 			e_cal_component_alarm_set_action (alarm, E_CAL_COMPONENT_ALARM_DISPLAY);
+-			trigger.u.rel_duration = (struct icaldurationtype) icaldurationtype_from_int (alarm_duration);
++			trigger.u.rel_duration = icaldurationtype_from_int (alarm_duration);
+ 			e_cal_component_alarm_set_trigger (alarm, trigger);
+ 			e_cal_component_add_alarm (comp, alarm);
+ 		}
+--- evolution-data-server-1.2.1/camel/camel-store.c.orig	2005-03-26 10:49:03.576595000 -0500
++++ evolution-data-server-1.2.1/camel/camel-store.c	2005-03-26 10:51:01.386522000 -0500
+@@ -1257,7 +1257,10 @@
+ 	CamelISubscribe *iface = camel_object_get_interface(store, camel_isubscribe_get_type());
+ 	if (iface && iface->subscribe)
+-		return iface->subscribe(store, folder_name, ex);
++	{
++		iface->subscribe(store, folder_name, ex);
++		return;
++	}
+ 	g_warning("Trying to invoke unimplemented subscribe method on a store");
+ }
+@@ -1267,7 +1270,10 @@
+ 	CamelISubscribe *iface = camel_object_get_interface(store, camel_isubscribe_get_type());
+ 	if (iface && iface->unsubscribe)
+-		return iface->unsubscribe(store, folder_name, ex);
++	{
++		iface->unsubscribe(store, folder_name, ex);
++		return;
++	}
+ 	g_warning("Trying to invoke unimplemented unsubscribe method on a store");
+ }
+--- evolution-data-server-1.2.1/calendar/backends/weather/e-weather-source.c.orig	2005-03-26 10:58:48.536596000 -0500
++++ evolution-data-server-1.2.1/calendar/backends/weather/e-weather-source.c	2005-03-26 10:59:39.186518000 -0500
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ 	EWeatherSourceClass *class;
+ 	g_return_if_fail (source != NULL);
+ 	class = (EWeatherSourceClass*) G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (source);
+-	return class->parse (source, done, data);
++	class->parse (source, done, data);
+ }
+ static void

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-e-summary-rdf.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-e-summary-rdf.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-e-summary-rdf.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- my-evolution/e-summary-rdf.c.orig	2004-03-07 18:20:05.055034000 +0100
++++ my-evolution/e-summary-rdf.c	2004-03-07 18:20:26.230345000 +0100
+@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
+ 		charset = NULL;
+ 	} else {
+ 		/* bad/missing encoding, fallback to latin1 (locale?) */
+-		charset = r->cache->encoding ? r->cache->encoding : "iso-8859-1";
++		charset = r->cache->encoding ? (char*)r->cache->encoding : "iso-8859-1";
+ 	}
+ 	/* FIXME: Need arrows */

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-mail-callbacks.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-mail-callbacks.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-mail-callbacks.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- mail/mail-callbacks.h.orig	2004-03-07 18:27:27.905455000 +0100
++++ mail/mail-callbacks.h	2004-03-07 18:28:55.986146000 +0100
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
+ void composer_send_cb      (EMsgComposer *composer, gpointer data);
+ void composer_save_draft_cb (EMsgComposer *composer, int quit, gpointer data);
+-void forward_messages	   (CamelFolder *folder, GPtrArray *uids, gboolean inline);
++void forward_messages	   (CamelFolder *folder, GPtrArray *uids, gboolean);
+ /* CamelStore callbacks */
+ void folder_created (CamelStore *store, const char *prefix, CamelFolderInfo *fi);

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-nongcc-fixes.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-nongcc-fixes.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-nongcc-fixes.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+--- smime/lib/e-cert-db.c.orig	2004-09-27 10:58:59.686195000 -0400
++++ smime/lib/e-cert-db.c	2004-09-27 10:59:15.146208000 -0400
+@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
+ static guint e_cert_db_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
+ struct _ECertDBPrivate {
++	unsigned char very_secret;
+ };
+--- calendar/gui/e-cal-model-calendar.c.orig	2004-09-27 11:09:01.060427000 -0400
++++ calendar/gui/e-cal-model-calendar.c	2004-09-27 11:09:14.030440000 -0400
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include "misc.h"
+ struct _ECalModelCalendarPrivate {
++	unsigned char very_secret;
+ };
+ static void ecmc_class_init (ECalModelCalendarClass *klass);
+--- calendar/gui/e-cal-model-tasks.c.orig	2004-09-27 11:10:06.350500000 -0400
++++ calendar/gui/e-cal-model-tasks.c	2004-09-27 11:10:20.470442000 -0400
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include "misc.h"
+ struct _ECalModelTasksPrivate {
++	unsigned char very_secret;
+ };
+ static void ecmt_class_init (ECalModelTasksClass *klass);
+--- composer/e-msg-composer-select-file.h.orig	2005-03-26 19:49:35.143777000 -0500
++++ composer/e-msg-composer-select-file.h	2005-03-26 19:50:07.083699000 -0500
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ struct _EMsgComposer;
+ typedef void (*EMsgComposerSelectFileFunc)(struct _EMsgComposer *composer, const char *filename);
+-typedef void (*EMsgComposerSelectAttachFunc)(struct _EMsgComposer *composer, GSList *names, int inline);
++typedef void (*EMsgComposerSelectAttachFunc)(struct _EMsgComposer *composer, GSList *names, int iinline);
+ void e_msg_composer_select_file(struct _EMsgComposer *composer, GtkWidget **w, EMsgComposerSelectFileFunc func, const char *title, int save);
+ void e_msg_composer_select_file_attachments(struct _EMsgComposer *composer, GtkWidget **, EMsgComposerSelectAttachFunc func);
+--- plugins/calendar-weather/calendar-weather.c.orig	2005-03-26 20:01:03.561198000 -0500
++++ plugins/calendar-weather/calendar-weather.c	2005-03-26 20:01:37.321123000 -0500
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
+ 		g_object_unref (weather);
+ 	e_source_list_sync (source_list, NULL);
+-	return 0;
++	return;
+ }
+ static void

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-plugin-list.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-plugin-list.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-plugin-list.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- plugins/subject-thread/org-gnome-subject-thread.eplug.in.orig	2005-04-13 12:44:34.065699000 -0400
++++ plugins/subject-thread/org-gnome-subject-thread.eplug.in	2005-04-13 12:44:39.635639000 -0400
+@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
+ 			</group>
+ 		</hook>
+ 	</e-plugin>
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- plugins/save-calendar/org-gnome-save-calendar.eplug.in.orig	2005-04-13 12:42:26.555716000 -0400
++++ plugins/save-calendar/org-gnome-save-calendar.eplug.in	2005-04-13 12:42:38.335820000 -0400
+@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
+ 			</menu>
+ 		</hook>
+ 	</e-plugin>
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- plugins/select-one-source/org-gnome-select-one-source.eplug.in.orig	2005-04-13 12:43:42.515715000 -0400
++++ plugins/select-one-source/org-gnome-select-one-source.eplug.in	2005-04-13 12:43:50.255638000 -0400
+@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
+ 			</menu>
+ 		</hook>
+ 	</e-plugin>
+\ No newline at end of file

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-psfix.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-psfix.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/sources/evolution-psfix.patch	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- mail/em-junk-filter.c.orig	2004-10-09 19:31:04.369997000 -0400
++++ mail/em-junk-filter.c	2004-10-09 19:31:52.620013000 -0400
+@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
+ 		   i = 0;
+ 		   argv [i++] = "/bin/sh";
+ 		   argv [i++] = "-c";
+-		   argv [i++] = "ps ax|grep -v grep|grep -E 'spamd.*(\\-L|\\-\\-local)'|grep -E -v '\\ \\-p\\ |\\ \\-\\-port\\ '";
++		   argv [i++] = "/usr/bin/ps -ef|/usr/xpg4/bin/grep -v grep|/usr/xpg4/bin/grep -E 'spamd.*(\\-L|\\-\\-local)'|/usr/xpg4/bin/grep -E -v '\\ \\-p\\ |\\ \\-\\-port\\ '";
+ 		   argv[i] = NULL;
+ 		   if (pipe_to_sa (NULL, NULL, argv) != 0) {

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/specs/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/specs/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/specs/Makefile	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+PACKAGES := $(shell find . -type f | sed "s/^.\///" | grep -v Makefile)
+BUILD    := $(PACKAGES:=.b)
+CREATE   := $(PACKAGES:=.c)
+SHOW     := $(PACKAGES:=.s)
+clean: ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+	@echo Do you really want to do this\? Press Ctrl-C to abort
+	@read LUTZ
+	@../scripts/pkghelper.pl -u
+$(PACKAGES): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+	@../scripts/pkghelper.pl $@
+$(PREPARE): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+	@../scripts/pkghelper.pl -p $(subst .p,,$@)
+$(BUILD): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+	@../scripts/pkghelper.pl -b $(subst .b,,$@)
+$(CREATE): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+	@../scripts/pkghelper.pl -c $(subst .c,,$@)
+$(SHOW): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+	@../scripts/pkghelper.pl -s $(subst .s,,$@)

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/specs/evolution
--- csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/specs/evolution	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/evolution/trunk/legacy/specs/evolution	2009-04-27 12:39:15 UTC (rev 4495)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# vim: ft=perl
+# $Id: evolution,v 1.38 2005/04/13 16:48:28 simigern Exp $
+$progname  = 'evolution';
+$version   = '2.2.2';
+$buildroot = "${builddir}/${progname}-${version}-buildroot";
+$category  = 'application';
+$vendor    = 'http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution/ packaged for CSW by Michael Gernoth';
+ at sources   = ("${progname}-${version}.tar.bz2");
+ at patches   = ( ['evolution-nongcc-fixes.patch',   "${progname}-${version}", '-p0'],
+               ['evolution-psfix.patch', "${progname}-${version}", '-p0'],
+	       ['evolution-plugin-list.patch', "${progname}-${version}", '-p0']);
+ at packages  = ({
+		pkgname      => $progname,
+		filename     => $progname,
+		name         => "$progname - GNOME mail client and PIM",
+		dependencies => ['CSWcommon','CSWgnomespell','CSWgnomeicontheme'],
+		filelist     => [qw(opt)],
+		postinstall  => 'gconf-schema-update.postinstall',
+		exclude_dependencies => ['SUNWfreetype2','SUNWgnome-base-libs','SUNWgnome-libs','SUNWgnome-audio','SUNWgnome-component','SUNWgnome-config','SUNWgnome-vfs','SUNWlibpopt']
+		});
+$copyright = "${progname}-${version}/COPYING";
+$build     = <<"EOF";
+export CC=cc
+export CXX=CC
+export PATH="${sunwspropath}:/usr/ccs/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/openwin/bin"
+if [ "${arch}" = "sparc" ]; then
+	export CFLAGS='-fast -xarch=v8'
+	export CFLAGS='-xO3 -xspace -xarch=386'
+export CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -I/opt/csw/include -I${buildroot}/opt/csw/include"
+export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/csw/include -I${buildroot}/opt/csw/include"
+export LD_OPTIONS='-R/opt/csw/lib -L/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib/evolution/nss/lib -L/opt/csw/lib/evolution/nss/lib'
+cd ${builddir}
+export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/csw/lib/pkgconfig:${buildroot}/opt/csw/lib/pkgconfig
+cd ${progname}-${version}
+export PATH="${sunwspropath}:/usr/ccs/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/openwin/bin"
+sed -e 's| audio-inline | |g' configure | sed -e 's| new-mail-notify||g' >configure.new
+mv configure.new configure
+chmod 755 configure
+./configure --prefix=/opt/csw --mandir=/opt/csw/share/man --infodir=/opt/csw/share/info --with-krb5=/opt/csw --enable-nss=yes --with-openldap=/opt/csw --enable-ipv6=yes --without-broken-spool --enable-nntp=yes --with-nspr-includes=/opt/csw/lib/evolution/nss/include --with-nspr-libs=/opt/csw/lib/evolution/nss/lib --with-nss-includes=/opt/csw/lib/evolution/nss/lib/include --with-nss-libs=/opt/csw/lib/evolution/nss/lib --enable-pilot-conduits=yes
+touch help/C/evolution-2.0.xml
+touch help/C/evolution-2.0-C.omf
+touch help/C/evolution-2.0-C.omf.out
+gmake || exit 1
+gmake DESTDIR=${buildroot} install || exit 1
+rm -rf ${buildroot}/opt/csw/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults
+rm ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/evolution-2.2
+ln -s ../libexec/evolution-2.2 ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/evolution-2.2
+ln -s ../libexec/evolution-2.2 ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/evolution-nognome
+ln -s evolution-2.2 ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/evolution
+#remove mess from libtool-archives
+for i in ${buildroot}/opt/csw/lib/evolution/*/*.la; do
+        if [ -f "\${i}" ]; then
+                sed -e "s|[^ ]*${buildroot}[^ ]* *||g" "\${i}" >"\${i}.newbuild" && mv "\${i}.newbuild" "\${i}"
+        fi

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