[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[4499] csw/mgar/pkg
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 27 14:40:20 CEST 2009
Revision: 4499
Author: dmichelsen
Date: 2009-04-27 12:40:20 +0000 (Mon, 27 Apr 2009)
Log Message:
fortune: Add legacy build description from Michael Gernoth
Added Paths:
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl 2009-04-27 12:40:20 UTC (rev 4499)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my %counter;
+while (<>) {
+ if (/\"GET (\/csw\/.*) HTTP\/.\..\"/) {
+ # print "match: $1\n";
+ my $path = $1;
+ if ($path =~ /\/csw\/(unstable|stable)\/(sparc|i386)\/5\.(8|9|10)\/([^-]*)-.*\.pkg.gz/) {
+ # print "real match: $1 $2 $3 $4\n";
+ $counter{$4}++;
+ }
+ }
+foreach my $pkg (reverse(sort {$counter{$a} <=> $counter{$b} or $b cmp $a} (keys(%counter)))) {
+ printf "% 20.20s -> %d\n", $pkg, $counter{$pkg};
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl 2009-04-27 12:40:20 UTC (rev 4499)
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: human.pl,v 1.1 2004/03/09 10:21:13 simigern Exp $
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Jeremy Mates. This script is free
+# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+# terms as Perl itself.
+# Run perldoc(1) on this file for additional documentation.
+require 5;
+use strict;
+use Carp; # better error reporting
+use Getopt::Std; # command line option processing
+($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.1 $ ') =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
+my (%opts, $base, $regex);
+# various parameters that adjust how the humanization is done
+# these really should be able to be specified on the command line, or
+# read in from a prefs file somewhere, as nobody will agree as to what
+# "proper" human output should look like... :)
+my %format = (
+ # include decimals in output? (e.g. 25.8 K vs. 26 K)
+ 'decimal' => 1,
+ # include .0 in decmail output?
+ 'decimal_zero' => 1,
+ # what to divide file sizes down by
+ # 1024 is generally "Kilobytes," while 1000 is
+ # "kilobytes," technically
+ 'factor' => 1024,
+ # percentage above which will be bumped up
+ # (e.g. 999 bytes -> 1 K as within 5% of 1024)
+ # set to undef to turn off
+ 'fudge' => 0.95,
+ # lengths above which decimals will not be included
+ # for better readability
+ 'max_human_length' => 2,
+ # list of suffixes for human readable output
+ 'suffix' => [ '', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y' ],
+ );
+# default conversion to do nothing
+$base = 1;
+# default to working on runs of 4 or more digits
+$regex = '(?:(?<=\s)|(?<=^))(-?\d{4,})(?:\.\d*){0,1}(?=$|\s)';
+# parse command-line options
+getopts('h?kb:m:', \%opts);
+help() if exists $opts{'h'} or exists $opts{'?'};
+# set the base conversion factor
+if (exists $opts{'b'}) {
+ ($base) = $opts{'b'} =~ m/(\d+)/;
+ die "Error: base should be a positive integer\n" unless $base;
+$base = 1024 if exists $opts{'k'};
+# set different regex if requried, add matching parens if none
+# detected in input, as we need to match *something*
+$regex = $opts{'m'} if exists $opts{'m'};
+$regex = '(' . $regex . ')' unless $regex =~ m/\(.+\)/;
+while (<STDIN>) {
+ s/$regex/humanize($1)/ego;
+ print;
+# Inspired from GNU's df -h output, which fixes 133456345 bytes
+# to be something human readable.
+# takes a number, returns formatted string.
+sub humanize {
+ my $num = shift;
+ # error checking on input...
+ return $num unless $num =~ m/^-?\d+$/;
+ # some local working variables
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $prefix = '';
+ my $tmp = '';
+ my $orig_len = length $num;
+ # handle negatives
+ if ($num < 0 ) {
+ $num = abs $num;
+ $prefix = '-';
+ }
+ # adjust number to proper base
+ $num *= $base;
+ # reduce number to something readable by factor specified
+ while ($num > $format{'factor'}) {
+ $num /= $format{'factor'};
+ $count++;
+ }
+ # optionally fudge "near" values up to next higher level
+ if (defined $format{'fudge'}) {
+ if ($num > ($format{'fudge'} * $format{'factor'})) {
+ $count++;
+ $num /= $format{'factor'};
+ }
+ }
+ # no .[1-9] decimal on longer numbers for easier reading
+ # only show decimal if format say so
+ if (length sprintf("%.f", $num) > $format{'max_human_length'} ||
+ ! $format{'decimal'}) {
+ $tmp = sprintf("%.0f", $num);
+ } else {
+ $tmp = sprintf("%.1f", $num);
+ # optionally hack trailing .0 as is not needed
+ $tmp =~ s/\.0$// unless $format{'decimal_zero'};
+ }
+ # return number with proper style applied and leading whitespace
+ # for proper right-justification
+ $tmp = $prefix . $tmp . $format{'suffix'}->[$count];
+ return (' ' x ($orig_len - length $tmp)) . $tmp;
+# a generic help blarb
+sub help {
+ print <<"HELP";
+Usage: $0 [opts]
+Script to humanize numbers in data.
+Options for version $VERSION:
+ -h/-? Display this message
+ -b nn Integer to offset incoming data by.
+ -k Default incoming data to Kilobtyes. Default: bytes.
+ -m rr Regex to match what to operate on. Default: $regex.
+Run perldoc(1) on this script for additional documentation.
+ exit;
+=head1 NAME
+human.pl - humanizes file sizes in data
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Make df(1) output readable on systems lacking the human output option:
+ $ df -k | human.pl -k
+Intended as a quick way to humanize the output from random programs
+that displays unreadable file sizes, such as df(1) on large file
+ $ df -k | grep nfs
+ nfs:/mbt 1026892400 704296472 322595928 69% /mbt
+While certain utilities now support humanized output internally, not
+all systems have those utilities. Hence, this perl script is intended
+to fill that gap util more utilities support humanization routines
+directly. This will become more important as file systems continue to
+grow, and the exact number of bytes something takes up less meaningful
+to the user.
+The data munged by this script is less accurate, in that rounding is
+done in an effort to make the numbers more readable by a human. In
+the above case, the munged data would look like:
+ $ df -k | grep nfs | human.pl -k
+ nfs:/mbt 1.0T 672G 308G 69% /mbt
+=head2 Normal Usage
+ $ human.pl [options]
+See L<"OPTIONS"> for details on the command line switches supported.
+human.pl expects the data to be humanized to come via STDIN, and
+results will be piped to STDOUT. Input can either be from a program,
+or you can interactively type numbers into the terminal and get a
+humanized size back.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+This script currently supports the following command line switches:
+=over 4
+=item B<-h>, B<-?>
+Prints a brief usage note about the script.
+=item B<-b> I<base>
+Optional integer to factor the incoming data by. The humanizing
+routine operates on bytes by default, so numbers of different formats
+will have to be adjusted accordingly.
+The value should be one that adjusts the incoming data to be in bytes
+format; for example, incoming data in Kilobytes would need a base of
+1024 to be converted properly to bytes, as there are 1024 bytes in
+each Kilobyte.
+=item B<-k>
+Overrides B<-b> and treats the incoming data as if in Kilobytes.
+=item B<-m> I<regex>
+Optional perl regex to specify what in the incoming data should be
+operated on; the default of digit runs of four or more characters
+should be reasonable in most cases.
+Your regex should match integers of some kind; otherwise, the script
+will generally do nothing with your data and not print any warnings.
+If you are matching numbers inside of a more complictated regex, you
+will need to put parentheses around the number you want changed, and
+use non-capturing parentheses for preceeding items, as only $1 is
+passed to the humanizing routine. See perlre(1) for more details.
+If you leave parentheses out of your regex, they will be added around
+it by default. This lets you supply regex like '\d{7,}' and have it
+work, which is the same as saying '(\d{7,})' in this case.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head2 Reporting Bugs
+Newer versions of this script may be available from:
+If the bug is in the latest version, send a report to the author.
+Patches that fix problems or add new features are welcome.
+=head2 Known Issues
+No known issues.
+=head1 TODO
+Option to read humanizing prefs from a external location would be a
+nice idea.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jeremy Mates, http://sial.org/contact/
+Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Jeremy Mates. This script is free
+software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 HISTORY
+Inspired from the B<-h> option present in GNU df, which is sorely
+lacking in commercial varients of the same name. (On the other hand,
+leaving the job of humanizing to an external script is probably more
+inline with the unix philosphopy of filters.)
+=head1 VERSION
+ $Id: human.pl,v 1.1 2004/03/09 10:21:13 simigern Exp $
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl 2009-04-27 12:40:20 UTC (rev 4499)
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+#!/opt/csw/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
+use FindBin qw($RealBin $RealScript);
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my @csw_ignore = qw(
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at boldquot
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at boldquot/LC_MESSAGES
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at quot
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at quot/LC_MESSAGES
+my @csw_dirs = qw();
+#my @csw_dirs = qw(
+my @possible_scripts = qw(request checkinstall preinstall postinstall preremove postremove);
+my @sunwsprolocs = ('/opt/forte11x86/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/forte11/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/studio/SOS10/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/forte8/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/SUNWspro/bin');
+my $builddir = $ENV{'BUILDDIR'} || '/opt/build/michael';
+my $packagedir = $ENV{'PACKAGEDIR'} || "${RealBin}/../packages";
+my $content = "/var/sadm/install/contents";
+my %options; # getopt
+# variables defined via eval
+my $progname = undef;
+my $version = undef;
+my $buildroot = undef;
+my $category = undef;
+my $vendor = undef;
+my $hotline = 'http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/';
+my $email = 'michael at opencsw.org';
+my @sources = undef;
+my $prepatch = undef;
+my @patches = (); # default to no patches
+my $copyright = undef;
+my $build = undef;
+my $suffix = undef;
+my $rev = undef;
+my $arch = undef;
+my $osversion = undef;
+my @packages = undef;
+my @isaexecs = ();
+my $sunwspropath = undef;
+my %attributes = ();
+my %seenpaths = ();
+my %contents = ();
+# helper applications
+my $tar = '/opt/csw/bin/gtar';
+ chdir($builddir) || die("can't change to $builddir");
+ foreach my $source (@sources) {
+ if (($source =~ /tar\.gz$/)
+ ||($source =~ /tgz$/)
+ ||($source =~ /tar\.Z$/)) {
+ system("/bin/gzcat ${RealBin}/../sources/${source} | ${tar} xf -");
+ } elsif ($source =~ /tar\.bz2$/) {
+ system("/bin/bzcat ${RealBin}/../sources/${source} | ${tar} xf -");
+ } elsif ($source =~ /tar$/) {
+ system("${tar} xf ${RealBin}/../sources/${source}");
+ } else {
+ die("don't know how to extrace ${source}");
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($prepatch)) {
+ open(PREPATCH, "> $builddir/prepatch") || die ("can't create $builddir/prepatch: $!");
+ print PREPATCH $prepatch;
+ close(PREPATCH);
+ system("chmod +x $builddir/prepatch");
+ system("/bin/bash -x $builddir/prepatch");
+ unlink("$builddir/prepatch");
+ }
+ foreach my $patch (@patches) {
+ chdir("$builddir/@{$patch}[1]") || die("can't change to $builddir/@{$patch}[1]");
+ system("gpatch @{$patch}[2] < ${RealBin}/../sources/@{$patch}[0]");
+ }
+sub probe_directory
+ while (my $dir = shift) {
+ -d $dir && return $dir;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ foreach my $exec (@isaexecs) {
+ open(ISA, "> ${builddir}/isaexec.c") || die("can't create ${builddir}/isaexec.c for overwrite: $!");
+ print ISA <<"EOF";
+#include <unistd.h>
+main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
+ return (isaexec("${exec}", argv, envp));
+ close(ISA);
+ system("${sunwspropath}/cc -o ${buildroot}${exec} ${builddir}/isaexec.c");
+ unlink("${builddir}/isaexec.c");
+ }
+ chdir($builddir) || die("can't change to $builddir");
+ open(BUILD, "> $builddir/build") || die ("can't create $builddir/build: $!");
+ print BUILD $build;
+ close(BUILD);
+ system("chmod +x $builddir/build");
+ system("/bin/bash -x $builddir/build");
+ unlink("$builddir/build");
+ isaexec();
+ strip();
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $perm = shift;
+ my $user = 'root';
+ my $group = 'bin';
+ if (%attributes) {
+ $perm = $attributes{$path}->{perm} || $perm;
+ $user = $attributes{$path}->{user} || $user;
+ $group = $attributes{$path}->{group} || $group;
+ }
+ return "$perm $user $group\n";
+# This functions purpose is to get sure that all directories in /path/to/file
+# are also in file list. It also accounts which filename was packaged in what
+# package. So that it possible to warn the user if a file has been packaed in
+# more than one package.
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $prototype = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ push(@{$seenpaths{$path}}, "CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+ # Handle symlinks in the art of etc/rcS.d/K03cswsamba=../init.d
+ $path =~ s/=.*$//;
+ while ('.' ne ($path = dirname($path))) {
+ if (! grep($_ =~ /^d none \/\Q${path}\E\s+/, @$prototype)) {
+ pkgproto($r, $prototype, `echo ${path} | pkgproto`);
+ }
+ }
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $prototype = shift;
+ while (my $line = shift) {
+ my @fields = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ if ($fields[0] eq 'd') {
+ # d none opt/csw 0755 sithglan icipguru
+ if ((! ($fields[2] =~ /\//)) || (grep($fields[2] eq $_, @csw_ignore)) ) {
+ # skip toplevel dirs (opt, etc, ...)
+ } elsif (grep($fields[2] eq $_, @csw_dirs)) {
+ unshift(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] ? ? ?\n");
+ } else {
+ unshift(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] " . compute_ownership("/$fields[2]", "$fields[3]"));
+ }
+ } elsif ($fields[0] eq 'f') {
+ # f none opt/csw 0755 sithglan icipguru
+ push(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] " . compute_ownership("/$fields[2]", "$fields[3]"));
+ verify_path($r, $prototype, $fields[2]);
+ } elsif ( ($fields[0] eq 's')
+ ||($fields[0] eq 'l')) {
+ push(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2]\n");
+ verify_path($r, $prototype, $fields[2]);
+ } else {
+ die ("unknown line: <$line>");
+ }
+ }
+ my $r = shift;
+ my @prototype = ();
+ chdir($buildroot) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ push(@prototype, "i pkginfo\n");
+ push(@prototype, "i depend\n");
+ if (defined(${copyright})) {
+ -f "$builddir/${copyright}" || die("can't find copyrightfile: $!");
+ system("cp $builddir/${copyright} copyright");
+ push(@prototype, "i copyright\n");
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@possible_scripts) {
+ if (defined($r->{"$file"})) {
+ -f "${RealBin}/../sources/$r->{$file}" || die("can't find $file: $!");
+ system("cp -f ${RealBin}/../sources/$r->{$file} $file");
+ push(@prototype, "i $file\n");
+ }
+ }
+ my @dirs = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type d | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+ pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @dirs);
+ my @links = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type l | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+ pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @links);
+ my @files = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type f | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+ pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @files);
+ open(PROTOTYPE, "> ${buildroot}/prototype") || die("can't open ${buildroot}/prototype for overwrite: $!");
+ print PROTOTYPE @prototype;
+ close(PROTOTYPE);
+ my %hash; @hash{@_} = ();
+ return sort keys %hash;
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ my @out = `pkginfo`;
+ my %pkg = ();
+ foreach my $line (@out) {
+ if ($line =~ /^[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s].*)/) {
+ $pkg{$1} = "$2";
+ }
+ }
+ open(DEP, '> depend') || die("can't open depend file: $!");
+ foreach my $dep (@{$r->{dependencies}}) {
+ if (! defined($pkg{$dep})) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: FAKEING dependency for <$dep>\n";
+ $pkg{$dep} = 'common - THIS IS A FAKE DEPENDENCY';
+ }
+ print DEP "P $dep $pkg{$dep}\n";
+ }
+ if (defined($r->{incompatibilities})) {
+ foreach my $inc (@{$r->{incompatibilities}}) {
+ if (! defined($pkg{$inc})) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: FAKEING incompatibiltie for <$inc>\n";
+ $pkg{$inc} = 'common - THIS IS A FAKE INCOMPATIBILTY';
+ }
+ print DEP "I $inc $pkg{$inc}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close(DEP);
+ my $file = shift || die ("one argument expected");
+ my $count = 0;
+ chomp($file);
+ while ((-l $file)
+ && ($count < 10)) {
+ my $dirname = dirname($file);
+ $file = readlink($file);
+ if(! ($file =~ /^\//)) {
+ $file = $dirname . '/' . $file;
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ return $file;
+ my ($a1,$a2) = @_;
+ my %h;
+ @h{@$a2} = (1) x @$a2;
+ return grep {!exists $h{$_}} @$a1;
+ open(FILE, ${content}) || die("can't open ${content}: $!");
+ for my $line (<FILE>) {
+ # /etc/cron.d/queuedefs f none 0644 root sys 17 1164 1018133064 SUNWcsr
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ my @array = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ my ($file, $type, @packages) = @array[0, 1, 9 ... $#array];
+ if ($type =~ /^f$/) {
+ push(@{$contents{$file}}, @packages);
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ populate_contents();
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ # look for shared libaries
+ my @deps = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} \\( -type f -perm +111 \\) -o -path opt/csw/lib/\\*.so\\* | xargs ldd 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'file not found' 2> /dev/null | grep '=>' | awk '{print \$3}'`;
+ # look for bangs
+ my @files = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type f -perm +111`;
+ foreach my $file (@possible_scripts) {
+ -f "${buildroot}/${file}" && push(@files, "${buildroot}/${file}");
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ chomp($file);
+ open(FILE, $file) || die("can't open ${file}: $!");
+ my $firstline = <FILE>;
+ if ($firstline =~ /^#!\s?([^\s]+)/) {
+ push(@deps, "$1\n");
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ # resolve symlinks / substitute
+ @deps = uniq(@deps);
+ for my $element (@deps) {
+ # /bin and /lib are packages in /usr/{bin,lib}
+ $element =~ s#^/bin#/usr/bin#;
+ $element =~ s#^/lib#/usr/lib#;
+ # /opt/csw/lib/sparcv8 is a symlink to .
+ $element =~ s#^/opt/csw/lib/sparcv8#/opt/csw/lib#;
+ # Resolve links if necessary
+ $element = resolve_link($element);
+ }
+ # get dependencies
+ foreach my $dep (@deps) {
+ # </usr/lib/../openwin/lib/libX11.so.4>
+ $dep =~ s#\w+\/\.\.##g;
+ if (defined($contents{$dep})) {
+ push(@{$r->{dependencies}}, @{$contents{$dep}});
+ }
+ }
+ # make them uniq and don't include a dependency to the packet itself
+ @{$r->{dependencies}} = grep("CSW$r->{pkgname}" ne $_, uniq(@{$r->{dependencies}}));
+ if (defined($r->{exclude_dependencies})) {
+ @{$r->{dependencies}} = a1minusa2($r->{dependencies}, $r->{exclude_dependencies});
+ }
+ write_dependencies($r);
+ system("/usr/ccs/bin/strip ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8plus/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8plus+vis/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv9/* 2> /dev/null");
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ open(PKGINFO, '> pkginfo');
+print PKGINFO <<"EOF";
+# DESC=[Optional extra info about software. Omit this line if you wish]
+ close(PKGINFO);
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ my $filename="$r->{filename}-${version}-SunOS${osversion}-${arch}-CSW.pkg";
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ system("/usr/bin/pkgmk -o -r ${buildroot}");
+ system("/usr/bin/pkgtrans -s /var/spool/pkg ${packagedir}/$filename CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+ unlink("${packagedir}/${filename}.gz");
+ system("/usr/bin/gzip ${packagedir}/$filename");
+ system("rm -rf /var/spool/pkg/CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+# This function makes all files not readable by me readable. This is because
+# the bang checker and pkgmk needs this. The correct permissions are allready
+# in pkginfo file so everything is as it should be.
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ system("gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -perm -400 -o -print | xargs -x -n 1 chmod u+r");
+ foreach my $r (@packages) {
+ generate_prototype($r);
+ make_all_files_readable_by_user($r);
+ generate_pkginfo($r);
+ find_dependencies($r);
+ actually_package($r);
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys(%seenpaths)) {
+ if (1 < @{$seenpaths{$key}}) {
+ print "$key -> @{$seenpaths{$key}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+if (! (-d $builddir)) {
+ mkdir("$builddir", 0755) || die("can't create $builddir: $!");
+# {
+if (! GetOptions(\%options, "p", "b", "c", "s", "u", "rev=s")) {
+ print <<"__EOF__";
+${RealBin}/${RealScript} [-p] [-b] [-c] [-s] specfile ...
+ -p prepare: extract and patch sources
+ -b build: build and install sources into destenation
+ -c create: create package
+ -s show: show build script and exit (high precedence!)
+ -u cleanUp: remove ${builddir}
+ -rev <rev> use <rev> instead of current date
+ If no parameter is specified. The given specfile is processed. (eg.
+ prepared, build and packaged)
+ exit(1);
+# Unset makeflags
+$ENV{'MFLAGS'} = '';
+$ENV{'MAKEFLAGS'} = '';
+my $infile = shift || die('one argument expected');
+if (! defined($arch)) {
+ $arch = `/bin/uname -p` || die("can't get arch: $!");
+ chomp($arch);
+$sunwspropath = probe_directory(@sunwsprolocs) || die ("couldn't find SUNWspro");
+eval `/bin/cat $infile`;
+if (! defined($rev)) {
+ $rev = $options{'rev'} || $ENV{'REV'} || `/bin/date '+20%y.%m.%d'`;
+chomp ($rev);
+$version .= ',REV=' . ${rev};
+if (defined($suffix)) {
+ $version .= $suffix;
+if (! defined($osversion)) {
+ $osversion = `/bin/uname -r`;
+ chomp($osversion);
+if (! -d "${packagedir}") {
+ system("/bin/mkdir -p ${packagedir}");
+if (! keys(%options)) {
+ prepare();
+ build();
+ mkpackage();
+ exit();
+if (defined($options{'s'})) {
+ print $build;
+ exit();
+if (defined($options{'p'})) {
+ prepare();
+if (defined($options{'b'})) {
+ build();
+if (defined($options{'c'})) {
+ mkpackage();
+if (defined($options{'u'})) {
+ system("/bin/rm -rf ${builddir}");
+# }
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/sources/fortune-datfiles.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/sources/fortune-datfiles.patch (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/fortune/trunk/legacy/sources/fortune-datfiles.patch 2009-04-27 12:40:20 UTC (rev 4499)
@@ -0,0 +1,23594 @@
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/Makefile datfiles/Makefile
+--- datfiles.orig/Makefile 1997-08-28 18:38:25.000000000 +0200
++++ datfiles/Makefile 2004-08-07 23:32:30.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
+ food fortunes goedel humorists kids law linuxcookie literature \
+ love magic medicine men-women miscellaneous news people pets \
+ platitudes politics riddles science songs-poems sports \
+- startrek translate-me wisdom work zippy
++ startrek translate-me wisdom work linux perl knghtbrd \
++ paradoxum zippy debian
+ STRFILE=../util/strfile
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/art datfiles/art
+--- datfiles.orig/art 1995-10-21 04:31:41.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/art 2004-08-07 23:32:32.000000000 +0200
+@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
+ The Bionic Dog gets a hormonal short-circuit and violates the
+ Mann Act with an interstate Greyhound bus.
+ %
+-A "critic" is a man who creates nothing and thereby feels qualified to judge
+-the work of creative men. There is logic in this; he is unbiased -- he hates
+-all creative people equally.
++A "critic" is a man who creates nothing and thereby feels qualified to
++judge the work of creative men. There is logic in this; he is unbiased
++-- he hates all creative people equally.
+ %
+ A celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness.
+ %
+- A circus foreman was making the rounds inspecting the big top when
+-a scrawny little man entered the tent and walked up to him. "Are you the
+-foreman around here?" he asked timidly. "I'd like to join your circus; I
+-have what I think is a pretty good act."
++ A circus foreman was making the rounds inspecting the big top
++when a scrawny little man entered the tent and walked up to him. "Are
++you the foreman around here?" he asked timidly. "I'd like to join your
++circus; I have what I think is a pretty good act."
+ The foreman nodded assent, whereupon the little man hurried over to
+ the main pole and rapidly climbed up to the very tip-top of the big top.
+ Drawing a deep breath, he hurled himself off into the air and began flapping
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+ A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits.
+ %
+ A rose is a rose is a rose. Just ask Jean Marsh, known to millions of
+-PBS viewers in the '70s as Rose, the maid on the BBC export "Upstairs,
++PBS viewers in the '70s as Rose, the maid on the LWT export "Upstairs,
+ Downstairs." Though Marsh has since gone on to other projects, ... it's
+ with Rose she's forever identified. So much so that she even likes to
+ joke about having one named after her, a distinction not without its
+@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
+ -- John Mason Brown, drama critic
+ %
+ He was a fiddler, and consequently a rogue.
+- -- Jonathon Swift
++ -- Jonathan Swift
+ %
+ "Hello," he lied.
+ -- Don Carpenter, quoting a Hollywood agent
+@@ -1078,8 +1078,8 @@
+ themselves that they have a better idea.
+ -- John Ciardi
+ %
+-Mos Eisley Spaceport; you'll not find a more wretched collection of
+-villainy and disreputable types...
++Mos Eisley Spaceport; you will never find a more wretched hive of scum
++and villainy...
+ -- Obi-wan Kenobi, "Star Wars"
+ %
+ Mr. Rockford, this is the Thomas Crown School of Dance and Contemporary
+@@ -2194,9 +2194,6 @@
+ %
+ Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.
+ %
+-X-rated movies are all alike ... the only thing they leave to the
+-imagination is the plot.
+ Yeah, that's me, Tracer Bullet. I've got eight slugs in me. One's lead,
+ the rest bourbon. The drink packs a wallop, and I pack a revolver. I'm
+ a private eye.
+@@ -2240,3 +2237,8 @@
+ Zero Mostel: That's it baby! When you got it, flaunt it! Flaunt it!
+ -- Mel Brooks, "The Producers"
+ %
++Naked children have never played in _o_u_r fountains, and I.M. Pei will
++never be happy on Route 66.
++ -- "Learning from Las Vegas", Robert Venturi, Denise Scott
++ Brown, and Steven Izenour
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/computers datfiles/computers
+--- datfiles.orig/computers 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/computers 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ %
+ A computer salesman visits a company president for the purpose of selling
+ the president one of the latest talking computers.
+-Salesman: "This machine knows everything. I can ask it any quesstion
++Salesman: "This machine knows everything. I can ask it any question
+ and it'll give the correct answer. Computer, what is the
+ speed of light?"
+ Computer: 186,282 miles per second.
+@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
+ This is believed to speed up execution by as much as a factor of 1.01 or
+ 3.50 depending on whether you believe our friendly marketing representatives.
+ This code was written by a new programmer here (we snatched him away from
+-Itty Bitti Machines where we was writting COUGHBOL code) so to give him
++Itty Bitti Machines where he was writing COUGHBOL code) so to give him
+ confidence we trusted his vows of "it works pretty well" and installed it.
+ %
+ === ALL USERS PLEASE NOTE ========================
+@@ -986,9 +986,9 @@
+ %
+ Calm down, it's *____only* ones and zeroes.
+ %
+-Can't open /usr/fortunes. Lid stuck on cookie jar.
++Can't open /usr/share/games/fortunes/fortunes. Lid stuck on cookie jar.
+ %
+-Can't open /usr/games/lib/fortunes.dat.
++Can't open /usr/share/games/fortunes/fortunes.dat.
+ %
+ CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh..
+ %
+@@ -1442,8 +1442,6 @@
+ %
+ /earth: file system full.
+ %
+-egrep -n '^[a-z].*\(' $ | sort -t':' +2.0
+ Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature, because
+ God is not capricious or arbitrary. No such faith comforts the software
+ engineer.
+@@ -2066,7 +2064,7 @@
+ %
+ If the designers of X-window built cars, there would be no fewer than five
+ steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which followed the same
+-prinicples -- but you'd be able to shift gears with your car stereo. Useful
++principles -- but you'd be able to shift gears with your car stereo. Useful
+ feature, that.
+ -- From the programming notebooks of a heretic, 1990.
+ %
+@@ -2236,12 +2234,12 @@
+ At this Minsky shut his eyes, and Sussman asked his teacher "Why do
+ you close your eyes?"
+ "So that the room will be empty."
+- At that momment, Sussman was enlightened.
++ At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.
+ %
+ In the east there is a shark which is larger than all other fish. It
+ changes into a bird whose winds are like clouds filling the sky. When this
+ bird moves across the land, it brings a message from Corporate Headquarters.
+-This message it drops into the midst of the program mers, like a seagull
++This message it drops into the midst of the programmers, like a seagull
+ making its mark upon the beach. Then the bird mounts on the wind and, with
+ the blue sky at its back, returns home.
+ The novice programmer stares in wonder at the bird, for he understands
+@@ -2327,7 +2325,7 @@
+ The control program manager had 150 men. He asserted that they
+ could prepare the specifications, with the architecture team coordinating;
+ it would be well-done and practical, and he could do it on schedule.
+-Futhermore, if the architecture team did it, his 150 men would sit twiddling
++Furthermore, if the architecture team did it, his 150 men would sit twiddling
+ their thumbs for ten months.
+ To this the architecture manager responded that if I gave the control
+ program team the responsibility, the result would not in fact be on time,
+@@ -2812,7 +2810,9 @@
+ Nobody's gonna believe that computers are intelligent until they start
+ coming in late and lying about it.
+ %
+-nohup rm -fr /&
++My little brother got this fortune:
++ nohup rm -fr /&
++So he did...
+ %
+ Norbert Weiner was the subject of many dotty professor stories. Weiner was, in
+ fact, very absent minded. The following story is told about him: when they
+@@ -4277,7 +4277,7 @@
+ %
+ %
+-... there are about 5,000 people who are part of that commitee. These guys
++... there are about 5,000 people who are part of that committee. These guys
+ have a hard time sorting out what day to meet, and whether to eat croissants
+ or doughnuts for breakfast -- let alone how to define how all these complex
+ layers that are going to be agreed upon.
+@@ -4749,7 +4749,7 @@
+ %
+ UNIX was half a billion (500000000) seconds old on
+ Tue Nov 5 00:53:20 1985 GMT (measuring since the time(2) epoch).
+- -- Andy Tannenbaum
++ -- Andy Tanenbaum
+ %
+ UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that
+ would also stop you from doing clever things.
+@@ -4761,7 +4761,7 @@
+ %
+ Usage: fortune -P [] -a [xsz] [Q: [file]] [rKe9] -v6[+] dataspec ... inputdir
+ %
+-USENET would be a better laboratory is there were more labor and less oratory.
++USENET would be a better laboratory if there were more labor and less oratory.
+ -- Elizabeth Haley
+ %
+ User hostile.
+@@ -5026,7 +5026,7 @@
+ Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool discovers
+ something which either abolishes the system or expands it beyond recognition.
+ %
+-Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equpped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
++Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equpped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and
+ weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
+ and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
+ -- Popular Mechanics, March 1949
+@@ -5266,7 +5266,7 @@
+ %
+ Yes, we will be going to OSI, Mars, and Pluto, but not necessarily in
+ that order.
+- -- Jeffrey Honig
++ -- George Michaelson
+ %
+ You are an insult to my intelligence! I demand that you log off immediately.
+ %
+@@ -5287,7 +5287,7 @@
+ gold nugget, a crocodile is removing large chunks of flesh from you, a
+ rhinoceros is goring you with his horn, a sabre-tooth cat is busy
+ trying to disembowel you, you are being trampled by a large mammoth, a
+-vampire is sucking you dry, a Tyranosaurus Rex is sinking his six inch
++vampire is sucking you dry, a Tyrannosaurus Rex is sinking his six inch
+ long fangs into various parts of your anatomy, a large bear is
+ dismembering your body, a gargoyle is bouncing up and down on your
+ head, a burly troll is tearing you limb from limb, several dire wolves
+@@ -5415,3 +5415,29 @@
+ %
+ Your program is sick! Shoot it and put it out of its memory.
+ %
++I mean, if 10 years from now, when you are doing something quick and dirty,
++you suddenly visualize that I am looking over your shoulders and say to
++yourself, "Dijkstra would not have liked this", well that would be enough
++immortality for me.
++As seen on slashdot about what you can do with your cable modems:
++ Summary: It's not about how you handle your equipment, it's where
++ you have permission to stick it.
++The post is by "redgekko"
++"The biggest problem facing software engineering is the one it will
++ never solve - politics."
++ -- Gavin Baker, ca 1996, An unusually cynical moment inspired by working on a large
++ project beseiged by politics
++"Don't fear the pen. When in doubt, draw a pretty picture."
++ --Baker's Third Law of Design.
++Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffc40) at main.c:29
++29 printf ("Welcome to GNU Hell!\n");
++ -- "GNU Libtool documentation"
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/cookie datfiles/cookie
+--- datfiles.orig/cookie 1998-10-27 04:33:59.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/cookie 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@
+ -- Karl Lehenbauer
+ %
+ Life. Don't talk to me about life.
+-- Marvin the Paranoid Anroid
++- Marvin the Paranoid Android
+ %
+ On a clear disk you can seek forever.
+ %
+@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@
+ %
+ On our campus the UNIX system has proved to be not only an effective software
+ tool, but an agent of technical and social change within the University.
+-- John Lions (U. of Toronto (?))
++- John Lions (University of New South Wales)
+ %
+ Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
+ - Henry Spencer, University of Toronto Unix hack
+@@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@
+ a metaphor for the fact that few of us fully exploit our talents, who could
+ deny it? As a refuge for occultists seeking a neural basis of the miraculous,
+ it leaves much to be desired.
+--- Barry L. Beyerstein, "The Brain and Conciousness: Implications for
++-- Barry L. Beyerstein, "The Brain and Consciousness: Implications for
+ Psi Phenomena", The Skeptical Enquirer, Vol. XII, No. 2, pg. 171
+ %
+ Thufir's a Harkonnen now.
+@@ -3402,7 +3402,7 @@
+ %
+ An Animal that knows who it is, one that has a sense of his own identity, is
+ a discontented creature, doomed to create new problems for himself for the
+-duration of his stay on this planet. Since neither the mouse nor the chip
++duration of his stay on this planet. Since neither the mouse nor the chimp
+ knows what is, he is spared all the vexing problems that follow this
+ discovery. But as soon as the human animal who asked himself this question
+ emerged, he plunged himself and his descendants into an eternity of doubt
+@@ -4063,8 +4063,6 @@
+ at billions of operations per second (gigaflops).
+ -- Aviation Week & Space Technology, May 9, 1988, "Washington Roundup", pg 13
+ %
+-Shit Happens.
+ backups: always in season, never out of style.
+ %
+ "There was a vague, unpleasant manginess about his appearence; he somehow
+@@ -4454,7 +4452,7 @@
+ or dogma. It is simply an approach to the problem of telling what is
+ counterfeit and what is genuine. And a recognition of how costly it may
+ be to fail to do so. To be a skeptic is to cultivate "street smarts" in
+-the battle for control of one's own mind, one's own money, one'w own
++the battle for control of one's own mind, one's own money, one's own
+ allegiances. To be a skeptic, in short, is to refuse to be a victim.
+ -- Robert S. DeBear, "An Agenda for Reason, Realism, and Responsibility,"
+ New York Skeptic (newsletter of the New York Area Skeptics, Inc.), Spring 1988
+@@ -4807,10 +4805,6 @@
+ woman want?'"
+ -- Sigmund Freud
+ %
+-"A fractal is by definition a set for which the Hausdorff Besicovitch
+-dimension strictly exceeds the topological dimension."
+--- Mandelbrot, _The Fractal Geometry of Nature_
+ "I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world,
+ and do not find in our particular superstition (Christianity) one redeeming
+ feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology."
+@@ -4991,7 +4985,7 @@
+ This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls."
+ -- Matt Cartmill
+ %
+-Heisengberg might have been here.
++Heisenberg might have been here.
+ %
+ "Any excuse will serve a tyrant."
+ -- Aesop
+@@ -5230,7 +5224,7 @@
+ -- D. J. McCarthy (dmccart at cadape.UUCP)
+ %
+ "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
+-saftey deserve neither liberty not saftey."
++safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
+ -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759
+ %
+ "I am, therefore I am."
+@@ -5325,15 +5319,6 @@
+ "Life sucks, but death doesn't put out at all...."
+ -- Thomas J. Kopp
+ %
+-"There is no Father Christmas. It's just a marketing ploy
+-to make low income parents' lives a misery."
+-"... I want you to picture the trusting face of a child,
+-streaked with tears because of what you just said."
+-"I want you to picture the face of its mother, because one
+-week's dole won't pay for one Master of the Universe
+-- Filthy Rich and Catflap, 1986.
+ n = ((n >> 1) & 0x55555555) | ((n << 1) & 0xaaaaaaaa);
+ n = ((n >> 2) & 0x33333333) | ((n << 2) & 0xcccccccc);
+ n = ((n >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f) | ((n << 4) & 0xf0f0f0f0);
+@@ -5383,7 +5368,7 @@
+ "Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it."
+ -- Marvin the paranoid android
+ %
+-Contemptuous lights flashed flashed across the computer's console.
++Contemptuous lights flashed across the computer's console.
+ -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
+ %
+ "There must be some mistake," he said, "are you not a greater computer than
+@@ -5695,3 +5680,12 @@
+ %
+ "You can have my Unix system when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers."
+ -- Cal Keegan
++We'll be more than happy to do so once Jim shows the slightest sign
++of interest in fixing his proposal to deal with the technical
++arguments that have *already* been made. Most engineers have
++learned there is little to be gained in fine-tuning the valve timing
++on a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine when the pistons
++and crankshaft are missing...
++ -- Valdis.Kletnieks at vt.edu on NANOG
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/debian datfiles/debian
+--- datfiles.orig/debian 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/debian 2004-08-07 23:32:30.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++I think it's a little fantastic to try to form a picture in people's
++minds of the Debian archive administration team huddled over their
++terminals, their faces lit only by a CRT with a little root shell
++prompt and the command
++"/project/org/ftp.debian.org/cabal/s3kr1t/nuke-non-free.pl" all keyed
++in and ready to go, their fingers poised over the enter key, a sweat of
++lustful anticipated beading on their upper lips."
++ -- Branden Robinson in
++ <20031104211846.GK13131 at deadbeast.net> discussing
++ his draft Social Contract amendment
++If you are going to run a rinky-dink distro made by a couple of
++volunteers, why not run a rinky-dink distro made by a lot of volunteers?
++ -- Jaldhar H. Vyas on debian-devel
++Packages should build-depend on what they should build-depend.
++ -- Santiago Vila on debian-devel
++There are 3 types of guys -- the ones who hate nerds (all nerds, that
++is; girls aren't let off the hook); the ones who are scared off by girls
++who are slightly more intelligent than average; and the guys who are
++also somewhat more intelligent than average, but are so shy that they
++can't put 2 words together when they're within 20 feet of a girl.
++ -- Vikki Roemer on debian-curiosa
++Debian is the Jedi operating system: "Always two there are, a master and
++an apprentice".
++ -- Simon Richter on debian-devel
++This is Unix we're talking about, remember. It's not supposed to be
++nice for the applications programmer.
++ -- Matthew Danish on debian-devel
++... but hey, this is Linux, isn't it meant to do infinite loops in 5
++ -- Jonathan Oxer in the apt-cacher ChangeLog
++I'm personally quite happy with one stable release every two years, and
++am of the opinion that trying to release more will mean we'll have to
++rename the distro from "stable" to "wobbly".
++ -- Scott James Remnant on debian-devel
++< Keybuk> Perl 6 scares me
++< doogie> you can name your operators anything. the name here is the
++ string '~|_|~'
++* Lo-lan-2 runs away screaming
++< Keybuk> it looks like a diagram of a canal lock :)
++< jaybonci> japanese smiley operators?
++< nickr> ^_^
++ -- in #debian-devel
++< sam> /.ing an issue is like asking an infinite number of monkeys for
++ advice
++ -- in #debian-devel
++< DanielS> still, throne of blood sounds like a movie about overfiend
++ and virgins or some crap
++ -- in #debian-devel
++< jaybonci> actually d-i stands for "divine intervention" ;)
++ -- in #debian-devel
++< doogie> asuffield: how do you think dpkg was originally written? :|
++< asuffield> by letting iwj get dangerously near a computer
++ -- in #debian-devel
++< asuffield> a workstation is anything you can stick on somebodies desk
++ and con them into using
++ -- in #debian-devel
++<joshk> joshk at influx:/etc/logrotate.d> sh -n *
++<joshk> apache: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
++<joshk> apache: line 14: `}'
++<joshk> the plot thickens
++<asuffield> those aren't shell scripts
++<erich> this wasn't chicken.
++ -- in #debian-devel
++* joeyh installs debian using only his big toe, for a change of pace
++ -- in #debian-boot
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/definitions datfiles/definitions
+--- datfiles.orig/definitions 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/definitions 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2762,7 +2762,7 @@
+ manual, n.:
+ A unit of documentation. There are always three or more on a given
+ item. One is on the shelf; someone has the others. The information
+- you need in in the others.
++ you need is in the others.
+ -- Ray Simard
+ %
+ Mark's Dental-Chair Discovery:
+@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@
+ "I haven't come far enough, and don't call me baby."
+ %
+- "I may not be able to walk, but I drive from the sitting posistion."
++ "I may not be able to walk, but I drive from the sitting position."
+ %
+ "I never met a man I couldn't drink handsome."
+@@ -5028,3 +5028,580 @@
+ Zymurgy's Law of Volunteer Labor:
+ People are always available for work in the past tense.
+ %
++ The practice of peppering daily life with obscure
++references as a subliminal means of showcasing both one's education
++and one's wish to disassociate from the world of mass culture.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ A low-pay, low-prestige, low-benefit, no-future job in the
++service sector. Frequently considered a satisfying career choice by
++those who have never held one.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Poverty Jet Set:
++ A group of people given to chronic traveling at the expense of
++long-term job stability or a permanent residence. Tend to have doomed
++and extremely expensive phone-call relationships with people named
++Serge or Ilyana. Tend to discuss frequent-flyer programs at parties.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Historic Underdosing:
++ To live in a period of time when nothing seems to happen.
++Major symptoms include addiction to newspapers, magazines, and TV news
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Historic Overdosing:
++ To live in a period of time when too much seems to happen.
++Major symptoms include addiction to newspapers, magazines, and TV news
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Historical Slumming:
++ The act of visiting locations such as diners, smokestack
++industrial sites, rural villages -- locations where time appears to
++have been frozen many years back -- so as to experience relief when
++one returns back to "the present."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The widening gulf between the rich and the poor and the
++accompanying disappearance of the middle classes.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Vaccinated Time Travel:
++ To fantasize about traveling backward in time, but only
++with proper vaccinations.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Decade Blending:
++ In clothing: the indiscriminate combination of two or more
++items from various decades to create a personal mood: Sheila =
++Mary Quant earrings (1960s) + cork wedgie platform shows (1970s) +
++black leather jacket (1950s and 1980s).
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Veal-Fattening Pen:
++ Small, cramped office workstations built of
++fabric-covered disassemblable wall partitions and inhabited by junior
++staff members. Named after the small preslaughter cubicles used by
++the cattle industry.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Emotional Ketchup Burst:
++ The bottling up of opinions and emotions inside oneself so
++that they explosively burst forth all at once, shocking and confusing
++employers and friends -- most of whom thought things were fine.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Bleeding Ponytail:
++ An elderly, sold-out baby boomer who pines for hippie or
++presellout days.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Boomer Envy:
++ Envy of material wealth and long-range material security
++accrued by older members of the baby boom generation by virtue of
++fortunate births.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Clique Maintenance:
++ The need of one generation to see the generation following it
++as deficient so as to bolster its own collective ego: "Kids today do
++nothing. They're so apathetic. We used to go out and protest. All
++they do is shop and complain."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Consensus Terrorism:
++ The process that decides in-office attitudes and behavior.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Sick Building Migration:
++ The tendency of younger workers to leave or avoid jobs in
++unhealthy office environments or workplaces affected by the Sick
++Building Syndrome.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ Leaving one job to take another that pays less but places one
++back on the learning curve.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The inability of one's job to live up to one's self-image.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Power Mist:
++ The tendency of hierarchies in office environments to be diffuse
++and preclude crisp articulation.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ Overcompensating for fears about the future by plunging
++headlong into a job or life-style seemingly unrelated to one's
++previous life interests: i.e., Amway sales, aerobics, the Republican
++party, a career in law, cults, McJobs....
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Earth Tones:
++ A youthful subgroup interested in vegetarianism, tie-dyed
++outfits, mild recreational drugs, and good stereo equipment. Earnest,
++frequently lacking in humor.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The tendency of young people to live in emotionally
++demonstrative, more unrestrained ethnic neighborhoods: "You wouldn't
++understand it there, mother -- they *hug* where I live now."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Mid-Twenties Breakdown:
++ A period of mental collapse occurring in one's twenties,
++often caused by an inability to function outside of school or
++structured environments coupled with a realization of one's essential
++aloneness in the world. Often marks induction into the ritual of
++pharmaceutical usage.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The fear that if one is successful, then one's personal needs
++will be forgotten and one will no longer have one's childish needs
++catered to.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Safety Net-ism:
++ The belief that there will always be a financial and emotional
++safety net to buffer life's hurts. Usually parents.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Divorce Assumption:
++ A form of Safety Net-ism, the belief that if a marriage
++doesn't work out, then there is no problem because partners can simply
++seek a divorce.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ A job taken with the sole intention of staying only for a
++limited period of time (often one year). The intention is usually to
++raise enough funds to partake in another, more meaningful activity
++such as watercolor sketching in Crete, or designing computer knit
++sweaters in Hong Kong. Employers are rarely informed of intentions.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Legislated Nostalgia:
++ To force a body of people to have memories they do not
++actually possess: "How can I be a part of the 1960s generation when I
++don't even remember any of it?"
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Now Denial:
++ To tell oneself that the only time worth living in is the past and
++that the only time that may ever be interesting again is the future.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The mental conversion of flesh and blood living creatures into
++cartoon characters possessing bourgeois Judeo-Christian attitudes and
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Diseases for Kisses (Hyperkarma):
++ A deeply rooted belief that punishment will somehow always be
++far greater than the crime: ozone holes for littering.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ A fascination with extreme situations.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ A philosophy whereby one reconciles oneself with diminishing
++expectations of material wealth: "I've given up wanting to make a
++killing or be a bigshot. I just want to find happiness and maybe open
++up a little roadside cafe in Idaho."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Status Substitution:
++ Using an object with intellectual or fashionable cachet to
++substitute for an object that is merely pricey: "Brian, you left your
++copy of Camus in your brother's BMW."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The tendency to visualize oneself enjoying being the last
++person on Earth. "I'd take a helicopter up and throw microwave ovens
++down on the Taco Bell."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Platonic Shadow:
++ A nonsexual friendship with a member of the opposite sex.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Mental Ground Zero:
++ The location where one visualizes oneself during the dropping
++of the atomic bomb; frequently, a shopping mall.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Cult of Aloneness:
++ The need for autonomy at all costs, usually at the expense of
++long-term relationships. Often brought about by overly high
++expectations of others.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Celebrity Schadenfreude:
++ Lurid thrills derived from talking about celebrity deaths.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++The Emperor's New Mall:
++ The popular notion that shopping malls exist on the insides only
++and have no exterior. The suspension of visual disbelief engendered
++by this notion allows shoppers to pretend that the large, cement
++blocks thrust into their environment do not, in fact, exist.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ Hypochrondria derived from not having medical insurance.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Personal Tabu:
++ A small rule for living, bordering on a superstition, that
++allows one to cope with everyday life in the absence of cultural or
++religious dictums.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Architectural Indigestion:
++ The almost obsessive need to live in a "cool"
++architectural environment. Frequently related objects of fetish
++include framed black-and-white art photography (Diane Arbus a
++favorite); simplistic pine furniture; matte black high-tech items such
++as TVs, stereos, and telephones; low-wattage ambient lighting; a lamp,
++chair, or table that alludes to the 1950s; cut flowers with complex
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Japanese Minimalism:
++ The most frequently offered interior design aesthetic used by
++rootless career-hopping young people.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Bread and Circuits:
++ The electronic era tendency to view party politics as corny --
++no longer relevant of meaningful or useful to modern societal issues,
++and in many cases dangerous.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Voter's Block:
++ The attempt, however futile, to register dissent with the
++current political system by simply not voting.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ After Giorgio Armani; an obsession with mimicking the seamless
++and (more importantly) *controlled* ethos of Italian couture. Like
++Japanese Minimalism, Armanism reflects a profound inner need for
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Poor Buoyancy:
++ The realization that one was a better person when one had less
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Musical Hairsplitting:
++ The act of classifying music and musicians into pathologically
++picayune categories: "The Vienna Franks are a good example of urban
++white acid fold revivalism crossed with ska."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The tendency to pick apart, often in minute detail, all
++aspects of life using half-understood pop psychology as a tool.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Yuppie Wannabes:
++ An X generation subgroup that believes the myth of a yuppie
++life-style being both satisfying and viable. Tend to be highly in
++debt, involved in some form of substance abuse, and show a willingness
++to talk about Armageddon after three drinks.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Ultra Short Term Nostalgia:
++ Homesickness for the extremely recent past: "God, things seemed
++so much better in the world last week."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Rebellion Postponement:
++ The tendency in one's youth to avoid traditionally youthful
++activities and artistic experiences in order to obtain serious career
++experience. Sometimes results in the mourning for lost youth at about
++age thirty, followed by silly haircuts and expensive joke-inducing
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Conspicuous Minimalism:
++ A life-style tactic similar to Status Substitution. The
++nonownership of material goods flaunted as a token of moral and
++intellectual superiority.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Caf'e Minimalism:
++ To espouse a philosophy of minimalism without actually putting
++into practice any of its tenets.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The inclusion of advertising, packaging, and entertainment
++jargon from earlier eras in everyday speech for ironic and/or comic
++effect: "Kathleen's Favorite Dead Celebrity party was tons o'fun" or
++"Dave really thinks of himself as a zany, nutty, wacky, and madcap
++guy, doesn't he?"
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Air Family:
++ Describes the false sense of community experienced among coworkers
++in an office environment.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ Discomfort inflicted on young people by old people who see no
++irony in their gestures. "Karen died a thousand deaths as her father
++made a big show of tasting a recently manufactured bottle of wine
++before allowing it to be poured as the family sat in Steak Hut.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Recreational Slumming:
++ The practice of participating in recreational activities
++of a class one perceives as lower than one's own: "Karen! Donald!
++Let's go bowling tonight! And don't worry about shoes ... apparently
++you can rent them."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Conversational Slumming:
++ The self-conscious enjoyment of a given conversation
++precisely for its lack of intellectual rigor. A major spin-off
++activity of Recreational Slumming.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Occupational Slumming:
++ Taking a job well beneath one's skill or education level
++as a means of retreat from adult responsibilities and/or avoiding
++failure in one's true occupation.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Anti-Victim Device:
++ A small fashion accessory worn on an otherwise
++conservative outfit which announces to the world that one still has a
++spark of individuality burning inside: 1940s retro ties and earrings
++(on men), feminist buttons, noserings (women), and the now almost
++completely extinct teeny weeny "rattail" haircut (both sexes).
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Nutritional Slumming:
++ Food whose enjoyment stems not from flavor but from a
++complex mixture of class connotations, nostalgia signals, and
++packaging semiotics: Katie and I bought this tub of Multi-Whip instead
++of real whip cream because we thought petroleum distillate whip
++topping seemed like the sort of food that air force wives stationed in
++Pensacola back in the early sixties would feed their husbands to
++celebrate a career promotion.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ Morals used in everyday life that derive from TV sitcom plots:
++"That's just like the episode where Jan loses her glasses!"
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ Quelle fucking drag. "Jamie got stuck at Rome airport for
++thirty-six hours and it was, like, totally QFD."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ Quelle fashion mistake. "It was really QFM. I mean painter
++pants? That's 1979 beyond belief."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ A search by an individual, in the absence of training in
++traditional religious tenets, to formulate a personally tailored
++religion by himself. Most frequently a mishmash of reincarnation,
++personal dialogue with a nebulously defined god figure, naturalism,
++and karmic eye-for-eye attitudes.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Paper Rabies:
++ Hypersensitivity to littering.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ A multisibling sensibility derived from having grown up in
++large families. A rarity in those born after approximately 1965,
++symptoms of Bradyism include a facility for mind games, emotional
++withdrawal in situations of overcrowding, and a deeply felt need for a
++well-defined personal space.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Black Holes:
++ An X generation subgroup best known for their possession of
++almost entirely black wardrobes.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Black Dens:
++ Where Black Holes live; often unheated warehouses with Day-Glo
++spray painting, mutilated mannequins, Elvis references, dozens of
++overflowing ashtrays, mirror sculptures, and Velvet Underground music
++playing in background.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Strangelove Reproduction:
++ Having children to make up for the fact that one no longer
++believes in the future.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The most common X generation subgroup and the only subgroup
++given to breeding. Squires exist almost exclusively in couples and
++are recognizable by their frantic attempts to create a semblance of
++Eisenhower-era plenitude in their daily lives in the face of
++exorbitant housing prices and two-job life-styles. Squires tend to be
++continually exhausted from their voraciously acquisitive pursuit of
++furniture and knickknacks.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Poverty Lurks:
++ Financial paranoia instilled in offspring by depression-era
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Pull-the-Plug, Slice the Pie:
++ A fantasy in which an offspring mentally tallies up the
++net worth of his parents.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The tendency to almost invariably side with the underdog in a
++given situation. The consumer expression of this trait is the
++purchasing of less successful, "sad," or failing products: "I know
++these Vienna franks are heart failure on a stick, but they were so sad
++looking up against all the other yuppie food items that I just had to
++buy them."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++2 + 2 = 5-ism:
++ Caving in to a target marketing strategy aimed at oneself after
++holding out for a long period of time. "Oh, all right, I'll buy your
++stupid cola. Now leave me alone."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Option Paralysis:
++ The tendency, when given unlimited choices, to make none.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Personality Tithe:
++ A price paid for becoming a couple; previously amusing
++human beings become boring: "Thanks for inviting us, but Noreen and I
++are going to look at flatware catalogs tonight. Afterward we're going
++to watch the shopping channel."
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++Jack-and-Jill Party:
++ A Squire tradition; baby showers to which both men and
++women friends are invited as opposed to only women. Doubled
++purchasing power of bisexual attendance brings gift values up to
++Eisenhower-era standards.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++ Culture"
++ The tendency of parents to move to smaller, guest-room-free
++houses after the children have moved away so as to avoid children aged
++20 to 30 who have boomeranged home.
++ -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated
++greenrd's law
++ Evey post disparaging someone else's spelling or grammar, or lauding
++ one's own spelling or grammar, will inevitably contain a spelling or
++ grammatical error.
++ -- greenrd in http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2002/4/16/61744/5230?pid=5#6
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/education datfiles/education
+--- datfiles.orig/education 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/education 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@
+ in with them, and the seniors take none away, so knowledge accumulates.
+ %
+ University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.
+- -- Henry Kissinger
++ -- C. P. Snow
+ %
+ Walt: Dad, what's gradual school?
+ Garp: Gradual school?
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/ethnic datfiles/ethnic
+--- datfiles.orig/ethnic 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/ethnic 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -510,9 +510,6 @@
+ Providence, New Jersey, is one of the few cities where Velveeta cheese
+ appears on the gourmet shelf.
+ %
+-Roumanian-Yiddish cooking has killed more Jews than Hitler.
+- -- Zero Mostel
+ San Francisco isn't what it used to be, and it never was.
+ -- Herb Caen
+ %
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/food datfiles/food
+--- datfiles.orig/food 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/food 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@
+ Mushrooms are what grows on vegetables when food's done with them.
+ -- Meat Eater's Credo, according to Jim Williams
+ %
+-Vegeterians beware! You are what you eat.
++Vegetarians beware! You are what you eat.
+ %
+ Waiter: "Tea or coffee, gentlemen?"
+ 1st customer: "I'll have tea."
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/fortunes datfiles/fortunes
+--- datfiles.orig/fortunes 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/fortunes 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -319,8 +319,6 @@
+ Next Friday will not be your lucky day. As a matter of fact, you don't
+ have a lucky day this year.
+ %
+-Obviously the only rational solution to your problem is suicide.
+ Of course you have a purpose -- to find a purpose.
+ %
+ People are beginning to notice you. Try dressing before you leave the house.
+@@ -341,7 +339,7 @@
+ %
+ Snow Day -- stay home.
+ %
+-So this it it. We're going to die.
++So this is it. We're going to die.
+ %
+ So you're back... about time...
+ %
+@@ -655,8 +653,6 @@
+ %
+ You will be called upon to help a friend in trouble.
+ %
+-You will be dead within a year.
+ You will be divorced within a year.
+ %
+ You will be given a post of trust and responsibility.
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/humorists datfiles/humorists
+--- datfiles.orig/humorists 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/humorists 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1014,3 +1014,19 @@
+ When your IQ rises to 28, sell.
+ -- Professor Irwin Corey to a heckler
+ %
++ Gene Rayburn: We'd like to close with a thought for the day, friends ---
++ something ...
++ Someone: (interrupting) Uh-oh
++ Gene Rayburn: ...pithy, full of wisdom --- and we call on the Poet
++ Laureate, Lipsy Russell
++Lipsy Russell: The young people are very different today, and there is
++ one sure way to know: Kids to use to ask where they came
++ from, now they'll tell you where you can go.
++ All: (laughter)
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/kids datfiles/kids
+--- datfiles.orig/kids 1995-10-21 04:31:42.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/kids 2004-08-07 23:32:31.000000000 +0200
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
+ Wipe that smile off your face.
+ I don't believe you.
+ How many times have I told you to be careful?
+- Just beacuse.
++ Just because.
+ %
+ Are you a parent? Do you sometimes find yourself unsure as to what to
+ say in those awkward situations? Worry no more...
+diff -Nru datfiles.orig/knghtbrd datfiles/knghtbrd
+--- datfiles.orig/knghtbrd 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ datfiles/knghtbrd 2004-08-07 23:32:30.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,2402 @@
++* SynrG notes that the number of configuration questions to answer in
++ sendmail is NON-TRIVIAL
++* james would be more impressed if netgod's magic powers could stop the
++ splits in the first place...
++* netgod notes debian developers are notoriously hard to impress
++<sel> need help: my first packet to my provider gets lost :-(
++<netgod> sel: dont send the first one, start with #2
++<james> abuse me. I'm so lame I sent a bug report to
++ debian-devel-changes
++I never thought that I'd see the day where Netscape is free software and
++X11 is proprietary. We live in interesting times.
++ -- Matt Kimball <mkimball at xmission.com>
++<jim> Lemme make sure I'm not wasting time here... bcwhite will remove
++ pkgs that havent been fixed that have outstanding bugs of severity
++ "important". True or false?
++<JHM> jim: "important" or higher. True.
++<jim> Then we're about to lose ftp.debian.org and dpkg :)
++* netgod will miss dpkg -- it was occasionally useful
++<Joey> We still have rpm....
++<JHM> Being overloaded is the sign of a true Debian maintainer.
++<Overfiend> partycle: I seriously do need a vacation from this package.
++ I actually had a DREAM about introducing a stupid new bug
++ into xbase-preinst last night. That's a Bad Sign.
++Writing non-free software is not an ethically legitimate activity, so if
++people who do this run into trouble, that's good! All businesses based
++on non-free software ought to fail, and the sooner the better.
++ -- Richard Stallman
++Microsoft DNS service terminates abnormally when it recieves a response
++to a DNS query that was never made. Fix Information: Run your DNS
++service on a different platform.
++ -- BugTraq
++* dpkg hands stu a huge glass of vbeer
++* Joey takes the beer from stu, you're too young ;)
++* Cylord takes the beer from Joey, you're too drunk.
++* Cylord gives the beer to muggles.
++We the people of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, in order to form a
++more perfect operating system, establish quality, insure marketplace
++diversity, provide for the common needs of computer users, promote
++security and privacy, overthrow monopolistic forces in the computer
++software industry, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
++our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Debian
++GNU/Linux System.
++"This is the element_data structure for elements whose *element_type =
++and deeper, harder and harder, go, go, oh, OH, OHHHHH!! * Sorry, got
++carried away there. */ struct lo_FormElementOptionData_struct."
++ -- Mozilla source code
++While the year 2000 (y2k) problem is not an issue for us, all Linux
++implementations will impacted by the year 2038 (y2.038k) issue. The
++Debian Project is committed to working with the industry on this issue
++and we will have our full plans and strategy posted by the first quarter
++of 2020.
++... Where was Stac Electronics when Microsoft invented Doublespace? Where
++were Xerox and Apple when Microsoft invented the GUI? Where was Apple's
++QuickTime when Microsoft invented Video for Windows? Where was Spyglass
++Inc.'s Mosaic when Microsoft invented Internet Explorer? Where was Sun
++when Microsoft invented Java?
++I'm sorry if the following sounds combative and excessively personal,
++but that's my general style. -- Ian Jackson
++"my biggest problem with RH (and especially RH contrib packages) is that
++they DON'T have anything like our policy. That's one of the main reasons
++why their packages are so crappy and broken. Debian has the teamwork
++side of building a distribution down to a fine art."
++"slackware users don't matter. in my experience, slackware users are
++either clueless newbies who will have trouble even with tar, or they are
++rabid do-it-yourselfers who wouldn't install someone else's pre-compiled
++binary even if they were paid to do it."
++<xinkeT> "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
++ change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom
++ to hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they
++ pissed me off."
++* dark has changed the topic on channel #debian to: Later tonight: After
++ months of careful refrigeration, Debian 2.0 is finally cool enough to
++ release.
++I sat laughing snidely into my notebook until they showed me a PC running
++Linux. And oh! It was as though the heavens opened and God handed down a
++client-side OS so beautiful, so graceful, and so elegant that a million
++Microsoft developers couldn't have invented it even if they had a hundred
++years and a thousand crates of Jolt cola.
++ -- LAN Times
++I sat laughing snidely into my notebook until they showed me a PC running
++Linux.... And did this PC choke? Did it stutter? Did it, even once,
++say that this program has performed an illegal operation and must be shut
++down? No. And this is just on the client.
++ -- LAN Times
++"I think that most debian developers are rather "strong willed" people
++with a great degree of understanding and a high level of passion for what
++they perceive as important in development of the debian system."
++ --Bill Leach
++"Actually, the only distribution of Linux I've ever used that passed the
++rootshell test out of the box (hit rootshell at the time the dist is
++released and see if you can break the OS with scripts from there) is
++ -- seen on the Linux security-audit mailing list
++* Culus fears perl - the language with optional errors
++<stu> you should be afraid to use KDE because RMS might come to your
++ house and cleave your monitor with an axe or something :)
++"and i actually like debian 2.0 that much i completely revamped the
++default config of the linux systems our company sells and reinstalled any
++of the linux systems in the office and here at home.."
++<Davide> how bout a policy policing policy with a policy for changing the
++ police policing policy
++<dark> "Let's form the Linux Standard Linux Standardization Association
++ Board. The purpose of this board will be to standardize Linux
++ Standardization Organizations."
++<Overfiend> Don't come crying to me about your "30 minute compiles"!! I
++ have to build X uphill both ways! In the snow! With bare
++ feet! And we didn't have compilers! We had to translate the
++ C code to mnemonics OURSELVES!
++<Overfiend> And I was 18 before we even had assemblers!
++NEW YORK (CNN) -- Internet users who spend even a few hours a week online
++at home experience higher levels of depression and loneliness than if
++they had used the computer network less frequently, The New York Times
++reported Sunday. The result ... surprised both researchers and
++sponsors, which included Intel Corp., Hewlett Packard, AT&T Research and
++Apple Computer.
++"What is striking, however, is the general layout and integration of the
++system. Debian is a truly elegant Linux distribution; great care has
++been taken in the preparation of packages and their placement within the
++system. The sheer number of packages available is also impressive...."
++Debian Linux is a solid, comprehensive product, and a genuine pleasure to
++use. It is also great to become involved with the Debian collective,
++whose friendliness and spirit recalls the early days of the Internet and
++its sense of openness and global cooperation.
++<Flood> can I write a unix-like kernel in perl?
++<Flood> netgod: I also have a "Evil Inside" T-shirt (w/ Intel logo).. on
++ the back it states: "When the rapture comes, will you have root?"
++<zarkov> "NT 5.0. All the bugs and ten times the code size!"
++<Culus> there is 150 meg in the /tmp dir! DEAR LORD
++<toor> netgod: what do you have in your kernel??? The compiled source for
++ driving a space shuttle???
++<Spoo> time to make a zip drive your floppy drive then. if the kernel
++ doesn fit on that, the kernel is an AI
++Now I can finally explain to everyone why I do this. I just got $7 worth
++of free stuff for working on Debian !
++<ultima> netgod: My calculator has more registers than the x86, and
++ -thats- sad
++* boren tosses matlab across the room and hopes it breaks into a number
++ aproaching infinite peices
++"...It was a lot faster than I thought it was going to be, much faster
++than NT. If further speed increases are done to the server for the final
++release, Oracle is going to be able to wipe their ass with SQL SERVER and
++hand it back to M$ while the Oracle admins ... migrate their databases
++over to Linux!"
++World Domination, of course. And scantily clad females. Who cares if
++its twenty below? -- Linus Torvalds
++<Flav> Win 98 Psychic edition: We'll tell you where you're going tomorrow
++<zpx> it's amazing how "not-broken" debian is compared to slack and rh
++<dark> "Hey, I'm from this project called Debian... have you heard of it?
++ Your name seems to be on a bunch of our stuff."
++"In the event of a percieved failing of the project leadership #debian is
++empowered to take drastic and descisive action to correct the failing,
++including by not limited to expelling officials, apointing new officials
++and generally abusing power"
++ -- proposed amendment to Debian Constitution
++<Diziet> Fuck, I can't compile the damn thing and I wrote it !
++<Overfiend> we're calling 2.2 _POTATO_??
++<SirDibos> does Johnie Ingram hang out here on IRC?
++* Twilight1 will have to hang his Mozilla beanie dinosaur in effigy if
++ Netscape sells-out to Alot Of Losers..
++<lux> if macOS is for the computer illiterate, then windoze is for the
++ computer masochists
++<dark> Culus: Building a five-meter-high replica of the Empire State
++ Building with paperclips is impressive. Doing it blindfolded is
++ eleet.
++I can just see it now: nomination-terrorism ;-)
++ -- Manoj
++haha! i nominate manoj.
++ -- seeS
++<JHM> Somehow I have more respect for 14 year old Debian developers than
++ 14 year old Certified Microsoft Serfs.
++<Culus> Ben: Do you solumly swear to read you debian email once a day and
++ do not permit people to think you are MIA?
++<Ben> Culus: i do so swear
++"I wonder if this is the first constitution in the history of mankind
++where you have to calculate a square root to determine if a motion
++passes. :-)"
++ -- Seen on Slashdot
++This is the solution to Debian's problem .. and since the only real way
++to create more relatives of developers is to have children, we need more
++sex! It's a long term investment ... it's the work itself that is
++ -- Craig Brozefsky
++<marcus> dunham: You know how real numbers are constructed from rational
++ numbers by equivalence classes of convergent sequences?
++<dunham> marcus: yes.
++<Culus> "Hello?" "Hi baybee" "Are you Johnie Ingram?" "For you I'll be
++ anyone" "Ermm.. Do you sell slink CD's?" "I love slinkies"
++<Overfiend> xhost +localhost should only be done by people who would
++ paint their hostname and root password on an interstate
++ overpass.
++<JHM> AIX - the Unix from the universe where Spock has a beard.
++<Knghtbrd> Studies prove that research causes cancer in 43% of laboratory
++ rats
++<CQ> knghtbrd- yeah, but 78% of those statistics are off by 52%...
++<stu> apt: !bugs
++<apt> !bugs are stupid
++<dpkg> apt: are stupid? what's that?
++<apt> dpkg: i don't know
++<dpkg> apt: Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder...
++<apt> i already had it that way, dpkg.
++<muggles> i'm trying to convince some netcom admins i know to convert
++ to Debian from RH, netgod, but they are DAMN stubborn
++<muggles> why RH users so damned hard headed?
++<Espy> it's the hat
++<doogie> Debian - All the power, without the silly hat.
++How many months are we going to be behind them [Redhat] with a glibc
++ -- Jim Pick, 8 months before Debian 2.0 is finally released
++The purpose of having mailing lists rather than having newsgroups is to
++place a barrier to entry which protects the lists and their users from
++invasion by the general uneducated hordes.
++ -- Ian Jackson
++Most of us feel that marketing types are like a dangerous weapon - keep
++'em unloaded and locked up in a cupboard, and only bring them out when
++you need them to do a job.
++ -- Craig Sanders
++<BenC> cerb: we subscribed you to debian-fight as the moderator
++<BenC> cerb: list rules are, 1) no nice emails, 2) no apologies
++<Teknix> our local telco has admitted that someone "backed into a
++ button on a switch" and took the entire ATM network down
++<netgod> hopefully now routers are designed better, so the "network
++ off" swtich is on the back
++<Overfiend> Thunder-: when you get { MessagesLikeThisFromYourHardDrive }
++<Overfiend> Thunder-: it either means { TheDriverIsScrewy }
++<Overfiend> or
++<Overfiend> { YourDriveIsFlakingOut BackUpYourDataBeforeIt'sTooLate
++ PrayToGod }
++<apt> it has been said that redhat is the thing Marc Ewing wears on
++ his head.
++<MrCurious> by the power of greyskull
++<MrCurious> someone tell me the ban to place
++<Sopwith> mrcurious: *.debian.org, *.novare.net
++<philX> *.debian.org. that's awesome.
++ -- Seen on LinuxNet #linux
++"What does this tell me? That if Microsoft were the last software
++company left in the world, 13% of the US population would be scouring
++garage sales & Goodwill for old TRS-80s, CPM machines & Apple ]['s before
++they would buy Microsoft. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement."
++ -- Seen on Slashdot
++"Bruce McKinney, author of of Hardcore Visual Basic, has announced that
++he's fed up with VB and won't be writing a 3rd edition of his book. The
++best quote is at the end: 'I don't need a language designed by a focus
++<Cylord> Would it be acceptable to debian policy if we inserted a crontab
++ by default into potato that emailed bill.gates at microsoft.com
++ every morning with an email that read, "Don't worry, linux is a
++ fad..."
++* Overfiend ponders doing an NMU of asclock, in which he simply changes
++ the extended description to "If you bend over and put your head between
++ your legs, you can read the time off your assclock."
++<doogie> Overfiend: go to bed.
++<Reed> It is important to note that the primary reason the Roman Empire
++ fail is that they had no concept of zero... thus they could not
++ test the success or failure of their C programs.
++Since when has the purpose of debian been to appease the interests of the
++mass of unskilled consumers? -- Steve Shorter
++<joeyh> netgod: er, are these 2.2.0 packages 2.0.0pre9 or do you have a
++ direct line with the gods?
++<netgod> joeyh: i have the direct line
++<_Anarchy_> Argh.. who's handing out the paper bags 8)
++<awkward> anyone around?
++<Flav> no, we're all irregular polygons
++<netgod> surely you didnt think that was static? how lame would that be? :-)
++Mere nonexistence is a feeble excuse for declaring a thing unseeable. You
++*can* see dragons. You just have to look in the right direction.
++ -- John Hasler
++<Chalky> gcc is the best compressor ever ported to linux. it can turn
++ 12MB of kernel source (and that's .debbed) into a 500k kernel
++<Manoj> I *like* the chicken
++ [ ] DOGBERT
++ [ 4 ] NONE of the above
++ -- Debian Project Leader 1999 ballot
++<Oryn> anyone know if there is a version of dpkg for redhat?
++acme-cannon (3.1415) unstable; urgency=low
++ * Added safety to prevent operator dismemberment, closes: bug #98765,
++ bug #98713, #98714.
++ * Added manpage. closes: #98725.
++ -- Wile E. Coyote <genius at debian.org> Sun, 31 Jan 1999 07:49:57 -0600
++!netgod:*! time flies when youre using linux
++!doogie:*! yeah, infinite loops in 5 seconds.
++!Teknix:*! has anyone re-tested that with 2.2.x ?
++!netgod:*! yeah, 4 seconds now
++* dark greets liw with a small yellow frog.
++* liw kisses the frog and watches it transform to a beautiful nerd
++ girl, takes her out to ice cream, and lives happily forever after
++ with her
++<dark> liw: Umm it's too late to have the frog back?
++* Culus thinks we should go to trade shows and see how many people we
++ can kill by throwing debian cds at them
++<dark> "Yes, your honour, I have RSA encryption code tattood on my
++ penis. Shall I show the jury?"
++<Knghtbrd> you people are all insane.
++<Joey> knight: sure, that's why we work on Debian.
++<JHM> Knghtbrd: get in touch with your inner nutcase.
++<Culus> Saens demonstrates no less than 3 tcp/ip bugs in 2.2.3
++<Mercury> alexsh: Be /VERY/ cairful, you could, if your unlucky, fry your
++ motherboards..
++<Knghtbrd> Mercury - sounds like fun
++<rcw> dark: caldera?
++<Knghtbrd> rcw - that's not a distribution, it's a curse
++<rcw> Knghtbrd: it's a cursed distribution
++Software is like sex, it's better when it's free. -- Linus Torvalds
++<dark> Knghtbrd: We have lots of whatevers.
++<Knghtbrd> dark - In Debian? Hell yeah we do!
++I did it just to piss you off. :-P
++ -- Branden Robinson in a message to debian-devel
++The software required Win95 or better, so I installed Linux.
++10) there is no 10, but it sounded like a nice number :)
++ -- Wichert Akkerman
++Eric Raymond: I want to live in a world where software doesn't suck.
++Richard Stallman: Any software that isn't free sucks.
++Linus Torvalds: I'm interested in free beer.
++Richard Stallman: That's okay, as long as I don't have to drink it. I
++ don't like beer.
++ -- LinuxWorld Expo panel, 4 March 1999
++I'm not a level-headed person... -- Bruce Perens
++Personally, I don't often talk about social good because when I hear other
++people talk about social good, that's when I reach for my revolver.
++ -- Eric Raymond
++If we want something nice to get born in nine months, then sex has to
++happen. We want to have the kind of sex that is acceptable and fun for both
++people, not the kind where someone is getting screwed. Let's get some cross
++fertilization, but not someone getting screwed.
++ -- Larry Wall
++We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
++ -- Linus Torvalds
++YES! YES! YES! Oh, YES! (ooops, I sound like Meg Ryan ;-)
++ -- Ian Nandhra
++<Knghtbrd> If I start writing essays about Free Software for slashdot,
++ please shoot me.
++<RoboHak> hmm, lunch does sound like a good idea
++<Knghtbrd> would taste like a good idea too
++p.s. - i'm about *this* close to running around in the server room with a
++pair of bolt cutters, and a large wooden mallet, laughing like a maniac and
++cutting everything i can fit the bolt cutters around. and whacking that
++which i cannot. so if i seem semi-incoherent, or just really *really* nasty
++at times, please forgive me. stress is not a pretty thing. };P
++ -- Phillip R. Jaenke
++Every company complaining about Microsoft's business practices is simply a
++rose bush. They look lovely and smell nice. Once a lucky company dethrones
++Microsoft they will shed their petals to expose the thorns underneath. A
++thorn by any other name would hurt as much.
++Something must be Done
++This is Something
++Therefore, This must be Done
++ -- The Thatcherite Syllogism
++<Knghtbrd> xtifr - beware of james when he's off his medication =>
++Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
++Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
++ -- Robert A. Heinlein
++<wc> red dye causes cancer, haven't you heard? (;
++<Knghtbrd> fucking everything causes cancer, haven't you heard?
++<Knghtbrd> =>
++<archon> no, that causes aids
++Gold, n.:
++ A soft malleable metal relatively scarce in distribution. It is mined
++ deep in the earth by poor men who then give it to rich men who immediately
++ bury it back in the earth in great prisons, although gold hasn't done
++ anything to them.
++ -- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"
++* lilo hereby declares OPN a virtual pain in the ass :)
++"They are both businesses - if you have given them enough money, I'm
++sure they'll do whatever the hell you ask:->"
++ -- David Welton
++"You have the right not to be an asshole. If you give up that right
++everything you say and do in here will be held against you. If you cannot
++afford to stop being an asshole then someone will be appointed to kick
++yours outta here."
++ -- Your rights as an irc addict
++* Simunye is so happy she has her mothers gene's
++<Dellaran> you better give them back before she misses them!
++<Iambe> conning the most intellegent people on the planet is not easy
++California, n.:
++ From Latin "calor", meaning "heat" (as in English "calorie" or
++Spanish "caliente"); and "fornia'" for "sexual intercourse" or
++"fornication." Hence: Tierra de California, "the land of hot sex."
++ -- Ed Moran
++* Caytln slaps Lisa
++<Caytln> catfight :P
++<LisaHere> Watch it girl, I like that.
++<LisaHere> :)
++<Caytln> figures :D
++<MFGolfBal> rit/ara: There's something really demented about UNIX
++ underwear...
++The X Window System:
++ The standard UNIX graphical environment. With Linux, this is usually
++ XFree86 (http://www.xfree86.org). You may call it X, XFree, the X
++ Window System, XF86, or a host of other things. Call it 'XWindows' and
++ someone will smack you and you will have deserved it.
++<Knghtbrd> "The currency collectors are offline." "I'm rerouting though
++ the secondary couplings. If we re-align the phase manifold we
++ should be able to use the plasma inductor matrix to manually
++ launch a new cheesy spinoff series."
++* ShadwDrgn sighs
++<Phase> you leave my manifolds alone
++<Phase> !
++* Turken thinks little kids are absolutely adorable... especialyy when
++ they're someone elses.
++* Overfiend sighs
++<Overfiend> Netscape sucks.
++<Overfiend> It is a house of cards resting on a bed of quicksand.
++<Espy> during an earthquake
++<Overfiend> in a tornado
++<SilverStr> media ethics is an oxymoron, much like Jumbo Shrimp and
++ Microsoft Works.
++<MonkAway> not to mention NT Security
++<Silvrbear> Oxymorons? I saw one yesterday - the pamphlet on "Taco Bell
++ Nutritional Information"
++* Knghtbrd unleashes a pair of double barreled snurf guns and covers
++ jesus with snurf darts
++<jesus> meany :P
++<jgoerzen> doogie: you sound highly unstable :-)
++<Knghtbrd> jgoerzen - he is.
++* doogie bops Knghtbrd
++<Knghtbrd> see? Resorting to violence =D
++I have also been a huge Unix fan ever since I realized that SCO was not
++Unix. -- Dennis Baker
++<dracus> Ctrl+Option+Command + P + R
++<Knghtbrd> dracus - YE GODS! That's worse than EMACS!
++<LauraDax> hehehehe
++<dracus> don't ask what that does :P
++<Iambe> you are not a nutcase
++<Knghtbrd> You obviously don't know me well enough yet. =>
++* aj thinks Kb^Zzz ought to pick different things to dream about than
++ general resolutions and policy changes.
++<Kb^Zzz> aj - tell me about it, this is a Bad Sign
++<Crow_> hmm, is there a --now-dammit option for exim?
++<kira> darth, I *am* the dark side.
++<netgod> Feanor: u have no idea of the depth of the stupidty of american law
++Anyone who stands out in the middle of a road looks like roadkill to me.
++ -- Linus Torvalds
++<lilo> "Please demonstrate intellect." ;)
++<Knghtbrd> Feanor - license issues are important. If we don't watch our
++ arses now, someone's gonna come up and bite us later...
++"Now we'll have to kill you."
++ -- Linus Torvalds
++* knghtbrd can already envision: "Subject: [INTENT TO PREPARE TO PROPOSE
++ FILING OF BUG REPORT] Typos in the policy document"
++<netgod> heh thats a lost cause, like the correct pronounciation of
++ "jewelry"
++<netgod> give it up :-)
++<sage> and the correct spelling of "colour" :)
++<BenC> heh
++<sage> and aluminium
++<BenC> or nuclear weapons
++<sage> are you threating me yankee ?
++<sage> just cause we don't have the bomb...
++<BenC> back off ya yellow belly
++<LauraDax> !seen god
++<Tabi-> LauraDax, I don't remember seeing "god"
++<Knghtbrd> Europe Passes Pro-spam Law
++<Knghtbrd> I though only Americans were that fucking stupid =>
++<Espy> apparently americans are quite naive :)
++<kira> is a surgical war where you go give the foreign troops nose jobs?
++<xtifr> Athena Desktop Environment! In your hearts, you *know* it's the
++ right choice! :)
++* Knghtbrd THWAPS xtifr
++<Knghtbrd> shaleh - unclean is just WEIRD.
++<Espy> heh, unclean is cool
++<Knghtbrd> Espy - and weird.
++<Espy> yes, weird too
++<xtifr> direct brain implants :)
++<knghtbrd> xtifr - yah, then using computers would actually require some
++ of these idiots to think!
++<knghtbrd> ;>
++<Knghtbrd> Overfiend - BTW, after we've discovered X takes all of 1.4 GIGS
++ to build, are you willing admit that X is bloatware? =>
++<Overfiend> KB: there is a 16 1/2 minute gap in my answer
++<acf> knghtbrd: evidence exists that X is only the *2nd* worst windowing
++ system ;)
++<liw> damn, the autonomous mouse movement starts usually after I use a
++ mouse button
++<wichert> don't use a mouse button then :)
++<liw> yeah, right :)
++<Knghtbrd> you know, Linux needs a platform game starring Tux
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