[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[4508] csw/mgar/pkg
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 27 14:42:49 CEST 2009
Revision: 4508
Author: dmichelsen
Date: 2009-04-27 12:42:49 +0000 (Mon, 27 Apr 2009)
Log Message:
gnome-games: Add legacy build description from Michael Gernoth
Added Paths:
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/analyzer.pl 2009-04-27 12:42:49 UTC (rev 4508)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my %counter;
+while (<>) {
+ if (/\"GET (\/csw\/.*) HTTP\/.\..\"/) {
+ # print "match: $1\n";
+ my $path = $1;
+ if ($path =~ /\/csw\/(unstable|stable)\/(sparc|i386)\/5\.(8|9|10)\/([^-]*)-.*\.pkg.gz/) {
+ # print "real match: $1 $2 $3 $4\n";
+ $counter{$4}++;
+ }
+ }
+foreach my $pkg (reverse(sort {$counter{$a} <=> $counter{$b} or $b cmp $a} (keys(%counter)))) {
+ printf "% 20.20s -> %d\n", $pkg, $counter{$pkg};
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/human.pl 2009-04-27 12:42:49 UTC (rev 4508)
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: human.pl,v 1.1 2004/03/09 10:21:13 simigern Exp $
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Jeremy Mates. This script is free
+# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+# terms as Perl itself.
+# Run perldoc(1) on this file for additional documentation.
+require 5;
+use strict;
+use Carp; # better error reporting
+use Getopt::Std; # command line option processing
+($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.1 $ ') =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
+my (%opts, $base, $regex);
+# various parameters that adjust how the humanization is done
+# these really should be able to be specified on the command line, or
+# read in from a prefs file somewhere, as nobody will agree as to what
+# "proper" human output should look like... :)
+my %format = (
+ # include decimals in output? (e.g. 25.8 K vs. 26 K)
+ 'decimal' => 1,
+ # include .0 in decmail output?
+ 'decimal_zero' => 1,
+ # what to divide file sizes down by
+ # 1024 is generally "Kilobytes," while 1000 is
+ # "kilobytes," technically
+ 'factor' => 1024,
+ # percentage above which will be bumped up
+ # (e.g. 999 bytes -> 1 K as within 5% of 1024)
+ # set to undef to turn off
+ 'fudge' => 0.95,
+ # lengths above which decimals will not be included
+ # for better readability
+ 'max_human_length' => 2,
+ # list of suffixes for human readable output
+ 'suffix' => [ '', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y' ],
+ );
+# default conversion to do nothing
+$base = 1;
+# default to working on runs of 4 or more digits
+$regex = '(?:(?<=\s)|(?<=^))(-?\d{4,})(?:\.\d*){0,1}(?=$|\s)';
+# parse command-line options
+getopts('h?kb:m:', \%opts);
+help() if exists $opts{'h'} or exists $opts{'?'};
+# set the base conversion factor
+if (exists $opts{'b'}) {
+ ($base) = $opts{'b'} =~ m/(\d+)/;
+ die "Error: base should be a positive integer\n" unless $base;
+$base = 1024 if exists $opts{'k'};
+# set different regex if requried, add matching parens if none
+# detected in input, as we need to match *something*
+$regex = $opts{'m'} if exists $opts{'m'};
+$regex = '(' . $regex . ')' unless $regex =~ m/\(.+\)/;
+while (<STDIN>) {
+ s/$regex/humanize($1)/ego;
+ print;
+# Inspired from GNU's df -h output, which fixes 133456345 bytes
+# to be something human readable.
+# takes a number, returns formatted string.
+sub humanize {
+ my $num = shift;
+ # error checking on input...
+ return $num unless $num =~ m/^-?\d+$/;
+ # some local working variables
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $prefix = '';
+ my $tmp = '';
+ my $orig_len = length $num;
+ # handle negatives
+ if ($num < 0 ) {
+ $num = abs $num;
+ $prefix = '-';
+ }
+ # adjust number to proper base
+ $num *= $base;
+ # reduce number to something readable by factor specified
+ while ($num > $format{'factor'}) {
+ $num /= $format{'factor'};
+ $count++;
+ }
+ # optionally fudge "near" values up to next higher level
+ if (defined $format{'fudge'}) {
+ if ($num > ($format{'fudge'} * $format{'factor'})) {
+ $count++;
+ $num /= $format{'factor'};
+ }
+ }
+ # no .[1-9] decimal on longer numbers for easier reading
+ # only show decimal if format say so
+ if (length sprintf("%.f", $num) > $format{'max_human_length'} ||
+ ! $format{'decimal'}) {
+ $tmp = sprintf("%.0f", $num);
+ } else {
+ $tmp = sprintf("%.1f", $num);
+ # optionally hack trailing .0 as is not needed
+ $tmp =~ s/\.0$// unless $format{'decimal_zero'};
+ }
+ # return number with proper style applied and leading whitespace
+ # for proper right-justification
+ $tmp = $prefix . $tmp . $format{'suffix'}->[$count];
+ return (' ' x ($orig_len - length $tmp)) . $tmp;
+# a generic help blarb
+sub help {
+ print <<"HELP";
+Usage: $0 [opts]
+Script to humanize numbers in data.
+Options for version $VERSION:
+ -h/-? Display this message
+ -b nn Integer to offset incoming data by.
+ -k Default incoming data to Kilobtyes. Default: bytes.
+ -m rr Regex to match what to operate on. Default: $regex.
+Run perldoc(1) on this script for additional documentation.
+ exit;
+=head1 NAME
+human.pl - humanizes file sizes in data
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Make df(1) output readable on systems lacking the human output option:
+ $ df -k | human.pl -k
+Intended as a quick way to humanize the output from random programs
+that displays unreadable file sizes, such as df(1) on large file
+ $ df -k | grep nfs
+ nfs:/mbt 1026892400 704296472 322595928 69% /mbt
+While certain utilities now support humanized output internally, not
+all systems have those utilities. Hence, this perl script is intended
+to fill that gap util more utilities support humanization routines
+directly. This will become more important as file systems continue to
+grow, and the exact number of bytes something takes up less meaningful
+to the user.
+The data munged by this script is less accurate, in that rounding is
+done in an effort to make the numbers more readable by a human. In
+the above case, the munged data would look like:
+ $ df -k | grep nfs | human.pl -k
+ nfs:/mbt 1.0T 672G 308G 69% /mbt
+=head2 Normal Usage
+ $ human.pl [options]
+See L<"OPTIONS"> for details on the command line switches supported.
+human.pl expects the data to be humanized to come via STDIN, and
+results will be piped to STDOUT. Input can either be from a program,
+or you can interactively type numbers into the terminal and get a
+humanized size back.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+This script currently supports the following command line switches:
+=over 4
+=item B<-h>, B<-?>
+Prints a brief usage note about the script.
+=item B<-b> I<base>
+Optional integer to factor the incoming data by. The humanizing
+routine operates on bytes by default, so numbers of different formats
+will have to be adjusted accordingly.
+The value should be one that adjusts the incoming data to be in bytes
+format; for example, incoming data in Kilobytes would need a base of
+1024 to be converted properly to bytes, as there are 1024 bytes in
+each Kilobyte.
+=item B<-k>
+Overrides B<-b> and treats the incoming data as if in Kilobytes.
+=item B<-m> I<regex>
+Optional perl regex to specify what in the incoming data should be
+operated on; the default of digit runs of four or more characters
+should be reasonable in most cases.
+Your regex should match integers of some kind; otherwise, the script
+will generally do nothing with your data and not print any warnings.
+If you are matching numbers inside of a more complictated regex, you
+will need to put parentheses around the number you want changed, and
+use non-capturing parentheses for preceeding items, as only $1 is
+passed to the humanizing routine. See perlre(1) for more details.
+If you leave parentheses out of your regex, they will be added around
+it by default. This lets you supply regex like '\d{7,}' and have it
+work, which is the same as saying '(\d{7,})' in this case.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head2 Reporting Bugs
+Newer versions of this script may be available from:
+If the bug is in the latest version, send a report to the author.
+Patches that fix problems or add new features are welcome.
+=head2 Known Issues
+No known issues.
+=head1 TODO
+Option to read humanizing prefs from a external location would be a
+nice idea.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jeremy Mates, http://sial.org/contact/
+Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Jeremy Mates. This script is free
+software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 HISTORY
+Inspired from the B<-h> option present in GNU df, which is sorely
+lacking in commercial varients of the same name. (On the other hand,
+leaving the job of humanizing to an external script is probably more
+inline with the unix philosphopy of filters.)
+=head1 VERSION
+ $Id: human.pl,v 1.1 2004/03/09 10:21:13 simigern Exp $
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/scripts/pkghelper.pl 2009-04-27 12:42:49 UTC (rev 4508)
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+#!/opt/csw/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
+use FindBin qw($RealBin $RealScript);
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my @csw_ignore = qw(
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at boldquot
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at boldquot/LC_MESSAGES
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at quot
+opt/csw/share/locale/en at quot/LC_MESSAGES
+my @csw_dirs = qw();
+#my @csw_dirs = qw(
+my @possible_scripts = qw(request checkinstall preinstall postinstall preremove postremove);
+my @sunwsprolocs = ('/opt/forte11x86/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/forte11/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/studio/SOS10/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/forte8/SUNWspro/bin', '/opt/SUNWspro/bin');
+my $builddir = $ENV{'BUILDDIR'} || '/opt/build/michael';
+my $packagedir = $ENV{'PACKAGEDIR'} || "${RealBin}/../packages";
+my $content = "/var/sadm/install/contents";
+my %options; # getopt
+# variables defined via eval
+my $progname = undef;
+my $version = undef;
+my $buildroot = undef;
+my $category = undef;
+my $vendor = undef;
+my $hotline = 'http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/';
+my $email = 'michael at opencsw.org';
+my @sources = undef;
+my $prepatch = undef;
+my @patches = (); # default to no patches
+my $copyright = undef;
+my $build = undef;
+my $suffix = undef;
+my $rev = undef;
+my $arch = undef;
+my $osversion = undef;
+my @packages = undef;
+my @isaexecs = ();
+my $sunwspropath = undef;
+my %attributes = ();
+my %seenpaths = ();
+my %contents = ();
+# helper applications
+my $tar = '/opt/csw/bin/gtar';
+ chdir($builddir) || die("can't change to $builddir");
+ foreach my $source (@sources) {
+ if (($source =~ /tar\.gz$/)
+ ||($source =~ /tgz$/)
+ ||($source =~ /tar\.Z$/)) {
+ system("/bin/gzcat ${RealBin}/../sources/${source} | ${tar} xf -");
+ } elsif ($source =~ /tar\.bz2$/) {
+ system("/bin/bzcat ${RealBin}/../sources/${source} | ${tar} xf -");
+ } elsif ($source =~ /tar$/) {
+ system("${tar} xf ${RealBin}/../sources/${source}");
+ } else {
+ die("don't know how to extrace ${source}");
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($prepatch)) {
+ open(PREPATCH, "> $builddir/prepatch") || die ("can't create $builddir/prepatch: $!");
+ print PREPATCH $prepatch;
+ close(PREPATCH);
+ system("chmod +x $builddir/prepatch");
+ system("/bin/bash -x $builddir/prepatch");
+ unlink("$builddir/prepatch");
+ }
+ foreach my $patch (@patches) {
+ chdir("$builddir/@{$patch}[1]") || die("can't change to $builddir/@{$patch}[1]");
+ system("gpatch @{$patch}[2] < ${RealBin}/../sources/@{$patch}[0]");
+ }
+sub probe_directory
+ while (my $dir = shift) {
+ -d $dir && return $dir;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ foreach my $exec (@isaexecs) {
+ open(ISA, "> ${builddir}/isaexec.c") || die("can't create ${builddir}/isaexec.c for overwrite: $!");
+ print ISA <<"EOF";
+#include <unistd.h>
+main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
+ return (isaexec("${exec}", argv, envp));
+ close(ISA);
+ system("${sunwspropath}/cc -o ${buildroot}${exec} ${builddir}/isaexec.c");
+ unlink("${builddir}/isaexec.c");
+ }
+ chdir($builddir) || die("can't change to $builddir");
+ open(BUILD, "> $builddir/build") || die ("can't create $builddir/build: $!");
+ print BUILD $build;
+ close(BUILD);
+ system("chmod +x $builddir/build");
+ system("/bin/bash -x $builddir/build");
+ unlink("$builddir/build");
+ isaexec();
+ strip();
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $perm = shift;
+ my $user = 'root';
+ my $group = 'bin';
+ if (%attributes) {
+ $perm = $attributes{$path}->{perm} || $perm;
+ $user = $attributes{$path}->{user} || $user;
+ $group = $attributes{$path}->{group} || $group;
+ }
+ return "$perm $user $group\n";
+# This functions purpose is to get sure that all directories in /path/to/file
+# are also in file list. It also accounts which filename was packaged in what
+# package. So that it possible to warn the user if a file has been packaed in
+# more than one package.
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $prototype = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ push(@{$seenpaths{$path}}, "CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+ # Handle symlinks in the art of etc/rcS.d/K03cswsamba=../init.d
+ $path =~ s/=.*$//;
+ while ('.' ne ($path = dirname($path))) {
+ if (! grep($_ =~ /^d none \/\Q${path}\E\s+/, @$prototype)) {
+ pkgproto($r, $prototype, `echo ${path} | pkgproto`);
+ }
+ }
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $prototype = shift;
+ while (my $line = shift) {
+ my @fields = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ if ($fields[0] eq 'd') {
+ # d none opt/csw 0755 sithglan icipguru
+ if ((! ($fields[2] =~ /\//)) || (grep($fields[2] eq $_, @csw_ignore)) ) {
+ # skip toplevel dirs (opt, etc, ...)
+ } elsif (grep($fields[2] eq $_, @csw_dirs)) {
+ unshift(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] ? ? ?\n");
+ } else {
+ unshift(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] " . compute_ownership("/$fields[2]", "$fields[3]"));
+ }
+ } elsif ($fields[0] eq 'f') {
+ # f none opt/csw 0755 sithglan icipguru
+ push(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2] " . compute_ownership("/$fields[2]", "$fields[3]"));
+ verify_path($r, $prototype, $fields[2]);
+ } elsif ( ($fields[0] eq 's')
+ ||($fields[0] eq 'l')) {
+ push(@$prototype, "$fields[0] $fields[1] /$fields[2]\n");
+ verify_path($r, $prototype, $fields[2]);
+ } else {
+ die ("unknown line: <$line>");
+ }
+ }
+ my $r = shift;
+ my @prototype = ();
+ chdir($buildroot) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ push(@prototype, "i pkginfo\n");
+ push(@prototype, "i depend\n");
+ if (defined(${copyright})) {
+ -f "$builddir/${copyright}" || die("can't find copyrightfile: $!");
+ system("cp $builddir/${copyright} copyright");
+ push(@prototype, "i copyright\n");
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@possible_scripts) {
+ if (defined($r->{"$file"})) {
+ -f "${RealBin}/../sources/$r->{$file}" || die("can't find $file: $!");
+ system("cp -f ${RealBin}/../sources/$r->{$file} $file");
+ push(@prototype, "i $file\n");
+ }
+ }
+ my @dirs = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type d | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+ pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @dirs);
+ my @links = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type l | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+ pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @links);
+ my @files = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type f | sort | uniq | pkgproto`;
+ pkgproto($r, \@prototype, @files);
+ open(PROTOTYPE, "> ${buildroot}/prototype") || die("can't open ${buildroot}/prototype for overwrite: $!");
+ print PROTOTYPE @prototype;
+ close(PROTOTYPE);
+ my %hash; @hash{@_} = ();
+ return sort keys %hash;
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ my @out = `pkginfo`;
+ my %pkg = ();
+ foreach my $line (@out) {
+ if ($line =~ /^[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s].*)/) {
+ $pkg{$1} = "$2";
+ }
+ }
+ open(DEP, '> depend') || die("can't open depend file: $!");
+ foreach my $dep (@{$r->{dependencies}}) {
+ if (! defined($pkg{$dep})) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: FAKEING dependency for <$dep>\n";
+ $pkg{$dep} = 'common - THIS IS A FAKE DEPENDENCY';
+ }
+ print DEP "P $dep $pkg{$dep}\n";
+ }
+ if (defined($r->{incompatibilities})) {
+ foreach my $inc (@{$r->{incompatibilities}}) {
+ if (! defined($pkg{$inc})) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: FAKEING incompatibiltie for <$inc>\n";
+ $pkg{$inc} = 'common - THIS IS A FAKE INCOMPATIBILTY';
+ }
+ print DEP "I $inc $pkg{$inc}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close(DEP);
+ my $file = shift || die ("one argument expected");
+ my $count = 0;
+ chomp($file);
+ while ((-l $file)
+ && ($count < 10)) {
+ my $dirname = dirname($file);
+ $file = readlink($file);
+ if(! ($file =~ /^\//)) {
+ $file = $dirname . '/' . $file;
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ return $file;
+ my ($a1,$a2) = @_;
+ my %h;
+ @h{@$a2} = (1) x @$a2;
+ return grep {!exists $h{$_}} @$a1;
+ open(FILE, ${content}) || die("can't open ${content}: $!");
+ for my $line (<FILE>) {
+ # /etc/cron.d/queuedefs f none 0644 root sys 17 1164 1018133064 SUNWcsr
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ my @array = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ my ($file, $type, @packages) = @array[0, 1, 9 ... $#array];
+ if ($type =~ /^f$/) {
+ push(@{$contents{$file}}, @packages);
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ populate_contents();
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ # look for shared libaries
+ my @deps = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} \\( -type f -perm +111 \\) -o -path opt/csw/lib/\\*.so\\* | xargs ldd 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'file not found' 2> /dev/null | grep '=>' | awk '{print \$3}'`;
+ # look for bangs
+ my @files = `gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -type f -perm +111`;
+ foreach my $file (@possible_scripts) {
+ -f "${buildroot}/${file}" && push(@files, "${buildroot}/${file}");
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ chomp($file);
+ open(FILE, $file) || die("can't open ${file}: $!");
+ my $firstline = <FILE>;
+ if ($firstline =~ /^#!\s?([^\s]+)/) {
+ push(@deps, "$1\n");
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ # resolve symlinks / substitute
+ @deps = uniq(@deps);
+ for my $element (@deps) {
+ # /bin and /lib are packages in /usr/{bin,lib}
+ $element =~ s#^/bin#/usr/bin#;
+ $element =~ s#^/lib#/usr/lib#;
+ # /opt/csw/lib/sparcv8 is a symlink to .
+ $element =~ s#^/opt/csw/lib/sparcv8#/opt/csw/lib#;
+ # Resolve links if necessary
+ $element = resolve_link($element);
+ }
+ # get dependencies
+ foreach my $dep (@deps) {
+ # </usr/lib/../openwin/lib/libX11.so.4>
+ $dep =~ s#\w+\/\.\.##g;
+ if (defined($contents{$dep})) {
+ push(@{$r->{dependencies}}, @{$contents{$dep}});
+ }
+ }
+ # make them uniq and don't include a dependency to the packet itself
+ @{$r->{dependencies}} = grep("CSW$r->{pkgname}" ne $_, uniq(@{$r->{dependencies}}));
+ if (defined($r->{exclude_dependencies})) {
+ @{$r->{dependencies}} = a1minusa2($r->{dependencies}, $r->{exclude_dependencies});
+ }
+ write_dependencies($r);
+ system("/usr/ccs/bin/strip ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8plus/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8plus+vis/* ${buildroot}/opt/csw/bin/sparcv9/* 2> /dev/null");
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ open(PKGINFO, '> pkginfo');
+print PKGINFO <<"EOF";
+# DESC=[Optional extra info about software. Omit this line if you wish]
+ close(PKGINFO);
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ my $filename="$r->{filename}-${version}-SunOS${osversion}-${arch}-CSW.pkg";
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ system("/usr/bin/pkgmk -o -r ${buildroot}");
+ system("/usr/bin/pkgtrans -s /var/spool/pkg ${packagedir}/$filename CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+ unlink("${packagedir}/${filename}.gz");
+ system("/usr/bin/gzip ${packagedir}/$filename");
+ system("rm -rf /var/spool/pkg/CSW$r->{pkgname}");
+# This function makes all files not readable by me readable. This is because
+# the bang checker and pkgmk needs this. The correct permissions are allready
+# in pkginfo file so everything is as it should be.
+ my $r = shift || die("one reference expected");
+ chdir(${buildroot}) || die("can't change to ${buildroot}: $!");
+ system("gfind @{$r->{filelist}} -perm -400 -o -print | xargs -x -n 1 chmod u+r");
+ foreach my $r (@packages) {
+ generate_prototype($r);
+ make_all_files_readable_by_user($r);
+ generate_pkginfo($r);
+ find_dependencies($r);
+ actually_package($r);
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys(%seenpaths)) {
+ if (1 < @{$seenpaths{$key}}) {
+ print "$key -> @{$seenpaths{$key}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+if (! (-d $builddir)) {
+ mkdir("$builddir", 0755) || die("can't create $builddir: $!");
+# {
+if (! GetOptions(\%options, "p", "b", "c", "s", "u", "rev=s")) {
+ print <<"__EOF__";
+${RealBin}/${RealScript} [-p] [-b] [-c] [-s] specfile ...
+ -p prepare: extract and patch sources
+ -b build: build and install sources into destenation
+ -c create: create package
+ -s show: show build script and exit (high precedence!)
+ -u cleanUp: remove ${builddir}
+ -rev <rev> use <rev> instead of current date
+ If no parameter is specified. The given specfile is processed. (eg.
+ prepared, build and packaged)
+ exit(1);
+# Unset makeflags
+$ENV{'MFLAGS'} = '';
+$ENV{'MAKEFLAGS'} = '';
+my $infile = shift || die('one argument expected');
+if (! defined($arch)) {
+ $arch = `/bin/uname -p` || die("can't get arch: $!");
+ chomp($arch);
+$sunwspropath = probe_directory(@sunwsprolocs) || die ("couldn't find SUNWspro");
+eval `/bin/cat $infile`;
+if (! defined($rev)) {
+ $rev = $options{'rev'} || $ENV{'REV'} || `/bin/date '+20%y.%m.%d'`;
+chomp ($rev);
+$version .= ',REV=' . ${rev};
+if (defined($suffix)) {
+ $version .= $suffix;
+if (! defined($osversion)) {
+ $osversion = `/bin/uname -r`;
+ chomp($osversion);
+if (! -d "${packagedir}") {
+ system("/bin/mkdir -p ${packagedir}");
+if (! keys(%options)) {
+ prepare();
+ build();
+ mkpackage();
+ exit();
+if (defined($options{'s'})) {
+ print $build;
+ exit();
+if (defined($options{'p'})) {
+ prepare();
+if (defined($options{'b'})) {
+ build();
+if (defined($options{'c'})) {
+ mkpackage();
+if (defined($options{'u'})) {
+ system("/bin/rm -rf ${builddir}");
+# }
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/sources/gnome-games-sol.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/sources/gnome-games-sol.patch (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/sources/gnome-games-sol.patch 2009-04-27 12:42:49 UTC (rev 4508)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+--- aisleriot/sol.c.old 2004-08-06 18:46:19.004762000 -0400
++++ aisleriot/sol.c 2004-08-06 18:46:36.464698000 -0400
+@@ -85,6 +85,51 @@
+ #define DEFAULT_VARIATION "klondike.scm"
++/* This function is only required for SunOS, all other supported OS
++ have this function in their system library. This is taken from viewmol by Joerg-R. Hill */
++int scandir(const char *dir, struct dirent ***namelist,
++ int (*select)(const struct dirent *),
++ int (*compar)(const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **))
++ DIR *d;
++ struct dirent *entry;
++ register int i=0;
++ size_t entrysize;
++ if ((d=opendir(dir)) == NULL)
++ return(-1);
++ *namelist=NULL;
++ while ((entry=readdir(d)) != NULL)
++ {
++ if (select == NULL || (select != NULL && (*select)(entry)))
++ {
++ *namelist=(struct dirent **)realloc((void *)(*namelist),
++ (size_t)((i+1)*sizeof(struct dirent *)));
++ if (*namelist == NULL) return(-1);
++ entrysize=sizeof(struct dirent)-sizeof(entry->d_name)+strlen(entry->d_name)+1;
++ (*namelist)[i]=(struct dirent *)malloc(entrysize);
++ if ((*namelist)[i] == NULL) return(-1);
++ memcpy((*namelist)[i], entry, entrysize);
++ i++;
++ }
++ }
++ if (closedir(d)) return(-1);
++ if (i == 0) return(-1);
++ if (compar != NULL)
++ qsort((void *)(*namelist), (size_t)i, sizeof(struct dirent *), compar);
++ return(i);
++int alphasort(const struct dirent **a, const struct dirent **b)
++ return(strcmp((*a)->d_name, (*b)->d_name));
+ gchar* game_file_to_name (const gchar* file)
+ {
+ char* p, *buf = g_path_get_basename(file);
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/sources/gnome-games.preinstall
--- csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/sources/gnome-games.preinstall (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/sources/gnome-games.preinstall 2009-04-27 12:42:49 UTC (rev 4508)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#$Id: gnome-games.preinstall,v 1.1 2004/12/09 10:29:54 simigern Exp $
+umask 0022
+test -d "${BASEDIR}/opt/csw/var/games" || mkdir -p "${BASEDIR}/opt/csw/var/games"
+for statefile in glines.scores gnibbles.1.0.scores gnibbles.1.1.scores gnibbles.2.0.scores gnibbles.2.1.scores gnibbles.3.0.scores gnibbles.3.1.scores gnibbles.4.0.scores gnibbles.4.1.scores gnobots2.classic_robots-safe.scores gnobots2.classic_robots-super-safe.scores gnobots2.classic_robots.scores gnobots2.nightmare-safe.scores gnobots2.nightmare-super-safe.scores gnobots2.nightmare.scores gnobots2.robots2-safe.scores gnobots2.robots2-super-safe.scores gnobots2.robots2.scores gnobots2.robots2_easy-safe.scores gnobots2.robots2_easy-super-safe.scores gnobots2.robots2_easy.scores gnobots2.robots_with_safe_teleport-safe.scores gnobots2.robots_with_safe_teleport-super-safe.scores gnobots2.robots_with_safe_teleport.scores gnome-stones.scores gnometris.scores gnomine.Custom.scores gnomine.Large.scores gnomine.Medium.scores gnomine.Small.scores gnotravex.2x2.scores gnotravex.3x3.scores gnotravex.4x4.scores gnotravex.5x5.scores gnotravex.6x6.scores gnotski.1.scores gnotski.11.scores
gnotski.12.scores gnotski.13.scores gnotski.14.scores gnotski.15.scores gnotski.16.scores gnotski.17.scores gnotski.2.scores gnotski.21.scores gnotski.22.scores gnotski.23.scores gnotski.24.scores gnotski.25.scores gnotski.26.scores gnotski.3.scores gnotski.4.scores gnotski.5.scores gnotski.6.scores gnotski.7.scores gtali.scores mahjongg.bridges.scores mahjongg.cloud.scores mahjongg.confounding.scores mahjongg.difficult.scores mahjongg.dragon.scores mahjongg.easy.scores mahjongg.pyramid.scores mahjongg.tictactoe.scores mahjongg.ziggurat.scores same-gnome.scores; do
+ if [ ! -f "${BASEDIR}/opt/csw/var/games/${statefile}" ]; then
+ echo "Creating ${statefile}"
+ touch "${BASEDIR}/opt/csw/var/games/${statefile}"
+ chgrp nogroup "${BASEDIR}/opt/csw/var/games/${statefile}"
+ chmod 664 "${BASEDIR}/opt/csw/var/games/${statefile}"
+ fi
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/specs/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/specs/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/specs/Makefile 2009-04-27 12:42:49 UTC (rev 4508)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+PACKAGES := $(shell find . -type f | sed "s/^.\///" | grep -v Makefile)
+SHOW := $(PACKAGES:=.s)
+clean: ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+ @echo Do you really want to do this\? Press Ctrl-C to abort
+ @read LUTZ
+ @../scripts/pkghelper.pl -u
+$(PACKAGES): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+ @../scripts/pkghelper.pl $@
+$(PREPARE): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+ @../scripts/pkghelper.pl -p $(subst .p,,$@)
+$(BUILD): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+ @../scripts/pkghelper.pl -b $(subst .b,,$@)
+$(CREATE): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+ @../scripts/pkghelper.pl -c $(subst .c,,$@)
+$(SHOW): ../scripts/pkghelper.pl
+ @../scripts/pkghelper.pl -s $(subst .s,,$@)
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/specs/gnome-games
--- csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/specs/gnome-games (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/gnome-games/trunk/legacy/specs/gnome-games 2009-04-27 12:42:49 UTC (rev 4508)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# vim: ft=perl
+# $Id: gnome-games,v 1.11 2005/03/26 12:38:11 simigern Exp $
+$progname = 'gnome-games';
+$version = '2.8.2';
+$buildroot = "${builddir}/${progname}-${version}-buildroot";
+$category = 'application';
+$vendor = 'http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-games/ packaged for CSW by Michael Gernoth';
+ at sources = ("${progname}-${version}.tar.bz2");
+#@patches = (['gnome-games-sol.patch', "${progname}-${version}", '-p0']);
+ at packages = ({
+ pkgname => "gnomegames",
+ filename => "gnome_games",
+ name => "gnome_games - Games for GNOME 2",
+ dependencies => ['CSWcommon','CSWguile'],
+ filelist => [qw(opt)],
+ preinstall => 'gnome-games.preinstall',
+ postinstall => 'gconf-schema-update.postinstall',
+ exclude_dependencies => ['SUNWfreetype2','SUNWgnome-base-libs','SUNWgnome-libs','SUNWgnome-audio','SUNWgnome-component','SUNWgnome-config','SUNWgnome-vfs','SUNWlibpopt']
+ });
+$copyright = "${progname}-${version}/COPYING";
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/glines'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gnibbles'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gnobots2'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gnome-stones'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gnometris'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gnomine'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gnotravex'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gnotski'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/gtali'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/mahjongg'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$attributes{'/opt/csw/bin/same-gnome'} = ({user => 'root', group => 'nogroup', perm => '2755'});
+$build = <<"EOF";
+export CC=cc
+export CXX=CC
+export PATH="${sunwspropath}:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/opt/csw/bin"
+if [ "${arch}" = "sparc" ]; then
+ export CFLAGS='-fast -xarch=v8'
+ export CFLAGS='-xO3 -xspace -xarch=386'
+export CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -I/opt/csw/include"
+export CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/csw/include'
+export LD_OPTIONS='-L${buildroot}/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib -L/opt/csw/lib -L${buildroot}/opt/csw/lib -L/usr/ucblib -R/usr/ucblib'
+export LDFLAGS='-L${buildroot}/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib -L/opt/csw/lib -L${buildroot}/opt/csw/lib -L/usr/ucblib -R/usr/ucblib'
+cd ${progname}-${version}
+export PATH="${builddir}/mypath:${sunwspropath}:/usr/ccs/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/openwin/bin"
+mkdir -p ${builddir}/mypath
+ln -s /opt/csw/bin/ggrep ${builddir}/mypath/grep
+./configure --prefix=/opt/csw --mandir=/opt/csw/share/man --infodir=/opt/csw/share/info --with-scores-group=nogroup || exit 1
+#tmp remove fuckup
+rm intltool-{extract,merge,update}
+ln -s /opt/csw/bin/intltool-{extract,merge,update} .
+gmake || exit 1
+mkdir -p ${buildroot}/opt/csw/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults
+gmake DESTDIR=${buildroot} GCONF_SCHEMA_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::${buildroot}/opt/csw/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults install || exit 1
+rm -rf ${buildroot}/opt/csw/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults
+rm ${buildroot}/opt/csw/var/games/*
+#remove mess from libtool-archives
+for i in ${buildroot}/opt/csw/lib/{*.la,gnome-stones/objects/*.la}; do
+ if [ -f "\${i}" ]; then
+ sed -e "s|[^ ]*${buildroot}[^ ]* *||g" "\${i}" >"\${i}.newbuild" && mv "\${i}.newbuild" "\${i}"
+ fi
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