[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[3002] csw/mgar/gar/v2
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 6 22:46:01 CET 2009
Revision: 3002
Author: dmichelsen
Date: 2009-02-06 21:46:01 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009)
Log Message:
mGAR v2: Merge in dynamic licenses
Modified Paths:
Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/README
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/README 2009-02-06 20:09:12 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/README 2009-02-06 21:46:01 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@
Copyright 2006 Cory Omand: Scripts and add-on make modules, except where otherwise noted.
Copyright 2006 Blastwave.org: Packaging content, except where otherwise noted.
Copyright 2008 Dagobert Michelsen (OpenCSW): Enhancements to the CSW GAR system
+Copyright 2008-2009 Open Community Software Association: Packaging content
Patches and source code are Copyright by their original authors.
Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.conf.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.conf.mk 2009-02-06 20:09:12 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.conf.mk 2009-02-06 21:46:01 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@
mandir ?= $(sharedstatedir)/man
docdir ?= $(sharedstatedir)/doc
sourcedir ?= $(prefix)/src
-licensedir ?= $(prefix)/licenses
sharedperl ?= $(sharedstatedir)/perl
perllib ?= $(libdir)/perl
perlcswlib ?= $(perllib)/csw
Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.mk 2009-02-06 20:09:12 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.mk 2009-02-06 21:46:01 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
# install - Test and install the results of a build.
-INSTALL_TARGETS = $(addprefix install-,$(INSTALL_SCRIPTS)) $(addprefix install-license-,$(subst /, ,$(LICENSE)))
+INSTALL_TARGETS = $(addprefix install-,$(INSTALL_SCRIPTS))
install: pre-install $(addprefix install-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-install
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
# The basic merge merges the compiles for all ISAs on the current architecture
-merge: checksum pre-merge $(addprefix merge-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-merge
+merge: checksum pre-merge $(addprefix merge-,$(MODULATIONS)) merge-license post-merge
# This merges the
Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk 2009-02-06 20:09:12 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk 2009-02-06 21:46:01 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@
PKGINFO ?= /usr/bin/pkginfo
-SPKG_SPECS ?= $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES)))
+# You can use either PACKAGES with dynamic gspec-files or explicitly add gspec-files to DISTFILES.
+# Do "PACKAGES = CSWmypkg" when you build a package whose GARNAME is not the package name.
+# The whole processing is done from _SPKG_SPECS, which includes all packages to be build.
+SPKG_SPECS ?= $(sort $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES))) $(PACKAGES))
_PKG_SPECS = $(filter-out $(NOPACKAGE),$(SPKG_SPECS))
# Set this to your svn binary
@@ -134,16 +138,19 @@
# _PKGFILES_EXCLUDE_<spec> contains the files to be excluded from that package
$(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS), \
- $(eval \
- $(foreach S,$(filter-out $(SPEC),$(_PKG_SPECS)), \
- $(PKGFILES_$(S))) \
- ) \
- ) \
- )
+ $(eval _PKGFILES_EXCLUDE_$(SPEC)=$(strip \
+ $(foreach S,$(filter-out $(SPEC),$(_PKG_SPECS)), \
+ $(PKGFILES_$(S)) \
+ $(call licensedir,$(S))/.* \
+ ) \
+ )) \
+ $(eval _PKGFILES_INCLUDE_$(SPEC)=$(strip \
+ $(call licensedir,$(SPEC))/.* \
+ )) \
# Targets
@@ -160,6 +167,9 @@
# for distributing files to individual packages.
PROTOTYPE = $(WORKDIR)/prototype
+# Dynamic prototypes work like this:
+# - A prototype from DISTFILES takes precedence over
# Pulled in from pkglib/csw_prototype.gspec
$(_DBG)cswproto -r $(PKGROOT) $(PKGROOT)=/ >$@
@@ -171,7 +181,8 @@
-n "$(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE_$*)" -o \
-n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*)" -o \
-n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES)" ]; then \
- (pathfilter $(foreach FILE,$(PKGFILES_$*_SHARED) $(PKGFILES_$*),-i '$(FILE)') \
+ (pathfilter $(foreach FILE,$(if $(or $(PKGFILES_$*_SHARED),$(PKGFILES_$*)),$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE_$*)) \
+ $(PKGFILES_$*_SHARED) $(PKGFILES_$*),-i '$(FILE)') \
$(foreach FILE,$(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE_$*), -x '$(FILE)') \
$(foreach IE,$(abspath $(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*) $(ISAEXEC_FILES)), \
-e '$(IE)=$(dir $(IE))$(ISA_DEFAULT)/$(notdir $(IE))' \
@@ -186,21 +197,162 @@
$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH): | $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype
$(_DBG)cat $(WORKDIR)/$*.prototype $(_PROTOTYPE_FILTER_$*) >$@
+# Dynamic depends are constructed as follows:
+# - Packages the currently constructed one depends on can be specified with
+# REQUIRED_PKGS_<pkg> specifically, or REQUIRED_PKGS for all packages build.
+# These are flagged as 'P' in the depend file.
+# - If multiple packages are build at the same time it is valid to have
+# dependencies between them. In this case it is necessary to define the package
+# desciption for each package with SPKG_DESC_<pkg>, setting it in the gspec-file
+# does not work.
+# - Packages that are imcompatible to the currently constructed one can be specified
+# with INCOMPATIBLE_PKGS_<pkg> specifically or with INCOMPATIBLE_PKGS for all
+# packages build.
+# - A depend-file from DISTFILES takes precedence, it is not overwritten or
+# appended with dynamic depends.
# $_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS is for dynamic dependencies added by GAR itself (like CSWisaexec or CSWcswclassutils)
.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.depend
echo "I $(PKG)";\
$(if $(SPKG_DESC_$(PKG)), \
- echo "P $(PKG) $(call _pkglist_catalogname,$(PKG)) - $(SPKG_DESC_$(PKG))";, \
+ echo "P $(PKG) $(call catalogname,$(PKG)) - $(SPKG_DESC_$(PKG))";, \
echo "$(shell /usr/bin/pkginfo $(PKG) | awk '{ $$1 = "P"; print } ')"; \
) \
)) >$@)
+# Dynamic gspec-files are constructed as follows:
+# - Packages using dynamic gspec-files must be listed in PACKAGES
+# - There is a default of PACKAGES containing one packages named CSW
+# followed by the GARNAME. It can be changed by setting PACKAGES explicitly.
+# - The name of the generated package is always the same as listed in PACKAGES
+# - The catalog name defaults to the suffix following CSW of the package name,
+# but can be customized by setting CATALOGNAME_<pkg> = <catalogname-of-pkg>
+# - If only one package is build it is sufficient to set CATALOGNAME = <catalogname-of-pkg>
+# It is an error to set CATALOGNAME if more than one package is build.
+# - If the package is suitable for all architectures (sparc and x86) this can be
+# flagged with ARCHALL_<pkg> = 1 for a specific package or with ARCHALL = 1
+# for all packages.
+# This rule dynamically generates gspec-files
+.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.gspec
+ $(_DBG)(echo "%var bitname $(call catalogname,$*)"; \
+ echo "%var pkgname $*"; \
+ $(if $(or $(ARCHALL),$(ARCHALL_$*)),echo "%var arch all";) \
+ echo "%include url file://%{PKGLIB}/csw_dyndepend.gspec") >$@
+# Dynamic licenses are selected in the following way:
+# - Dynamic licenses are only activated for packages listed in PACKAGES or
+# packages which don't have %copyright in their gspec-file. This way the
+# behaviour on existing gspec-files is preserved.
+# - The default name for the license is COPYING and it will not be fully printed
+# - If no license is explicitly specified in the Makefile and the default can not
+# be found no license will be included
+# - If a license is specified it must be found or an error is issued
+# - Either LICENSE_<pkg> or LICENSE_FULL_<pkg> may be specified, it is an error
+# to specify both.
+# - There is an automatic rule to include only the license for each package that
+# belongs to it.
+# - Package-specific defines have precedence over general defines (CATALOGNAME_<pkg>
+# before CATALOGNAME etc.)
+# pkgname - Get the name of a package from a gspec-name or package-name
+# This is a safety function. In sane settings it should return the name
+# of the package given as argument. However, when gspec-files are in DISTFILES
+# it is possible to name the gspec-file differently from the package. This is
+# a very bad idea, but we can handle it!
+# In: arg1 - name of gspec-file or package
+# Out: name of package
+define pkgname
+ $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
+ $(1),
+ $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "pkgname")' files/$(1).gspec)
+ )
+# catalogname - Get the catalog-name for a package
+# In: arg1 - name of package
+# Out: catalog-name for the package
+define catalogname
+ $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
+ $(if $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
+ $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
+ $(if $(CATALOGNAME),
+ $(patsubst CSW%,%,$(1))
+ )
+ ),
+ $(if $(realpath files/$(1).gspec),
+ $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "bitname")' files/$(1).gspec),
+ $(error The catalog name for the package '$1' could not be determined, because it was neither in PACKAGES nor was there a gspec-file)
+ )
+ )
+# LICENSE may be a path starting with $(WORKROOTDIR) or a filename inside $(WORKSRC)
+ifeq ($(origin LICENSE_FULL), undefined)
+ifeq ($(origin LICENSE), undefined)
+# findlicensefile - Find an existing file for a given license name
+define findlicensefile
+ $(if $(1),$(firstword $(realpath
+ $(1) $(WORKDIR)/$(1)
+ $(foreach M,global $(MODULATIONS),$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/$(1) $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/$(DISTNAME)/$(1))
+ )))
+define licensefile
+ $(or
+ $(call findlicensefile,$(or $(LICENSE_$(1)),$(LICENSE_FULL_$(1))))
+ $(call findlicensefile,$(or $(LICENSE),$(LICENSE_FULL))),
+ )
+define licensedir
+$(docdir)/$(call catalogname,$(1))
+ $(_DBG)$(if $(and $(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*)),$(error Both LICENSE_$* and LICENSE_FULL_$* have been specified where only one is allowed)) \
+ $(if $(and $(filter $*,$(PACKAGES)),$(or $(LICENSE),$(LICENSE_FULL),$(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*))), \
+ LICENSEFILE=$(or $(call licensefile,$*),$(if $(_LICENSE_IS_DEFAULT),,$(error Cannot find license file for package $*))); \
+ LICENSEDIR=$(call licensedir,$*); \
+ if [ -n "$$LICENSEFILE" ]; then \
+ $(if $(or $(LICENSE_FULL),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*)), \
+ if [ -f "$$LICENSEFILE" ]; then cp $$LICENSEFILE $(WORKDIR)/$*.copyright; fi;, \
+ echo "Please see $$LICENSEDIR/license for license information." > $(WORKDIR)/$*.copyright; \
+ ) \
+ mkdir -p $(PKGROOT)$$LICENSEDIR && \
+ fi \
+ )
+merge-license: $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),merge-license-$(SPEC))
# package - Use the mkpackage utility to create Solaris packages
@@ -225,7 +377,7 @@
package: extract merge $(SPKG_DESTDIRS) pre-package $(PACKAGE_TARGETS) post-package
-package-%: $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH) $(WORKDIR)/%.depend
+package-%: $(WORKDIR)/%.gspec $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH) $(WORKDIR)/%.depend
@echo " ==> Processing $*.gspec"
$(_DBG)( $(call _PKG_ENV,$*) mkpackage --spec $(WORKDIR)/$*.gspec \
--spooldir $(SPKG_SPOOLDIR) \
@@ -267,6 +419,7 @@
@rm -rf $(foreach T,extract checksum package pkgcheck,$(COOKIEDIR)/*$(T)-$**)
@rm -rf $(COOKIEDIR)/pre-package $(COOKIEDIR)/post-package
@rm -rf $(WORKDIR)/$*.* $(WORKDIR)/prototype
+ @rm -f $(WORKDIR)/copyright $(WORKDIR)/*.copyright
repackage: pkgreset package
@@ -286,16 +439,8 @@
# pkglist - list the packages to be built with GAR pathname, catalog name and package name
-define _pkglist_pkgname
-$(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "pkgname")' files/$(1).gspec)
-define _pkglist_catalogname
-$(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "bitname")' files/$(1).gspec)
define _pkglist_one
-$(shell /usr/bin/echo "$(shell pwd)\t$(call _pkglist_catalogname,$(1))\t$(call _pkglist_pkgname,$(1))")
+$(shell /usr/bin/echo "$(shell pwd)\t$(call catalogname,$(1))\t$(call pkgname,$(1))")
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