[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[3005] csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 6 23:30:12 CET 2009

Revision: 3005
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2009-02-06 22:30:12 +0000 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009)

Log Message:
mGAR v2: Fix function order for proper excludes

Modified Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk	2009-02-06 22:11:06 UTC (rev 3004)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk	2009-02-06 22:30:12 UTC (rev 3005)
@@ -28,6 +28,52 @@
 SPKG_SPECS     ?= $(sort $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES))) $(PACKAGES))
 _PKG_SPECS      = $(filter-out $(NOPACKAGE),$(SPKG_SPECS))
+# pkgname - Get the name of a package from a gspec-name or package-name
+# This is a safety function. In sane settings it should return the name
+# of the package given as argument. However, when gspec-files are in DISTFILES
+# it is possible to name the gspec-file differently from the package. This is
+# a very bad idea, but we can handle it!
+# In: arg1 - name of gspec-file or package
+# Out: name of package
+define pkgname
+  $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
+    $(1),
+    $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "pkgname")' files/$(1).gspec)
+  )
+# catalogname - Get the catalog-name for a package
+# In: arg1 - name of package
+# Out: catalog-name for the package
+define catalogname
+  $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
+    $(if $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
+      $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
+      $(if $(CATALOGNAME),
+        $(CATALOGNAME),
+        $(patsubst CSW%,%,$(1))
+      )
+    ),
+    $(if $(realpath files/$(1).gspec),
+      $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "bitname")' files/$(1).gspec),
+      $(error The catalog name for the package '$1' could not be determined, because it was neither in PACKAGES nor was there a gspec-file)
+    )
+  )
+define licensedir
+$(docdir)/$(call catalogname,$(1))
 # Set this to your svn binary
 SVN  ?= /opt/csw/bin/svn
 GAWK ?= /opt/csw/bin/gawk
@@ -262,48 +308,6 @@
 # - Package-specific defines have precedence over general defines (CATALOGNAME_<pkg>
 #   before CATALOGNAME etc.)
-# pkgname - Get the name of a package from a gspec-name or package-name
-# This is a safety function. In sane settings it should return the name
-# of the package given as argument. However, when gspec-files are in DISTFILES
-# it is possible to name the gspec-file differently from the package. This is
-# a very bad idea, but we can handle it!
-# In: arg1 - name of gspec-file or package
-# Out: name of package
-define pkgname
-  $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
-    $(1),
-    $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "pkgname")' files/$(1).gspec)
-  )
-# catalogname - Get the catalog-name for a package
-# In: arg1 - name of package
-# Out: catalog-name for the package
-define catalogname
-  $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
-    $(if $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
-      $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
-      $(if $(CATALOGNAME),
-        $(CATALOGNAME),
-        $(patsubst CSW%,%,$(1))
-      )
-    ),
-    $(if $(realpath files/$(1).gspec),
-      $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "bitname")' files/$(1).gspec),
-      $(error The catalog name for the package '$1' could not be determined, because it was neither in PACKAGES nor was there a gspec-file)
-    )
-  )
 # LICENSE may be a path starting with $(WORKROOTDIR) or a filename inside $(WORKSRC)
 ifeq ($(origin LICENSE_FULL), undefined)
 ifeq ($(origin LICENSE), undefined)
@@ -332,10 +336,6 @@
-define licensedir
-$(docdir)/$(call catalogname,$(1))
 	$(_DBG)$(if $(and $(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*)),$(error Both LICENSE_$* and LICENSE_FULL_$* have been specified where only one is allowed)) \
 		$(if $(and $(filter $*,$(PACKAGES)),$(or $(LICENSE),$(LICENSE_FULL),$(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*))), \

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