[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[2897] csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jan 23 21:55:31 CET 2009

Revision: 2897
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2009-01-23 20:55:31 +0000 (Fri, 23 Jan 2009)

Log Message:
tk: Add legacy build instructions

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/Makefile	2009-01-23 20:50:07 UTC (rev 2896)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/Makefile	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 include gar/category.mk
-CFLAGS := $(filter-out -I%,$(CFLAGS))
-DIRECTORY_EXPORTS := $(filter-out includedir,$(DIRECTORY_EXPORTS))
+#CFLAGS := $(filter-out -I%,$(CFLAGS))
+#DIRECTORY_EXPORTS := $(filter-out includedir,$(DIRECTORY_EXPORTS))

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/checksums	2009-01-23 20:50:07 UTC (rev 2896)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/checksums	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ade2c033a7b545ee108f3fdfeb629fcf  download/tcl8.4.19-src.tar.gz
-28b60464911afb80f9006d8734868438  download/CSWtcl.gspec
+9b998d0456d1b956eb9da610837a9c47  download/tk8.4.19-src.tar.gz
+12a36182202248eb293d4391d8390781  download/CSWtk.gspec

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/files/CSWtcl.gspec
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/files/CSWtcl.gspec	2009-01-23 20:50:07 UTC (rev 2896)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/files/CSWtcl.gspec	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-%var            bitname tcl
-%var            pkgname CSWtcl
-%include        url file://%{PKGLIB}/csw_dyndepend.gspec
-%copyright      url file://%{WORKSRC_FIRSTMOD}/license.terms

Copied: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/files/CSWtk.gspec (from rev 2892, csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/files/CSWtcl.gspec)
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/files/CSWtk.gspec	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/files/CSWtk.gspec	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+%var            bitname tk
+%var            pkgname CSWtk
+%include        url file://%{PKGLIB}/csw_dyndepend.gspec
+%copyright      url file://%{WORKSRC_FIRSTMOD}/license.terms

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/BUILD.NOTES
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/BUILD.NOTES	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/BUILD.NOTES	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# DESCRIPTION:	Build notes for the TK package.  These are notes concerning
+#		the compiling and testing of this package.
+#		Use the detailed instructions in the README file for package
+#		creation.
+# CUR VER:	Tk Version 8.5.1
+# REVISION:	04-27-08
+Date:		Version:		Notes:
+08-27-04	8.4.7			Initial 8.4.7  package creation
+09-11-04	8.4.7,REV=2004.09.11	Fixed email address in pkginfo file
+12-09-04	8.4.9			Initial 8.4.9  package creation
+06-11-05	8.4.10			Initial 8.4.10 package creation
+07-06-07	8.4.15			Initial 8.4.15 package creation
+02-06-08	8.5.1			Initial 8.5.1  package creation
+04-27-08	8.5.2			Initial 8.5.2  package creation
+	None
+    * There are a stream of the following warnings:
+    	"warning: ignoring #pragma ident"
+    * /export/home/jeff/pkgs/tk/src/tk8.5.1/unix/../generic/tkWindow.c:3307: \
+    	warning: subscript has type `char'
+make test:
+    * Tests were run on my SunFire V250 system running Solaris 10 & Gnome 2.6
+	[...]
+	font.test		Failed	(Expected on UNIX systems)
+	[...]
+	listbox.test		Failed
+	[...]
+	panedwindow.test	Failed
+	[...]
+	scrollbar.test		Failed
+	[...]
+	textDisp.test		Failed
+	[...]
+	textImage.test		Failed
+	[...]
+	unixEmbed.test		Failed
+	[...]
+	unixSelect.test		Failed
+	[...]
+	unixWm.test		Failed (due to gnome toolbar at top of screen?)
+	[...]
+	window.test <hangs ... ^C interrupt>
+    * Same as sparc system
+make test:
+    * Tests were not run on the intel platform

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/README
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/README	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# FILE:         README
+# DESCRIPTION:  Instructions for creating the TK package.  Refer to the
+#               BUILD.NOTES file for specific information about the actual
+#               build and testing of the current version.
+# PACKAGE:      CSWtk
+# REVISION:     04-27-08
+# NOTES:	Build the tcl package first.
+01: Switch to the correct build machine
+	SPARC:	    wr
+	  or
+	INTEL:	    wt
+02: Set the proper build environment
+	SPARC:	    export CC='cc -xarch=v8 -xstrconst -xildoff'
+	  or
+	INTEL:	    export CC='cc -xtarget=pentium -xstrconst -xildoff' 
+03: Make sure tcl source is unpacked and configured      (if not already done)
+	Tcl should have been previously compiled on this platform.  If not:
+	    cd pkgs/tcl/src
+	    make unpack
+	    cd tcl*[0-9]/unix 
+	    make distclean
+	    ../../CJSA.configure
+	    make
+04: Update the pkginfo file
+	cd pkgs/tk
+	vi pkginfo
+	    [edit the version info: must include REV=YYYY.MM.DD]
+	    [edit the ARCH line for either a 'sparc' or 'i386' build]
+05: Create symlink to tcl source   (only needs to be done once per release)
+	cd src
+	make links					# create TCL links
+	ls tcl*[0-9]/unix; ls -lL tcl.h			# check the links
+06: Download the source code    (ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE PER RELEASE)
+	vi Makefile		(Set TVER to current version) 
+	make get		Download source code from sourceforge:
+				or get it from personal machine with:
+				bwput -d /export/home/jeff/pkgs/tk/src \
+					tk*-src.tar.gz
+	make rename             rename the source file
+	make unpack             unpack the source
+07: Update the copyright file   (ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE PER RELEASE)
+	cd tk*[0-9]
+	cp license.terms ${HOME}/pkgs/tk/copyright
+08: See if there are any source file modifications required for build
+        cd unix
+	less -+e ../../../BUILD.NOTES 
+	[update as required]
+09: Compile the software
+	make distclean
+	../../CJSA.configure				# run configure
+	script zzzz					# capture output
+	make
+	make test    [To run, must login for X11 session using:  ssh -X
+		      This test run takes FOREVER over the ssh connection!
+		      To run tests, I suggest compiling and testing on a
+		      local system.]
+	exit						# terminate script
+10: Review zzzz script file and update any required info in BUILD.NOTES file
+	vi zzzz  ../../BUILD.NOTES
+	rm zzzz
+11: Install executable in a staging directory
+	rm -rf cswstage
+	stagepkg INSTALL_ROOT=$PWD/cswstage install 
+12: Make symbolic link for wish    [**** USING PROPER VERSION NO. ****]
+	rm -f cswstage/opt/csw/bin/wish
+	ls -l  cswstage/opt/csw/bin
+	ln -s wish8.5 cswstage/opt/csw/bin/wish		# USE CORRECT VER. NO!
+	ls -l  cswstage/opt/csw/bin
+	ls -lL cswstage/opt/csw/bin
+13: Update the prototype file    (2nd build can use existing prototype file)
+	cd cswstage
+	grep '^[df]' prototype | grep -v 'root bin'
+	    [check 'f'iles & 'd'irs have owner/group 'root bin']
+	vi prototype
+	    [change all owners/groups to 'root bin']
+	    [change file permissions from 0444 to 0644]
+	    	:g/0444/s//0644/g
+	    [change file permissions from 0555 to 0755]
+	    	:g/0555/s//0755/g
+	    [add following 's' line after 'f' line: ***CHECK VERSION NO.***]
+	    	f none /opt/csw/bin/wish8.5 0755 root bin    [existing line]
+	    	s none /opt/csw/bin/wish=wish8.5
+14: Edit the shipping tkConfig.sh file to set proper paths
+	vi opt/csw/lib/tkConfig.sh
+	  :g#/export/home/jeff/pkgs/tk/src/tk[0-9.]*/unix#s##/opt/csw/lib#g
+	  :g#/export/home/jeff/pkgs/tk/src/tk[0-9.]*#s##/opt/csw/src/tk#g
+	  :wq
+15: Check changes in prototype from previous release and update file
+	diff ${HOME}/pkgs/tk/prototype prototype | less -+e
+	    [if any odd differences, investigate and fix]
+	cp prototype ${HOME}/pkgs/tk
+16: Create the package tk-*-SunOS5.8-{sparc,386i}-CSW.pkg.gz
+	cd ${HOME}/pkgs/tk
+	createpkg -r ${HOME}/pkgs/tk/src/tk*[0-9]/unix/cswstage
+	NOTE:	This may fail with:
+		ERROR: cannot find package for libtcl8.5.so
+		ERROR: failed check.
+		When updating to a new major revision number (e.g., 8.4->8.5)
+		since the current tcl package is not installed.  Just go
+		ahead and finish packaging step by gzipping it up:
+		gzip tk-*pkg
+17: Examine list of libraries used to see if any new CSW dependencies exist
+    *** Current dependencies are listed in the depend file ***
+    If a new library is found, check package dependency:
+	pkgchk -l -p /opt/csw/lib/lib<...>
+    Add entry to the depend file:
+        P	CSW<pkg>
+    Now repeat step 11 and recreate the package
+18: Build other software for this hardware platform
+	Build CSWitcl package	(if necessary)
+	Build CSWitk  package	(if necessary)
+	Build CSWtclx package   (if applicable)
+19: Go back to TCL and build everything for the other hardware platform
+	* Continue when all packages for Sparc & X86 platforms are ready
+20: Clean up
+		cd src
+		make clean
+21: Copy the new package to the installation area
+	cd pkgs/tk
+	cp  tk-*.pkg.gz  /export/medusa/newpkgs
+22: Copy the source code tarball to the holding area
+	cd src
+	cp  TK.${VER}-src.tar.gz  /export/medusa/src/tk${VER}-src.tar.gz
+23: Notify package administrator
+	* Email phil at bolthole.com (Philip Brown) describing the update

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/copyright
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/copyright	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/copyright	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+This software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of
+California, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and other parties.  The following
+terms apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly
+disclaimed in individual files.
+The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
+and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
+that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
+notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
+license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
+Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
+and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
+the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
+they apply.
+GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the
+U.S. government, the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights"
+in the software and related documentation as defined in the Federal 
+Acquisition Regulations (FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2).  If you
+are acquiring the software on behalf of the Department of Defense, the
+software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the
+Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in Clause
+252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
+authors grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf
+permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the
+terms specified in this license.

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/depend
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/depend	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/depend	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+P	CSWcommon
+P	CSWtcl
+P	SUNWxwrtl

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/pkginfo
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/pkginfo	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/pkginfo	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+NAME=tk - GUI toolkit for tcl
+CSW_CATEGORY="prog, user"
+VENDOR=http://www.tcl.tk/  packaged for CSW by C. Jeffery Small
+EMAIL=jeff at blastwave.org

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/prototype	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/prototype	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+i pkginfo
+i copyright
+i depend
+d none /opt/csw/share 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/share/tk-man 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man1 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man1/wish.1 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Get3DBorder.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Draw3DRectangle.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Fill3DRectangle.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Draw3DPolygon.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Fill3DPolygon.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_3DVerticalBevel.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_3DHorizontalBevel.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_NameOf3DBorder.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_3DBorderColor.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_3DBorderGC.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_Free3DBorder.3=Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_AddOption.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateBindingTable.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteBindingTable.3=Tk_CreateBindingTable.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateBinding.3=Tk_CreateBindingTable.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteBinding.3=Tk_CreateBindingTable.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_GetBinding.3=Tk_CreateBindingTable.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_GetAllBindings.3=Tk_CreateBindingTable.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteAllBindings.3=Tk_CreateBindingTable.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_BindEvent.3=Tk_CreateBindingTable.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasPsY.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasPsBitmap.3=Tk_CanvasPsY.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasPsColor.3=Tk_CanvasPsY.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasPsFont.3=Tk_CanvasPsY.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasPsPath.3=Tk_CanvasPsY.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasPsStipple.3=Tk_CanvasPsY.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasTkwin.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasGetCoord.3=Tk_CanvasTkwin.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords.3=Tk_CanvasTkwin.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_MoveWindow.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasSetStippleOrigin.3=Tk_CanvasTkwin.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasWindowCoords.3=Tk_CanvasTkwin.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasEventuallyRedraw.3=Tk_CanvasTkwin.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasTagsOption.3=Tk_CanvasTkwin.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CanvasTextInfo.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ClipboardClear.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ClipboardAppend.3=Tk_ClipboardClear.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ClearSelection.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ConfigureWidget.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ConfigureInfo.3=Tk_ConfigureWidget.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ConfigureValue.3=Tk_ConfigureWidget.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_FreeOptions.3=Tk_ConfigureWidget.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ConfigureWindow.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ResizeWindow.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_MoveResizeWindow.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_X.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_SetWindowBackground.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_SetWindowBorder.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_SetWindowColormap.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DefineCursor.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_UndefineCursor.3=Tk_MoveWindow.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CoordsToWindow.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteClientMessageHandler.3=Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_InitConsoleChannels.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateErrorHandler.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteErrorHandler.3=Tk_CreateErrorHandler.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateGenericHandler.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteGenericHandler.3=Tk_CreateGenericHandler.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateImageType.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_GetImageMasterData.3=Tk_CreateImageType.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_InitImageArgs.3=Tk_CreateImageType.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateItemType.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_GetItemTypes.3=Tk_CreateItemType.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateSelHandler.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteSelHandler.3=Tk_CreateSelHandler.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateWindow.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateWindowFromPath.3=Tk_CreateWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DestroyWindow.3=Tk_CreateWindow.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_MakeWindowExist.3=Tk_CreateWindow.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteImage.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DrawFocusHighlight.3 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_CreateEventHandler.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_DeleteEventHandler.3=Tk_CreateEventHandler.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_FindPhoto.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PhotoPutBlock.3=Tk_FindPhoto.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock.3=Tk_FindPhoto.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PhotoGetImage.3=Tk_FindPhoto.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PhotoBlank.3=Tk_FindPhoto.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PhotoExpand.3=Tk_FindPhoto.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PhotoGetSize.3=Tk_FindPhoto.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PhotoSetSize.3=Tk_FindPhoto.3
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_FontId.3 0644 root bin
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_GetFontMetrics.3=Tk_FontId.3
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/man3/Tk_PostscriptFontName.3=Tk_FontId.3
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+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/tk_textCut.n=text.n
+l none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/tk_textPaste.n=text.n
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/tk.n 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/ttk_scrollbar.n 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/ttk_separator.n 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/ttk_sizegrip.n 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/ttk_style.n 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/winfo.n 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/tk-man/mann/wm.n 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/mclist.tcl 0644 root bin
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+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/menubu.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/msgbox.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/nl.msg 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/paned1.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/paned2.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/pendulum.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/plot.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/puzzle.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/radio.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/rmt 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/rolodex 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/ruler.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/sayings.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/square 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/search.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/spin.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/states.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/style.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/tclIndex 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/tcolor 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/text.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/textpeer.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/timer 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/toolbar.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/tree.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/ttkbut.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/ttkmenu.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/ttknote.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/ttkpane.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/ttkprogress.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/twind.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/unicodeout.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/vscale.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/demos/widget 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/bgerror.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/button.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/choosedir.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/clrpick.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/comdlg.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/console.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/dialog.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/entry.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/focus.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/listbox.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/menu.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/mkpsenc.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/msgbox.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/obsolete.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/optMenu.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/palette.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/panedwindow.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/safetk.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/scale.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/scrlbar.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/spinbox.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/tearoff.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/text.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/tk.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/tkfbox.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/unsupported.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/xmfbox.tcl 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/prolog.ps 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/tclIndex 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tk8.5/tkAppInit.c 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/libtk8.5.so 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/tkConfig.sh 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/lib/libtkstub8.5.a 0644 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/bin 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/bin/wish8.5 0755 root bin
+s none /opt/csw/bin/wish=wish8.5
+d none /opt/csw/include 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/include/tk.h 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/include/tkDecls.h 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/include/tkPlatDecls.h 0644 root bin

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/src/CJSA.configure
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/src/CJSA.configure	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/src/CJSA.configure	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Configure command for the TK package
+# Run from the tk*[0-9]/unix subdirectory
+# NOTE: * Had to add the CFLAGS argument for 8.5.x so that the test routines
+#	  could find the current tk.h file in the generic directory rather
+#	  than the previously installed 8.4.x /opt/csw/include/tcl.h which
+#	  was causing all sorts of compile problems due to undefined objects!
+#	* The CFLAGS line is needed to compile and run the tests.  These
+#	  entries need to later be edited out of the file.
+./configure --prefix=/opt/csw --mandir=/opt/csw/share/tk-man \
+	    --enable-threads \
+	     CFLAGS="-I. -I.. -I ../.. -I../generic"

Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/src/CJSA.configure
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/src/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/src/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/tk/trunk/legacy/src/Makefile	2009-01-23 20:55:31 UTC (rev 2897)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# FILE:		Makefile
+# DESCRIPTION:	Control file for the TK src directory.  This is used to
+#		retrieve current source code for the specified package(s).
+# REVISION:	04-27-08
+# NOTES:	* Set TVER to the current version of the software.
+	@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
+	@echo "TK Version:  $(TVER)"
+	@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
+	@echo "make get      download the current TK source code"
+	@echo ""
+	@echo "make rename   rename downloaded source code file"
+	@echo ""
+	@echo "make unpack   unpack the TK source code"
+	@echo ""
+	@echo "make links     create symbolic links to current TCL source"
+	@echo ""
+	@echo "make clean    remove source working directory
+	@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
+# target get does not work until we can locate an unambiguous download site
+# for the TK source
+get tk TK:
+	 wget \
+	 http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tcl/tk$(TVER)-src.tar.gz
+	mv tk$(TVER)-src.tar.gz TK.$(TVER)-src.tar.gz
+	clear ; ls
+unpack:	TK.$(TVER)-src.tar.gz
+	unpak TK.$(TVER)-src.tar.gz
+links link tcl tcl-link:
+	rm -rf tcl*[0-9] tcl.h
+	ln -s ../../tcl/src/tcl*[0-9] .
+	ln -s ../../tcl/src/tcl*[0-9]/generic/tcl.h .
+	rm -rf tk${TVER} tcl*

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