[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[2930] csw/mgar/pkg
wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net
wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jan 29 01:20:37 CET 2009
Revision: 2930
Author: wbonnet
Date: 2009-01-29 00:20:37 +0000 (Thu, 29 Jan 2009)
Log Message:
Creation of JXplorer package
Added Paths:
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/Makefile 2009-01-29 00:20:37 UTC (rev 2930)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# vim: ft=make ts=4 sw=4 noet
+ @echo "You are in the pkg/ directory."
+ $(MAKE) -C trunk $*
+ $(MAKE) -C trunk $* || exit 2
+export BUILDLOG ?= $(shell pwd)/buildlog.txt
+ $(MAKE) -C trunk $* || echo " *** make $* in $$i failed ***" >> $(BUILDLOG)
Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk
Added: svn:ignore
+ cookies
Added: svn:externals
+ gar https://gar.svn.sf.net/svnroot/gar/csw/mgar/gar/v2
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/Makefile 2009-01-29 00:20:37 UTC (rev 2930)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+GARNAME = jxplorer
+DESCRIPTION = JXplorer - A Java Ldap Browser
+define BLURB
+JXplorer is an open source ldap browser originally developed by Computer Associates' eTrust Directory development lab. It is a standards compliant general purpose ldap browser that can be used to read and search any ldap directory, or any X500 directory with an ldap interface. It is available under a standard OSI-style open source licence.
+DISTFILES = JXv$(GARVERSION)deploy.tar.bz2
+DISTFILES += $(call admfiles, CSWjxplorer)
+DISTFILES += jxconfig.txt.template
+DISTFILES += gssapi.conf.template
+# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release
+UFILES_REGEX = $(GARNAME)-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)
+PATCHFILES = jxplorer.sh.diff
+include gar/category.mk
+ ( mv $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/$(GARNAME) $(WORKSRC_FIRSTMOD) )
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(GARNAME)
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/etc/$(GARNAME)
+ @gcp -fpr $(WORKSRC)/* $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(GARNAME)
+ @cp $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/gssapi.conf.template $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/etc/$(GARNAME)
+ @cp $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/jxconfig.txt.template $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/etc/$(GARNAME)
+ @rm $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(GARNAME)/build.xml
+ @rm $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(GARNAME)/jxmac.sh
+ @rm $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(GARNAME)/jxplorer.bat
+ @rm $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(GARNAME)/jxplorer.ico
+ @chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(GARNAME)/jxplorer.sh
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/licences/$(GARNAME)
+ @gcp -fp $(WORKSRC)/licence.txt $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/licences/$(GARNAME)
+ @( cd $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/licences/$(GARNAME) ; \
+ ln -s ../../jxplorer/licence.txt CA_Open_Source_Licence_Version_1.0.txt )
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/checksums (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/checksums 2009-01-29 00:20:37 UTC (rev 2930)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+5cd9766391995736164b17a30354d72e download/JXv3.2deploy.tar.bz2
+b585c7ce45e6d5d96f4b157ff11a4097 download/CSWjxplorer.gspec
+0622fcb316ce5507d3338d7a81a50f5c download/jxconfig.txt.template
+c60592606719e3504ffa12121d6cf250 download/gssapi.conf.template
+a8e65c343f68c69a21223213b64f48b3 download/jxplorer.sh.diff
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/CSWjxplorer.gspec
--- csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/CSWjxplorer.gspec (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/CSWjxplorer.gspec 2009-01-29 00:20:37 UTC (rev 2930)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+%var bitname jxplorer
+%var pkgname CSWjxplorer
+%var arch all
+%include url file://%{PKGLIB}/csw_dyndepend.gspec
+%copyright url file://%{WORKSRC_FIRSTMOD}/licence.txt
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/gssapi.conf.template
--- csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/gssapi.conf.template (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/gssapi.conf.template 2009-01-29 00:20:37 UTC (rev 2930)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+com.ca.commons.jndi.JNDIOps {
+ com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required client=TRUE
+ useTicketCache=TRUE;
\ No newline at end of file
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/jxconfig.txt.template
--- csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/jxconfig.txt.template (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/jxconfig.txt.template 2009-01-29 00:20:37 UTC (rev 2930)
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#Generated Property List /opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jxconfig.txt
+# The property file location defaults to where JXplorer is installed
+# - this can be over-ridden with the system property 'jxplorer.config'
+# with a config directory location, or set to user home using the
+# flag 'user.home' (e.g. -Djxplorer.config='user.home' on the command line).
+#Thu Jan 29 00:27:34 CET 2009
+#.level (java loggin variable) - allowable values are 'OFF', 'SEVERE', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'FINE', 'FINER', 'FINEST' and 'ALL'
+#baseAdminDN default value for a specific 3rd party plug in; rarely used
+baseAdminDN=cn\=Management System
+#baseDN the default base DN for an empty connection - rarely used
+#com.ca.level \ (java loggin variable) partial logging is also available. Be warned that the Sun logging system is a very buggy partial reimplementation of log4j, and doesn't seem to do inheritance well.
+#dir this sets the directories that JXplorer reads its resources from.
+#getSystemEnvironment Set this to true if you wish to add the system environment properties to the JX list (e.g. if you are setting JX properties via system variables)
+#gui.lookandfeel Can set to com.sun.java.swing.plaf.mac.MacLookAndFeel for OSX
+#handlers (java logging variable) This sets the log level for console reporting
+#height set by client GUI - don't change
+#java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter (java logging variable) This sets the built in formatter to use for console reporting
+#java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level (java logging variable) This sets the log level for console reporting
+#java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter (java loggin variable) This sets the built in formatter to use for file reporting
+#java.util.logging.FileHandler.level (java loggin variable) This sets the log level for log file reporting
+#java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern (java loggin variable) The name of the log file (see java.util.logging.FileHandler java doc)
+#jxplorer.cache.passwords whether JX should keep a (run time only) cache of passwords for reuse and reconnection
+#ldap.sslsocketfactory This is the built in ssl factory - it can be changed if required.
+#ldapversion set by client GUI - don't change
+#null.entry.editor the editor displayed for null entries is pluggable and can be set to a custom java class
+#option.confirmTableEditorUpdates whether the user is prompted before updates; usually set by GUI
+#option.drag.and.drop set to 'false' to disable drag and drop in the left hand tree view
+#option.ignoreSchemaOnSubmission Skip client side schema checks; useful if JXplorer is getting confused or the schema is inconsistent
+#option.ldap.browseAliasBehaviour jndi variable setting how aliases are handled while browsing\: 'always','never','finding','searching'
+#option.ldap.limit The maximum number of entries to return - '0' \= 'all the server allows'
+#option.ldap.referral this is a jdni variable determinning how referrals are handled\: 'ignore','follow' or 'throw'
+#option.ldap.searchAliasBehaviour jndi variable setting how aliases are handled while searching\: 'always','never','finding','searching'
+#option.ldap.sendVerboseBinarySuffix some directories require ';binary' to be explicitly appended to binary attribute names\: 'true' or 'false'
+#option.ldap.timeout the maximum time to allow a query to run before cancelling - '0' \= 'as long as the server allows'
+#option.url.handling override URL handling to launch JXplorer rather than default browser
+#plugins.ignoreUniqueness whether to allow multiple plugins for the same object class\: 'true' or 'false
+#securityProvider the security provider can be changed, and three more can be added by creating 'securityProperty0', 'securityProperty1' and 'securityProperty2'.
+#sort.by.naming.attribute if true, this sorts entries in the tree editor by naming attribute first, then by attribute value
+#url.defaultadmin default value for a specific 3rd party plug in; rarely used
+#url.defaultadminport default value for a specific 3rd party plug in; rarely used
+#url.defaultdirectory default for empty connection screen GUI - rarely used
+#url.defaultdirectory.port default for empty connection screen GUI - rarely used
+#width set by client GUI - don't change
+#xml.ldif.rfc Experimental support for saving XML in LDIF files in editable form (e.g. not base64 encoded)
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/jxplorer.sh.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/jxplorer.sh.diff (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/jxplorer/trunk/files/jxplorer.sh.diff 2009-01-29 00:20:37 UTC (rev 2930)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru jxplorer-3.2.orig/jxplorer.sh jxplorer-3.2/jxplorer.sh
+--- jxplorer-3.2.orig/jxplorer.sh 2007-02-26 11:08:34.000000000 +0100
++++ jxplorer-3.2/jxplorer.sh 2009-01-29 00:45:02.526025469 +0100
+@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # OpenDirectory jxstart.sh $Revision: 1.13 $ $Date: 2006/04/18 04:12:12 $
++if [ ! -d $HOME/.jxplorer ]; then
++ mkdir $HOME/.jxplorer
++if [ ! -f $HOME/.jxplorer/gssapi.conf ]; then
++ cp /opt/csw/etc/jxplorer/gssapi.conf.template $HOME/.jxplorer/gssapi.conf
++if [ ! -f $HOME/.jxplorer/jxconfig.txt ]; then
++ cp /opt/csw/etc/jxplorer/jxconfig.txt.template $HOME/.jxplorer/jxconfig.txt
+ if [ -x $JAVA_HOME/bin/java ]; then
+ JAVA_LOC=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java
+ elif [ -x /opt/jre/bin/java ]; then
+@@ -38,14 +52,14 @@
+ echo
+ FAIL=0
+ if [ "$1" = "console" ] ; then
+- $JAVAV -cp .:jars/jxplorer.jar:jars/help.jar:jars/jhall.jar:jars/junit.jar:jars/ldapsec.jar:jars/log4j.jar:jars/dsml/activation.jar:jars/dsml/commons-logging.jar:jars/dsml/dom4j.jar:jars/dsml/jxext.jar:jars/dsml/mail.jar:jars/dsml/providerutil.jar:jars/dsml/saaj-api.jar:jars/dsml/saaj-ri.jar com.ca.directory.jxplorer.JXplorer
++ $JAVAV -cp /opt/csw/share/jxplorer/:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/jxplorer.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/help.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/jhall.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/junit.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/ldapsec.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/log4j.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/activation.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/commons-logging.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/dom4j.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/jxext.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/mail.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/providerutil.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/saaj-api.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/saaj-ri.jar com.ca.directory.jxplorer.JXplorer
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ FAIL=1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Use \"jxstart.sh console\" if you want logging to the console"
+- $JAVAV -cp .:jars/jxplorer.jar:jars/help.jar:jars/jhall.jar:jars/junit.jar:jars/ldapsec.jar:jars/log4j.jar:jars/dsml/activation.jar:jars/dsml/commons-logging.jar:jars/dsml/dom4j.jar:jars/dsml/jxext.jar:jars/dsml/mail.jar:jars/dsml/providerutil.jar:jars/dsml/saaj-api.jar:jars/dsml/saaj-ri.jar com.ca.directory.jxplorer.JXplorer >/dev/null 2>&1
++ $JAVAV -cp /opt/csw/share/jxplorer/:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/jxplorer.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/help.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/jhall.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/junit.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/ldapsec.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/log4j.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/activation.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/commons-logging.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/dom4j.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/jxext.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/mail.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/providerutil.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/saaj-api.jar:/opt/csw/share/jxplorer/jars/dsml/saaj-ri.jar com.ca.directory.jxplorer.JXplorer >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ FAIL=1
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