[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[4957] csw/mgar/gar

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Tue May 19 20:20:04 CEST 2009

Revision: 4957
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2009-05-19 18:20:04 +0000 (Tue, 19 May 2009)

Log Message:
mGAR v2-pbuild: Initial commit

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.conf.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.conf.mk	2009-05-18 17:24:50 UTC (rev 4935)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.conf.mk	2009-05-19 18:20:04 UTC (rev 4957)
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 # Pick up user information
 -include $(HOME)/.garrc
+-include /opt/csw/etc/garrc
-MODULATION ?= global
+MODULATION ?= global-$(GARCH)
 FILEDIR ?= files
 DOWNLOADDIR ?= download

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.mk	2009-05-18 17:24:50 UTC (rev 4935)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.mk	2009-05-19 18:20:04 UTC (rev 4957)
@@ -598,9 +598,18 @@
 # The basic merge merges the compiles for all ISAs on the current architecture
-merge: checksum pre-merge $(addprefix merge-,$(MODULATIONS)) merge-license $(if $(NOSOURCEPACKAGE),,merge-src) post-merge
+merge: checksum pre-merge $(if $(shell tty >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then echo TERMINAL; fi),merge-parallel,merge-sequential) merge-license $(if $(NOSOURCEPACKAGE),,merge-src) post-merge
+merge-sequential: $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),merge-$M)
+merge-parallel: merge-watch
+	@$(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(MAKE) merge-$M >$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.log 2>&1 &) wait
+	@kill `cat $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-global-$(GARCH)/multitail.pid` && stty sane
+	@multitail --retry-all $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.log) -j & echo $$! > $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-global-$(GARCH)/multitail.pid
 # This merges the 
 merge-modulated: install-modulated pre-merge-modulated pre-merge-$(MODULATION) $(MERGE_TARGETS) post-merge-$(MODULATION) post-merge-modulated

Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.pkg.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk	2009-05-18 17:24:50 UTC (rev 4935)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.pkg.mk	2009-05-19 18:20:04 UTC (rev 4957)
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-# vim: ft=make ts=4 sw=4 noet
-# $Id$
-# Copyright 2006 Cory Omand
-# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
-# permitted.  This software is without warranty of any kind.  The
-# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
-# software causes damage.
-# gar.pkg.mk - Build Solaris packages
-PKGINFO ?= /usr/bin/pkginfo
-# You can use either PACKAGES with dynamic gspec-files or explicitly add gspec-files to DISTFILES.
-# Do "PACKAGES = CSWmypkg" when you build a package whose GARNAME is not the package name.
-# If no explicit gspec-files have been defined the default name for the package is CSW$(GARNAME).
-# The whole processing is done from _PKG_SPECS, which includes all packages to be build.
-ifeq ($(origin PACKAGES), undefined)
-PACKAGES        = $(if $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES)),,CSW$(GARNAME))
-SPKG_SPECS     ?= $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES))) $(PACKAGES)
-SPKG_SPECS     ?= $(sort $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES))) $(PACKAGES))
-# The is the name of the package containing the sourcefiles for all packages generated from this GAR recipe.
-# It defaults to the first defined package name or gspec. SRCPACKAGE_BASE is guaranteed
-# to be one of the real packages built.
-SRCPACKAGE_BASE = $(if $(PACKAGES),$(firstword $(PACKAGES)),$(firstword $(SPKG_SPECS)))
-SRCPACKAGE                  ?= $(SRCPACKAGE_BASE)-src
-GARSYSTEMVERSION ?= $(shell $(SVN) propget svn:externals $(CURDIR) | perl -ane 'if($$F[0] eq "gar") { print ($$F[1]=~m(https://gar.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gar/csw/mgar/gar/(.*))),"\n";}')
-GARPKG_v1 = CSWgar-v1
-GARPKG_v2 = CSWgar-v2
-# pkgname - Get the name of a package from a gspec-name or package-name
-# This is a safety function. In sane settings it should return the name
-# of the package given as argument. However, when gspec-files are in DISTFILES
-# it is possible to name the gspec-file differently from the package. This is
-# a very bad idea, but we can handle it!
-# In: arg1 - name of gspec-file or package
-# Out: name of package
-define pkgname
-  $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
-    $(1),
-    $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "pkgname")' files/$(1).gspec)
-  )
-# catalogname - Get the catalog-name for a package
-# In: arg1 - name of package
-# Out: catalog-name for the package
-define catalogname
-  $(if $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
-    $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
-    $(if $(CATALOGNAME),
-      $(CATALOGNAME),
-      $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
-        $(patsubst CSW%,%,$(1)),
-        $(if $(realpath files/$(1).gspec),
-          $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "bitname")' files/$(1).gspec),
-          $(error The catalog name for the package '$1' could not be determined, because it was neither in PACKAGES nor was there a gspec-file)
-        )
-      )
-    )
-  )
-# We do not put this in $(docdir), as the prefix may have been reset to some
-# other location and the license should always be in a fixed location.
-define licensedir
-$(BUILD_PREFIX)/share/doc/$(call catalogname,$(1))
-# Set this to your svn binary
-SVN  ?= /opt/csw/bin/svn
-GAWK ?= /opt/csw/bin/gawk
-# We have to deal with four cases here:
-# 1. There is no svn binary -> NOSVN
-# 2. There is a svn binary, but the directory does not belong to a repository -> NOTVERSIONED
-# 3. There is a svn binary, but not everything was committed properly -> UNCOMMITTED
-# 4. There is a svn binary and everything was committed -> r<revision>
-SPKG_CATEGORY  ?= application
-SPKG_PACKAGER  ?= Unknown
-SPKG_EMAIL     ?= Unknown
-SPKG_PSTAMP    ?= $(LOGNAME)@$(shell hostname)-$(call _REVISION)-$(shell date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-SPKG_BASEDIR   ?= $(prefix)
-SPKG_CLASSES   ?= none
-SPKG_OSNAME    ?= $(shell uname -s)$(shell uname -r)
-SPKG_DEPEND_DB  = $(GARDIR)/csw/depend.db
-# Handle cswclassutils
-# - prepend cswpreserveconf if it is not already in SPKG_CLASSES
-SPKG_CLASSES += $(if $(SAMPLECONF),$(if $(filter cswsampleconf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswsampleconf))
-SPKG_CLASSES += $(if $(PRESERVECONF),$(if $(filter cswpreserveconf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswpreserveconf))
-SPKG_CLASSES += $(if $(INITSMF),$(if $(filter cswinitsmf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswinitsmf))
-# - set class for all config files
-_CSWCLASS_FILTER = | perl -ane '\
-		$(foreach FILE,$(SAMPLECONF),$$F[1] = "cswsampleconf" if ( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
-		$(foreach FILE,$(PRESERVECONF),$$F[1] = "cswpreserveconf" if( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
-		$(foreach FILE,$(INITMF),$$F[1] = "cswinitsmf" if( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
-		print join(" ", at F),"\n";'
-_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS += CSWcswclassutils
-DEPMAKER_EXTRA_ARGS = --noscript --nodep SUNW
-# Construct a revision stamp
-ifeq ($(GARFLAVOR),DBG)
-SPKG_REVSTAMP  ?= ,REV=$(shell date '+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M')
-SPKG_REVSTAMP  ?= ,REV=$(shell date '+%Y.%m.%d')
-# Where we find our mkpackage global templates
-PKGLIB = $(CURDIR)/$(GARDIR)/pkglib
-define _PKG_ENV
-$(BUILD_ENV) $(foreach EXP,$(PKG_EXPORTS),$(EXP)="$(if $($(EXP)_$1),$($(EXP)_$1),$($(EXP)))")
-# Canned command for generating admin file names
-# Usage: $(call admfiles,SUNWpackage,depend copyright)
-# pkg.gspec is added by default.
-admfiles = $(1).gspec $(foreach PKG,$(1),$(foreach ADM,$(2),$(PKG).$(ADM)))
-# Standard sets of admin files for use with admfiles
-ADMSTANDARD = prototype depend
-ADMISCRIPTS = preinstall postinstall
-ADMUSCRIPTS = preremove postremove
-ADMADDON    = $(ADMSTANDARD) postinstall preremove
-# This is a helper function which inserts subdirectories for each ISA
-# between the prefix and the suffix.
-# usage: $(call isadirs,<prefix>,<suffix>)
-# expands to <prefix>/<isa1>/<suffix> <prefix>/<isa2>/<suffix> ...
-isadirs = $(foreach ISA,$(ISALIST),$(1)/$(ISA)/$(2))
-# This is a helper function just like isadirs, but also contains the
-# prefix and suffix without an ISA subdirectories inserted.
-# usage: $(call isadirs,<prefix>,<suffix>)
-# expands to <prefix>/<suffix> <prefix>/<isa1>/<suffix> <prefix>/<isa2>/<suffix> ...
-baseisadirs = $(1)/$(2) $(call isadirs,$(1),$(2))
-# PKGFILES_RT selects files belonging to a runtime package
-PKGFILES_RT += $(call baseisadirs,$(libdir),[^/]*\.so(\.\d+)*)
-# PKGFILES_DEVEL selects files belonging to a developer package
-PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(call baseisadirs,$(bindir),[^/]*-config)
-PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(call baseisadirs,$(libdir),[^/]*\.(a|la))
-PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(call baseisadirs,$(libdir),pkgconfig(/.*)?)
-PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(includedir)/.*
-PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(sharedstatedir)/aclocal/.*
-PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(mandir)/man1/.*-config\.1.*
-PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(mandir)/man3/.*
-# PKGFILES_DOC selects files beloging to a documentation package
-PKGFILES_DOC  = $(docdir)/.*
-# PKGFILES_SRC selects the source archives for building the package
-PKGFILES_SRC = $(sourcedir)/$(call catalogname,$(SRCPACKAGE_BASE))/.*
-# This function computes the files to be excluded from the package specified
-# as argument
-define _pkgfiles_exclude
-  $(foreach S,$(filter-out $(1),$(_PKG_SPECS)), 
-    $(PKGFILES_$(S)) 
-  ) 
-define _pkgfiles_include
-  $(PKGFILES_$(1)) 
-# This function takes a full path to a filename and returns the package it belongs to.
-# The package may be generated during this build or already installed on the system.
-# /etc/crypto/certs/SUNWObjectCA=../../../etc/certs/SUNWObjectCA l none SUNWcsr
-#perl -ane '$$f=quotemeta("$1");if($$F[0]=~/^$$f(=.*)?$$/){print join(" ",$$F[3..$$#F]),"\n";exit}'</var/sadm/install/contents
-#$(shell /usr/sbin/pkgchk -l -p $1 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Current/ {p=0} p==1 {print} /^Referenced/ {p=1}' | perl -ane 'print join("\n", at F)')
-# 'pkchk -l -p' doesn't work as it concatenates package names with more than 14 characters,
-# e. g. SUNWgnome-base-libs-develSUNWgnome-calculatorSUNWgnome-freedb-libsSUNWgnome-cd-burnerSUNWgnome-character-map
-define file2pkg
-$(shell perl -ane '@l{"s","l","d","b","c","f","x","v","e"}=(3,3,6,8,8,9,6,9,9);$$f=quotemeta("$1");if($$F[0]=~/^$$f(=.*)?$$/){s/^\*// foreach @F;print join(" ", at F[$$l{$$F[1]}..$$#F]),"\n";exit}'</var/sadm/install/contents)
-define linktargets
-$(shell perl -ane 'if($$F[0] eq "l" && $$F[2]=~/=(.*)$$/){print $$1,"\n"}'<$1)
-	@echo $(call file2pkg,/etc)
-	@echo $(call linktargets,work/build-global/CSWlinkbase.prototype)
-# Targets
-# prototype - Generate prototype for all installed files
-# This can be used to automatically distribute the files to different packages
-# This file contains all installed pathes. This can be used as a starting point
-# for distributing files to individual packages.
-PROTOTYPE = $(WORKDIR)/prototype
-# Dynamic prototypes work like this:
-# - A prototype from DISTFILES takes precedence over 
-# Pulled in from pkglib/csw_prototype.gspec
-	$(_DBG)cswproto -c $(GARDIR)/etc/commondirs-$(GARCH) -r $(PKGROOT) $(PKGROOT)=/ >$@
-# The pathfilter rules are as follows:
-# - include license for current package
-# - exclude licenses for all other packages
-# - if other includes are given, only include these files
-# - if no include is given ("catch all packages") include everything except what
-#   is put in other packages
-.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH)
-$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype: _PKGFILES_EXCLUDE=$(call _pkgfiles_exclude,$*)
-$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype: _PKGFILES_INCLUDE=$(call _pkgfiles_include,$*)
-$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype: | $(PROTOTYPE)
-	$(_DBG)if [ -n "$(PKGFILES_$*_SHARED)" -o \
-	      -n "$(PKGFILES_$*)" -o \
-	      -n "$(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE)" -o \
-	      -n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*)" -o \
-	      -n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES)" ]; then \
-	  (pathfilter $(if $(or $(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE),$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE)),-I $(call licensedir,$*)/license) \
-		      $(foreach S,$(filter-out $*,$(SPKG_SPECS)),-X $(call licensedir,$S)/license) \
-		      $(foreach FILE,$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE),-i '$(FILE)') \
-		      $(if $(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE),-x '.*',$(foreach FILE,$(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE),-x '$(FILE)')) \
-	              $(foreach IE,$(abspath $(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*) $(ISAEXEC_FILES)), \
-	                  -e '$(IE)=$(dir $(IE))$(ISA_DEFAULT)/$(notdir $(IE))' \
-	               ) \
-	              <$(PROTOTYPE); \
-	   if [ -n "$(EXTRA_PKGFILES_$*)" ]; then echo "$(EXTRA_PKGFILES_$*)"; fi \
-	else \
-	fi
-$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH): | $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype
-	$(_DBG)cat $(WORKDIR)/$*.prototype $(_PROTOTYPE_FILTER_$*) >$@
-# Dynamic depends are constructed as follows:
-# - Packages the currently constructed one depends on can be specified with
-#   REQUIRED_PKGS_<pkg> specifically, or REQUIRED_PKGS for all packages build.
-#   These are flagged as 'P' in the depend file.
-# - If multiple packages are build at the same time it is valid to have
-#   dependencies between them. In this case it is necessary to define the package
-#   desciption for each package with SPKG_DESC_<pkg>, setting it in the gspec-file
-#   does not work.
-# - Packages that are imcompatible to the currently constructed one can be specified
-#   with INCOMPATIBLE_PKGS_<pkg> specifically or with INCOMPATIBLE_PKGS for all
-#   packages build.
-# - A depend-file from DISTFILES takes precedence, it is not overwritten or
-#   appended with dynamic depends.
-# $_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS is for dynamic dependencies added by GAR itself (like CSWisaexec or CSWcswclassutils)
-.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.depend
-$(WORKDIR)/%.depend: $(WORKDIR)
-			echo "I $(PKG)";\
-		)\
-		$(foreach PKG,$(sort $(_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS)) $(REQUIRED_PKGS_$*) $(REQUIRED_PKGS),\
-			$(if $(SPKG_DESC_$(PKG)), \
-				echo "P $(PKG) $(call catalogname,$(PKG)) - $(SPKG_DESC_$(PKG))";, \
-				echo "$(shell (/usr/bin/pkginfo $(PKG) || echo "P $(PKG) - ") | awk '{ $$1 = "P"; print } ')"; \
-			) \
-		)) >$@)
-# Dynamic gspec-files are constructed as follows:
-# - Packages using dynamic gspec-files must be listed in PACKAGES
-# - There is a default of PACKAGES containing one packages named CSW
-#   followed by the GARNAME. It can be changed by setting PACKAGES explicitly.
-# - The name of the generated package is always the same as listed in PACKAGES
-# - The catalog name defaults to the suffix following CSW of the package name,
-#   but can be customized by setting CATALOGNAME_<pkg> = <catalogname-of-pkg>
-# - If only one package is build it is sufficient to set CATALOGNAME = <catalogname-of-pkg>
-#   It is an error to set CATALOGNAME if more than one package is build.
-# - If the package is suitable for all architectures (sparc and x86) this can be
-#   flagged with ARCHALL_<pkg> = 1 for a specific package or with ARCHALL = 1
-#   for all packages.
-_CATEGORY_GSPEC_INCLUDE ?= csw_dyngspec.gspec
-# This rule dynamically generates gspec-files
-.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.gspec
-	$(_DBG)$(if $(filter $*.gspec,$(DISTFILES)),,\
-		(echo "%var            bitname $(call catalogname,$*)"; \
-		echo "%var            pkgname $*"; \
-		$(if $(or $(ARCHALL),$(ARCHALL_$*)),echo "%var            arch all";) \
-		$(if $(_CATEGORY_GSPEC_INCLUDE),echo "%include        url file://%{PKGLIB}/$(_CATEGORY_GSPEC_INCLUDE)")) >$@\
-	)
-# Dynamic licenses are selected in the following way:
-# - Dynamic licenses are only activated for packages listed in PACKAGES or
-#   packages which don't have %copyright in their gspec-file. This way the
-#   behaviour on existing gspec-files is preserved.
-# - The default name for the license is COPYING and it will not be fully printed
-# - If no license is explicitly specified in the Makefile and the default can not
-#   be found no license will be included
-# - If a license is specified it must be found or an error is issued
-# - Either LICENSE_<pkg> or LICENSE_FULL_<pkg> may be specified, it is an error
-#   to specify both.
-# - There is an automatic rule to include only the license for each package that
-#   belongs to it.
-# - Package-specific defines have precedence over general defines (CATALOGNAME_<pkg>
-#   before CATALOGNAME etc.)
-# LICENSE may be a path starting with $(WORKROOTDIR) or a filename inside $(WORKSRC)
-ifeq ($(origin LICENSE_FULL), undefined)
-ifeq ($(origin LICENSE), undefined)
-# Dynamic pkginfo 
-# Calculating the revision can be time consuming, so we do this on demand
-define _REVISION
-$(if $(shell if test -x $(SVN); then echo yes; fi),$(if $(shell $(SVN) info >/dev/null 2>&1; if test $$? -eq 0; then echo YES; fi),$(if $(shell $(SVN) status --ignore-externals 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^X'),UNCOMMITTED,$(shell $(SVN) info --recursive 2>/dev/null | $(GAWK) '$$1 == "Revision:" && MAX < $$2 { MAX = $$2 } END {print MAX }')),NOTVERSIONED),NOSVN)
-# URL: https://gar.svn.sf.net/svnroot/gar/csw/mgar/pkg/pcre/trunk
-define _URL
-$(if $(shell if test -x $(SVN); then echo yes; fi),$(shell $(SVN) info . 2>/dev/null | $(GAWK) '$$1 == "URL:" { print $$2 }'))
-# XXX: It is possible that a package is flagged as /isaexec, even
-# if the isaexec'ed files are in another package created from the Makefile.
-# There should be a warning issued if there is more than one package build and
-# it has not explicitly been set.
-define mode64
-$(shell echo 
-  $(if $(MODE64_$(1)),$(MODE64_$(1)), 
-    $(if $(filter 32,$(foreach I,$(NEEDED_ISAS),$(MEMORYMODEL_$I))),32) 
-    $(if $(filter 64,$(foreach I,$(NEEDED_ISAS),$(MEMORYMODEL_$I))),64) 
-    $(if $(abspath $(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*) $(ISAEXEC_FILES)),isaexec) 
-  ) | perl -lne 'print join("/", split)'
-define pkgvar
-$(if $($(1)_$(2)),$($(1)_$(2)),$($(1)))
-.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.pkginfo
-$(WORKDIR)/%.pkginfo: $(WORKDIR)
-	$(_DBG)(echo "PKG=$*"; \
-	echo "NAME=$(call catalogname,$*) - $(call pkgvar,SPKG_DESC,$*)"; \
-	echo "ARCH=$(if $(or $(ARCHALL),$(ARCHALL_$*)),all,$(call pkgvar,GARCH,$*))"; \
-	echo "VERSION=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_VERSION,$*)$(call pkgvar,SPKG_REVSTAMP,$*)"; \
-	echo "CATEGORY=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_CATEGORY,$*)"; \
-	echo "VENDOR=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_VENDOR,$*)"; \
-	echo "EMAIL=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_EMAIL,$*)"; \
-	echo "PSTAMP=$(LOGNAME)@$(shell hostname)-$(shell date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"; \
-	echo "CLASSES=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_CLASSES,$*)"; \
-	echo "HOTLINE=http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/"; \
-	echo "OPENCSW_REPOSITORY=$(call _URL)@$(call _REVISION)"; \
-	echo "OPENCSW_MODE64=$(call mode64,$*)"; \
-	) >$@
-# findlicensefile - Find an existing file for a given license name
-define findlicensefile
-  $(if $(1),$(firstword $(realpath 
-    $(1) $(WORKDIR)/$(1) 
-    $(foreach M,global $(MODULATIONS),$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/$(1) $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/$(DISTNAME)/$(1)) 
-  ))) 
-define licensefile
-  $(or 
-    $(call findlicensefile,$(or $(LICENSE_$(1)),$(LICENSE_FULL_$(1)))) 
-    $(call findlicensefile,$(or $(LICENSE),$(LICENSE_FULL))), 
-  ) 
-merge-license-%: $(WORKDIR)
-	$(_DBG)$(if $(and $(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*)),$(error Both LICENSE_$* and LICENSE_FULL_$* have been specified where only one is allowed)) \
-		$(if $(and $(filter $*,$(_PKG_SPECS)),$(or $(LICENSE),$(LICENSE_FULL),$(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*))), \
-		LICENSEFILE=$(or $(call licensefile,$*),$(if $(_LICENSE_IS_DEFAULT),,$(error Cannot find license file for package $*))); \
-		LICENSEDIR=$(call licensedir,$*); \
-		if [ -n "$$LICENSEFILE" ]; then \
-		$(if $(or $(LICENSE_FULL),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*)), \
-		    if [ -f "$$LICENSEFILE" ]; then cp $$LICENSEFILE $(WORKDIR)/$*.copyright; fi;, \
-		    echo "Please see $$LICENSEDIR/license for license information." > $(WORKDIR)/$*.copyright; \
-		) \
-		  mkdir -p $(PKGROOT)$$LICENSEDIR && \
-		  rm -f $(PKGROOT)$$LICENSEDIR/license && \
-		fi \
-	)
-merge-license: $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),merge-license-$(SPEC))
-	@$(DONADA)
-	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/merge-license $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),$(COOKIEDIR)/merge-license-$(SPEC))
-	@$(DONADA)
-merge-src: _SRCDIR=$(PKGROOT)$(sourcedir)/$(call catalogname,$(SRCPACKAGE_BASE))
-merge-src: fetch
-	@$(_DBG)mkdir -p $(_SRCDIR)
-	$(_DBG)(cd $(DOWNLOADDIR); pax -r -w -v $(foreach F,$(DISTFILES) $(PATCHFILES),$F) $(_SRCDIR))
-	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/merge-src
-	@$(DONADA)
-# package - Use the mkpackage utility to create Solaris packages
-ifneq ($(ENABLE_CHECK),0)
-PACKAGE_TARGETS = $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS), package-$(SPEC) pkgcheck-$(SPEC))
-PACKAGE_TARGETS = $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS), package-$(SPEC))
-	ginstall -d $@
-# This is a target used to generate all prototypes for debugging purposes.
-# On a normal packaging workflow this is not used.
-prototypes: extract merge $(SPKG_DESTDIRS) pre-package $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),$(WORKDIR)/$(SPEC).prototype-$(GARCH))
-# We depend on extract as the additional package files (like .gspec) must be
-# unpacked to global/ for packaging. E. g. 'merge' depends only on the specific
-# modulations and does not fill global/.
-package: extract merge $(SPKG_DESTDIRS) pre-package $(PACKAGE_TARGETS) post-package
-# The dynamic pkginfo is only generated for dynamic gspec-files
-package-%: $(WORKDIR)/%.gspec $(if $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES)),,$(WORKDIR)/%.pkginfo) $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH) $(WORKDIR)/%.depend
-	@echo " ==> Processing $*.gspec"
-	$(_DBG)( $(call _PKG_ENV,$*) mkpackage --spec $(WORKDIR)/$*.gspec \
-						 --spooldir $(SPKG_SPOOLDIR) \
-						 --destdir  $(SPKG_EXPORT) \
-						 --workdir  $(SPKG_WORKDIR) \
-						 --pkgbase  $(SPKG_PKGBASE) \
-						 --pkgroot  $(SPKG_PKGROOT) \
-						-v WORKDIR_FIRSTMOD=../build-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS)) \
-						 --compress \
-						 $(MKPACKAGE_ARGS) ) || exit 2
-# pkgcheck - check if the package is compliant
-pkgcheck: $(addprefix pkgcheck-,$(_PKG_SPECS))
-	@echo " ==> Checking compliance: $*"
-	@( LC_ALL=C checkpkg $(SPKG_EXPORT)/`$(call _PKG_ENV,$1) mkpackage -qs $(WORKDIR)/$*.gspec -D pkgfile`.gz ) || exit 2
-# pkgreset - reset working directory for repackaging
-pkgreset: $(addprefix pkgreset-,$(SPKG_SPECS))
-	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/extract
-	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/extract-archive-*
-reset-package: pkgreset
-	@echo " ==> Reset packaging state for $* ($(DESTIMG))"
-	@rm -rf $(foreach T,extract checksum package pkgcheck,$(COOKIEDIR)/*$(T)-$**)
-	@rm -rf $(COOKIEDIR)/pre-package $(COOKIEDIR)/post-package
-	@rm -rf $(WORKDIR)/$*.* $(WORKDIR)/prototype
-	@rm -f $(WORKDIR)/copyright $(WORKDIR)/*.copyright
-repackage: pkgreset package
-# dependb - update the dependency database
-	@dependb --db $(SPKG_DEPEND_DB) \
-             --parent $(CATEGORIES)/$(GARNAME) \
-             --add $(DEPENDS)
-# pkgenv - dump the packaging environment
-	@$(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),echo "$(SPEC)";echo;$(call _PKG_ENV,$(SPEC)) env;)
-# pkglist - list the packages to be built with GAR pathname, catalog name and package name
-define _pkglist_one
-$(shell /usr/bin/echo "$(shell pwd)\t$(call catalogname,$(1))\t$(call pkgname,$(1))")
-	@$(foreach SPEC,$(SPKG_SPECS),echo "$(call _pkglist_one,$(SPEC))";)

Copied: csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.pkg.mk (from rev 4937, csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.pkg.mk)
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.pkg.mk	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-pbuild/gar.pkg.mk	2009-05-19 18:20:04 UTC (rev 4957)
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+# vim: ft=make ts=4 sw=4 noet
+# $Id$
+# Copyright 2006 Cory Omand
+# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
+# permitted.  This software is without warranty of any kind.  The
+# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
+# software causes damage.
+# gar.pkg.mk - Build Solaris packages
+PKGINFO ?= /usr/bin/pkginfo
+# You can use either PACKAGES with dynamic gspec-files or explicitly add gspec-files to DISTFILES.
+# Do "PACKAGES = CSWmypkg" when you build a package whose GARNAME is not the package name.
+# If no explicit gspec-files have been defined the default name for the package is CSW$(GARNAME).
+# The whole processing is done from _PKG_SPECS, which includes all packages to be build.
+# SRCPACKAGE_BASE is the name of the package containing the sourcefiles for all packages
+# generated from this GAR recipe. It defaults to the first defined package name or gspec.
+# SRCPACKAGE is the name of the package containing the sources
+ifeq ($(origin PACKAGES), undefined)
+PACKAGES        = $(if $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES)),,CSW$(GARNAME))
+SRCPACKAGE_BASE = $(firstword $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES))) $(PACKAGES))
+SPKG_SPECS     ?= $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES))) $(PACKAGES) $(if $(NOSOURCEPACKAGE),,$(SRCPACKAGE))
+SPKG_SPECS     ?= $(sort $(basename $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES))) $(PACKAGES) $(if $(NOSOURCEPACKAGE),,$(SRCPACKAGE)))
+# Automatic definitions for source package
+# XXX: Use Repository Root instead of fixed URL as base
+GARSYSTEMVERSION ?= $(shell $(SVN) propget svn:externals $(CURDIR) | perl -ane 'if($$F[0] eq "gar") { print ($$F[1]=~m(https://gar.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gar/csw/mgar/gar/(.*))),"\n";}')
+GARPKG_v1 = CSWgar-v1
+GARPKG_v2 = CSWgar-v2
+_PKG_SPECS      = $(filter-out $(NOPACKAGE),$(SPKG_SPECS))
+# The is the name of the package containing the sourcefiles for all packages generated from this GAR recipe.
+# It defaults to the first defined package name or gspec. SRCPACKAGE_BASE is guaranteed
+# to be one of the real packages built.
+SRCPACKAGE_BASE = $(if $(PACKAGES),$(firstword $(PACKAGES)),$(firstword $(SPKG_SPECS)))
+SRCPACKAGE                  ?= $(SRCPACKAGE_BASE)-src
+GARSYSTEMVERSION ?= $(shell $(SVN) propget svn:externals $(CURDIR) | perl -ane 'if($$F[0] eq "gar") { print ($$F[1]=~m(https://gar.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gar/csw/mgar/gar/(.*))),"\n";}')
+GARPKG_v1 = CSWgar-v1
+GARPKG_v2 = CSWgar-v2
+_PKG_SPECS      = $(filter-out $(NOPACKAGE),$(SPKG_SPECS))
+# pkgname - Get the name of a package from a gspec-name or package-name
+# This is a safety function. In sane settings it should return the name
+# of the package given as argument. However, when gspec-files are in DISTFILES
+# it is possible to name the gspec-file differently from the package. This is
+# a very bad idea, but we can handle it!
+# In: arg1 - name of gspec-file or package
+# Out: name of package
+define pkgname
+  $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
+    $(1),
+    $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "pkgname")' files/$(1).gspec)
+  )
+# catalogname - Get the catalog-name for a package
+# In: arg1 - name of package
+# Out: catalog-name for the package
+define catalogname
+  $(if $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
+    $(CATALOGNAME_$(1)),
+    $(if $(CATALOGNAME),
+      $(CATALOGNAME),
+      $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)),
+        $(patsubst CSW%,%,$(1)),
+        $(if $(realpath files/$(1).gspec),
+          $(shell perl -F'\s+' -ane 'print "$$F[2]" if( $$F[0] eq "%var" && $$F[1] eq "bitname")' files/$(1).gspec),
+          $(error The catalog name for the package '$1' could not be determined, because it was neither in PACKAGES nor was there a gspec-file)
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  )
+# We do not put this in $(docdir), as the prefix may have been reset to some
+# other location and the license should always be in a fixed location.
+define licensedir
+$(BUILD_PREFIX)/share/doc/$(call catalogname,$(1))
+# Set this to your svn binary
+SVN  ?= /opt/csw/bin/svn
+GAWK ?= /opt/csw/bin/gawk
+# We have to deal with four cases here:
+# 1. There is no svn binary -> NOSVN
+# 2. There is a svn binary, but the directory does not belong to a repository -> NOTVERSIONED
+# 3. There is a svn binary, but not everything was committed properly -> UNCOMMITTED
+# 4. There is a svn binary and everything was committed -> r<revision>
+SPKG_CATEGORY  ?= application
+SPKG_PACKAGER  ?= Unknown
+SPKG_EMAIL     ?= Unknown
+SPKG_PSTAMP    ?= $(LOGNAME)@$(shell hostname)-$(call _REVISION)-$(shell date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
+SPKG_BASEDIR   ?= $(prefix)
+SPKG_CLASSES   ?= none
+SPKG_OSNAME    ?= $(shell uname -s)$(shell uname -r)
+SPKG_DEPEND_DB  = $(GARDIR)/csw/depend.db
+# Handle cswclassutils
+# - prepend cswpreserveconf if it is not already in SPKG_CLASSES
+SPKG_CLASSES += $(if $(SAMPLECONF),$(if $(filter cswsampleconf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswsampleconf))
+SPKG_CLASSES += $(if $(PRESERVECONF),$(if $(filter cswpreserveconf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswpreserveconf))
+SPKG_CLASSES += $(if $(INITSMF),$(if $(filter cswinitsmf,$(SPKG_CLASSES)),,cswinitsmf))
+# - set class for all config files
+_CSWCLASS_FILTER = | perl -ane '\
+		$(foreach FILE,$(SAMPLECONF),$$F[1] = "cswsampleconf" if ( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
+		$(foreach FILE,$(PRESERVECONF),$$F[1] = "cswpreserveconf" if( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
+		$(foreach FILE,$(INITMF),$$F[1] = "cswinitsmf" if( $$F[2] =~ m(^$(FILE)$$) );)\
+		print join(" ", at F),"\n";'
+_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS += CSWcswclassutils
+DEPMAKER_EXTRA_ARGS = --noscript --nodep SUNW
+# Construct a revision stamp
+ifeq ($(GARFLAVOR),DBG)
+SPKG_REVSTAMP  ?= ,REV=$(shell date '+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M')
+SPKG_REVSTAMP  ?= ,REV=$(shell date '+%Y.%m.%d')
+# Where we find our mkpackage global templates
+PKGLIB = $(CURDIR)/$(GARDIR)/pkglib
+define _PKG_ENV
+$(BUILD_ENV) $(foreach EXP,$(PKG_EXPORTS),$(EXP)="$(if $($(EXP)_$1),$($(EXP)_$1),$($(EXP)))")
+# Canned command for generating admin file names
+# Usage: $(call admfiles,SUNWpackage,depend copyright)
+# pkg.gspec is added by default.
+admfiles = $(1).gspec $(foreach PKG,$(1),$(foreach ADM,$(2),$(PKG).$(ADM)))
+# Standard sets of admin files for use with admfiles
+ADMSTANDARD = prototype depend
+ADMISCRIPTS = preinstall postinstall
+ADMUSCRIPTS = preremove postremove
+ADMADDON    = $(ADMSTANDARD) postinstall preremove
+# This is a helper function which inserts subdirectories for each ISA
+# between the prefix and the suffix.
+# usage: $(call isadirs,<prefix>,<suffix>)
+# expands to <prefix>/<isa1>/<suffix> <prefix>/<isa2>/<suffix> ...
+isadirs = $(foreach ISA,$(ISALIST),$(1)/$(ISA)/$(2))
+# This is a helper function just like isadirs, but also contains the
+# prefix and suffix without an ISA subdirectories inserted.
+# usage: $(call isadirs,<prefix>,<suffix>)
+# expands to <prefix>/<suffix> <prefix>/<isa1>/<suffix> <prefix>/<isa2>/<suffix> ...
+baseisadirs = $(1)/$(2) $(call isadirs,$(1),$(2))
+# PKGFILES_RT selects files belonging to a runtime package
+PKGFILES_RT += $(call baseisadirs,$(libdir),[^/]*\.so(\.\d+)*)
+# PKGFILES_DEVEL selects files belonging to a developer package
+PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(call baseisadirs,$(bindir),[^/]*-config)
+PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(call baseisadirs,$(libdir),[^/]*\.(a|la))
+PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(call baseisadirs,$(libdir),pkgconfig(/.*)?)
+PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(includedir)/.*
+PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(sharedstatedir)/aclocal/.*
+PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(mandir)/man1/.*-config\.1.*
+PKGFILES_DEVEL += $(mandir)/man3/.*
+# PKGFILES_DOC selects files beloging to a documentation package
+PKGFILES_DOC  = $(docdir)/.*
+# PKGFILES_SRC selects the source archives for building the package
+PKGFILES_SRC = $(sourcedir)/$(call catalogname,$(SRCPACKAGE_BASE))/.*
+# This function computes the files to be excluded from the package specified
+# as argument
+define _pkgfiles_exclude
+  $(foreach S,$(filter-out $(1),$(_PKG_SPECS)), 
+    $(PKGFILES_$(S)) 
+  ) 
+define _pkgfiles_include
+  $(PKGFILES_$(1)) 
+# This function takes a full path to a filename and returns the package it belongs to.
+# The package may be generated during this build or already installed on the system.
+# /etc/crypto/certs/SUNWObjectCA=../../../etc/certs/SUNWObjectCA l none SUNWcsr
+#perl -ane '$$f=quotemeta("$1");if($$F[0]=~/^$$f(=.*)?$$/){print join(" ",$$F[3..$$#F]),"\n";exit}'</var/sadm/install/contents
+#$(shell /usr/sbin/pkgchk -l -p $1 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Current/ {p=0} p==1 {print} /^Referenced/ {p=1}' | perl -ane 'print join("\n", at F)')
+# 'pkchk -l -p' doesn't work as it concatenates package names with more than 14 characters,
+# e. g. SUNWgnome-base-libs-develSUNWgnome-calculatorSUNWgnome-freedb-libsSUNWgnome-cd-burnerSUNWgnome-character-map
+define file2pkg
+$(shell perl -ane '@l{"s","l","d","b","c","f","x","v","e"}=(3,3,6,8,8,9,6,9,9);$$f=quotemeta("$1");if($$F[0]=~/^$$f(=.*)?$$/){s/^\*// foreach @F;print join(" ", at F[$$l{$$F[1]}..$$#F]),"\n";exit}'</var/sadm/install/contents)
+define linktargets
+$(shell perl -ane 'if($$F[0] eq "l" && $$F[2]=~/=(.*)$$/){print $$1,"\n"}'<$1)
+	@echo $(call file2pkg,/etc)
+	@echo $(call linktargets,work/build-global/CSWlinkbase.prototype)
+# Targets
+# prototype - Generate prototype for all installed files
+# This can be used to automatically distribute the files to different packages
+# This file contains all installed pathes. This can be used as a starting point
+# for distributing files to individual packages.
+PROTOTYPE = $(WORKDIR)/prototype
+# Dynamic prototypes work like this:
+# - A prototype from DISTFILES takes precedence over 
+# Pulled in from pkglib/csw_prototype.gspec
+	$(_DBG)cswproto -c $(GARDIR)/etc/commondirs-$(GARCH) -r $(PKGROOT) $(PKGROOT)=/ >$@
+# The pathfilter rules are as follows:
+# - include license for current package
+# - exclude licenses for all other packages
+# - if other includes are given, only include these files
+# - if no include is given ("catch all packages") include everything except what
+#   is put in other packages
+.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH)
+$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype: _PKGFILES_EXCLUDE=$(call _pkgfiles_exclude,$*)
+$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype: _PKGFILES_INCLUDE=$(call _pkgfiles_include,$*)
+$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype: | $(PROTOTYPE)
+	$(_DBG)if [ -n "$(PKGFILES_$*_SHARED)" -o \
+	      -n "$(PKGFILES_$*)" -o \
+	      -n "$(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE)" -o \
+	      -n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*)" -o \
+	      -n "$(ISAEXEC_FILES)" ]; then \
+	  (pathfilter $(if $(or $(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE),$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE)),-I $(call licensedir,$*)/license) \
+		      $(foreach S,$(filter-out $*,$(SPKG_SPECS)),-X $(call licensedir,$S)/license) \
+		      $(foreach FILE,$(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE),-i '$(FILE)') \
+		      $(if $(_PKGFILES_INCLUDE),-x '.*',$(foreach FILE,$(_PKGFILES_EXCLUDE),-x '$(FILE)')) \
+	              $(foreach IE,$(abspath $(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*) $(ISAEXEC_FILES)), \
+	                  -e '$(IE)=$(dir $(IE))$(ISA_DEFAULT)/$(notdir $(IE))' \
+	               ) \
+	              <$(PROTOTYPE); \
+	   if [ -n "$(EXTRA_PKGFILES_$*)" ]; then echo "$(EXTRA_PKGFILES_$*)"; fi \
+	else \
+	fi
+$(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH): | $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype
+	$(_DBG)cat $(WORKDIR)/$*.prototype $(_PROTOTYPE_FILTER_$*) >$@
+# Dynamic depends are constructed as follows:
+# - Packages the currently constructed one depends on can be specified with
+#   REQUIRED_PKGS_<pkg> specifically, or REQUIRED_PKGS for all packages build.
+#   These are flagged as 'P' in the depend file.
+# - If multiple packages are build at the same time it is valid to have
+#   dependencies between them. In this case it is necessary to define the package
+#   desciption for each package with SPKG_DESC_<pkg>, setting it in the gspec-file
+#   does not work.
+# - Packages that are imcompatible to the currently constructed one can be specified
+#   with INCOMPATIBLE_PKGS_<pkg> specifically or with INCOMPATIBLE_PKGS for all
+#   packages build.
+# - A depend-file from DISTFILES takes precedence, it is not overwritten or
+#   appended with dynamic depends.
+# $_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS is for dynamic dependencies added by GAR itself (like CSWisaexec or CSWcswclassutils)
+.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.depend
+$(WORKDIR)/%.depend: $(WORKDIR)
+			echo "I $(PKG)";\
+		)\
+		$(foreach PKG,$(sort $(_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS)) $(REQUIRED_PKGS_$*) $(REQUIRED_PKGS),\
+			$(if $(SPKG_DESC_$(PKG)), \
+				echo "P $(PKG) $(call catalogname,$(PKG)) - $(SPKG_DESC_$(PKG))";, \
+				echo "$(shell (/usr/bin/pkginfo $(PKG) || echo "P $(PKG) - ") | awk '{ $$1 = "P"; print } ')"; \
+			) \
+		)) >$@)
+# Dynamic gspec-files are constructed as follows:
+# - Packages using dynamic gspec-files must be listed in PACKAGES
+# - There is a default of PACKAGES containing one packages named CSW
+#   followed by the GARNAME. It can be changed by setting PACKAGES explicitly.
+# - The name of the generated package is always the same as listed in PACKAGES
+# - The catalog name defaults to the suffix following CSW of the package name,
+#   but can be customized by setting CATALOGNAME_<pkg> = <catalogname-of-pkg>
+# - If only one package is build it is sufficient to set CATALOGNAME = <catalogname-of-pkg>
+#   It is an error to set CATALOGNAME if more than one package is build.
+# - If the package is suitable for all architectures (sparc and x86) this can be
+#   flagged with ARCHALL_<pkg> = 1 for a specific package or with ARCHALL = 1
+#   for all packages.
+_CATEGORY_GSPEC_INCLUDE ?= csw_dyngspec.gspec
+# This rule dynamically generates gspec-files
+.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.gspec
+	$(_DBG)$(if $(filter $*.gspec,$(DISTFILES)),,\
+		(echo "%var            bitname $(call catalogname,$*)"; \
+		echo "%var            pkgname $*"; \
+		$(if $(or $(ARCHALL),$(ARCHALL_$*)),echo "%var            arch all";) \
+		$(if $(_CATEGORY_GSPEC_INCLUDE),echo "%include        url file://%{PKGLIB}/$(_CATEGORY_GSPEC_INCLUDE)")) >$@\
+	)
+# Dynamic licenses are selected in the following way:
+# - Dynamic licenses are only activated for packages listed in PACKAGES or
+#   packages which don't have %copyright in their gspec-file. This way the
+#   behaviour on existing gspec-files is preserved.
+# - The default name for the license is COPYING and it will not be fully printed
+# - If no license is explicitly specified in the Makefile and the default can not
+#   be found no license will be included
+# - If a license is specified it must be found or an error is issued
+# - Either LICENSE_<pkg> or LICENSE_FULL_<pkg> may be specified, it is an error
+#   to specify both.
+# - There is an automatic rule to include only the license for each package that
+#   belongs to it.
+# - Package-specific defines have precedence over general defines (CATALOGNAME_<pkg>
+#   before CATALOGNAME etc.)
+# LICENSE may be a path starting with $(WORKROOTDIR) or a filename inside $(WORKSRC)
+ifeq ($(origin LICENSE_FULL), undefined)
+ifeq ($(origin LICENSE), undefined)
+# Dynamic pkginfo 
+# Calculating the revision can be time consuming, so we do this on demand
+define _REVISION
+$(if $(shell if test -x $(SVN); then echo yes; fi),$(if $(shell $(SVN) info >/dev/null 2>&1; if test $$? -eq 0; then echo YES; fi),$(if $(shell $(SVN) status --ignore-externals 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^X'),UNCOMMITTED,$(shell $(SVN) info --recursive 2>/dev/null | $(GAWK) '$$1 == "Revision:" && MAX < $$2 { MAX = $$2 } END {print MAX }')),NOTVERSIONED),NOSVN)
+# URL: https://gar.svn.sf.net/svnroot/gar/csw/mgar/pkg/pcre/trunk
+define _URL
+$(if $(shell if test -x $(SVN); then echo yes; fi),$(shell $(SVN) info . 2>/dev/null | $(GAWK) '$$1 == "URL:" { print $$2 }'))
+# XXX: It is possible that a package is flagged as /isaexec, even
+# if the isaexec'ed files are in another package created from the Makefile.
+# There should be a warning issued if there is more than one package build and
+# it has not explicitly been set.
+define mode64
+$(shell echo 
+  $(if $(MODE64_$(1)),$(MODE64_$(1)), 
+    $(if $(filter 32,$(foreach I,$(NEEDED_ISAS),$(MEMORYMODEL_$I))),32) 
+    $(if $(filter 64,$(foreach I,$(NEEDED_ISAS),$(MEMORYMODEL_$I))),64) 
+    $(if $(abspath $(ISAEXEC_FILES_$*) $(ISAEXEC_FILES)),isaexec) 
+  ) | perl -lne 'print join("/", split)'
+define pkgvar
+$(if $($(1)_$(2)),$($(1)_$(2)),$($(1)))
+.PRECIOUS: $(WORKDIR)/%.pkginfo
+$(WORKDIR)/%.pkginfo: $(WORKDIR)
+	$(_DBG)(echo "PKG=$*"; \
+	echo "NAME=$(call catalogname,$*) - $(call pkgvar,SPKG_DESC,$*)"; \
+	echo "ARCH=$(if $(or $(ARCHALL),$(ARCHALL_$*)),all,$(call pkgvar,GARCH,$*))"; \
+	echo "VERSION=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_VERSION,$*)$(call pkgvar,SPKG_REVSTAMP,$*)"; \
+	echo "CATEGORY=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_CATEGORY,$*)"; \
+	echo "VENDOR=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_VENDOR,$*)"; \
+	echo "EMAIL=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_EMAIL,$*)"; \
+	echo "PSTAMP=$(LOGNAME)@$(shell hostname)-$(shell date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"; \
+	echo "CLASSES=$(call pkgvar,SPKG_CLASSES,$*)"; \
+	echo "HOTLINE=http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/"; \
+	echo "OPENCSW_REPOSITORY=$(call _URL)@$(call _REVISION)"; \
+	echo "OPENCSW_MODE64=$(call mode64,$*)"; \
+	) >$@
+# findlicensefile - Find an existing file for a given license name
+define findlicensefile
+  $(if $(1),$(firstword $(realpath 
+    $(1) $(WORKDIR)/$(1) 
+    $(foreach M,global $(MODULATIONS),$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/$(1) $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/$(DISTNAME)/$(1)) 
+  ))) 
+define licensefile
+  $(or 
+    $(call findlicensefile,$(or $(LICENSE_$(1)),$(LICENSE_FULL_$(1)))) 
+    $(call findlicensefile,$(or $(LICENSE),$(LICENSE_FULL))), 
+  ) 
+merge-license-%: $(WORKDIR)
+	$(_DBG)$(if $(and $(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*)),$(error Both LICENSE_$* and LICENSE_FULL_$* have been specified where only one is allowed)) \
+		$(if $(and $(filter $*,$(_PKG_SPECS)),$(or $(LICENSE),$(LICENSE_FULL),$(LICENSE_$*),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*))), \
+		LICENSEFILE=$(or $(call licensefile,$*),$(if $(_LICENSE_IS_DEFAULT),,$(error Cannot find license file for package $*))); \
+		LICENSEDIR=$(call licensedir,$*); \
+		if [ -n "$$LICENSEFILE" ]; then \
+		$(if $(or $(LICENSE_FULL),$(LICENSE_FULL_$*)), \
+		    if [ -f "$$LICENSEFILE" ]; then cp $$LICENSEFILE $(WORKDIR)/$*.copyright; fi;, \
+		    echo "Please see $$LICENSEDIR/license for license information." > $(WORKDIR)/$*.copyright; \
+		) \
+		  mkdir -p $(PKGROOT)$$LICENSEDIR && \
+		  rm -f $(PKGROOT)$$LICENSEDIR/license && \
+		fi \
+	)
+merge-license: $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),merge-license-$(SPEC))
+	@$(DONADA)
+	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/merge-license $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),$(COOKIEDIR)/merge-license-$(SPEC))
+	@$(DONADA)
+merge-src: _SRCDIR=$(PKGROOT)$(sourcedir)/$(call catalogname,$(SRCPACKAGE_BASE))
+merge-src: fetch
+	$(_DBG)mkdir -p $(_SRCDIR)/files
+	$(_DBG)(cd $(DOWNLOADDIR); pax -rH -w -v $(foreach F,$(DISTFILES) $(PATCHFILES),$F) $(_SRCDIR)/files)
+	$(_DBG)(cd $(CURDIR); pax -rH -w -v Makefile checksums $(_SRCDIR))
+	$(_DBG)ln -s ../gar/$(GARSYSTEMVERSION) $(_SRCDIR)/gar
+	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/merge-src
+# package - Use the mkpackage utility to create Solaris packages
+ifneq ($(ENABLE_CHECK),0)
+PACKAGE_TARGETS = $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS), package-$(SPEC) pkgcheck-$(SPEC))
+PACKAGE_TARGETS = $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS), package-$(SPEC))
+	ginstall -d $@
+# This is a target used to generate all prototypes for debugging purposes.
+# On a normal packaging workflow this is not used.
+prototypes: extract merge $(SPKG_DESTDIRS) pre-package $(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),$(WORKDIR)/$(SPEC).prototype-$(GARCH))
+# We depend on extract as the additional package files (like .gspec) must be
+# unpacked to global/ for packaging. E. g. 'merge' depends only on the specific
+# modulations and does not fill global/.
+package: extract merge $(SPKG_DESTDIRS) pre-package $(PACKAGE_TARGETS) post-package
+# The dynamic pkginfo is only generated for dynamic gspec-files
+package-%: $(WORKDIR)/%.gspec $(if $(filter %.gspec,$(DISTFILES)),,$(WORKDIR)/%.pkginfo) $(WORKDIR)/%.prototype-$(GARCH) $(WORKDIR)/%.depend
+	@echo " ==> Processing $*.gspec"
+	$(_DBG)( $(call _PKG_ENV,$*) mkpackage --spec $(WORKDIR)/$*.gspec \
+						 --spooldir $(SPKG_SPOOLDIR) \
+						 --destdir  $(SPKG_EXPORT) \
+						 --workdir  $(SPKG_WORKDIR) \
+						 --pkgbase  $(SPKG_PKGBASE) \
+						 --pkgroot  $(SPKG_PKGROOT) \
+						-v WORKDIR_FIRSTMOD=../build-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS)) \
+						 --compress \
+						 $(MKPACKAGE_ARGS) ) || exit 2
+# pkgcheck - check if the package is compliant
+pkgcheck: $(addprefix pkgcheck-,$(_PKG_SPECS))
+	@echo " ==> Checking compliance: $*"
+	@( LC_ALL=C checkpkg $(SPKG_EXPORT)/`$(call _PKG_ENV,$1) mkpackage -qs $(WORKDIR)/$*.gspec -D pkgfile`.gz ) || exit 2
+# pkgreset - reset working directory for repackaging
+pkgreset: $(addprefix pkgreset-,$(SPKG_SPECS))
+	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/extract
+	@rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/extract-archive-*
+reset-package: pkgreset
+	@echo " ==> Reset packaging state for $* ($(DESTIMG))"
+	@rm -rf $(foreach T,extract checksum package pkgcheck,$(COOKIEDIR)/*$(T)-$**)
+	@rm -rf $(COOKIEDIR)/pre-package $(COOKIEDIR)/post-package
+	@rm -rf $(WORKDIR)/$*.* $(WORKDIR)/prototype
+	@rm -f $(WORKDIR)/copyright $(WORKDIR)/*.copyright
+repackage: pkgreset package
+# dependb - update the dependency database
+	@dependb --db $(SPKG_DEPEND_DB) \
+             --parent $(CATEGORIES)/$(GARNAME) \
+             --add $(DEPENDS)
+# pkgenv - dump the packaging environment
+	@$(foreach SPEC,$(_PKG_SPECS),echo "$(SPEC)";echo;$(call _PKG_ENV,$(SPEC)) env;)
+# pkglist - list the packages to be built with GAR pathname, catalog name and package name
+define _pkglist_one
+$(shell /usr/bin/echo "$(shell pwd)\t$(call catalogname,$(1))\t$(call pkgname,$(1))")
+	@$(foreach SPEC,$(SPKG_SPECS),echo "$(call _pkglist_one,$(SPEC))";)

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