[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[7430] csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Nov 25 13:03:54 CET 2009

Revision: 7430
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2009-11-25 12:03:53 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2009)

Log Message:
orca: Fix start script and package name

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/Makefile	2009-11-25 11:58:40 UTC (rev 7429)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/Makefile	2009-11-25 12:03:53 UTC (rev 7430)
@@ -30,17 +30,18 @@
 DISTFILES += csworcallator csworcallator.xml svc-csworcallator
 DISTFILES += csworca_services
+DISTFILES += csworca
+PATCHFILES  = $(GARNAME)-$(GARVERSION)-se-3.5.0.patch
+PATCHFILES += fix-start-orcallator.patch
-PACKAGES = CSWorca CSWorca-web
+PACKAGES = CSWorca CSWorcaweb
-CATALOGNAME_CSWorca     = orca
-CATALOGNAME_CSWorca-web = orca_web
+CATALOGNAME_CSWorca    = orca
+CATALOGNAME_CSWorcaweb = orca_web
 SPKG_DESC_CSWorca = Performance Data Collector
-SPKG_DESC_CSWorcs-web = Performance Data Viewer
+SPKG_DESC_CSWorcaweb = Performance Data Viewer
 SPKG_SOURCEURL = http://www.orcaware.com/orca
 # We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
 REQUIRED_PKGS_CSWorca     = CSWsetoolkit CSWperl CSWpmtimedate
 REQUIRED_PKGS_CSWorca    += CSWpmmathinterpolate CSWrrd CSWgawk CSWbzip2
-REQUIRED_PKGS_CSWorca-web = CSWperl CSWpmtimedate CSWpmmathinterpolate CSWrrd CSWapache2
+REQUIRED_PKGS_CSWorcaweb  = CSWperl CSWpmtimedate CSWpmmathinterpolate CSWrrd CSWapache2
 sysconfdir    = /etc/opt/csw
 localstatedir = /var/opt/csw
@@ -70,23 +71,26 @@
 PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/procallator.cfg
 PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/orca_services.cfg
-INITSMF = /etc/opt/csw/init.d/csworcallator
+INITSMF = /etc/opt/csw/init.d/csworca
+INITSMF += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/csworcallator
-PKGFILES_CSWorca-web  = $(prefix)/apache2/.*
-PKGFILES_CSWorca-web += $(sharedstatedir)/www/orca/.*
-PKGFILES_CSWorca-web += $(bindir)/orca
-PKGFILES_CSWorca-web += $(sysconfdir)/.*\.cfg
-PKGFILES_CSWorca-web += $(libdir)/perl/.*
-PKGFILES_CSWorca-web += $(mandir)/man1/orca\.1
-PKGFILES_CSWorca-web += /var/opt/csw/.*
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb  = $(prefix)/apache2/.*
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb += $(sharedstatedir)/www/orca/.*
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb += $(bindir)/orca
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb += $(sysconfdir)/.*\.cfg
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb += $(libdir)/perl/.*
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb += $(mandir)/man1/orca\.1
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb += /var/opt/csw/.*
+PKGFILES_CSWorcaweb += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/csworca
 include gar/category.mk
 	@ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/init.d
 	@# TBD: Use custom manifest for Solaris 10 SMF support
+	@ginstall $(WORKDIR)/csworca $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/init.d/csworca
 	@ginstall $(WORKDIR)/csworcallator $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/init.d/csworcallator
 	@ginstall $(WORKDIR)/csworca_services $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/init.d/csworca_services

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/checksums	2009-11-25 11:58:40 UTC (rev 7429)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/checksums	2009-11-25 12:03:53 UTC (rev 7430)
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+dcb171adb47a8a7d8c55ec4b7f9b5218  csworca
 4c74f4f1449fabd0838d0cd71678144c  csworca_services
 72c1eaa8d3f1ab48363e7ed5792e2855  csworcallator
 a99644ffcc9164d9d0f4df2b44c61917  csworcallator.xml
+22e921ee0ebc822479e99041d1045952  fix-start-orcallator.patch
 ce08f37aa52f7b27bc82cc9c976d56b4  orca-snapshot-r535-se-3.5.0.patch
 ba8e48e429008f53037e85fef2fcfe36  orca-snapshot-r535.tar.bz2
 23a2b76456b96c5fcff4a1d92c02e140  svc-csworcallator

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/files/csworca
--- csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/files/csworca	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/files/csworca	2009-11-25 12:03:53 UTC (rev 7430)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+    if test -x $orca; then
+      umask 022
+      $orca -daemon -logfile /var/opt/csw/orca/orca.log /etc/opt/csw/orcallator.cfg &
+      echo $! >/var/run/orca.pid
+    else
+      echo "$0: $start_orcallator does not exist or is not executable."
+    fi
+    ;;
+  stop)
+    if test -f /var/run/orca.pid; then
+      kill `cat /var/run/orca.pid`
+      rm -f /var/run/orca.pid
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+exit 0

Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/files/csworca
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/files/fix-start-orcallator.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/files/fix-start-orcallator.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/orca/trunk/files/fix-start-orcallator.patch	2009-11-25 12:03:53 UTC (rev 7430)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- orca-snapshot-r535/data_gatherers/orcallator/start_orcallator.sh.in	2005-09-09 05:51:41.000000000 +0200
++++ orca-snapshot-r535/data_gatherers/orcallator/start_orcallator.sh.in.new	2009-11-25 12:19:03.700007723 +0100
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
+   exit 1
+ fi
+-echo "Writing data into $OUTDIR/"
++# echo "Writing data into $OUTDIR/"
+ if test "$WEB_LOG"; then
+   echo "Using www access log file $WEB_LOG"
+ fi
+@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@
+ fi
+ # Now start the logging.
+-echo "Starting logging"
+-nohup $SE $SE_PATCHES -DWATCH_OS $WATCH_WEB -I$libdir/SE/$SE_VERSION $libdir/orcallator.se &
++# echo "Starting logging"
++nohup $SE $SE_PATCHES -DWATCH_OS $WATCH_WEB -I$libdir/SE/$SE_VERSION $libdir/orca/orcallator.se >$OUTDIR/orcallator.log 2>&1 &
+ # Write the PID of orcallator to a file to make killing easier.
+ pid=$!
+@@ -147,4 +147,4 @@
+ # Sleep for a couple of seconds to allow any orcallator startup
+ # warnings to appear on the terminal before exiting.
+-sleep 5
++# sleep 5

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