[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[6894] csw/mgar/gar
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Oct 18 19:29:04 CEST 2009
Revision: 6894
Author: dmichelsen
Date: 2009-10-18 17:29:04 +0000 (Sun, 18 Oct 2009)
Log Message:
mGAR v2: Fork collapsed modulations
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.lib.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.lib.mk 2009-10-09 11:59:38 UTC (rev 6808)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.lib.mk 2009-10-18 17:29:04 UTC (rev 6894)
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-# vim: ft=make ts=4 sw=4 noet
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Nick Moffitt
-# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
-# permitted. This software is without warranty of any kind. The
-# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
-# software causes damage.
-# cookies go here, so we have to be able to find them for
-# dependency checking.
-# convenience variable to make the cookie.
-MAKECOOKIE = mkdir -p $(COOKIEDIR)/$(@D) && date >> $(COOKIEDIR)/$@
-URLSTRIP = $(subst ://,//,$(1))
-# if you need to proxy git:// connections, set GIT_USE_PROXY. There is a
-# default proxy script that works with the (squid?) proxy at the BO buildfarm.
-# override GIT_PROXY_SCRIPT to something else if you need to.
-#################### FETCH RULES ####################
-URLS = $(call URLSTRIP,$(foreach SITE,$(FILE_SITES) $(MASTER_SITES),$(addprefix $(SITE),$(DISTFILES))) $(foreach SITE,$(FILE_SITES) $(PATCH_SITES) $(MASTER_SITES),$(addprefix $(SITE),$(PATCHFILES) $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(PATCHFILES_$M)))))
-# if the caller has defined _postinstall, etc targets for a package, add
-# these 'dynamic script' targets to our fetch list
-URLS += $(foreach DYN,$(DYNSCRIPTS),dynscr//$(DYN))
-ifdef GIT_REPOS
-URLS += $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),gitrepo//$(call GITPROJ,$(R)) $(subst http,git-http,$(call URLSTRIP,$(R))))
-# Download the file if and only if it doesn't have a preexisting
-# checksum file. Loop through available URLs and stop when you
-# get one that doesn't return an error code.
- @if test -f $(COOKIEDIR)/checksum-$*; then : ; else \
- echo " ==> Grabbing $@"; \
- for i in $(filter %/$*,$(URLS)); do \
- echo " ==> Trying $$i"; \
- $(MAKE) -s $$i || continue; \
- mv $(PARTIALDIR)/$* $@; \
- break; \
- done; \
- if test -r $@ ; then : ; else \
- echo '(!!!) Failed to download $@!' 1>&2; \
- false; \
- fi; \
- fi
- @( if [ -d $(GARCHIVEDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*) ]; then \
- ( cd $(GARCHIVEDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
- $(GIT_MAYBEPROXY) git --bare fetch ) && \
- gln -s $(GARCHIVEDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*)/ $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
- else \
- false; \
- fi )
-# the git remote add commands are so that we can later do a fetch
-# to update the code.
-# we possibly proxy the git:// references depending on GIT_USE_PROXY
- @git clone --bare http://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*)
- @( cd $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
- git remote add origin http://$*; \
- git config remote.origin.fetch $(if $(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_DEFAULT_TRACK)); )
- @$(GIT_MAYBEPROXY) git clone --bare git://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*)
- @( cd $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
- git remote add origin git://$*; \
- git config remote.origin.fetch $(if $(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_DEFAULT_TRACK)); )
-# create ADMSCRIPTS 'on the fly' from variables defined by the caller
-# This version is private and should only be called from the non-private
-# version directly below
- $($(subst .,_,$*))
- $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -n _$@ > $(PARTIALDIR)/$*
-# download an http URL (colons omitted)
- @wget $(WGET_OPTS) -T 30 -c -P $(PARTIALDIR) http://$*
- @wget $(WGET_OPTS) -T 30 -c -P $(PARTIALDIR) https://$*
-# download an ftp URL (colons omitted)
-# @wget -T 30 -c --passive-ftp -P $(PARTIALDIR) ftp://$*
- @wget $(WGET_OPTS) -T 30 -c -P $(PARTIALDIR) ftp://$*
-# link to a local copy of the file
-# (absolute path)
- @if test -f /$*; then \
- gln -sf /$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*); \
- else \
- false; \
- fi
-# link to a local copy of the file
-# (relative path)
- @if test -f $*; then \
- gln -sf "$(CURDIR)/$*" $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*); \
- else \
- false; \
- fi
-# Using Jeff Waugh's rsync rule.
- @rsync -azvLP rsync://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/
-# Using Jeff Waugh's scp rule
- @scp -C $* $(PARTIALDIR)/
-# Fetch a SVN repo via http
- @svn co $(SVNHTTP_CO_ARGS) http://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*)
- @svn co $(SVNHTTP_CO_ARGS) https://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*)
-#################### CHECKSUM RULES ####################
-# check a given file's checksum against $(CHECKSUM_FILE) and
-# error out if it mentions the file without an "OK".
-# The removal of the download prefix is for legacy checksums. For newstyle
-# checksums without path this is not necessary.
-checksum-%: $(CHECKSUM_FILE)
- @echo " ==> Running checksum on $*"
- @if gegrep -- '[ /]$*$$' $(CHECKSUM_FILE); then \
- if cat $(CHECKSUM_FILE) | sed -e 's!download/!!' | (cd $(DOWNLOADDIR); LC_ALL="C" LANG="C" gmd5sum -c 2>&1) | \
- ggrep -- '$*' | ggrep -v ':[ ]\+OK'; then \
- echo '(!!!) $* failed checksum test!' 1>&2; \
- false; \
- else \
- echo 'file $* passes checksum test!'; \
- fi \
- else \
- echo '(!!!) $* not in $(CHECKSUM_FILE) file!' 1>&2; \
- false; \
- fi
-#################### CHECKNEW RULES ####################
-UW_ARGS = $(addprefix -u ,$(UPSTREAM_MASTER_SITES))
-SF_ARGS = $(addprefix -s ,$(UPSTREAM_USE_SF))
-define files2check
-$(if $(UFILES_REGEX),$(shell http_proxy=$(http_proxy) ftp_proxy=$(ftp_proxy) $(GARBIN)/upstream_watch $(UW_ARGS) $(SF_ARGS) $(addsuffix ',$(addprefix ',$(UFILES_REGEX)))))
-check-upstream-and-mail: FILES2CHECK = $(call files2check)
- @if [ -n '$(FILES2CHECK)' ]; then \
- NEW_FILES=""; \
- for FILE in $(FILES2CHECK) ""; do \
- [ -n "$$FILE" ] || continue; \
- if test -f $(COOKIEDIR)/checknew-$$FILE ; then \
- else \
- if echo $(DISTFILES) | grep -w $$FILE >/dev/null; then \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Package is up-to-date. Current version is $$FILE" ; \
- else \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- $(MAKE) checknew-$$FILE >/dev/null; \
- done; \
- if test -z "$$NEW_FILES" ; then \
- if [ ! -n '$(UFILES_REGEX)' ]; then \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning UFILES_REGEX is not set : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
-# { echo ""; \
-# echo "Hello dear $(GARNAME) maintainer,"; \
-# echo ""; \
-# echo "The upstream notification job has detected that $(GARNAME) is not configured for automatic upstream file update detection."; \
-# echo ""; \
-# echo "Please consider updating your package. Documentation is available from this link : http://www.opencsw.org" ; \
-# echo ""; \
-# echo "--"; \
-# echo "Kindest regards"; \
-# echo "upstream notification job"; } | $(GARBIN)/mail2maintainer -s '[svn] $(GARNAME) upstream update notification' $(GARNAME); \
- else \
- if [ "$$PACKAGE_UP_TO_DATE" -eq "0" ]; then \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning no files to check ! $(FILES2CHECK)" ; \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : DISTNAME is $(DISTNAME)" ; \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : UFILES_REGEX is : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Please check configuration" ; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- else \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : new upstream files available: $$NEW_FILES"; \
- { echo ""; \
- echo "Hello dear $(GARNAME) maintainer,"; \
- echo ""; \
- echo "The upstream notification job has detected the availability of new files for $(GARNAME)."; \
- echo ""; \
- echo "The following upstream file(s):"; \
- echo " $$NEW_FILES"; \
- echo ""; \
- echo "is/are available at the following url(s):"; \
- echo ""; \
- echo "Please consider updating your package." ; \
- echo ""; \
- echo "--"; \
- echo "Kindest regards"; \
- echo "upstream notification job"; } | $(GARBIN)/mail2maintainer -s '[svn] $(GARNAME) upstream update notification' $(GARNAME); \
- fi; \
- fi
-check-upstream: FILES2CHECK = $(call files2check)
- @if [ -n '$(FILES2CHECK)' ]; then \
- NEW_FILES=""; \
- for FILE in $(FILES2CHECK) ""; do \
- [ -n "$$FILE" ] || continue; \
- if test -f $(COOKIEDIR)/checknew-$$FILE ; then \
- else \
- if echo $(DISTFILES) | grep -w $$FILE >/dev/null; then \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Package is up-to-date. Current version is $$FILE" ; \
- else \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- $(MAKE) checknew-$$FILE >/dev/null; \
- done; \
- if test -z "$$NEW_FILES" ; then \
- if [ ! -n '$(UFILES_REGEX)' ]; then \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning UFILES_REGEX is not set : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
- else \
- if [ "$$PACKAGE_UP_TO_DATE" -eq "0" ]; then \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning no files to check ! $(FILES2CHECK)" ; \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : DISTNAME is $(DISTNAME)" ; \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : UFILES_REGEX is : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : Please check configuration" ; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- else \
- echo "$(GARNAME) : new upstream files available: $$NEW_FILES"; \
- fi; \
- fi
-#################### GARCHIVE RULES ####################
-# while we're here, let's just handle how to back up our
-# checksummed files
- @if [ -h $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* ]; then :; else \
- gcp -Lr $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* $@; \
- fi
-#################### EXTRACT RULES ####################
-TAR_ARGS = --no-same-owner
-# rule to extract uncompressed tarballs
- @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xf $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
-# rule to extract files with tar xzf
- @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @gzip -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xf - -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
-# rule to extract files with tar and bzip
- @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @bzip2 -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xf - -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
-# extract compressed single files
- @echo " ==> Decompressing $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @bzip2 -d $(WORKDIR)/$*
- @echo " ==> Decompressing $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @gzip -d $(WORKDIR)/$*
-# extra dependency rule for git repos, that will allow the user
-# to supply an alternate target at their discretion
- @echo " ===> Extracting Git Repo $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* (Treeish: $(call GIT_TREEISH,$*))"
- git --bare archive --prefix=$(GARNAME)-$(GARVERSION)/ --remote=file://$(abspath $(DOWNLOADDIR))/$*/ $(call GIT_TREEISH,$*) | gtar -xf - -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
-# rule to extract files with unzip
- @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @unzip $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* -d $(EXTRACTDIR)
-# this is a null extract rule for files which are constant and
-# unchanged (not archives)
- @echo " ==> Copying $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @cp -rp $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* $(WORKDIR)/
-#gets the meat of a .deb into $(WORKSRC)
- @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @ar x $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*
- @rm debian-binary && \
- mv *.tar.gz $(DOWNLOADDIR) && \
- mkdir $(WORKSRC) && \
- gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xvz -C $(WORKSRC) \
- -f $(DOWNLOADDIR)/data.tar.gz
-# These rules specify which of the above extract action rules to use for a
-# given file extension. Often support for a given extract type can be handled
-# by simply adding a rule here.
-extract-archive-%.tar: tar-extract-%.tar
-extract-archive-%.tar.gz: tar-gz-extract-%.tar.gz
-extract-archive-%.tar.Z: tar-gz-extract-%.tar.Z
-extract-archive-%.tgz: tar-gz-extract-%.tgz
-extract-archive-%.taz: tar-gz-extract-%.taz
-extract-archive-%.tar.bz: tar-bz-extract-%.tar.bz
-extract-archive-%.tar.bz2: tar-bz-extract-%.tar.bz2
-extract-archive-%.tbz: tar-bz-extract-%.tbz
-extract-archive-%.zip: zip-extract-%.zip
-extract-archive-%.ZIP: zip-extract-%.ZIP
-extract-archive-%.deb: deb-bin-extract-%.deb
-extract-archive-%.bz2: bz-extract-%.bz2
-extract-archive-%.gz: gz-extract-%.gz
-extract-archive-%.git: git-extract-%.git
-# anything we don't know about, we just assume is already
-# uncompressed and unarchived in plain format
-extract-archive-%: cp-extract-%
-#################### PATCH RULES ####################
-BASEWORKSRC = $(shell basename $(WORKSRC))
-# apply bzipped patches
- @echo " ==> Applying patch $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @bzip2 -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | $(GARPATCH)
-# apply gzipped patches
- @echo " ==> Applying patch $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
- @gzip -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | $(GARPATCH)
-# apply normal patches
- @echo " ==> Applying patch $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
-# This is used by makepatch
- @echo " ==> Creating patch $@"
- @( cd $(WORKDIR_FIRSTMOD); \
- if gdiff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru $(BASEWORKSRC).orig $(BASEWORKSRC) > gar-base.diff; then :; else \
- cd $(CURDIR); \
- mv -f $(WORKDIR_FIRSTMOD)/gar-base.diff $@; \
- fi )
-# These rules specify which of the above patch action rules to use for a given
-# file extension. Often support for a given patch format can be handled by
-# simply adding a rule here.
-patch-extract-%.bz: bz-patch-%.bz
-patch-extract-%.bz2: bz-patch-%.bz2
-patch-extract-%.gz: gz-patch-%.gz
-patch-extract-%.Z: gz-patch-%.Z
-patch-extract-%.diff: normal-patch-%.diff
-patch-extract-%.patch: normal-patch-%.patch
-patch-extract-%: normal-patch-%
-#################### CONFIGURE RULES ####################
-TMP_DIRPATHS = --prefix=$(prefix) --exec_prefix=$(exec_prefix) --bindir=$(bindir) --sbindir=$(sbindir) --libexecdir=$(libexecdir) --datadir=$(datadir) --sysconfdir=$(sysconfdir) --sharedstatedir=$(sharedstatedir) --localstatedir=$(localstatedir) --libdir=$(libdir) --infodir=$(infodir) --lispdir=$(lispdir) --includedir=$(includedir) --mandir=$(mandir)
-NODIRPATHS += --lispdir
-DIRPATHS = $(filter-out $(addsuffix %,$(NODIRPATHS)), $(TMP_DIRPATHS))
-# configure a package that has an autoconf-style configure
-# script.
- @echo " ==> Running configure in $*"
- cd $* && $(CONFIGURE_ENV) ./configure $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
- @echo " ==> Running autogen.sh in $*"
- @cd $* && $(CONFIGURE_ENV) ./autogen.sh $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
-# configure a package that uses imake
-# FIXME: untested and likely not the right way to handle the
-# arguments
- @echo " ==> Running xmkmf in $*"
- @cd $* && $(CONFIGURE_ENV) xmkmf $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
- @echo " ==> Running setup.rb config in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(CONFIGURE_ENV) ruby ./setup.rb config $(CONFIGURE_ARGS) )
-#################### BUILD RULES ####################
-# build from a standard gnu-style makefile's default rule.
- @echo " ==> Running make in $*"
- @echo " ==> Running make in $*"
- @echo " ==> Running make in $*"
- @echo " ==> Running bjam in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) bjam $(JAMFLAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
-# Ruby makefiles
- @echo " ==> Running rake in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
- @echo " ==> Running rake in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
- @echo " ==> Running setup.rb setup in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) ruby ./setup.rb setup $(BUILD_ARGS) )
-# This can be: build, build_py, build_ext, build_clib, build_scripts
-# See setup.py --help-commands for details
-PYBUILD_CMD ?= build
- @echo " ==> Running setup.py $(PYBUILD_TYPE) in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) python ./setup.py $(PYBUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
-#################### TEST RULES ####################
-TEST_TARGET ?= test
-# Run tests on pre-built sources
- @echo " ==> Running make $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
- @$(TEST_ENV) $(MAKE) $(foreach TTT,$(TEST_OVERRIDE_DIRS),$(TTT)="$($(TTT))") -C $* $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET)
- @echo " ==> Running make $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
- @$(TEST_ENV) $(MAKE) $(foreach TTT,$(TEST_OVERRIDE_DIRS),$(TTT)="$($(TTT))") -C $* $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET)
- @echo " ==> Running make $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
- @$(TEST_ENV) $(MAKE) $(foreach TTT,$(TEST_OVERRIDE_DIRS),$(TTT)="$($(TTT))") -C $* $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET)
-# Ruby makefiles
- @echo " ==> Running rake $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(TEST_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET) )
- @echo " ==> Running rake $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(TEST_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET) )
- @echo " ==> Running setup.py test in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(TEST_ENV) python ./setup.py test $(TEST_ARGS) )
-################# INSTALL RULES ####################
-# just run make install and hope for the best.
- @echo " ==> Running make install in $*"
- @echo " ==> Running make install in $*"
- @echo " ==> Running make install in $*"
-# Ruby makefiles
- @echo " ==> Running rake install in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(INSTALL_ARGS) )
- @echo " ==> Running rake install in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(INSTALL_ARGS) )
- @echo " ==> Running setup.rb install in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) ruby ./setup.rb install --prefix=$(DESTDIR) )
-# This can be: install, install_lib, install_headers, install_scripts,
-# or install_data. See setup.py --help-commands for details.
-PYINSTALL_CMD ?= install
- @echo " ==> Running setup.py $(PYINSTALL_CMD) in $*"
- @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) python ./setup.py $(PYINSTALL_CMD) $(INSTALL_ARGS) )
-# pkg-config scripts
- mkdir -p $(STAGINGDIR)/$(GARNAME)
- cp -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$*-config $(STAGINGDIR)/$(GARNAME)/
-# Use a manifest file of the format:
-# src:dest[:mode[:owner[:group]]]
-# as in...
-# ${WORKSRC}/nwall:${bindir}/nwall:2755:root:tty
-# ${WORKSRC}/src/foo:${sharedstatedir}/foo
-# ${WORKSRC}/yoink:${sysconfdir}/yoink:0600
-# Okay, so for the benefit of future generations, this is how it
-# works:
-# First of all, we have this file with colon-separated lines.
-# The $(shell cat foo) routine turns it into a space-separated
-# list of words. The foreach iterates over this list, putting a
-# colon-separated record in $(ZORCH) on each pass through.
-# Next, we have the macro $(MANIFEST_LINE), which splits a record
-# into a space-separated list, and $(MANIFEST_SIZE), which
-# determines how many elements are in such a list. These are
-# purely for convenience, and could be inserted inline if need
-# be.
-MANIFEST_LINE = $(subst :, ,$(ZORCH))
-# So the install command takes a variable number of parameters,
-# and our records have from two to five elements. Gmake can't do
-# any sort of arithmetic, so we can't do any really intelligent
-# indexing into the list of parameters.
-# Since the last three elements of the $(MANIFEST_LINE) are what
-# we're interested in, we make a parallel list with the parameter
-# switch text (note the dummy elements at the beginning):
-MANIFEST_FLAGS = notused notused --mode= --owner= --group=
-# The following environment variables are set before the
-# installation boogaloo begins. This ensures that WORKSRC is
-# available to the manifest and that all of the location
-# variables are suitable for *installation* (that is, using
-# This was part of the "implicit DESTDIR" regime. However:
-# http://gar.lnx-bbc.org/wiki/ImplicitDestdirConsideredHarmful
-#MANIFEST_ENV += $(foreach TTT,prefix exec_prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir libdir infodir lispdir includedir mandir,$(TTT)=$(DESTDIR)$($(TTT)))
-# ...and then we join a slice of it with the corresponding slice
-# of the $(MANIFEST_LINE), starting at 3 and going to
-# $(MANIFEST_SIZE). That's where all the real magic happens,
-# right there!
-# following that, we just splat elements one and two of
-# $(MANIFEST_LINE) on the end, since they're the ones that are
-# always there. Slap a semicolon on the end, and you've got a
-# completed iteration through the foreach! Beaujolais!
-# FIXME: using -D may not be the right thing to do!
- @echo " ==> Installing from $(MANIFEST_FILE)"
- $(MANIFEST_ENV) ; $(foreach ZORCH,$(shell cat $(MANIFEST_FILE)), ginstall -Dc $(join $(wordlist 3,$(MANIFEST_SIZE),$(MANIFEST_FLAGS)),$(wordlist 3,$(MANIFEST_SIZE),$(MANIFEST_LINE))) $(word 1,$(MANIFEST_LINE)) $(word 2,$(MANIFEST_LINE)) ;)
-#################### DEPENDENCY RULES ####################
-# These two lines are here to grandfather in all the packages that use
-IMGDEPS += build
-# Standard deps install into the standard install dir. For the
-# BBC, we set the includedir to the build tree and the libdir to
-# the install tree. Most dependencies work this way.
- @echo ' ==> Building $* as a dependency'
- @$(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* install DESTIMG=$(DESTIMG)
-# builddeps need to have everything put in the build DESTIMG
-# @echo ' ==> Building $* as a build dependency'
-# @$(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* install DESTIMG=build
-# Source Deps grab the source code for another package
-# XXX: nobody uses this, but it should really be more like
-# $(GARDIR)/%/cookies/patch:
- @echo ' ==> Grabbing source for $* as a dependency'
- @$(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* patch-p extract-p > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
- $(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* patch
-# Image deps create dependencies on package installations in
-# images other than the current package's DESTIMG.
-IMGDEP_TARGETS = $(foreach TTT,$($*_DEPENDS),$(subst xyzzy,$(TTT),$(GARDIR)/xyzzy/$(COOKIEROOTDIR)/$*.d/install))
- @test -z "$(strip $(IMGDEP_TARGETS))" || $(MAKE) DESTIMG="$*" $(IMGDEP_TARGETS)
-# Igor's info and man gzipper rule
-gzip-info-man: gzip-info gzip-man
- gfind $(DESTDIR) -type f -iname *.info* -not -iname *.gz | \
- gxargs -r gzip --force
- gfind $(DESTDIR) -type f -iname *.[1-8] -size +2 -print | \
- gxargs -r gzip --force
- @(for d in $(ELISP_DIRS); do \
- echo " ===> Compiling .el files in $$d"; \
- cd $(PKGROOT)/$$d; \
- for f in `find . -name "*el"`; do \
- bf=`basename $$f`; \
- bd=`dirname $$f`; \
- cd $$bd; \
- emacs -L $(PKGROOT)/$$d -L $(PKGROOT)/$$d/$$bd $(EXTRA_EMACS_ARGS) -batch -f batch-byte-compile "$$bf"; \
- cd $(PKGROOT)/$$d; \
- done; \
- done)
-include $(addprefix $(GARDIR)/,$(EXTRA_LIBS))
-# Mmm, yesssss. cookies my preciousssss! Mmm, yes downloads it
-# is! We mustn't have nasty little gmakeses deleting our
-# precious cookieses now must we?
Copied: csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.lib.mk (from rev 6855, csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.lib.mk)
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.lib.mk (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.lib.mk 2009-10-18 17:29:04 UTC (rev 6894)
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+# vim: ft=make ts=4 sw=4 noet
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Nick Moffitt
+# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
+# permitted. This software is without warranty of any kind. The
+# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
+# software causes damage.
+# cookies go here, so we have to be able to find them for
+# dependency checking.
+# convenience variable to make the cookie.
+MAKECOOKIE = mkdir -p $(COOKIEDIR)/$(@D) && date >> $(COOKIEDIR)/$@
+URLSTRIP = $(subst ://,//,$(1))
+# if you need to proxy git:// connections, set GIT_USE_PROXY. There is a
+# default proxy script that works with the (squid?) proxy at the BO buildfarm.
+# override GIT_PROXY_SCRIPT to something else if you need to.
+#################### FETCH RULES ####################
+URLS = $(call URLSTRIP,$(foreach SITE,$(FILE_SITES) $(MASTER_SITES),$(addprefix $(SITE),$(DISTFILES))) $(foreach SITE,$(FILE_SITES) $(PATCH_SITES) $(MASTER_SITES),$(addprefix $(SITE),$(PATCHFILES) $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(PATCHFILES_$M)))))
+# if the caller has defined _postinstall, etc targets for a package, add
+# these 'dynamic script' targets to our fetch list
+URLS += $(foreach DYN,$(DYNSCRIPTS),dynscr//$(DYN))
+ifdef GIT_REPOS
+URLS += $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),gitrepo//$(call GITPROJ,$(R)) $(subst http,git-http,$(call URLSTRIP,$(R))))
+# Download the file if and only if it doesn't have a preexisting
+# checksum file. Loop through available URLs and stop when you
+# get one that doesn't return an error code.
+ @if test -f $(COOKIEDIR)/checksum-$*; then : ; else \
+ echo " ==> Grabbing $@"; \
+ for i in $(filter %/$*,$(URLS)); do \
+ echo " ==> Trying $$i"; \
+ $(MAKE) -s $$i || continue; \
+ mv $(PARTIALDIR)/$* $@; \
+ break; \
+ done; \
+ if test -r $@ ; then : ; else \
+ echo '(!!!) Failed to download $@!' 1>&2; \
+ false; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ @( if [ -d $(GARCHIVEDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*) ]; then \
+ ( cd $(GARCHIVEDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
+ $(GIT_MAYBEPROXY) git --bare fetch ) && \
+ gln -s $(GARCHIVEDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*)/ $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
+ else \
+ false; \
+ fi )
+# the git remote add commands are so that we can later do a fetch
+# to update the code.
+# we possibly proxy the git:// references depending on GIT_USE_PROXY
+ @git clone --bare http://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*)
+ @( cd $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
+ git remote add origin http://$*; \
+ git config remote.origin.fetch $(if $(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_DEFAULT_TRACK)); )
+ @$(GIT_MAYBEPROXY) git clone --bare git://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*)
+ @( cd $(PARTIALDIR)/$(call GITPROJ,$*); \
+ git remote add origin git://$*; \
+ git config remote.origin.fetch $(if $(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_REFS_$(call GITPROJ,$*)),$(GIT_DEFAULT_TRACK)); )
+# create ADMSCRIPTS 'on the fly' from variables defined by the caller
+# This version is private and should only be called from the non-private
+# version directly below
+ $($(subst .,_,$*))
+ $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -n _$@ > $(PARTIALDIR)/$*
+# download an http URL (colons omitted)
+ @wget $(WGET_OPTS) -T 30 -c -P $(PARTIALDIR) http://$*
+ @wget $(WGET_OPTS) -T 30 -c -P $(PARTIALDIR) https://$*
+# download an ftp URL (colons omitted)
+# @wget -T 30 -c --passive-ftp -P $(PARTIALDIR) ftp://$*
+ @wget $(WGET_OPTS) -T 30 -c -P $(PARTIALDIR) ftp://$*
+# link to a local copy of the file
+# (absolute path)
+ @if test -f /$*; then \
+ gln -sf /$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*); \
+ else \
+ false; \
+ fi
+# link to a local copy of the file
+# (relative path)
+ @if test -f $*; then \
+ gln -sf "$(CURDIR)/$*" $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*); \
+ else \
+ false; \
+ fi
+# Using Jeff Waugh's rsync rule.
+ @rsync -azvLP rsync://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/
+# Using Jeff Waugh's scp rule
+ @scp -C $* $(PARTIALDIR)/
+# Fetch a SVN repo via http
+ @svn co $(SVNHTTP_CO_ARGS) http://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*)
+ @svn co $(SVNHTTP_CO_ARGS) https://$* $(PARTIALDIR)/$(notdir $*)
+#################### CHECKSUM RULES ####################
+# check a given file's checksum against $(CHECKSUM_FILE) and
+# error out if it mentions the file without an "OK".
+# The removal of the download prefix is for legacy checksums. For newstyle
+# checksums without path this is not necessary.
+checksum-%: $(CHECKSUM_FILE)
+ @echo " ==> Running checksum on $*"
+ @if ggrep -- '[ /]$*$$' $(CHECKSUM_FILE); then \
+ if cat $(CHECKSUM_FILE) | sed -e 's!download/!!' | (cd $(DOWNLOADDIR); LC_ALL="C" LANG="C" gmd5sum -c 2>&1) | \
+ ggrep -- '$*' | ggrep -v ':[ ]\+OK'; then \
+ echo '(!!!) $* failed checksum test!' 1>&2; \
+ false; \
+ else \
+ echo 'file $* passes checksum test!'; \
+ fi \
+ else \
+ echo '(!!!) $* not in $(CHECKSUM_FILE) file!' 1>&2; \
+ false; \
+ fi
+#################### CHECKNEW RULES ####################
+UW_ARGS = $(addprefix -u ,$(UPSTREAM_MASTER_SITES))
+SF_ARGS = $(addprefix -s ,$(UPSTREAM_USE_SF))
+define files2check
+$(if $(UFILES_REGEX),$(shell http_proxy=$(http_proxy) ftp_proxy=$(ftp_proxy) $(GARBIN)/upstream_watch $(UW_ARGS) $(SF_ARGS) $(addsuffix ',$(addprefix ',$(UFILES_REGEX)))))
+check-upstream-and-mail: FILES2CHECK = $(call files2check)
+ @if [ -n '$(FILES2CHECK)' ]; then \
+ NEW_FILES=""; \
+ for FILE in $(FILES2CHECK) ""; do \
+ [ -n "$$FILE" ] || continue; \
+ if test -f $(COOKIEDIR)/checknew-$$FILE ; then \
+ else \
+ if echo $(DISTFILES) | grep -w $$FILE >/dev/null; then \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Package is up-to-date. Current version is $$FILE" ; \
+ else \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ $(MAKE) checknew-$$FILE >/dev/null; \
+ done; \
+ if test -z "$$NEW_FILES" ; then \
+ if [ ! -n '$(UFILES_REGEX)' ]; then \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning UFILES_REGEX is not set : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
+# { echo ""; \
+# echo "Hello dear $(GARNAME) maintainer,"; \
+# echo ""; \
+# echo "The upstream notification job has detected that $(GARNAME) is not configured for automatic upstream file update detection."; \
+# echo ""; \
+# echo "Please consider updating your package. Documentation is available from this link : http://www.opencsw.org" ; \
+# echo ""; \
+# echo "--"; \
+# echo "Kindest regards"; \
+# echo "upstream notification job"; } | $(GARBIN)/mail2maintainer -s '[svn] $(GARNAME) upstream update notification' $(GARNAME); \
+ else \
+ if [ "$$PACKAGE_UP_TO_DATE" -eq "0" ]; then \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning no files to check ! $(FILES2CHECK)" ; \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : DISTNAME is $(DISTNAME)" ; \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : UFILES_REGEX is : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Please check configuration" ; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ else \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : new upstream files available: $$NEW_FILES"; \
+ { echo ""; \
+ echo "Hello dear $(GARNAME) maintainer,"; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo "The upstream notification job has detected the availability of new files for $(GARNAME)."; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo "The following upstream file(s):"; \
+ echo " $$NEW_FILES"; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo "is/are available at the following url(s):"; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo "Please consider updating your package." ; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo "--"; \
+ echo "Kindest regards"; \
+ echo "upstream notification job"; } | $(GARBIN)/mail2maintainer -s '[svn] $(GARNAME) upstream update notification' $(GARNAME); \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+check-upstream: FILES2CHECK = $(call files2check)
+ @if [ -n '$(FILES2CHECK)' ]; then \
+ NEW_FILES=""; \
+ for FILE in $(FILES2CHECK) ""; do \
+ [ -n "$$FILE" ] || continue; \
+ if test -f $(COOKIEDIR)/checknew-$$FILE ; then \
+ else \
+ if echo $(DISTFILES) | grep -w $$FILE >/dev/null; then \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Package is up-to-date. Current version is $$FILE" ; \
+ else \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ $(MAKE) checknew-$$FILE >/dev/null; \
+ done; \
+ if test -z "$$NEW_FILES" ; then \
+ if [ ! -n '$(UFILES_REGEX)' ]; then \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning UFILES_REGEX is not set : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
+ else \
+ if [ "$$PACKAGE_UP_TO_DATE" -eq "0" ]; then \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Warning no files to check ! $(FILES2CHECK)" ; \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : DISTNAME is $(DISTNAME)" ; \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : UFILES_REGEX is : $(UFILES_REGEX)" ; \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : Please check configuration" ; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ else \
+ echo "$(GARNAME) : new upstream files available: $$NEW_FILES"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+#################### GARCHIVE RULES ####################
+# while we're here, let's just handle how to back up our
+# checksummed files
+ @if [ -h $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* ]; then :; else \
+ gcp -Lr $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* $@; \
+ fi
+#################### EXTRACT RULES ####################
+TAR_ARGS = --no-same-owner
+# rule to extract uncompressed tarballs
+ @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xf $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
+# rule to extract files with tar xzf
+ @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @gzip -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xf - -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
+# rule to extract files with tar and bzip
+ @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @bzip2 -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xf - -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
+# extract compressed single files
+ @echo " ==> Decompressing $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @bzip2 -d $(WORKDIR)/$*
+ @echo " ==> Decompressing $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @gzip -d $(WORKDIR)/$*
+# extra dependency rule for git repos, that will allow the user
+# to supply an alternate target at their discretion
+ @echo " ===> Extracting Git Repo $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* (Treeish: $(call GIT_TREEISH,$*))"
+ git --bare archive --prefix=$(GARNAME)-$(GARVERSION)/ --remote=file://$(abspath $(DOWNLOADDIR))/$*/ $(call GIT_TREEISH,$*) | gtar -xf - -C $(EXTRACTDIR)
+# rule to extract files with unzip
+ @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @unzip $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* -d $(EXTRACTDIR)
+# this is a null extract rule for files which are constant and
+# unchanged (not archives)
+ @echo " ==> Copying $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @cp -rp $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* $(WORKDIR)/
+#gets the meat of a .deb into $(WORKSRC)
+ @echo " ==> Extracting $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @ar x $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*
+ @rm debian-binary && \
+ mv *.tar.gz $(DOWNLOADDIR) && \
+ mkdir $(WORKSRC) && \
+ gtar $(TAR_ARGS) -xvz -C $(WORKSRC) \
+ -f $(DOWNLOADDIR)/data.tar.gz
+# These rules specify which of the above extract action rules to use for a
+# given file extension. Often support for a given extract type can be handled
+# by simply adding a rule here.
+extract-archive-%.tar: tar-extract-%.tar
+extract-archive-%.tar.gz: tar-gz-extract-%.tar.gz
+extract-archive-%.tar.Z: tar-gz-extract-%.tar.Z
+extract-archive-%.tgz: tar-gz-extract-%.tgz
+extract-archive-%.taz: tar-gz-extract-%.taz
+extract-archive-%.tar.bz: tar-bz-extract-%.tar.bz
+extract-archive-%.tar.bz2: tar-bz-extract-%.tar.bz2
+extract-archive-%.tbz: tar-bz-extract-%.tbz
+extract-archive-%.zip: zip-extract-%.zip
+extract-archive-%.ZIP: zip-extract-%.ZIP
+extract-archive-%.deb: deb-bin-extract-%.deb
+extract-archive-%.bz2: bz-extract-%.bz2
+extract-archive-%.gz: gz-extract-%.gz
+extract-archive-%.git: git-extract-%.git
+# anything we don't know about, we just assume is already
+# uncompressed and unarchived in plain format
+extract-archive-%: cp-extract-%
+#################### PATCH RULES ####################
+BASEWORKSRC = $(shell basename $(WORKSRC))
+# apply bzipped patches
+ @echo " ==> Applying patch $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @bzip2 -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | $(GARPATCH)
+# apply gzipped patches
+ @echo " ==> Applying patch $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+ @gzip -dc $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$* | $(GARPATCH)
+# apply normal patches
+ @echo " ==> Applying patch $(DOWNLOADDIR)/$*"
+# This is used by makepatch
+ @echo " ==> Creating patch $@"
+ @( cd $(WORKDIR_FIRSTMOD); \
+ if gdiff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru $(BASEWORKSRC).orig $(BASEWORKSRC) > gar-base.diff; then :; else \
+ cd $(CURDIR); \
+ mv -f $(WORKDIR_FIRSTMOD)/gar-base.diff $@; \
+ fi )
+# These rules specify which of the above patch action rules to use for a given
+# file extension. Often support for a given patch format can be handled by
+# simply adding a rule here.
+patch-extract-%.bz: bz-patch-%.bz
+patch-extract-%.bz2: bz-patch-%.bz2
+patch-extract-%.gz: gz-patch-%.gz
+patch-extract-%.Z: gz-patch-%.Z
+patch-extract-%.diff: normal-patch-%.diff
+patch-extract-%.patch: normal-patch-%.patch
+patch-extract-%: normal-patch-%
+#################### CONFIGURE RULES ####################
+TMP_DIRPATHS = --prefix=$(prefix) --exec_prefix=$(exec_prefix) --bindir=$(bindir) --sbindir=$(sbindir) --libexecdir=$(libexecdir) --datadir=$(datadir) --sysconfdir=$(sysconfdir) --sharedstatedir=$(sharedstatedir) --localstatedir=$(localstatedir) --libdir=$(libdir) --infodir=$(infodir) --lispdir=$(lispdir) --includedir=$(includedir) --mandir=$(mandir)
+NODIRPATHS += --lispdir
+DIRPATHS = $(filter-out $(addsuffix %,$(NODIRPATHS)), $(TMP_DIRPATHS))
+# configure a package that has an autoconf-style configure
+# script.
+ @echo " ==> Running configure in $*"
+ cd $* && $(CONFIGURE_ENV) ./configure $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
+ @echo " ==> Running autogen.sh in $*"
+ @cd $* && $(CONFIGURE_ENV) ./autogen.sh $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
+# configure a package that uses imake
+# FIXME: untested and likely not the right way to handle the
+# arguments
+ @echo " ==> Running xmkmf in $*"
+ @cd $* && $(CONFIGURE_ENV) xmkmf $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
+ @echo " ==> Running setup.rb config in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(CONFIGURE_ENV) ruby ./setup.rb config $(CONFIGURE_ARGS) )
+#################### BUILD RULES ####################
+# build from a standard gnu-style makefile's default rule.
+ @echo " ==> Running make in $*"
+ @echo " ==> Running make in $*"
+ @echo " ==> Running make in $*"
+ @echo " ==> Running bjam in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) bjam $(JAMFLAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
+# Ruby makefiles
+ @echo " ==> Running rake in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
+ @echo " ==> Running rake in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
+ @echo " ==> Running setup.rb setup in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) ruby ./setup.rb setup $(BUILD_ARGS) )
+# This can be: build, build_py, build_ext, build_clib, build_scripts
+# See setup.py --help-commands for details
+PYBUILD_CMD ?= build
+ @echo " ==> Running setup.py $(PYBUILD_TYPE) in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(BUILD_ENV) python ./setup.py $(PYBUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_ARGS) )
+#################### TEST RULES ####################
+TEST_TARGET ?= test
+# Run tests on pre-built sources
+ @echo " ==> Running make $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
+ @$(TEST_ENV) $(MAKE) $(foreach TTT,$(TEST_OVERRIDE_DIRS),$(TTT)="$($(TTT))") -C $* $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET)
+ @echo " ==> Running make $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
+ @$(TEST_ENV) $(MAKE) $(foreach TTT,$(TEST_OVERRIDE_DIRS),$(TTT)="$($(TTT))") -C $* $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET)
+ @echo " ==> Running make $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
+ @$(TEST_ENV) $(MAKE) $(foreach TTT,$(TEST_OVERRIDE_DIRS),$(TTT)="$($(TTT))") -C $* $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET)
+# Ruby makefiles
+ @echo " ==> Running rake $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(TEST_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET) )
+ @echo " ==> Running rake $(TEST_TARGET) in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(TEST_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(TEST_ARGS) $(TEST_TARGET) )
+ @echo " ==> Running setup.py test in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(TEST_ENV) python ./setup.py test $(TEST_ARGS) )
+################# INSTALL RULES ####################
+# just run make install and hope for the best.
+ @echo " ==> Running make install in $*"
+ @echo " ==> Running make install in $*"
+ @echo " ==> Running make install in $*"
+# Ruby makefiles
+ @echo " ==> Running rake install in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(INSTALL_ARGS) )
+ @echo " ==> Running rake install in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) rake $(RAKEFLAGS) $(INSTALL_ARGS) )
+ @echo " ==> Running setup.rb install in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) ruby ./setup.rb install --prefix=$(DESTDIR) )
+# This can be: install, install_lib, install_headers, install_scripts,
+# or install_data. See setup.py --help-commands for details.
+PYINSTALL_CMD ?= install
+ @echo " ==> Running setup.py $(PYINSTALL_CMD) in $*"
+ @( cd $* ; $(INSTALL_ENV) python ./setup.py $(PYINSTALL_CMD) $(INSTALL_ARGS) )
+# pkg-config scripts
+ mkdir -p $(STAGINGDIR)/$(GARNAME)
+ cp -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$*-config $(STAGINGDIR)/$(GARNAME)/
+# Use a manifest file of the format:
+# src:dest[:mode[:owner[:group]]]
+# as in...
+# ${WORKSRC}/nwall:${bindir}/nwall:2755:root:tty
+# ${WORKSRC}/src/foo:${sharedstatedir}/foo
+# ${WORKSRC}/yoink:${sysconfdir}/yoink:0600
+# Okay, so for the benefit of future generations, this is how it
+# works:
+# First of all, we have this file with colon-separated lines.
+# The $(shell cat foo) routine turns it into a space-separated
+# list of words. The foreach iterates over this list, putting a
+# colon-separated record in $(ZORCH) on each pass through.
+# Next, we have the macro $(MANIFEST_LINE), which splits a record
+# into a space-separated list, and $(MANIFEST_SIZE), which
+# determines how many elements are in such a list. These are
+# purely for convenience, and could be inserted inline if need
+# be.
+MANIFEST_LINE = $(subst :, ,$(ZORCH))
+# So the install command takes a variable number of parameters,
+# and our records have from two to five elements. Gmake can't do
+# any sort of arithmetic, so we can't do any really intelligent
+# indexing into the list of parameters.
+# Since the last three elements of the $(MANIFEST_LINE) are what
+# we're interested in, we make a parallel list with the parameter
+# switch text (note the dummy elements at the beginning):
+MANIFEST_FLAGS = notused notused --mode= --owner= --group=
+# The following environment variables are set before the
+# installation boogaloo begins. This ensures that WORKSRC is
+# available to the manifest and that all of the location
+# variables are suitable for *installation* (that is, using
+# This was part of the "implicit DESTDIR" regime. However:
+# http://gar.lnx-bbc.org/wiki/ImplicitDestdirConsideredHarmful
+#MANIFEST_ENV += $(foreach TTT,prefix exec_prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir libdir infodir lispdir includedir mandir,$(TTT)=$(DESTDIR)$($(TTT)))
+# ...and then we join a slice of it with the corresponding slice
+# of the $(MANIFEST_LINE), starting at 3 and going to
+# $(MANIFEST_SIZE). That's where all the real magic happens,
+# right there!
+# following that, we just splat elements one and two of
+# $(MANIFEST_LINE) on the end, since they're the ones that are
+# always there. Slap a semicolon on the end, and you've got a
+# completed iteration through the foreach! Beaujolais!
+# FIXME: using -D may not be the right thing to do!
+ @echo " ==> Installing from $(MANIFEST_FILE)"
+ $(MANIFEST_ENV) ; $(foreach ZORCH,$(shell cat $(MANIFEST_FILE)), ginstall -Dc $(join $(wordlist 3,$(MANIFEST_SIZE),$(MANIFEST_FLAGS)),$(wordlist 3,$(MANIFEST_SIZE),$(MANIFEST_LINE))) $(word 1,$(MANIFEST_LINE)) $(word 2,$(MANIFEST_LINE)) ;)
+#################### DEPENDENCY RULES ####################
+# These two lines are here to grandfather in all the packages that use
+IMGDEPS += build
+# Standard deps install into the standard install dir. For the
+# BBC, we set the includedir to the build tree and the libdir to
+# the install tree. Most dependencies work this way.
+ @echo ' ==> Building $* as a dependency'
+ @$(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* install DESTIMG=$(DESTIMG)
+# builddeps need to have everything put in the build DESTIMG
+# @echo ' ==> Building $* as a build dependency'
+# @$(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* install DESTIMG=build
+# Source Deps grab the source code for another package
+# XXX: nobody uses this, but it should really be more like
+# $(GARDIR)/%/cookies/patch:
+ @echo ' ==> Grabbing source for $* as a dependency'
+ @$(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* patch-p extract-p > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(GARDIR)/$* patch
+# Image deps create dependencies on package installations in
+# images other than the current package's DESTIMG.
+IMGDEP_TARGETS = $(foreach TTT,$($*_DEPENDS),$(subst xyzzy,$(TTT),$(GARDIR)/xyzzy/$(COOKIEROOTDIR)/$*.d/install))
+ @test -z "$(strip $(IMGDEP_TARGETS))" || $(MAKE) DESTIMG="$*" $(IMGDEP_TARGETS)
+# Igor's info and man gzipper rule
+gzip-info-man: gzip-info gzip-man
+ gfind $(DESTDIR) -type f -iname *.info* -not -iname *.gz | \
+ gxargs -r gzip --force
+ gfind $(DESTDIR) -type f -iname *.[1-8] -size +2 -print | \
+ gxargs -r gzip --force
+ @(for d in $(ELISP_DIRS); do \
+ echo " ===> Compiling .el files in $$d"; \
+ cd $(PKGROOT)/$$d; \
+ for f in `find . -name "*el"`; do \
+ bf=`basename $$f`; \
+ bd=`dirname $$f`; \
+ cd $$bd; \
+ emacs -L $(PKGROOT)/$$d -L $(PKGROOT)/$$d/$$bd $(EXTRA_EMACS_ARGS) -batch -f batch-byte-compile "$$bf"; \
+ cd $(PKGROOT)/$$d; \
+ done; \
+ done)
+include $(addprefix $(GARDIR)/,$(EXTRA_LIBS))
+# Mmm, yesssss. cookies my preciousssss! Mmm, yes downloads it
+# is! We mustn't have nasty little gmakeses deleting our
+# precious cookieses now must we?
Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.mk
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.mk 2009-10-09 11:59:38 UTC (rev 6808)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.mk 2009-10-18 17:29:04 UTC (rev 6894)
@@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Nick Moffitt
-# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
-# permitted. This software is without warranty of any kind. The
-# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
-# software causes damage.
-# Comment this out to make much verbosity
-#ifeq ($(origin GARDIR), undefined)
-#GARDIR := $(CURDIR)/../..
-#GARDIR ?= ../..
-#ifeq ($(origin GARDIR), undefined)
-#GARDIR := $(CURDIR)/../..
-ifneq ($(abspath /),/)
-$(error Your version of 'make' is too old: $(MAKE_VERSION). Please make sure you are using at least 3.81)
-GARDIR ?= gar
-DIRSTODOTS = $(subst . /,./,$(patsubst %,/..,$(subst /, ,/$(1))))
-MAKEPATH = $(shell echo $(1) | perl -lne 'print join(":", split)')
-TOLOWER = $(shell echo $(1) | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
-# If you call this the value is only evaluated the first time
-# Usage: $(call SETONCE,A,MyComplexVariableEvaluatedOnlyOnce)
-SETONCE = $(eval $(1) ?= $(2))
-#meant to take a git url and return just the $proj.git part
-GITPROJ = $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(1)))
-DYNSCRIPTS = $(foreach PKG,$(SPKG_SPECS),$(foreach SCR,$(ADMSCRIPTS),$(if $(value $(PKG)_$(SCR)), $(PKG).$(SCR))))
-_NOCHECKSUM += $(DYNSCRIPTS) $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R)))
-# Allow overriding of only specific components of ALLFILES by clearing e. g. 'ALLFILES_DYNSCRIPTS = '
-ALLFILES_GIT_REPOS ?= $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R)))
-ifeq ($(MAKE_INSTALL_DIRS),1)
-INSTALL_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DESTDIR),$(prefix) $(exec_prefix) $(bindir) $(sbindir) $(libexecdir) $(datadir) $(sysconfdir) $(sharedstatedir) $(localstatedir) $(libdir) $(infodir) $(lispdir) $(includedir) $(mandir) $(foreach NUM,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, $(mandir)/man$(NUM)) $(sourcedir))
-# For rules that do nothing, display what dependencies they
-# successfully completed
-#DONADA = @echo " [$@] complete. Finished rules: $+"
-#DONADA = @touch $(COOKIEDIR)/$@; echo " [$@] complete for $(GARNAME)."
-COOKIEFILE = $(COOKIEDIR)/$(patsubst $(COOKIEDIR)/%,%,$1)
-DONADA = @touch $(call COOKIEFILE,$@); echo " [$@] complete for $(GARNAME)."
-# TODO: write a stub rule to print out the name of a rule when it
-# *does* do something, and handle indentation intelligently.
-# Default sequence for "all" is: fetch checksum extract patch configure build
-all: build
-# include the configuration file to override any of these variables
-include $(GARDIR)/gar.conf.mk
-include $(GARDIR)/gar.lib.mk
-# ========================= MODULATIONS ========================
-# The default is to modulate over ISAs
-tolower = $(shell echo $(1) | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
-expand_modulator_1 = $(addprefix $(call tolower,$(1))-,$(MODULATIONS_$(1)))
-# This expands to the list of all modulators with their respective modulations
-modulations = $(if $(word 2,$(1)),\
- $(foreach P,$(call expand_modulator_1,$(firstword $(1))),\
- $(addprefix $(P)-,$(call modulations,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))))\
- ),\
- $(call expand_modulator_1,$(1)))
-MODULATIONS ?= $(filter-out $(SKIP_MODULATIONS),$(strip $(call modulations,$(strip $(MODULATORS)))))
-# _modulate(ISA STATIC,,,)
-# -> _modulate2(STATIC,isa-i386,ISA,ISA=i386)
-# -> _modulate2(,,isa-i386-static-yes,ISA STATIC,ISA=i386 STATIC=yes)
-# -> xxx-isa-i386-static-yes: @gmake xxx ISA=i386 STATIC=yes
-# -> _modulate2(,,isa-i386-static-no,ISA STATIC,ISA=i386 STATIC=no)
-# -> xxx-isa-i386-static-no: @gmake xxx ISA=i386 STATIC=no
-# -> _modulate2(STATIC,isa-amd64,ISA,ISA=amd64)
-# -> _modulate2(,,isa-amd64-static-yes,ISA STATIC,ISA=amd64 STATIC=yes)
-# -> xxx-isa-amd64-static-yes: @gmake xxx ISA=amd64 STATIC=yes
-# -> _modulate2(,,isa-amd64-static-no,ISA STATIC,ISA=amd64 STATIC=no)
-# -> xxx-isa-amd64-static-no: @gmake xxx ISA=amd64 STATIC=no
-define _modulate_target
- @$(MAKE) MODULATION=$(2) $(3) $(1)-modulated
- @# This is MAKECOOKIE expanded to use the name of the rule explicily as the rule has
- @# not been evaluated yet. XXX: Use function _MAKECOOKIE for both
- @mkdir -p $(COOKIEDIR)/$(dir $(1)-$(2)) && date >> $(COOKIEDIR)/$(1)-$(2)
- @# The next line has intentionally been left blank to explicitly terminate this make rule
-define _modulate_target_nocookie
- @$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=$(2) $(3) $(1)-modulated
- @# The next line has intentionally been left blank to explicitly terminate this make rule
-define _modulate_merge
-$(foreach ASSIGNMENT,$(3),
-merge-$(2): $(ASSIGNMENT)
-merge-$(2): BUILDHOST=$$(call modulation2host)
- @echo "[===== Building modulation '$(2)' on host '$$(BUILDHOST)' =====]"
- $$(if $$(and $$(BUILDHOST),$$(filter-out $$(THISHOST),$$(BUILDHOST))),\
- $(SSH) $$(BUILDHOST) "PATH=$$(PATH) $(MAKE) -C $$(CURDIR) $(if $(PLATFORM),PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM)) MODULATION=$(2) $(3) merge-modulated",\
- $(MAKE) $(if $(PLATFORM),PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM)) MODULATION=$(2) $(3) merge-modulated\
- )
- @# The next line has intentionally been left blank to explicitly terminate this make rule
-define _modulate_do
-$(call _modulate_target,extract,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target,patch,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target,configure,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-configure,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target,build,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-build,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target,test,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target,install,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-install,$(2),$(4))
-#$(call _modulate_target,merge,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_merge,,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-merge,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,clean,$(2),$(4))
-$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,_modenv,$(2),$(4))
-# This evaluates to the make rules for all modulations passed as first argument
-# Usage: _modulate( <MODULATORS> )
-define _modulate
-$(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS_$(firstword $(1))),\
- $(call _modulate2,\
- $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),\
- $(call tolower,$(firstword $(1)))-$(M),\
- $(firstword $(1)),\
- $(firstword $(1))=$(M)\
- )\
-# This is a helper for the recursive _modulate
-define _modulate2
-$(if $(strip $(1)),\
- $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS_$(firstword $(1))),\
- $(call _modulate2,\
- $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),\
- $(addprefix $(2)-,$(call tolower,$(firstword $(1)))-$(M)),\
- $(3) $(firstword $(1)),\
- $(4) $(firstword $(1))=$(M)\
- )\
- ),\
- $(call _modulate_do,,$(strip $(2)),$(3),$(4))\
-define _pmod
- @echo "[ $1 for modulation $(MODULATION): $(foreach M,$(MODULATORS),$M=$($M)) ]"
-$(eval $(call _modulate,$(MODULATORS)))
-#################### DIRECTORY MAKERS ####################
-# This is to make dirs as needed by the base rules
- @if test -d $@; then : ; else \
- ginstall -d $@; \
- echo "ginstall -d $@"; \
- fi
-# These stubs are wildcarded, so that the port maintainer can
-# define something like "pre-configure" and it won't conflict,
-# while the configure target can call "pre-configure" safely even
-# if the port maintainer hasn't defined it.
-# in addition to the pre-<target> rules, the maintainer may wish
-# to set a "pre-everything" rule, which runs before the first
-# actual target.
- @true
- @true
-# Call any arbitrary rule recursively for all dependencies
-deep-%: %
- @for target in "" $(DEPEND_LIST) ; do \
- test -z "$$target" && continue ; \
- $(MAKE) -C ../../$$target DESTIMG=$(DESTIMG) $@ ; \
- done
- @$(foreach IMG,$(filter-out $(DESTIMG),$(IMGDEPS)),for dep in "" $($(IMG)_DEPENDS); do test -z "$$dep" && continue ; $(MAKE) -C ../../$$dep DESTIMG=$(IMG) $@; done; )
-# ========================= MAIN RULES =========================
-# The main rules are the ones that the user can specify as a
-# target on the "make" command-line. Currently, they are:
-# prereq fetch-list fetch checksum makesum extract checkpatch patch
-# build install reinstall uninstall package
-# (some may not be complete yet).
-# Each of these rules has dependencies that run in the following
-# order:
-# - run the previous main rule in the chain (e.g., install
-# depends on build)
-# - run the pre- rule for the target (e.g., configure would
-# then run pre-configure)
-# - generate a set of files to depend on. These are typically
-# cookie files in $(COOKIEDIR), but in the case of fetch are
-# actual downloaded files in $(DOWNLOADDIR)
-# - run the post- rule for the target
-# The main rules also run the $(DONADA) code, which prints out
-# what just happened when all the dependencies are finished.
- @echo "[===== NOW BUILDING: $(DISTNAME) =====]"
- @echo "[===== NOW BUILDING: $(DISTNAME) MODULATION $(MODULATION): $(foreach M,$(MODULATORS),$M=$($M)) =====]"
-# prerequisite - Make sure that the system is in a sane state for building the package
-PREREQUISITE_TARGETS = $(addprefix prerequisitepkg-,$(PREREQUISITE_BASE_PKGS) $(PREREQUISITE_PKGS)) $(addprefix prerequisite-,$(PREREQUISITE_SCRIPTS))
-# Force to be called in global modulation
-prerequisite: $(if $(filter global,$(MODULATION)),announce pre-everything $(COOKIEDIR) $(DOWNLOADDIR) $(PARTIALDIR) $(addprefix dep-$(GARDIR)/,$(FETCHDEPS)) pre-prerequisite $(PREREQUISITE_TARGETS) post-prerequisite)
- $(if $(filter-out global,$(MODULATION)),$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=global prerequisite)
- @echo " ==> Verifying for installed package $*: \c"
- @(pkginfo -q $*; if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then echo "installed"; else echo "MISSING"; exit 1; fi)
-# fetch-list - Show list of files that would be retrieved by fetch.
-# NOTE: DOES NOT RUN pre-everything!
- @echo "Distribution files: "
- @$(foreach F,$(DISTFILES),echo " $F";)
- @echo "Patch files: "
- @$(foreach P,$(PATCHFILES),echo " $P";)
- @$(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(if $(PATCHFILES_$M),echo " Modulation $M only: $(PATCHFILES_$M)";))
- @echo "Dynamically generated scripts: "
- @$(foreach D,$(DYNSCRIPTS),echo " $D";)
- @echo "Git Repos tracked: "
- @$(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),echo " $R";)
-# fetch - Retrieves $(DISTFILES) (and $(PATCHFILES) if defined)
-# into $(DOWNLOADDIR) as necessary.
-fetch: prerequisite pre-fetch $(FETCH_TARGETS) post-fetch
- @$(DONADA)
-# returns true if fetch has completed successfully, false
-# otherwise
-# checksum - Use $(CHECKSUMFILE) to ensure that your
-# distfiles are valid.
-CHECKSUM_TARGETS = $(addprefix checksum-,$(filter-out $(_NOCHECKSUM) $(NOCHECKSUM),$(ALLFILES)))
-checksum: fetch $(COOKIEDIR) pre-checksum $(CHECKSUM_TARGETS) post-checksum
- @$(DONADA)
-checksum-global: $(if $(filter global,$(MODULATION)),checksum)
- $(if $(filter-out global,$(MODULATION)),$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=global checksum)
- @$(DONADA)
-# The next rule handles the dependency from the modulated context to
-# the contextless checksumming. The rule is called when the cookie
-# to the global checksum is requested. If the global checksum has not run,
-# then run it. Otherwise it is silently accepted.
-checksum-modulated: checksum-global
- @$(DONADA)
-# returns true if checksum has completed successfully, false
-# otherwise
-# makesum - Generate distinfo (only do this for your own ports!).
-makesum: fetch $(addprefix $(DOWNLOADDIR)/,$(MAKESUM_TARGETS))
- @if test "x$(MAKESUM_TARGETS)" != "x "; then \
- (cd $(DOWNLOADDIR) && gmd5sum $(MAKESUM_TARGETS)) > $(CHECKSUM_FILE) ; \
- echo "Checksums made for $(MAKESUM_TARGETS)" ; \
- cat $(CHECKSUM_FILE) ; \
- fi
-# I am always typing this by mistake
-makesums: makesum
-garchive: checksum $(GARCHIVE_TARGETS) ;
-# extract - Unpacks $(DISTFILES) into $(EXTRACTDIR) (patches are "zcatted" into the patch program)
-EXTRACT_TARGETS-global ?= $(foreach SPEC,$(SPKG_SPECS),$(filter $(SPEC).%,$(DISTFILES) $(DYNSCRIPTS) $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R)))))
-EXTRACT_TARGETS = $(addprefix extract-archive-,$(filter-out $(NOEXTRACT),$(if $(EXTRACT_TARGETS-$(MODULATION)),$(EXTRACT_TARGETS-$(MODULATION)),$(DISTFILES) $(DYNSCRIPTS) $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R))))))
-# We call an additional extract-modulated without resetting any variables so
-# a complete unpacked set goes to the global dir for packaging (like gspec)
-extract: checksum $(COOKIEDIR) pre-extract extract-modulated $(addprefix extract-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-extract
- @$(DONADA)
-extract-global: $(if $(filter global,$(MODULATION)),extract-modulated)
- $(if $(filter-out global,$(MODULATION)),$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=global extract)
-extract-modulated: checksum-modulated $(EXTRACTDIR) $(COOKIEDIR) \
- $(addprefix dep-$(GARDIR)/,$(EXTRACTDEPS)) \
- announce-modulation \
- pre-extract-modulated pre-extract-$(MODULATION) $(EXTRACT_TARGETS) post-extract-$(MODULATION) post-extract-modulated
- @$(DONADA)
-# returns true if extract has completed successfully, false
-# otherwise
-# checkpatch - Do a "patch -C" instead of a "patch". Note
-# that it may give incorrect results if multiple
-# patches deal with the same file.
-# TODO: actually write it!
-checkpatch: extract
-# patch - Apply any provided patches to the source.
-PATCH_TARGETS = $(addprefix patch-extract-,$(PATCHFILES) $(PATCHFILES_$(MODULATION)))
-patch: pre-patch $(addprefix patch-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-patch
- @$(DONADA)
-patch-modulated: extract-modulated $(WORKSRC) pre-patch-modulated pre-patch-$(MODULATION) $(PATCH_TARGETS) post-patch-$(MODULATION) post-patch-modulated
- @$(DONADA)
-# returns true if patch has completed successfully, false
-# otherwise
-# makepatch - Grab the upstream source and diff against $(WORKSRC). Since
-# diff returns 1 if there are differences, we remove the patch
-# file on "success". Goofy diff.
-makepatch: $(SCRATCHDIR) $(FILEDIR) $(FILEDIR)/gar-base.diff
-# XXX: Allow patching of pristine sources separate from ISA directories
-# XXX: Use makepatch on global/
-# this takes the changes you've made to a working directory,
-# distills them to a patch, updates the checksum file, and tries
-# out the build (assuming you've listed the gar-base.diff in your
-# PATCHFILES). This is way undocumented. -NickM
-beaujolais: makepatch makesum clean build
-update: makesum garchive clean
-# configure - Runs either GNU configure, one or more local
-# configure scripts or nothing, depending on
-# what's available.
-CONFIGURE_TARGETS = $(addprefix configure-,$(CONFIGURE_SCRIPTS))
-# Limit dependencies to all but one category or to exclude one category
-ALL_CATEGORIES = apps cpan devel gnome lang lib net server utils extra
-ifneq ($(BUILD_CATEGORY),)
-DEPEND_LIST = $(filter-out $(addsuffix /%,$(NOBUILD_CATEGORY)),$(DEPENDS) $(LIBDEPS) $(BUILDDEPS))
-ifneq ($(SKIPDEPEND),1)
-CONFIGURE_DEPS = $(addprefix $(GARDIR)/,$(addsuffix /$(COOKIEDIR)/install,$(DEPEND_LIST)))
-CONFIGURE_IMGDEPS = $(addprefix imgdep-,$(filter-out $(DESTIMG),$(IMGDEPS)))
-#CONFIGURE_BUILDDEPS = $(addprefix $(GARDIR)/,$(addsuffix /$(COOKIEROOTDIR)/build.d/install,$(BUILDDEPS)))
-configure: pre-configure $(addprefix configure-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-configure
- @$(DONADA)
-configure-modulated: verify-isa patch-modulated $(CONFIGURE_IMGDEPS) $(CONFIGURE_BUILDDEPS) $(CONFIGURE_DEPS) \
- $(addprefix srcdep-$(GARDIR)/,$(SOURCEDEPS)) \
- pre-configure-modulated pre-configure-$(MODULATION) $(CONFIGURE_TARGETS) post-configure-$(MODULATION) post-configure-modulated $(if $(STRIP_LIBTOOL),strip-libtool)
- @$(DONADA)
- @echo '[===== Stripping Libtool =====]'
- fixlibtool $(WORKSRC)
-.PHONY: reset-configure reset-configure-modulated
-reconfigure: reset-configure configure
-reset-configure: $(addprefix reset-configure-,$(MODULATIONS))
- rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/configure
- rm -f $(addprefix $(COOKIEDIR)/,$(CONFIGURE_TARGETS))
-# returns true if configure has completed successfully, false
-# otherwise
-# build - Actually compile the sources.
-BUILD_TARGETS = $(addprefix build-,$(BUILD_CHECK_SCRIPTS)) $(addprefix build-,$(BUILD_SCRIPTS))
-build: pre-build $(addprefix build-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-build
-# Build for a specific architecture
- $(if $(filter ERROR,$(ARCHFLAGS_$(GARCOMPILER)_$*)), \
- $(error Code for the architecture $* can not be produced with the compiler $(GARCOMPILER)) \
- )
-build-modulated: verify-isa configure-modulated pre-build-modulated pre-build-$(MODULATION) $(BUILD_TARGETS) post-build-$(MODULATION) post-build-modulated
-# returns true if build has completed successfully, false
-# otherwise
-TEST_TARGETS = $(addprefix test-,$(TEST_SCRIPTS))
-test: pre-test $(addprefix test-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-test
-test-modulated: build-modulated pre-test-modulated pre-test-$(MODULATION) $(TEST_TARGETS) post-test-$(MODULATION) post-test-modulated
-# strip - Strip executables
-ifneq ($(GARFLAVOR),DBG)
- @for target in $(STRIP_DIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir) ; \
- do \
- stripbin $$target ; \
- done
-# fixconfig - Remove build-time paths config files
-FIXCONFIG_DIRS ?= $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
- @if test "x$(FIXCONFIG_DIRS)" != "x" ; then \
- for path in $(FIXCONFIG_DIRS) ; do \
- if test -d $$path ; then \
- echo " ==> fixconfig: $$path" ; \
- replacer $$path $(FIXCONFIG_RMPATHS) ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- fi
-# install - Test and install the results of a build.
-INSTALL_TARGETS = $(addprefix install-,$(INSTALL_SCRIPTS))
-install: pre-install $(addprefix install-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-install
-install-modulated: build-modulated $(addprefix dep-$(GARDIR)/,$(INSTALLDEPS)) test-modulated $(INSTALL_DIRS) $(PRE_INSTALL_TARGETS) pre-install-modulated pre-install-$(MODULATION) $(INSTALL_TARGETS) post-install-$(MODULATION) post-install-modulated $(POST_INSTALL_TARGETS)
-# returns true if install has completed successfully, false
-# otherwise
-# reinstall - Install the results of a build, ignoring
-# "already installed" flag.
-.PHONY: reinstall reset-install reset-install-modulated
-reinstall: reset-install install
-reset-install: reset-merge $(addprefix reset-install-,$(MODULATIONS))
- @rm -f $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(COOKIEDIR)/install-$M) $(COOKIEDIR)/install $(COOKIEDIR)/post-install
- @rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/strip
- @$(call _pmod,Reset install state)
- @rm -rf $(INSTALLISADIR) $(COOKIEDIR)/install-work
- @rm -f $(foreach C,pre-install-modulated install-modulated post-install-modulated,$(COOKIEDIR)/$C)
- @rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/pre-install-$(MODULATION) $(COOKIEDIR)/post-install-$(MODULATION)
- @rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/strip
- @rm -f $(foreach S,$(INSTALL_TARGETS),$(COOKIEDIR)/$S)
- @rm -f $(COOKIEROOTDIR)/global/install-$(MODULATION)
-# merge in all isas to the package directory after installation
-# Merging in general allows the selection of parts from different ISA builds into the package
-# Per default merging is done differently depending on
-# (a) if the sources are build for more than one ISA
-# (b) if the executables should be replaced by isaexec or not
-# - If there is only one ISA to build for everything is copied verbatim to PKGROOT.
-# - If there are builds for more than one ISA the destination differs depending on if
-# the binaries should be executed by isaexec. This is usually bin, sbin and libexec.
-# default: relocate to ISA subdirs if more than one ISA, use isaexec-wrapper for bin/, etc.
-# NO_ISAEXEC = 1: ISA_DEFAULT gets installed in bin/..., all others in bin/$ISA/
-# Automatic merging is only possible if you have the default modulation "ISA"
-# Otherwise you *must* specify merge scripts for all modulations.
-ifeq ($(DEBUG_MERGING),)
-ISAEXEC_DIRS ?= $(if $(NO_ISAEXEC),,$(bindir) $(sbindir) $(libexecdir))
-MERGE_DIRS_isa-$(ISA) ?= $(bindir) $(sbindir) $(libexecdir) $(libdir) $(EXTRA_MERGE_DIRS) $(EXTRA_MERGE_DIRS_isa-$(ISA))
-MERGE_SCRIPTS_isa-$(ISA) ?= copy-relocated-only $(EXTRA_MERGE_SCRIPTS_isa-$(ISA)) $(EXTRA_MERGE_SCRIPTS)
-# These directories get relocated into their ISA subdirectories
-# The files in ISAEXEC get relocated and will be replaced by the isaexec-wrapper
-_ISAEXEC_EXCLUDE_FILES = $(bindir)/%-config $(bindir)/%/%-config
- $(wildcard $(foreach D,$(ISAEXEC_DIRS),$(PKGROOT)$(D)/* )) \
- )
-ISAEXEC_FILES ?= $(if $(_ISAEXEC_FILES),$(patsubst $(PKGROOT)%,%, \
- $(shell for F in $(_ISAEXEC_FILES); do \
- if test -f "$$F" -a \! -h "$$F"; then echo $$F; fi; \
- done)),)
-ifneq ($(ISAEXEC_FILES),)
-_EXTRA_GAR_PKGS += CSWisaexec
-# These merge-rules are actually processed for the current modulation
-# Include only these files
-ifeq ($(origin MERGE_INCLUDE_FILES_$(MODULATION)), undefined)
-# This can be defined in category.mk
-# Support for cswpycompile, skip pre-compiled python files (.pyc, .pyo)
-# during the merge phase.
-_PYCOMPILE_FILES = /opt/csw/lib/python/site-packages/.*\.py
-MERGE_EXCLUDE_PYCOMPILE ?= $(if $(PYCOMPILE), $(addsuffix c,$(_PYCOMPILE_FILES)) $(addsuffix o,$(_PYCOMPILE_FILES)))
-MERGE_EXCLUDE_INFODIR ?= $(sharedstatedir)/info/dir
-MERGE_EXCLUDE_LIBTOOL ?= $(libdir)/.*\.la
-MERGE_EXCLUDE_STATICLIBS ?= $(libdir)/.*\.a
-# Exclude all other .pc-files apart from the default 32- and 64 bit versions
-MERGE_EXCLUDE_EXTRA_ISA_PKGCONFIG ?= $(if $(filter-out $(ISA_DEFAULT) $(ISA_DEFAULT64),$(ISA)),$(libdir)/.*\.pc)
-# Exclude these files
-ifeq ($(origin MERGE_EXCLUDE_FILES_$(MODULATION)), undefined)
-# This variable contains parameter for pax to honor global file inclusion/exclusion
-# Exclude by replacing files with the empty string
-_INC_EXT_RULE = $(foreach F,$(_MERGE_EXCLUDE_FILES),-s ',^\.$F$$,,')
-# Replace files by itself terminating on first match
-_INC_EXT_RULE += $(foreach F,$(_MERGE_INCLUDE_FILES),-s ",^\(\.$F\)$$,\1,")
-# These are used during merge phase to determine the base installation directory
-MERGEBASE_$(bindir) ?= $(bindir_install)
-MERGEBASE_$(sbindir) ?= $(sbindir_install)
-MERGEBASE_$(libexecdir) ?= $(libexecdir_install)
-MERGEBASE_$(libdir) ?= $(libdir_install)
-define mergebase
-$(if $(MERGEBASE_$(1)),$(MERGEBASE_$(1)),$(1))
-# A package is compiled for the pathes defined in $(bindir), $(libdir), etc.
-# These may not be the standard pathes, because specific ISA compilation
-# could have appended e. g. /64 for .pc-pathes to be correct. Anyway these
-# pathes may need to be rewritten e. g. from lib/64 to lib/amd64. Here,
-# $(libdir) has the memorymodel-directory appended, whereas $(libdir_install)
-# has not, so we use this one for appending.
-define killprocandparent
-cpids() { \
- P=$1 \
- PPIDS=$P \
- PP=`ps -eo pid,ppid | awk "BEGIN { ORS=\" \" } \\$2 == $P { print \\$1 }\"` \
- while [ -n "$PP" ]; do \
- PQ=$PP \
- PP= \
- for q in $PQ; do \
- PPIDS="$PPIDS $q" \
- PP=$PP\ `ps -eo pid,ppid | awk "BEGIN { ORS=\" \" } \\$2 == $q { print \\$1 }\"` \
- done \
- done \
- \
- echo $PPIDS \
-# The basic merge merges the compiles for all ISAs on the current architecture
-merge: checksum pre-merge merge-do merge-license $(if $(COMPILE_ELISP),compile-elisp) $(if $(NOSOURCEPACKAGE),,merge-src) post-merge
- @$(DONADA)
-merge-do: $(if $(PARALLELMODULATIONS),merge-parallel,merge-sequential)
-merge-sequential: $(addprefix merge-,$(MODULATIONS))
-merge-parallel: _PIDFILE=$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-global/multitail.pid
-merge-parallel: merge-watch
- $(_DBG_MERGE)trap "kill -9 `cat $(_PIDFILE) $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.pid) 2>/dev/null`;stty sane" INT;\
- $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),($(MAKE) merge-$M >$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.log 2>&1; echo $$? >$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.ret) & echo $$! >$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.pid; ) wait
- $(_DBG_MERGE)if [ -f $(_PIDFILE) ]; then kill `cat $(_PIDFILE)`; stty sane; fi
- $(_DBG_MERGE)$(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),if [ "`cat $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.ret`" -ne 0 ]; then \
- echo "Build error in modulation $M. Please see"; \
- echo " $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.log"; \
- echo "for details:"; \
- echo; \
- tail -100 $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.log; \
- exit "Return code: `cat $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.ret`"; \
- fi;)
-merge-watch: _USEMULTITAIL=$(shell test -x $(MULTITAIL) && test -x $(TTY) && $(TTY) >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then echo yes; fi)
-merge-watch: $(addprefix $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-,global $(MODULATIONS))
- $(MULTITAIL) --retry-all $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.log) -j & echo $$! > $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-global/multitail.pid,\
- echo "Building all ISAs in parallel. Please see the individual logfiles for details:";$(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),echo "- $(WORKROOTDIR)/build-$M/build.log";)\
- )
-# This merges the
-merge-modulated: install-modulated pre-merge-modulated pre-merge-$(MODULATION) $(MERGE_TARGETS) post-merge-$(MODULATION) post-merge-modulated
-# Copy the whole tree verbatim
-merge-copy-all: $(PKGROOT) $(INSTALLISADIR)
- $(_DBG_MERGE)(cd $(INSTALLISADIR); pax -r -w -v $(_PAX_ARGS) \
- $(foreach DIR,$(MERGE_DIRS),-s ",^\(\.$(DIR)/\),.$(call mergebase,$(DIR))/,p") \
- . $(PKGROOT))
-# Copy only the merge directories
-merge-copy-only: $(PKGROOT)
- $(_DBG_MERGE)(cd $(INSTALLISADIR); pax -r -w -v $(_PAX_ARGS) \
- $(foreach DIR,$(MERGE_DIRS),-s ",^\(\.$(DIR)/\),.$(call mergebase,$(DIR))/,p") -s ",.*,," \
- . $(PKGROOT) \
- )
-# Copy the whole tree and relocate the directories in $(MERGE_DIRS)
-merge-copy-relocate: $(PKGROOT) $(INSTALLISADIR)
- $(_DBG_MERGE)(cd $(INSTALLISADIR); pax -r -w -v $(_PAX_ARGS) \
- $(foreach DIR,$(MERGE_DIRS),-s ",^\(\.$(DIR)/\),.$(call mergebase,$(DIR))/$(ISA)/,p") \
- . $(PKGROOT) \
- )
-# Copy only the relocated directories
-merge-copy-relocated-only: $(PKGROOT) $(INSTALLISADIR)
- $(_DBG_MERGE)(cd $(INSTALLISADIR); pax -r -w -v $(_PAX_ARGS) \
- $(foreach DIR,$(MERGE_DIRS),-s ",^\(\.$(DIR)/\),.$(call mergebase,$(DIR))/$(ISA)/,p") -s ",.*,," \
- . $(PKGROOT) \
- )
-# Copy
- $(_DBG_MERGE)(cd $(INSTALLISADIR); pax -r -w -v $(_PAX_ARGS) \
- -s ",^\(\.$(bindir)/.*-config\)\$$,\1,p" \
- -s ",.*,," \
- . $(PKGROOT) \
- )
-.PHONY: remerge reset-merge reset-merge-modulated
-remerge: reset-merge merge
-reset-merge: reset-package $(addprefix reset-merge-,$(MODULATIONS)) reset-merge-license reset-merge-src
- @rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/pre-merge $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(COOKIEDIR)/merge-$M) $(COOKIEDIR)/merge $(COOKIEDIR)/post-merge
- @rm -rf $(PKGROOT)
- @$(DONADA)
- @$(call _pmod,Reset merge state)
- @rm -f $(COOKIEDIR)/merge-*
-# The clean rule. It must be run if you want to re-download a
-# file after a successful checksum (or just remove the checksum
-# cookie, but that would be lame and unportable).
-clean: $(addprefix clean-,$(MODULATIONS))
- $(call _pmod,Cleaning )
- @rm -rf $(WORKSRC) $(EXTRACTDIR) \
- $(LOGDIR) *~
- @rm -rf $(COOKIEDIR)
- @if test -d $(WORKSRC) ; then \
- ( $(MAKE) -C $(WORKSRC) $(SRC_CLEAN_TARGET) || true ) ; \
- fi
-# Remove specified files/directories
- @for target in "" $(REMOVE_DIRS) ; do \
- test -z "$$target" && continue ; \
- rm -rf $$target ; \
- done ; \
-# Clean an image
- @echo " ==> Removing $(COOKIEDIR)"
- @-rm -rf $(COOKIEDIR)
- @echo " ==> Removing $(WORKDIR)"
- @-rm -rf $(WORKDIR)
-spotless: imageclean
- @echo " ==> Removing $(DESTDIR)"
- @-rm -rf work
-# Print package dependencies
- @for depend in "" $(PKGDEP_LIST) ; do \
- test -z "$$depend" && continue ; \
- echo " $$depend" ; \
- if test -n "$(DEPFILE)" ; then \
- check_pkgdb -o $(DEPFILE) $$depend ; \
- else \
- check_pkgdb $$depend ; \
- fi ; \
- done
-# Update inter-package depends
- @for gspec in `gfind $(CURDIR) -type f -name '*.gspec' | ggrep files`; do \
- pkgname=`basename $$gspec .gspec` ; \
- pkgfiles=`dirname $$gspec` ; \
- pkgdir=`dirname $$pkgfiles` ; \
- pkgbuild=`basename $$pkgdir` ; \
- pkgdep="$$pkgname.depend" ; \
- echo " ==> $$pkgbuild ($$pkgname)" ; \
- ( cd $$pkgdir ; \
- rm -f /tmp/$$pkgdep ; \
- if test -f $$pkgfiles/$$pkgdep ; then \
- cat $$pkgfiles/$$pkgdep > /tmp/$$pkgdep ; \
- fi ; \
- DEPFILE=/tmp/$$pkgdep $(MAKE) printdepends ; \
- if test -f /tmp/$$pkgdep ; then \
- sort /tmp/$$pkgdep | uniq > $$pkgfiles/$$pkgname.depend ; \
- fi ) ; \
- done
- @echo "not war!"
-# these targets do not have actual corresponding files
-.PHONY: all fetch-list beaujolais fetch-p checksum-p extract-p patch-p configure-p build-p install-p package-p love
-# apparently this makes all previous rules non-parallelizable,
-# but the actual builds of the packages will be, according to
-# jdub.
Copied: csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.mk (from rev 6854, csw/mgar/gar/v2/gar.mk)
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.mk (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-collapsed-modulations/gar.mk 2009-10-18 17:29:04 UTC (rev 6894)
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Nick Moffitt
+# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
+# permitted. This software is without warranty of any kind. The
+# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
+# software causes damage.
+# Comment this out to make much verbosity
+#ifeq ($(origin GARDIR), undefined)
+#GARDIR := $(CURDIR)/../..
+#GARDIR ?= ../..
+#ifeq ($(origin GARDIR), undefined)
+#GARDIR := $(CURDIR)/../..
+ifneq ($(abspath /),/)
+$(error Your version of 'make' is too old: $(MAKE_VERSION). Please make sure you are using at least 3.81)
+GARDIR ?= gar
+DIRSTODOTS = $(subst . /,./,$(patsubst %,/..,$(subst /, ,/$(1))))
+MAKEPATH = $(shell echo $(1) | perl -lne 'print join(":", split)')
+TOLOWER = $(shell echo $(1) | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
+# If you call this the value is only evaluated the first time
+# Usage: $(call SETONCE,A,MyComplexVariableEvaluatedOnlyOnce)
+SETONCE = $(eval $(1) ?= $(2))
+#meant to take a git url and return just the $proj.git part
+GITPROJ = $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(1)))
+DYNSCRIPTS = $(foreach PKG,$(SPKG_SPECS),$(foreach SCR,$(ADMSCRIPTS),$(if $(value $(PKG)_$(SCR)), $(PKG).$(SCR))))
+_NOCHECKSUM += $(DYNSCRIPTS) $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R)))
+# Allow overriding of only specific components of ALLFILES by clearing e. g. 'ALLFILES_DYNSCRIPTS = '
+ALLFILES_GIT_REPOS ?= $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R)))
+ifeq ($(MAKE_INSTALL_DIRS),1)
+INSTALL_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DESTDIR),$(prefix) $(exec_prefix) $(bindir) $(sbindir) $(libexecdir) $(datadir) $(sysconfdir) $(sharedstatedir) $(localstatedir) $(libdir) $(infodir) $(lispdir) $(includedir) $(mandir) $(foreach NUM,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, $(mandir)/man$(NUM)) $(sourcedir))
+# For rules that do nothing, display what dependencies they
+# successfully completed
+#DONADA = @echo " [$@] complete. Finished rules: $+"
+#DONADA = @touch $(COOKIEDIR)/$@; echo " [$@] complete for $(GARNAME)."
+COOKIEFILE = $(COOKIEDIR)/$(patsubst $(COOKIEDIR)/%,%,$1)
+DONADA = @touch $(call COOKIEFILE,$@); echo " [$@] complete for $(GARNAME)."
+# TODO: write a stub rule to print out the name of a rule when it
+# *does* do something, and handle indentation intelligently.
+# Default sequence for "all" is: fetch checksum extract patch configure build
+all: build
+# include the configuration file to override any of these variables
+include $(GARDIR)/gar.conf.mk
+include $(GARDIR)/gar.lib.mk
+# ========================= MODULATIONS ========================
+# The default is to modulate over ISAs
+tolower = $(shell echo $(1) | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
+expand_modulator_1 = $(addprefix $(call tolower,$(1))-,$(MODULATIONS_$(1)))
+# This expands to the list of all modulators with their respective modulations
+modulations = $(if $(word 2,$(1)),\
+ $(foreach P,$(call expand_modulator_1,$(firstword $(1))),\
+ $(addprefix $(P)-,$(call modulations,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))))\
+ ),\
+ $(call expand_modulator_1,$(1)))
+MODULATIONS ?= $(filter-out $(SKIP_MODULATIONS),$(strip $(call modulations,$(strip $(MODULATORS)))))
+# _modulate(ISA STATIC,,,)
+# -> _modulate2(STATIC,isa-i386,ISA,ISA=i386)
+# -> _modulate2(,,isa-i386-static-yes,ISA STATIC,ISA=i386 STATIC=yes)
+# -> xxx-isa-i386-static-yes: @gmake xxx ISA=i386 STATIC=yes
+# -> _modulate2(,,isa-i386-static-no,ISA STATIC,ISA=i386 STATIC=no)
+# -> xxx-isa-i386-static-no: @gmake xxx ISA=i386 STATIC=no
+# -> _modulate2(STATIC,isa-amd64,ISA,ISA=amd64)
+# -> _modulate2(,,isa-amd64-static-yes,ISA STATIC,ISA=amd64 STATIC=yes)
+# -> xxx-isa-amd64-static-yes: @gmake xxx ISA=amd64 STATIC=yes
+# -> _modulate2(,,isa-amd64-static-no,ISA STATIC,ISA=amd64 STATIC=no)
+# -> xxx-isa-amd64-static-no: @gmake xxx ISA=amd64 STATIC=no
+define _modulate_target
+ @$(MAKE) MODULATION=$(2) $(3) $(1)-modulated
+ @# This is MAKECOOKIE expanded to use the name of the rule explicily as the rule has
+ @# not been evaluated yet. XXX: Use function _MAKECOOKIE for both
+ @mkdir -p $(COOKIEDIR)/$(dir $(1)-$(2)) && date >> $(COOKIEDIR)/$(1)-$(2)
+ @# The next line has intentionally been left blank to explicitly terminate this make rule
+define _modulate_target_nocookie
+ @$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=$(2) $(3) $(1)-modulated
+ @# The next line has intentionally been left blank to explicitly terminate this make rule
+define _modulate_merge
+$(foreach ASSIGNMENT,$(3),
+merge-$(2): $(ASSIGNMENT)
+merge-$(2): BUILDHOST=$$(call modulation2host)
+ @echo "[===== Building modulation '$(2)' on host '$$(BUILDHOST)' =====]"
+ $$(if $$(and $$(BUILDHOST),$$(filter-out $$(THISHOST),$$(BUILDHOST))),\
+ $(SSH) $$(BUILDHOST) "PATH=$$(PATH) $(MAKE) -C $$(CURDIR) $(if $(PLATFORM),PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM)) MODULATION=$(2) $(3) merge-modulated",\
+ $(MAKE) $(if $(PLATFORM),PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM)) MODULATION=$(2) $(3) merge-modulated\
+ )
+ @# The next line has intentionally been left blank to explicitly terminate this make rule
+define _modulate_do
+$(call _modulate_target,extract,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target,patch,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target,configure,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-configure,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target,build,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-build,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target,test,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target,install,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-install,$(2),$(4))
+#$(call _modulate_target,merge,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_merge,,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,reset-merge,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,clean,$(2),$(4))
+$(call _modulate_target_nocookie,_modenv,$(2),$(4))
+# This evaluates to the make rules for all modulations passed as first argument
+# Usage: _modulate( <MODULATORS> )
+define _modulate
+$(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS_$(firstword $(1))),\
+ $(call _modulate2,\
+ $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),\
+ $(call tolower,$(firstword $(1)))-$(M),\
+ $(firstword $(1)),\
+ $(firstword $(1))=$(M)\
+ )\
+# This is a helper for the recursive _modulate
+define _modulate2
+$(if $(strip $(1)),\
+ $(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS_$(firstword $(1))),\
+ $(call _modulate2,\
+ $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),\
+ $(addprefix $(2)-,$(call tolower,$(firstword $(1)))-$(M)),\
+ $(3) $(firstword $(1)),\
+ $(4) $(firstword $(1))=$(M)\
+ )\
+ ),\
+ $(call _modulate_do,,$(strip $(2)),$(3),$(4))\
+define _pmod
+ @echo "[ $1 for modulation $(MODULATION): $(foreach M,$(MODULATORS),$M=$($M)) ]"
+$(eval $(call _modulate,$(MODULATORS)))
+#################### DIRECTORY MAKERS ####################
+# This is to make dirs as needed by the base rules
+ @if test -d $@; then : ; else \
+ ginstall -d $@; \
+ echo "ginstall -d $@"; \
+ fi
+# These stubs are wildcarded, so that the port maintainer can
+# define something like "pre-configure" and it won't conflict,
+# while the configure target can call "pre-configure" safely even
+# if the port maintainer hasn't defined it.
+# in addition to the pre-<target> rules, the maintainer may wish
+# to set a "pre-everything" rule, which runs before the first
+# actual target.
+ @true
+ @true
+# Call any arbitrary rule recursively for all dependencies
+deep-%: %
+ @for target in "" $(DEPEND_LIST) ; do \
+ test -z "$$target" && continue ; \
+ $(MAKE) -C ../../$$target DESTIMG=$(DESTIMG) $@ ; \
+ done
+ @$(foreach IMG,$(filter-out $(DESTIMG),$(IMGDEPS)),for dep in "" $($(IMG)_DEPENDS); do test -z "$$dep" && continue ; $(MAKE) -C ../../$$dep DESTIMG=$(IMG) $@; done; )
+# ========================= MAIN RULES =========================
+# The main rules are the ones that the user can specify as a
+# target on the "make" command-line. Currently, they are:
+# prereq fetch-list fetch checksum makesum extract checkpatch patch
+# build install reinstall uninstall package
+# (some may not be complete yet).
+# Each of these rules has dependencies that run in the following
+# order:
+# - run the previous main rule in the chain (e.g., install
+# depends on build)
+# - run the pre- rule for the target (e.g., configure would
+# then run pre-configure)
+# - generate a set of files to depend on. These are typically
+# cookie files in $(COOKIEDIR), but in the case of fetch are
+# actual downloaded files in $(DOWNLOADDIR)
+# - run the post- rule for the target
+# The main rules also run the $(DONADA) code, which prints out
+# what just happened when all the dependencies are finished.
+ @echo "[===== NOW BUILDING: $(DISTNAME) =====]"
+ @echo "[===== NOW BUILDING: $(DISTNAME) MODULATION $(MODULATION): $(foreach M,$(MODULATORS),$M=$($M)) =====]"
+# prerequisite - Make sure that the system is in a sane state for building the package
+PREREQUISITE_TARGETS = $(addprefix prerequisitepkg-,$(PREREQUISITE_BASE_PKGS) $(PREREQUISITE_PKGS)) $(addprefix prerequisite-,$(PREREQUISITE_SCRIPTS))
+# Force to be called in global modulation
+prerequisite: $(if $(filter global,$(MODULATION)),announce pre-everything $(COOKIEDIR) $(DOWNLOADDIR) $(PARTIALDIR) $(addprefix dep-$(GARDIR)/,$(FETCHDEPS)) pre-prerequisite $(PREREQUISITE_TARGETS) post-prerequisite)
+ $(if $(filter-out global,$(MODULATION)),$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=global prerequisite)
+ @echo " ==> Verifying for installed package $*: \c"
+ @(pkginfo -q $*; if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then echo "installed"; else echo "MISSING"; exit 1; fi)
+# fetch-list - Show list of files that would be retrieved by fetch.
+# NOTE: DOES NOT RUN pre-everything!
+ @echo "Distribution files: "
+ @$(foreach F,$(DISTFILES),echo " $F";)
+ @echo "Patch files: "
+ @$(foreach P,$(PATCHFILES),echo " $P";)
+ @$(foreach M,$(MODULATIONS),$(if $(PATCHFILES_$M),echo " Modulation $M only: $(PATCHFILES_$M)";))
+ @echo "Dynamically generated scripts: "
+ @$(foreach D,$(DYNSCRIPTS),echo " $D";)
+ @echo "Git Repos tracked: "
+ @$(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),echo " $R";)
+# fetch - Retrieves $(DISTFILES) (and $(PATCHFILES) if defined)
+# into $(DOWNLOADDIR) as necessary.
+fetch: prerequisite pre-fetch $(FETCH_TARGETS) post-fetch
+ @$(DONADA)
+# returns true if fetch has completed successfully, false
+# otherwise
+# checksum - Use $(CHECKSUMFILE) to ensure that your
+# distfiles are valid.
+CHECKSUM_TARGETS = $(addprefix checksum-,$(filter-out $(_NOCHECKSUM) $(NOCHECKSUM),$(ALLFILES)))
+checksum: fetch $(COOKIEDIR) pre-checksum $(CHECKSUM_TARGETS) post-checksum
+ @$(DONADA)
+checksum-global: $(if $(filter global,$(MODULATION)),checksum)
+ $(if $(filter-out global,$(MODULATION)),$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=global checksum)
+ @$(DONADA)
+# The next rule handles the dependency from the modulated context to
+# the contextless checksumming. The rule is called when the cookie
+# to the global checksum is requested. If the global checksum has not run,
+# then run it. Otherwise it is silently accepted.
+checksum-modulated: checksum-global
+ @$(DONADA)
+# returns true if checksum has completed successfully, false
+# otherwise
+# makesum - Generate distinfo (only do this for your own ports!).
+makesum: fetch $(addprefix $(DOWNLOADDIR)/,$(MAKESUM_TARGETS))
+ @if test "x$(MAKESUM_TARGETS)" != "x "; then \
+ (cd $(DOWNLOADDIR) && gmd5sum $(MAKESUM_TARGETS)) > $(CHECKSUM_FILE) ; \
+ echo "Checksums made for $(MAKESUM_TARGETS)" ; \
+ cat $(CHECKSUM_FILE) ; \
+ fi
+# I am always typing this by mistake
+makesums: makesum
+garchive: checksum $(GARCHIVE_TARGETS) ;
+# extract - Unpacks $(DISTFILES) into $(EXTRACTDIR) (patches are "zcatted" into the patch program)
+EXTRACT_TARGETS-global ?= $(foreach SPEC,$(SPKG_SPECS),$(filter $(SPEC).%,$(DISTFILES) $(DYNSCRIPTS) $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R)))))
+EXTRACT_TARGETS = $(addprefix extract-archive-,$(filter-out $(NOEXTRACT),$(if $(EXTRACT_TARGETS-$(MODULATION)),$(EXTRACT_TARGETS-$(MODULATION)),$(DISTFILES) $(DYNSCRIPTS) $(foreach R,$(GIT_REPOS),$(call GITPROJ,$(R))))))
+# We call an additional extract-modulated without resetting any variables so
+# a complete unpacked set goes to the global dir for packaging (like gspec)
+extract: checksum $(COOKIEDIR) pre-extract extract-modulated $(addprefix extract-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-extract
+ @$(DONADA)
+extract-global: $(if $(filter global,$(MODULATION)),extract-modulated)
+ $(if $(filter-out global,$(MODULATION)),$(MAKE) -s MODULATION=global extract)
+extract-modulated: checksum-modulated $(EXTRACTDIR) $(COOKIEDIR) \
+ $(addprefix dep-$(GARDIR)/,$(EXTRACTDEPS)) \
+ announce-modulation \
+ pre-extract-modulated pre-extract-$(MODULATION) $(EXTRACT_TARGETS) post-extract-$(MODULATION) post-extract-modulated
+ @$(DONADA)
+# returns true if extract has completed successfully, false
+# otherwise
+# checkpatch - Do a "patch -C" instead of a "patch". Note
+# that it may give incorrect results if multiple
+# patches deal with the same file.
+# TODO: actually write it!
+checkpatch: extract
+# patch - Apply any provided patches to the source.
+PATCH_TARGETS = $(addprefix patch-extract-,$(PATCHFILES) $(PATCHFILES_$(MODULATION)))
+patch: pre-patch $(addprefix patch-,$(MODULATIONS)) post-patch
+ @$(DONADA)
+patch-modulated: extract-modulated $(WORKSRC) pre-patch-modulated pre-patch-$(MODULATION) $(PATCH_TARGETS) post-patch-$(MODULATION) post-patch-modulated
+ @$(DONADA)
+# returns true if patch has completed successfully, false
+# otherwise
+# makepatch - Grab the upstream source and diff against $(WORKSRC). Since
+# diff returns 1 if there are differences, we remove the patch
+# file on "success". Goofy diff.
+makepatch: $(SCRATCHDIR) $(FILEDIR) $(FILEDIR)/gar-base.diff
+# XXX: Allow patching of pristine sources separate from ISA directories
+# XXX: Use makepatch on global/
+# this takes the changes you've made to a working directory,
+# distills them to a patch, updates the checksum file, and tries
+# out the build (assuming you've listed the gar-base.diff in your
+# PATCHFILES). This is way undocumented. -NickM
+beaujolais: makepatch makesum clean build
+update: makesum garchive clean
+# configure - Runs either GNU configure, one or more local
+# configure scripts or nothing, depending on
+# what's available.
@@ Diff output truncated at 100000 characters. @@
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