[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[11866] csw/mgar/pkg/spine/trunk

skayser at users.sourceforge.net skayser at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Dec 9 23:11:16 CET 2010

Revision: 11866
Author:   skayser
Date:     2010-12-09 22:11:16 +0000 (Thu, 09 Dec 2010)

Log Message:
spine: commit work in progress, mainly cleanups, feel free to take over

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/spine/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/spine/trunk/Makefile	2010-12-09 21:44:16 UTC (rev 11865)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/spine/trunk/Makefile	2010-12-09 22:11:16 UTC (rev 11866)
@@ -1,19 +1,33 @@
-#GARNAME = cacti-spine
+# TODO (release-critical prefixed with !, non release-critical with *)
+# ! Convert postinstall to POSTMSG
+# ! Test that the package is actually working
+# ! Check the user handling (cswusergroup file exists, but not used?!)
+# * Document and merge patches, ./configure LD* hack really required?!
+# * libtool hack really required?
 GARNAME = spine
 GARVERSION = 0.8.7e
-DESCRIPTION = very fast poller for cacti
+DESCRIPTION = Very fast poller for cacti
 define BLURB
-  Spine, formally Cactid, is a poller for Cacti that primarily strives to be as fast as possible. For this reason it is written in native C, makes use of POSIX threads, and is linked directly against the net-snmp library for minmumal SNMP polling overhead. Spine is a replacement for the default cmd.php poller so you must decide if using Spine makes sense for your installation.
+  Spine, formally Cactid, is a poller for Cacti that primarily strives
+  to be as fast as possible. For this reason it is written in native C,
+  makes use of POSIX threads, and is linked directly against the net-snmp
+  library for minmumal SNMP polling overhead. Spine is a replacement for
+  the default cmd.php poller so you must decide if using Spine makes sense
+  for your installation.
+VENDOR_URL   = http://www.cacti.net/
 MASTER_SITES = http://www.cacti.net/downloads/spine/
-DISTFILES += cswusergroup CSWspine.postinstall CSWspine.prototype
+DISTFILES    = cacti-$(GARNAME)-$(GARVERSION).tar.gz
+DISTFILES   += cswusergroup CSWspine.postinstall
 PATCHFILES += configure.diff
 PATCHFILES += spine.h.diff
 PATCHFILES += util.c.diff
@@ -21,56 +35,52 @@
-# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release
-UFILES_REGEX = -(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz
-# If the url used to check for software update is different of MASTER_SITES, then 
-# uncomment the next line. Otherwise it is set by default to the value of MASTER_SITES
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS = CSWmysql5rt CSWnetsnmp CSWosslrt CSWzlib CSWcswclassutils
-SPKG_CLASSES = none cswpreserveconf
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-mysql=/opt/csw/mysql5
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-snmp=/opt/csw/include/net-snmp
+EXTRA_LIB       = /opt/csw/mysql5/lib/mysql
+# Spine doesn't come with a test suite
-EXTRA_LIB += /opt/csw/mysql5/lib/mysql
+sysconfdir = /etc/opt/csw
+PRESERVECONF = $(sysconfdir)/spine.conf
-DOCDEST = $(DESTDIR)$(BUILD_PREFIX)/share/doc/spine
 include gar/category.mk
-	@echo " ==> Pre-configure in $(WORKSRC)"
-	@rm $(WORKSRC)/config/ltmain.sh
-	@rm $(WORKSRC)/config/config.sub
-	@rm $(WORKSRC)/config/config.guess
-	@ln -s /opt/csw/share/libtool/config/ltmain.sh  $(WORKSRC)/config/ltmain.sh
-	@ln -s /opt/csw/share/libtool/config/config.sub  $(WORKSRC)/config/config.sub
-	@ln -s /opt/csw/share/libtool/config/config.guess  $(WORKSRC)/config/config.guess
+	@echo " ==> Configuring in $(WORKSRC)"
+	rm $(WORKSRC)/config/ltmain.sh
+	rm $(WORKSRC)/config/config.sub
+	rm $(WORKSRC)/config/config.guess
+	ln -s /opt/csw/share/libtool/config/ltmain.sh  $(WORKSRC)/config/ltmain.sh
+	ln -s /opt/csw/share/libtool/config/config.sub  $(WORKSRC)/config/config.sub
+	ln -s /opt/csw/share/libtool/config/config.guess  $(WORKSRC)/config/config.guess
+	( cd $(WORKSRC) ; ./configure $(CONFIGURE_ARGS) )
+install-custom: BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+install-custom: CFGDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)
+install-custom: DOCDEST = $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/spine
-	@ginstall -d $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/LICENSE $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/README $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/README-WINDOWS $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/INSTALL $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/LICENSE.LGPL $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/COPYING $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/ChangeLog $(DOCDEST)
-	@ginstall -d $(BINDIR)
-	@ginstall -m 755 $(WORKSRC)/spine $(BINDIR)
-	@ginstall -d $(CFGDIR)
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/spine.conf $(CFGDIR)/spine.conf.CSW
+	ginstall -d $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/LICENSE $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/README $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/README-WINDOWS $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/INSTALL $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/LICENSE.LGPL $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/COPYING $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/ChangeLog $(DOCDEST)
+	ginstall -d $(BINDIR)
+	ginstall -m 755 $(WORKSRC)/spine $(BINDIR)
+	ginstall -d $(CFGDIR)
+	ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/spine.conf $(CFGDIR)/spine.conf

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/spine/trunk/files/CSWspine.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/spine/trunk/files/CSWspine.prototype	2010-12-09 21:44:16 UTC (rev 11865)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/spine/trunk/files/CSWspine.prototype	2010-12-09 22:11:16 UTC (rev 11866)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-f none /opt/csw/bin/spine 0755 root bin
-f cswpreserveconf /etc/opt/csw/spine.conf.CSW 0644 root bin
-d none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine/COPYING 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine/ChangeLog 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine/INSTALL 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine/LICENSE 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine/LICENSE.LGPL 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine/README 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/spine/README-WINDOWS 0644 root bin

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