[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[8752] csw/mgar/gar/v2

wahwah at users.sourceforge.net wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 23 01:10:13 CET 2010

Revision: 8752
Author:   wahwah
Date:     2010-02-23 00:10:13 +0000 (Tue, 23 Feb 2010)

Log Message:
mGAR v2: checkpkg, using nm to collect symbols and anlayze them. Slow.

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/checkpkg_collect_stats.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/checkpkg_collect_stats.py	2010-02-22 20:21:12 UTC (rev 8751)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/checkpkg_collect_stats.py	2010-02-23 00:10:13 UTC (rev 8752)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   packages = [opencsw.CswSrv4File(x, options.debug) for x in args]
   stats_list = [checkpkg.PackageStats(pkg) for pkg in packages]
   for pkg_stats in stats_list:
-  	pkg_stats.CollectStats()
+    pkg_stats.CollectStats()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-	main()
+  main()

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/checkpkg.d/checkpkg-missing-symbols.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/checkpkg.d/checkpkg-missing-symbols.py	2010-02-22 20:21:12 UTC (rev 8751)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/checkpkg.d/checkpkg-missing-symbols.py	2010-02-23 00:10:13 UTC (rev 8752)
@@ -19,28 +19,10 @@
              "..", "..", "lib", "python"]
 import checkpkg
+import package_checks
 # Defining checking functions.
-def CheckForMissingSymbols(pkg_data, debug):
-  """Looks for "symbol not found" in ldd -r output."""
-  errors = []
-  binaries = pkg_data["binaries"]
-  symbol_re = re.compile(r"symbol not found:")
-  for binary in binaries:
-    lines = pkg_data["ldd_dash_r"][binary]
-    missing_symbols = False
-    for line in lines:
-      if re.search(symbol_re, line):
-      	missing_symbols = True
-    binary_base = os.path.basename(binary)
-    if missing_symbols:
-    	errors.append(checkpkg.CheckpkgTag(
-    	  pkg_data["basic_stats"]["pkgname"],
-    	  "symbol-not-found", binary_base))
-  return errors
 def main():
   options, args = checkpkg.GetOptions()
   md5sums = args
@@ -51,7 +33,7 @@
   # Registering functions defined above.
-  check_manager.RegisterIndividualCheck(CheckForMissingSymbols)
+  check_manager.RegisterSetCheck(package_checks.CheckForMissingSymbols)
   # Running the checks, reporting and exiting.
   exit_code, screen_report, tags_report = check_manager.Run()
   f = open(options.output, "w")

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg.py	2010-02-22 20:21:12 UTC (rev 8751)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg.py	2010-02-23 00:10:13 UTC (rev 8752)
@@ -111,6 +111,10 @@
+class StdoutSyntaxError(Error):
+  pass
 def GetOptions():
   parser = optparse.OptionParser()
   parser.add_option("-b", dest="stats_basedir",
@@ -811,7 +815,7 @@
 def ApplyOverrides(error_tags, overrides):
   """Filters out all the error tags that overrides apply to.
   O(N * M), but N and M are always small.
   tags_after_overrides = []
@@ -845,6 +849,7 @@
+      "defined_symbols",
@@ -982,8 +987,10 @@
       retcode = ldd_proc.wait()
       if retcode:
         logging.error("%s returned an error: %s", args, stderr)
-      lines = stdout.splitlines()
-      ldd_output[binary] = lines
+      ldd_info = []
+      for line in stdout.splitlines():
+        ldd_info.append(self._ParseLddDashRline(line))
+      ldd_output[binary] = ldd_info
     return ldd_output
   def GetDefinedSymbols(self):
@@ -1036,7 +1043,14 @@
     sym = { 'address': fields[0], 'type': fields[1], 'name': fields[2] }
     return sym
-  def CollectStats(self):
+  def CollectStats(self, force=False):
+    if not self.StatsDirExists() or force:
+      self._CollectStats()
+  def _CollectStats(self):
+    """The list of variables needs to be synchronized with the one
+    at the top of this class.
+    """
     stats_path = self.GetStatsPath()
     dir_pkg = self.GetDirFormatPkg()
@@ -1109,7 +1123,8 @@
   def _ParseLddDashRline(self, line):
     found_re = r"^\t(?P<soname>\S+)\s+=>\s+(?P<path_found>\S+)"
     symbol_not_found_re = r"^\tsymbol not found:\s(?P<symbol>\S+)\s+\((?P<path_not_found>\S+)\)"
-    common_re = r"(%s|%s)" % (found_re, symbol_not_found_re)
+    only_so = r"^\t(?P<path_only>\S+)$"
+    common_re = r"(%s|%s|%s)" % (found_re, symbol_not_found_re, only_so)
     m = re.match(common_re, line)
     response = {}
     if m:
@@ -1120,11 +1135,16 @@
         response["soname"] = d["soname"]
         response["path"] = d["path_found"]
         response["symbol"] = None
-      elif "symbol" in d:
+      elif "symbol" in d and d["symbol"]:
         response["state"] = "symbol-not-found"
         response["soname"] = None
         response["path"] = d["path_not_found"]
         response["symbol"] = d["symbol"]
+      elif d["path_only"]:
+        response["state"] = "OK"
+        response["soname"] = None
+        response["path"] = d["path_only"]
+        response["symbol"] = None
         raise StdoutSyntaxError("Could not parse %s" % repr(line))

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_test.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_test.py	2010-02-22 20:21:12 UTC (rev 8751)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_test.py	2010-02-23 00:10:13 UTC (rev 8752)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 \tsymbol not found: LocalToUtf    (/opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/utf8_and_gbk.so)
 \tsymbol not found: UtfToLocal    (/opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/utf8_and_gbk.so)
 \tlibm.so.2 =>   /lib/libm.so.2
 class DependenciesUnitTest_1(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -799,6 +800,20 @@
     self.assertEqual(expected, self.pkgstats._ParseLddDashRline(line))
+  def test_ParseLddDashRlineFound(self):
+    line = '\t/usr/lib/secure/s8_preload.so.1'
+    expected = {
+        'state': 'OK',
+        'soname': None,
+        'path': '/usr/lib/secure/s8_preload.so.1',
+        'symbol': None,
+    }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, self.pkgstats._ParseLddDashRline(line))
+  def test_ParseLddDashRlineManyLines(self):
+    for line in LDD_R_OUTPUT_1.splitlines():
+      parsed = self.pkgstats._ParseLddDashRline(line)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/package_checks.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/package_checks.py	2010-02-22 20:21:12 UTC (rev 8751)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/package_checks.py	2010-02-23 00:10:13 UTC (rev 8752)
@@ -137,3 +137,41 @@
     print ("However, be aware that there might be other reasons "
            "to keep it architecture-specific.")
   return errors
+def CheckForMissingSymbols(pkgs_data, debug):
+  """Analyzes missing symbols reported by ldd -r.
+  1. Collect triplets: pkgname, binary, missing symbol
+  2. If there are any missing symbols, collect all the symbols that are provided
+     by the set of packages.
+  3. From the list of missing symbols, remove all symbols that are provided
+     by the set of packages.
+  4. Report any remaining symbols as errors.
+  What indexes do we need?
+  symbol -> (pkgname, binary)
+  set(allsymbols)
+  """
+  errors = []
+  missing_symbols = []
+  all_symbols = set()
+  for pkg_data in pkgs_data:
+    pkgname = pkg_data["basic_stats"]["pkgname"]
+    binaries = pkg_data["binaries"]
+    for binary in binaries:
+      for ldd_elem in pkg_data["ldd_dash_r"][binary]:
+        if ldd_elem["state"] == "symbol-not-found":
+          missing_symbols.append((pkgname,
+                                  binary,
+                                  ldd_elem["symbol"]))
+      for symbol in pkg_data["defined_symbols"][binary]:
+        all_symbols.add(symbol)
+  # Remove symbols defined elsewhere.
+  while missing_symbols:
+    ms_pkgname, ms_binary, ms_symbol = missing_symbols.pop()
+    if ms_symbol not in all_symbols:
+      errors.append(checkpkg.CheckpkgTag(
+        ms_pkgname, "symbol-not-found", "%s %s" % (ms_binary, ms_symbol)))
+  return errors

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/package_checks_test.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/package_checks_test.py	2010-02-22 20:21:12 UTC (rev 8751)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/package_checks_test.py	2010-02-23 00:10:13 UTC (rev 8752)
@@ -67,8 +67,50 @@
     self.pkg_data_2["binaries"] = []
     self.pkg_data_2["pkginfo"] = self.LoadData("example-1-pkginfo")
     errors = pc.CheckArchitectureVsContents(self.pkg_data_2, False)
-    print errors
+    self.failIf(errors)
+  def testCheckForMissingSymbols(self):
+    ldd_dash_r_yml = """opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int.so:
+- {path: /usr/lib/libc.so.1, soname: libc.so.1, state: OK, symbol: null}
+- {path: /usr/lib/libdl.so.1, soname: libdl.so.1, state: OK, symbol: null}
+- {path: /tmp/pkg_W8UcnK/CSWlibpq-84/root/opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int.so, soname: null,
+  state: symbol-not-found, symbol: CurrentMemoryContext}
+- {path: /tmp/pkg_W8UcnK/CSWlibpq-84/root/opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int.so, soname: null,
+  state: symbol-not-found, symbol: MemoryContextAlloc}
+- {path: /tmp/pkg_W8UcnK/CSWlibpq-84/root/opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int.so, soname: null,
+  state: symbol-not-found, symbol: errstart}
+- {path: /tmp/pkg_W8UcnK/CSWlibpq-84/root/opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int.so, soname: null,
+  state: symbol-not-found, symbol: errcode}
+- {path: /usr/lib/libdl.so.1, soname: libdl.so.1, state: OK, symbol: null}"""
+    defined_symbols_yml = """opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int.so: [Pg_magic_func, _fini, _init, _int_contained,
+  _int_contains, _int_different, _int_inter, _int_overlap, _int_same, _int_union,
+  _int_unique, _intbig_in, _intbig_out, boolop, bqarr_in, bqarr_out, compASC, compDESC,
+  copy_intArrayType, execconsistent, g_int_compress, g_int_consistent, g_int_decompress,
+  g_int_penalty, g_int_picksplit, g_int_same, g_int_union, g_intbig_compress, g_intbig_consistent,
+  g_intbig_decompress, g_intbig_penalty, g_intbig_picksplit, g_intbig_same, g_intbig_union,
+  gensign, ginconsistent, ginint4_consistent, ginint4_queryextract, icount, idx, inner_int_contains,
+  inner_int_inter, inner_int_overlap, inner_int_union, int_to_intset, intarray_add_elem,
+  intarray_concat_arrays, intarray_del_elem, intarray_match_first, intarray_push_array,
+  intarray_push_elem, internal_size, intset, intset_subtract, intset_union_elem, isort,
+  new_intArrayType, pg_finfo__int_contained, pg_finfo__int_contains, pg_finfo__int_different,
+  pg_finfo__int_inter, pg_finfo__int_overlap, pg_finfo__int_same, pg_finfo__int_union,
+  pg_finfo__intbig_in, pg_finfo__intbig_out, pg_finfo_boolop, pg_finfo_bqarr_in, pg_finfo_bqarr_out,
+  pg_finfo_g_int_compress, pg_finfo_g_int_consistent, pg_finfo_g_int_decompress, pg_finfo_g_int_penalty,
+  pg_finfo_g_int_picksplit, pg_finfo_g_int_same, pg_finfo_g_int_union, pg_finfo_g_intbig_compress,
+  pg_finfo_g_intbig_consistent, pg_finfo_g_intbig_decompress, pg_finfo_g_intbig_penalty,
+  pg_finfo_g_intbig_picksplit, pg_finfo_g_intbig_same, pg_finfosc, subarray, uniq]
+opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/adminpack.so: [Pg_magic_func, _fini, _init, pg_file_rename,
+  pg_file_unlink, pg_file_write, pg_finfo_pg_file_rename, pg_finfo_pg_file_unlink,
+  pg_finfo_pg_file_write, pg_finfo_pg_logdir_ls, pg_logdir_ls]"""
+    self.pkg_data_2["ldd_dash_r"] = yaml.safe_load(ldd_dash_r_yml)
+    self.pkg_data_2["defined_symbols"] = yaml.safe_load(defined_symbols_yml)
+    self.pkg_data_2["binaries"] = ["opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int.so",
+                                   "opt/csw/lib/postgresql/8.4/_int2.so"]
+    errors = pc.CheckForMissingSymbols([self.pkg_data_2], False)
+    self.failUnless(errors)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Property changes on: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/package_checks_test.py
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

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