[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[10449] csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python

wahwah at users.sourceforge.net wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jul 6 00:42:25 CEST 2010

Revision: 10449
Author:   wahwah
Date:     2010-07-05 22:42:25 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 2010)

Log Message:
mGAR v2-sqlite, using global database connection, saving overrides separately from the rest of stats.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/checkpkg.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/checkpkg.py	2010-07-05 21:34:29 UTC (rev 10448)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/checkpkg.py	2010-07-05 22:42:25 UTC (rev 10449)
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
 SONAME = "soname"
 CONFIG_MTIME = "mtime"
 CONFIG_DB_SCHEMA = "db_schema_version"
 DO_NOT_REPORT_SURPLUS = set([u"CSWcommon", u"CSWcswclassutils", u"CSWisaexec"])
@@ -199,34 +198,46 @@
 def ExtractBuildUsername(pkginfo):
   m = re.match(PSTAMP_RE, pkginfo["PSTAMP"])
-  if m:
-    return m.group("username")
-  else:
-    return None
+  return m.group("username") if m else None
 class DatabaseClient(object):
   CHECKPKG_DIR = ".checkpkg"
-  SQLITE3_DBNAME_TMPL = "var-sadm-install-contents-cache-%s"
+  SQLITE3_DBNAME_TMPL = "checkpkg-db-%(fqdn)s"
   TABLES = (m.CswConfig,
-            m.Srv4FileStats)
+            m.Srv4FileStats,
+            m.CheckpkgOverride)
+  sqo_conn = None
+  db_path = None
   def __init__(self, debug=False):
-    self.fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
-    self.checkpkg_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], self.CHECKPKG_DIR)
-    self.db_path = os.path.join(self.checkpkg_dir,
-                                self.SQLITE3_DBNAME_TMPL % self.fqdn)
     self.debug = debug
-  def InitializeSqlobject(self):
-    logging.debug("Connecting to the %s database.", self.db_path)
-    self.sqo_conn = sqlobject.connectionForURI(
-        'sqlite:%s' % self.db_path, debug=(self.debug and False))
-    sqlobject.sqlhub.processConnection = self.sqo_conn
+  @classmethod
+  def GetDatabasePath(cls):
+    if not cls.db_path:
+      dbname_dict = {'fqdn': socket.getfqdn()}
+      db_filename = cls.SQLITE3_DBNAME_TMPL % dbname_dict
+      home_dir = os.environ["HOME"]
+      cls.db_path = os.path.join(home_dir, cls.CHECKPKG_DIR, db_filename)
+    return cls.db_path
+  @classmethod
+  def InitializeSqlobject(cls):
+    """Establishes a database connection and stores it as a class member.
+    The idea is to share the database connection between instances.  It would
+    be solved even better if the connection was passed to the class
+    constructor.
+    """
+    if not cls.sqo_conn:
+      db_path = cls.GetDatabasePath()
+      cls.sqo_conn = sqlobject.connectionForURI('sqlite:%s' % db_path)
+      sqlobject.sqlhub.processConnection = cls.sqo_conn
   def CreateTables(self):
     for table in self.TABLES:
@@ -263,18 +274,23 @@
     """It's necessary for low level operations."""
     if True:
       logging.debug("Connecting to sqlite")
-      self.sqlite_conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
+      self.sqlite_conn = sqlite3.connect(self.GetDatabasePath())
   def InitializeDatabase(self):
-    """Refactor this class to first create CswFile with no primary key and no indexes.
+    """Established the connection to the database.
+    TODO: Refactor this class to first create CswFile with no primary key and
+          no indexes.
     need_to_create_tables = False
-    if not os.path.exists(self.db_path):
-      print "Building a cache of %s." % self.system_pkgmap_files
-      print "The cache will be kept in %s." % self.db_path
-      if not os.path.exists(self.checkpkg_dir):
-        logging.debug("Creating %s", self.checkpkg_dir)
-        os.mkdir(self.checkpkg_dir)
+    db_path = self.GetDatabasePath()
+    checkpkg_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], self.CHECKPKG_DIR)
+    if not os.path.exists(db_path):
+      logging.info("Building the  cache database %s.", self.system_pkgmap_files)
+      logging.info("The cache will be kept in %s.", db_path)
+      if not os.path.exists(CHECKPKG_DIR):
+        logging.debug("Creating %s", checkpkg_dir)
+        os.mkdir(checkpkg_dir)
       need_to_create_tables = True
@@ -621,8 +637,6 @@
   rpath = []
   for line in dump_output.splitlines():
     fields = re.split(c.WS_RE, line)
-    # TODO: Make it a unit test
-    # logging.debug("%s says: %s", DUMP_BIN, fields)
     if len(fields) < 3:
     if fields[1] == "NEEDED":
@@ -764,7 +778,7 @@
   def GetCommonPaths(self, arch):
     """Returns a list of paths for architecture, from gar/etc/commondirs*."""
-    # TODO: If this was cached, it would save a significant amount of time.
+    # TODO: If this was cached, it could save a significant amount of time.
     assert arch in ('i386', 'sparc', 'all'), "Wrong arch: %s" % repr(arch)
     if arch == 'all':
       archs = ('i386', 'sparc')
@@ -924,6 +938,7 @@
     self.stats_path = None
     self.all_stats = {}
     self.stats_basedir = stats_basedir
+    self.db_pkg_stats = None
     if not self.stats_basedir:
       home = os.environ["HOME"]
       parts = [home, ".checkpkg", "stats"]
@@ -952,23 +967,30 @@
       self.stats_path = os.path.join(*parts)
     return self.stats_path
+  def GetDbObject(self):
+    if not self.db_pkg_stats:
+      md5_sum = self.GetMd5sum()
+      logging.debug("GetDbObject() md5_sum=%s", md5_sum)
+      res = m.Srv4FileStats.select(m.Srv4FileStats.q.md5_sum==md5_sum)
+      if not res.count():
+        logging.debug("%s are not in the db", md5_sum)
+        return None
+      else:
+        logging.debug("%s are in the db", md5_sum)
+        self.db_pkg_stats = res.getOne()
+    return self.db_pkg_stats
   def StatsExist(self):
     """Checks if statistics of a package exist.
-    # More checks can be added in the future.
-    md5_sum = self.GetMd5sum()
-    logging.debug("StatsExist() md5_sum=%s", md5_sum)
-    res = m.Srv4FileStats.select(m.Srv4FileStats.q.md5_sum==md5_sum)
-    if not res.count():
-      logging.debug("%s are not in the db", md5_sum)
+    pkg_stats = self.GetDbObject()
+    if not pkg_stats:
       return False
-    else:
-      logging.debug("%s are in the db", md5_sum)
-      pkg_stats = res.getOne()
-      return pkg_stats.stats_version == PACKAGE_STATS_VERSION
+    return pkg_stats.stats_version == PACKAGE_STATS_VERSION
   def GetDirFormatPkg(self):
     if not self.dir_format_pkg:
@@ -1032,14 +1054,14 @@
   def GetOverrides(self):
     dir_pkg = self.GetDirFormatPkg()
-    overrides = dir_pkg.GetOverrides()
+    override_list = dir_pkg.GetOverrides()
     def OverrideToDict(override):
-      d = {}
-      d["pkgname"] = override.pkgname
-      d["tag_name"] = override.tag_name
-      d["tag_info"] = override.tag_info
-      return d
-    overrides_simple = [OverrideToDict(x) for x in overrides]
+      return {
+        "pkgname":  override.pkgname,
+        "tag_name":  override.tag_name,
+        "tag_info":  override.tag_info,
+      }
+    overrides_simple = [OverrideToDict(x) for x in override_list]
     return overrides_simple
   def GetLddMinusRlines(self):
@@ -1128,21 +1150,18 @@
   def _CollectStats(self):
     """The list of variables needs to be synchronized with the one
     at the top of this class.
-    TODO:
-    - Run pkgchk against the package file.
-    - Grep all the files for bad paths.
     stats_path = self.GetStatsPath()
     dir_pkg = self.GetDirFormatPkg()
-    logging.info("Collecting %s package statistics.", repr(dir_pkg.pkgname))
+    logging.debug("Collecting %s package statistics.", repr(dir_pkg.pkgname))
+    override_dicts = self.GetOverrides()
     pkg_stats = {
         "binaries": dir_pkg.ListBinaries(),
         "binaries_dump_info": self.GetBinaryDumpInfo(),
         "depends": dir_pkg.GetDependencies(),
         "isalist": GetIsalist(),
-        "overrides": self.GetOverrides(),
+        "overrides": override_dicts,
         "pkgchk": self.GetPkgchkData(),
         "pkginfo": dir_pkg.GetParsedPkginfo(),
         "pkgmap": dir_pkg.GetPkgmap().entries,
@@ -1154,6 +1173,11 @@
+    # Inserting overrides as rows into the database
+    for override_dict in override_dicts:
+      o = m.CheckpkgOverride(srv4_file=db_pkg_stats,
+                             **override_dict)
     # The ldd -r reporting breaks on bigger packages during yaml saving.
     # It might work when yaml is disabled
     # self.DumpObject(self.GetLddMinusRlines(), "ldd_dash_r")
@@ -1178,32 +1202,24 @@
   def GetSavedOverrides(self):
     if not self.StatsExist():
       raise PackageError("Package stats not ready.")
-    override_stats = self.GetAllStats()["overrides"]
-    override_list = [overrides.Override(**x) for x in override_stats]
+    pkg_stats = self.GetDbObject()
+    res = m.CheckpkgOverride.select(m.CheckpkgOverride.q.srv4_file==pkg_stats)
+    override_list = []
+    for db_override in res:
+      d = {
+          'pkgname': db_override.pkgname,
+          'tag_name': db_override.tag_name,
+          'tag_info': db_override.tag_info,
+      }
+      override_list.append(overrides.Override(**d))
     return override_list
-  def DumpObject(self, obj, name):
-    """Saves an object."""
-    stats_path = self.GetStatsPath()
-    # yaml
-    if WRITE_YAML:
-      out_file_name = os.path.join(stats_path, "%s.yml" % name)
-      logging.debug("DumpObject(): writing %s", repr(out_file_name))
-      f = open(out_file_name, "w")
-      f.write(yaml.safe_dump(obj))
-      f.close()
-    # pickle
-    out_file_name_pickle = os.path.join(stats_path, "%s.pickle" % name)
-    logging.debug("DumpObject(): writing %s", repr(out_file_name_pickle))
-    f = open(out_file_name_pickle, "wb")
-    cPickle.dump(obj, f)
-    f.close()
-    self.all_stats[name] = obj
   def ReadSavedStats(self):
-    md5_sum = self.GetMd5sum()
-    res = m.Srv4FileStats.select(m.Srv4FileStats.q.md5_sum==md5_sum)
-    return cPickle.loads(str(res.getOne().data))
+    if not self.all_stats:
+      md5_sum = self.GetMd5sum()
+      res = m.Srv4FileStats.select(m.Srv4FileStats.q.md5_sum==md5_sum)
+      self.all_stats = cPickle.loads(str(res.getOne().data))
+    return self.all_stats
   def _ParseLddDashRline(self, line):
     found_re = r"^\t(?P<soname>\S+)\s+=>\s+(?P<path_found>\S+)"
@@ -1214,13 +1230,14 @@
                   r'\((?P<lib_name>\S+)\) =>\t \(version not found\)')
     stv_protected = (r'^\trelocation \S+ symbol: (?P<relocation_symbol>\S+): '
                      r'file (?P<relocation_path>\S+): '
-                     r'relocation bound to a symbol with STV_PROTECTED visibility$')
-    sizes_differ = (r'^\trelocation \S+ sizes differ: (?P<sizes_differ_symbol>\S+)$')
+                     r'relocation bound to a symbol '
+                     r'with STV_PROTECTED visibility$')
+    sizes_differ = (r'^\trelocation \S+ sizes differ: '
+                    r'(?P<sizes_differ_symbol>\S+)$')
     sizes_info = (r'^\t\t\(file (?P<sizediff_file1>\S+) size=(?P<size1>0x\w+); '
                   r'file (?P<sizediff_file2>\S+) size=(?P<size2>0x\w+)\)$')
-    sizes_one_used = (
-        r'^\t\t(?P<sizediffused_file>\S+) size used; '
-        'possible insufficient data copied$')
+    sizes_one_used = (r'^\t\t(?P<sizediffused_file>\S+) size used; '
+                      r'possible insufficient data copied$')
     common_re = (r"(%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)"
                  % (found_re, symbol_not_found_re, only_so, version_so,
                     stv_protected, sizes_differ, sizes_info, sizes_one_used))

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/models.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/models.py	2010-07-05 21:34:29 UTC (rev 10448)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/models.py	2010-07-05 22:42:25 UTC (rev 10449)
@@ -46,3 +46,9 @@
   pkgname = sqlobject.UnicodeCol(length=255, notNone=True)
   stats_version = sqlobject.IntCol(notNone=True)
   data = sqlobject.UnicodeCol(notNone=True)
+class CheckpkgOverride(sqlobject.SQLObject):
+  srv4_file = sqlobject.ForeignKey('Srv4FileStats')
+  pkgname = sqlobject.UnicodeCol(default=None)
+  tag_name = sqlobject.UnicodeCol(notNone=True)
+  tag_info = sqlobject.UnicodeCol(default=None)

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/package_checks_test.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/package_checks_test.py	2010-07-05 21:34:29 UTC (rev 10448)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/package_checks_test.py	2010-07-05 22:42:25 UTC (rev 10449)
@@ -15,13 +15,10 @@
 import testdata.checkpkg_test_data_CSWdjvulibrert as td_1
 import testdata.checkpkg_pkgs_data_minimal as td_2
 import testdata.rpaths
+from testdata.rsync_pkg_stats import pkg_stats as rsync_stats
-BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-TESTDATA_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "testdata")
-CHECKPKG_STATS_DIR = os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, "stats")
-DEFAULT_DATA_MD5 = "461a24f02dd5020b4aa014b76f3ec2cc"
+DEFAULT_PKG_DATA = rsync_stats
 class CheckpkgUnitTestHelper(object):

Added: csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/testdata/rsync_pkg_stats.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/testdata/rsync_pkg_stats.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2-sqlite/lib/python/testdata/rsync_pkg_stats.py	2010-07-05 22:42:25 UTC (rev 10449)
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+pkg_stats = {
+ 'all_filenames': ['pkginfo',
+                   'pkgmap',
+                   'copyright',
+                   'depend',
+                   'rsyncd.conf.5',
+                   'rsync.1',
+                   'license',
+                   'rsync',
+                   'rsync'],
+ 'bad_paths': {},
+ 'basic_stats': {'catalogname': 'rsync',
+                 'parsed_basename': {'arch': 'sparc',
+                                     'catalogname': 'rsync',
+                                     'full_version_string': '3.0.7,REV=2010.02.17',
+                                     'osrel': 'SunOS5.8',
+                                     'revision_info': {'REV': '2010.02.17'},
+                                     'vendortag': 'CSW',
+                                     'version': '3.0.7',
+                                     'version_info': {'major version': '3',
+                                                      'minor version': '0',
+                                                      'patchlevel': '7'}},
+                 'pkg_basename': 'rsync-3.0.7,REV=2010.02.17-SunOS5.8-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz',
+                 'pkg_path': '/tmp/pkg_dhBeK1/rsync-3.0.7,REV=2010.02.17-SunOS5.8-sparc-CSW.pkg.gz',
+                 'pkgname': 'CSWrsync',
+                 'stats_version': 1},
+ 'binaries': ['opt/csw/bin/sparcv9/rsync', 'opt/csw/bin/sparcv8/rsync'],
+ 'binaries_dump_info': [{'base_name': 'rsync',
+                         'needed sonames': ['libpopt.so.0',
+                                            'libsec.so.1',
+                                            'libiconv.so.2',
+                                            'libsocket.so.1',
+                                            'libnsl.so.1',
+                                            'libc.so.1'],
+                         'path': 'opt/csw/bin/sparcv9/rsync',
+                         'runpath': ['/opt/csw/lib/$ISALIST',
+                                     '/opt/csw/lib/64',
+                                     '/usr/lib/$ISALIST',
+                                     '/usr/lib',
+                                     '/lib/$ISALIST',
+                                     '/lib'],
+                         'soname': 'rsync',
+                         'soname_guessed': True},
+                        {'base_name': 'rsync',
+                         'needed sonames': ['libpopt.so.0',
+                                            'libsec.so.1',
+                                            'libiconv.so.2',
+                                            'libsocket.so.1',
+                                            'libnsl.so.1',
+                                            'libc.so.1'],
+                         'path': 'opt/csw/bin/sparcv8/rsync',
+                         'runpath': ['/opt/csw/lib/$ISALIST',
+                                     '/opt/csw/lib',
+                                     '/usr/lib/$ISALIST',
+                                     '/usr/lib',
+                                     '/lib/$ISALIST',
+                                     '/lib'],
+                         'soname': 'rsync',
+                         'soname_guessed': True}],
+ 'depends': [['CSWcommon',
+              'CSWcommon common - common files and dirs for CSW packages '],
+             ['CSWisaexec',
+              'CSWisaexec isaexec - sneaky wrapper around Sun isaexec '],
+             ['CSWiconv', 'CSWiconv libiconv - GNU iconv library '],
+             ['CSWlibpopt',
+              'CSWlibpopt libpopt - Popt is a C library for parsing command line parameters ']],
+ 'files_metadata': None,
+ 'isalist': ['sparcv9+vis2',
+             'sparcv9+vis',
+             'sparcv9',
+             'sparcv8plus+vis2',
+             'sparcv8plus+vis',
+             'sparcv8plus',
+             'sparcv8',
+             'sparcv8-fsmuld',
+             'sparcv7',
+             'sparc'],
+ 'ldd_dash_r': [],
+ 'overrides': [],
+ 'pkgchk': [],
+ 'pkginfo': {'ARCH': 'sparc',
+             'CATEGORY': 'application',
+             'CLASSES': 'none',
+             'EMAIL': 'maciej at opencsw.org',
+             'HOTLINE': 'http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/',
+             'NAME': 'rsync - utility which provides fast incremental file transfer',
+             'OPENCSW_CATALOGNAME': 'rsync',
+             'OPENCSW_MODE64': '32/64/isaexec',
+             'OPENCSW_REPOSITORY': 'https://gar.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gar/csw/mgar/pkg/rsync/trunk@8611',
+             'PKG': 'CSWrsync',
+             'PSTAMP': 'maciej at build8s-20100217094608',
+             'VENDOR': 'http://rsync.samba.org/ packaged for CSW by Maciej Blizinski',
+             'VERSION': '3.0.7,REV=2010.02.17',
+             'WORKDIR_FIRSTMOD': '../build-isa-sparcv8'},
+ 'pkgmap': [{'class': None,
+             'group': None,
+             'line': ': 1 2912',
+             'mode': None,
+             'path': None,
+             'type': '1',
+             'user': None},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': None,
+             'line': '1 l none /opt/csw/bin/rsync=/opt/csw/bin/isaexec',
+             'mode': None,
+             'path': '/opt/csw/bin/rsync',
+             'type': 'l',
+             'user': None},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 f none /opt/csw/bin/sparcv8/rsync 0755 root bin 585864 12576 1266395028',
+             'mode': '0755',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/bin/sparcv8/rsync',
+             'type': 'f',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 f none /opt/csw/bin/sparcv9/rsync 0755 root bin 665520 60792 1266395239',
+             'mode': '0755',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/bin/sparcv9/rsync',
+             'type': 'f',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 d none /opt/csw/share/doc/rsync 0755 root bin',
+             'mode': '0755',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/share/doc/rsync',
+             'type': 'd',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 f none /opt/csw/share/doc/rsync/license 0644 root bin 35147 30328 1266396366',
+             'mode': '0644',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/share/doc/rsync/license',
+             'type': 'f',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 d none /opt/csw/share/man/man1 0755 root bin',
+             'mode': '0755',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/share/man/man1',
+             'type': 'd',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 f none /opt/csw/share/man/man1/rsync.1 0644 root bin 159739 65016 1266395027',
+             'mode': '0644',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/share/man/man1/rsync.1',
+             'type': 'f',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 d none /opt/csw/share/man/man5 0755 root bin',
+             'mode': '0755',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/share/man/man5',
+             'type': 'd',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': 'none',
+             'group': 'bin',
+             'line': '1 f none /opt/csw/share/man/man5/rsyncd.conf.5 0644 root bin 36372 24688 1266395027',
+             'mode': '0644',
+             'path': '/opt/csw/share/man/man5/rsyncd.conf.5',
+             'type': 'f',
+             'user': 'root'},
+            {'class': None,
+             'group': None,
+             'line': '1 i copyright 69 6484 1266396366',
+             'mode': None,
+             'path': None,
+             'type': 'i',
+             'user': None},
+            {'class': None,
+             'group': None,
+             'line': '1 i depend 236 21212 1266396368',
+             'mode': None,
+             'path': None,
+             'type': 'i',
+             'user': None},
+            {'class': None,
+             'group': None,
+             'line': '1 i pkginfo 511 43247 1266396371',
+             'mode': None,
+             'path': None,
+             'type': 'i',
+             'user': None}]}

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