[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[11688] csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk

bdwalton at users.sourceforge.net bdwalton at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 22 03:51:29 CET 2010

Revision: 11688
Author:   bdwalton
Date:     2010-11-22 02:51:29 +0000 (Mon, 22 Nov 2010)

Log Message:
apache2: merge in fs-rework branch

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk
Added: svn:mergeinfo
   + /csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/branches/fs-rework:11678-11687

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/Makefile	2010-11-22 02:39:37 UTC (rev 11687)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/Makefile	2010-11-22 02:51:29 UTC (rev 11688)
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
 PKGFILES_CSWap2worker = .*share/doc/ap2_worker.* .*sbin/httpd.worker
 PKGFILES_CSWapache2rt = .*share/doc/apache2rt.*
-PROTOTYPE_FILTER = gawk '$$$$3 ~ /apache2\/etc/ && $$$$1 == "f" && $$$$3 !~ /CSW/ && $$$$3 !~ /original/ {$$$$1 = "e"; $$$$2 = "build"}; {print}'
+PROTOTYPE_FILTER = gawk '$$$$3 ~ /etc\/opt\/csw\/apache2/ && $$$$1 == "f" && $$$$3 !~ /CSW/ && $$$$3 !~ /original/ {$$$$1 = "e"; $$$$2 = "build"}; {print}'
 include gar/category.mk
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
 post-merge: create-templates
 	@echo "  => Creating template files and CAS shell scripts..."
-	@( cd $(PKGROOT)/opt/csw/apache2/etc; \
+	@( cd $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/apache2/; \
 		for f in *conf extra/* mime* magic*; do \
 			echo "...$$f"; \
 			mv $$f $$f.CSW; \

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/README.CSW.apache2
--- csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/README.CSW.apache2	2010-11-22 02:39:37 UTC (rev 11687)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/README.CSW.apache2	2010-11-22 02:51:29 UTC (rev 11688)
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 Please note that recent changes may affect the way you're used to
 working with the CSW apache2 packages.
 In the past, CSWap2prefork and CSWap2worker delivered a specific mpm
 module for use with apache2.  We now ship the prefork mpm as part of
 CSWapache2 while the worker mpm remains in CSWap2worker.
@@ -14,5 +16,23 @@
 /opt/csw/sbin/alternatives --help for information on how you can do
+We are also moving configuration of apache from /opt/csw/apache2/etc
+to /etc/opt/csw/apache2.  The files should be auto-migrated upon
+upgrade but if you've broken from the standard config file layout,
+you'll need to manually copy in those additional files.  Sorry for the
+hassle, but this really needs to be done for a package like apache
+where the configuration will be unique on most machines.
+The default log directory is now /var/opt/csw/log/apache2.  Old logs
+are not touched and the configuration will honour the old location.  You
+should updated this and move the logs manually.
 -The OpenCSW apache2 team.

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/build_cas_template
--- csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/build_cas_template	2010-11-22 02:39:37 UTC (rev 11687)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/build_cas_template	2010-11-22 02:51:29 UTC (rev 11688)
@@ -4,35 +4,48 @@
 if [ "\$1" = install ]; then
-   if [ ! -f "\$CONF_FILE" ]; then
+   if [ -f "\$NEW_CONF_FILE" ]; then
+      # existing 2.2.x install with migrated config.
+      echo "Doing nothing.  Config file \$NEW_CONF_FILE in place already." >&2
+   elif [ -f "\$OLD_CONF_FILE" ]; then
+      # migrate old config, ensure it's updated
+      echo "Importing old config file from \$OLD_CONF_FILE." >&2
+      cp -p \$OLD_CONF_FILE \$NEW_CONF_FILE
+      if [ -n "\`grep mod_auth.so \$NEW_CONF_FILE\`" ]; then
+         echo "Updating the syntax to 2.2 format though..." >&2
+         \${PIR}/\$AP2_DIR/sbin/update20to22 \$NEW_CONF_FILE >&2
+      fi
+      # ensure we use the config files from the new location 
+      perl -pi \
+         -e "s/etc\//\/etc\/opt\/csw\/apache2\//" \$NEW_CONF_FILE
+   else
+      # so, we're not an existing or 'needs migration' install, we must
+      # install from the templates.
       echo "Installing $1 from CSW template." >&2
-      cp -p \$CONF_FILE.CSW \$CONF_FILE
       perl -pi \
 	-e "s/#*ServerName.*www.example.com/ServerName \`hostname\`/;" \
 	-e "s/#*ServerAdmin you\@example.com/ServerAdmin root\@\`hostname\`/;" \
 	-e "s/^User.*daemon/User nobody/;" \
 	-e "s/^Group.*daemon/Group nobody/;" \
 	-e 's/^(LoadModule.*suexec.*)/#\$1/;' \
-	-e 's/^#(Include.*httpd-mpm.conf)/\$1/;' \$CONF_FILE
+	-e 's/^#(Include.*httpd-mpm.conf)/\$1/;' \$NEW_CONF_FILE
-      chown root:bin \$CONF_FILE
-      chmod 644 \$CONF_FILE
-   else
-      echo "Not updating $1.  It already exists." >&2
-      if [ -n "\`grep mod_auth.so \$CONF_FILE\`" ]; then
-         echo "Updating the syntax to 2.2 format though..." >&2
-         \${PIR}/\$AP2_DIR/sbin/update20to22 \$CONF_FILE >&2
-      fi
+      chown root:bin \$NEW_CONF_FILE
+      chmod 644 \$NEW_CONF_FILE
    echo "Not removing $1." >&2
    # preserve ourselves with no changes
-   cat \$CONF_FILE
+   cat \$NEW_CONF_FILE

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/config.layout
--- csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/config.layout	2010-11-22 02:39:37 UTC (rev 11687)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/apache2/trunk/files/config.layout	2010-11-22 02:51:29 UTC (rev 11688)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     libdir:        ${exec_prefix}/lib
     libexecdir:    ${exec_prefix}/libexec
     mandir:        ${exec_prefix}/man
-    sysconfdir:    ${exec_prefix}/etc
+    sysconfdir:    /etc/${prefix}
     datadir:       ${prefix}/share
     installbuilddir: ${datadir}/build
     errordir:      ${datadir}/error
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
     manualdir:     ${datadir}/manual
     cgidir:        ${datadir}/cgi-bin
     includedir:    ${exec_prefix}/include
-    localstatedir: ${prefix}/var
+    localstatedir: /var/opt/csw/apache2
     runtimedir:    /var/run
-    logfiledir:    ${localstatedir}/log
+    logfiledir:    /var/opt/csw/log/apache2
     proxycachedir: ${datadir}/proxy

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