[csw-devel] [PATCH] Fix SPKG_DESC duplicate checking

Maciej Bliziński maciej at opencsw.org
Wed Aug 3 10:36:31 CEST 2011

2011/8/3 Ben Walton <bwalton at opencsw.org>:
> I wonder if checkpkg isn't a better place for this check though?
> Separating package building from package verification makes sense to
> me.

I like the early detection of the issue.  You could consider it a
build recipe check, as opposed to a binary package check.

Nevertheless, checking the resulting binary package set could be a
good idea.  Something like "no two packages from the set under test
should have the same description field". As an extended check,
descriptions could be matched against all descriptions in the catalog,
but the database doesn't have the metadata yet.


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