[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[15314] csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Aug 11 18:36:34 CEST 2011

Revision: 15314
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2011-08-11 16:36:34 +0000 (Thu, 11 Aug 2011)

Log Message:
dbus: Update to 1.5.6, general rework

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/Makefile	2011-08-11 16:10:50 UTC (rev 15313)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/Makefile	2011-08-11 16:36:34 UTC (rev 15314)
@@ -1,72 +1,100 @@
+# TBD:
+# - test position of pidfile in compilation and cswdbus
+# - cleanup of /usr/share, /usr/local occurrences
 NAME      = dbus
-VERSION   = 1.3.1
+VERSION   = 1.5.6
 DESCRIPTION  = DBus Message Bus System
 define BLURB
-D-Bus is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another. In addition to interprocess communication, D-Bus helps coordinate process lifecycle; it makes it simple and reliable to code a "single instance" application or daemon, and to launch applications and daemons on demand when their services are needed.
+  D-Bus is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another.
+  In addition to interprocess communication, D-Bus helps coordinate process lifecycle;
+  it makes it simple and reliable to code a "single instance" application or daemon,
+  and to launch applications and daemons on demand when their services are needed.
-D-Bus supplies both a system daemon (for events such as "new hardware device added" or "printer queue changed") and a per-user-login-session daemon (for general IPC needs among user applications). Also, the message bus is built on top of a general one-to-one message passing framework, which can be used by any two apps to communicate directly (without going through the message bus daemon). Currently the communicating applications are on one computer, or through unencrypted TCP/IP suitable for use behind a firewall with shared NFS home directories. (Help wanted with better remote transports - the transport mechanism is well-abstracted and extensible.) 
+  D-Bus supplies both a system daemon (for events such as "new hardware device added"
+  or "printer queue changed") and a per-user-login-session daemon (for general IPC needs
+  among user applications). Also, the message bus is built on top of a general one-to-one
+  message passing framework, which can be used by any two apps to communicate directly
+  (without going through the message bus daemon). Currently the communicating applications
+  are on one computer, or through unencrypted TCP/IP suitable for use behind a firewall
+  with shared NFS home directories. (Help wanted with better remote transports -
+  the transport mechanism is well-abstracted and extensible.) 
 MASTER_SITES  = http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus/
-DISTFILES     = $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz 
+DISTFILES += cswusergroup
+DISTFILES += cswdbus
-# Generate description fields
-SPKG_DESC_CSWdbus          = $(DESCRIPTION)
-SPKG_DESC_CSWlibdbus       = $(DESCRIPTION) libraries
-SPKG_DESC_CSWlibdbusdev    = $(DESCRIPTION) development package
+PATCHFILES += dbus-sysdeps-unix.c.diff
+PATCHFILES += dbus-sysdeps.h.diff
+PATCHFILES += 0001-Use-LOG_PERROR-only-when-available.patch
-PACKAGES                   = CSWdbus CSWlibdbus CSWlibdbusdev
-CATALOGNAME_CSWdbus        = dbus
-CATALOGNAME_CSWlibdbus     = libdbus
-CATALOGNAME_CSWlibdbusdev  = libdbusdev
-DISTFILES                 += CSWdbus.preinstall
-DISTFILES                 += cswdbus
+# PKGFILES is catchall
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWdbus += CSWlibexpat1
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWdbus += CSWlibdbus1-3
+# These are search pathes:
+#   /opt/csw/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdbus += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/libexec/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdbus += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/libexec/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdbus += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/bin/dbus-daemon
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdbus += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/bin/dbus-daemon
+# This is an example
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdbus += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/share/man/man1/dbus-daemon.1
-# Dynamic CSWlibdbusdev prototype
-PKGFILES_CSWlibdbusdev += $(libdir)/dbus-1.0/.*
+PACKAGES += CSWlibdbus1-3
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibdbus1-3 = DBus message bus system, libdbus-1.so.3
+PKGFILES_CSWlibdbus1-3 += $(call pkgfiles_lib,libdbus-1.so.3)
+OBSOLETED_BY_CSWlibdbus1-3 += CSWlibdbus
+# These are search pathes:
+#   /opt/csw/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus1-3 += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/lib/libdbus-1.so.3.6.3
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus1-3 += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/lib/libdbus-1.so.3.6.3
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus1-3 += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/lib/sparcv9/libdbus-1.so.3.6.3
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus1-3 += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/lib/sparcv9/libdbus-1.so.3.6.3
-# Dynamic CSWlibdbus prototype
+PACKAGES += CSWlibdbus-dev
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibdbus-dev = Development files for libdbus
+PKGFILES_CSWlibdbus-dev += $(call baseisadirs,$(libdir),dbus-1.0/.*)
+PKGFILES_CSWlibdbus-dev += $(docdir)/.*
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibdbus-dev += CSWlibdbus1-3
+OBSOLETED_BY_CSWlibdbus-dev += CSWlibdbusdev
+# These are docs
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus-dev += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/share/doc/dbus/api/group__DBusSysdeps.html
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus-dev += file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/share/doc/dbus/api/dbus-sysdeps-unix_8c_source.html
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus-dev += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/share/doc/dbus/api/dbus-sysdeps-unix_8c_source.html
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus-dev += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/share/doc/dbus/api/group__DBusSysdeps.html
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbus-dev += file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/share/doc/dbus/system-activation.txt
-# Dependencies tracking
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWdbus        = CSWexpat CSWlibdbus CSWcswclassutils
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibdbusdev  = CSWlibdbus
+INITSMF += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswdbus
+PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/dbus-1/system.conf
+PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/dbus-1/session.conf
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibdbusdev += surplus-dependency|CSWlibdbus
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdbus += action-class-only-in-pkginfo|cswinitsmf
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdbus += action-class-only-in-pkginfo|cswcpsampleconf
+MIGRATECONF += dbus-1/session.conf
+MIGRATECONF += dbus-1/system.conf
-# SMF support
-SPKG_CLASSES_CSWdbus = none cswcpsampleconf cswinitsmf 
-PROTOTYPE_FILTER  = awk '$$$$3 ~ /\/init.d\/cswdbus$$$$/ { $$$$2 = "cswinitsmf" } $$$$3 ~ /\/system.conf.CSW$$$$/ { $$$$2 = "cswcpsampleconf" } $$$$3 ~ /\/session.conf.CSW$$$$/ { $$$$2 = "cswcpsampleconf" } { print }'
+USERGROUP = /etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWdbus/cswusergroup
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-tests --with-xml=expat 
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-tests
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-xml=expat 
+# Needed for sockaddr_in6
 BUILD64 = 1
-PATCHFILES += dbus-sysdeps-unix.c.diff
-PATCHFILES += dbus-sysdeps.h.diff
-# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release
-UFILES_REGEX = $(NAME)-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz
 include gar/category.mk
-# moving configuration file & installing init script
-	( OLDDIR=`pwd` && cd $(WORKROOTDIR)/install-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/opt/csw/etc/dbus-1 && \
-          for i in *.conf ; do mv $$i $$i.CSW ; done && cd $$OLDDIR ; \
-	  ginstall -d $(WORKROOTDIR)/install-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/etc/opt/csw/init.d  ; \
-	  cp -fr $(FILEDIR)/cswdbus $(WORKROOTDIR)/install-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/etc/opt/csw/init.d  ; \
-	  ginstall -d $(WORKROOTDIR)/install-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/etc/rc3.d/ ; \
-	  ln -s ../init.d/cswdbus $(WORKROOTDIR)/install-$(firstword $(MODULATIONS))/etc/rc3.d/S52cswdbus  ; )
+	ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/init.d
+	ginstall $(WORKDIR)/cswdbus $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswdbus
+	ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWdbus
+	ginstall $(WORKDIR)/cswusergroup $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWdbus/cswusergroup

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/checksums	2011-08-11 16:10:50 UTC (rev 15313)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/checksums	2011-08-11 16:36:34 UTC (rev 15314)
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
-6e26e51243c4551ac222112edf67b5db  CSWdbus.preinstall
-9222a44088c837eba62822e330de713f  cswdbus
-1aab02bdcac4d662d3760896790f0ede  dbus-1.3.1.tar.gz
-862baa44c7b80476643ad76065607d92  dbus-sysdeps-unix.c.diff
-5d584064f7e6a50bf54750ae56d7e29e  dbus-sysdeps.h.diff
+0cf9cb877a5c1508b89844050ff9f45f  dbus-1.5.6.tar.gz

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/0001-Use-LOG_PERROR-only-when-available.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/0001-Use-LOG_PERROR-only-when-available.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/0001-Use-LOG_PERROR-only-when-available.patch	2011-08-11 16:36:34 UTC (rev 15314)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From 940bca742236bc7be8ff157175b43630f6bf84dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <dam at opencsw.org>
+Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 17:28:18 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Use LOG_PERROR only when available
+ dbus/dbus-sysdeps-util-unix.c |    7 ++++++-
+ 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dbus/dbus-sysdeps-util-unix.c b/dbus/dbus-sysdeps-util-unix.c
+index a80f643..079a14d 100644
+--- a/dbus/dbus-sysdeps-util-unix.c
++++ b/dbus/dbus-sysdeps-util-unix.c
+@@ -425,7 +425,12 @@ _dbus_request_file_descriptor_limit (unsigned int limit)
+ void 
+ _dbus_init_system_log (void)
+ {
+-  openlog ("dbus", LOG_PID | LOG_PERROR, LOG_DAEMON);
++  openlog ("dbus", LOG_PID
++#ifdef LOG_PERROR
++    , LOG_DAEMON);
+ }
+ /**
+  * Log a message to the system log file (e.g. syslog on Unix).

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/CSWdbus.preinstall
--- csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/CSWdbus.preinstall	2011-08-11 16:10:50 UTC (rev 15313)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/CSWdbus.preinstall	2011-08-11 16:36:34 UTC (rev 15314)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# test if the messagebus group exist, if not create it
-eval getent group messagebus > /dev/null
-if test $? -gt 0
-	groupadd messagebus > /dev/null
-	echo group messagebus has been added
-	eval getent group messagebus > /dev/null
-	if test $? -gt 0
-	then
-		echo ERROR: Failed to add group messagebus
-		exit 1
-	fi
-# test if the messagebus user exist, if not create it
-eval getent passwd messagebus > /dev/null
-if test $? -gt 0
-	useradd -c "DBus daemon user" -g messagebus -d /opt/csw/share -s /bin/sh messagebus > /dev/null
-	echo user messagebus has been added
-	eval getent passwd messagebus > /dev/null
-	if test $? -gt 0
-	then 	
-		echo ERROR: Failed to add user messagebus
-		exit 1
-	fi

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/cswdbus
--- csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/cswdbus	2011-08-11 16:10:50 UTC (rev 15313)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/cswdbus	2011-08-11 16:36:34 UTC (rev 15314)
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 . /lib/svc/share/smf_include.sh
 if [ ! -d $DBUS_VAR_DIR ]; then
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 if smf_is_nonglobalzone; then
        /usr/sbin/svcadm disable -t svc:/system/cswdbus
-        echo "dbus-daemon cannot be run in non-global zones"
+       echo "dbus-daemon cannot be run in non-global zones"
        sleep 5 &
        exit $SMF_EXIT_OK

Copied: csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/cswusergroup (from rev 15311, csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/CSWdbus.preinstall)
--- csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/cswusergroup	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/dbus/trunk/files/cswusergroup	2011-08-11 16:36:34 UTC (rev 15314)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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