[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[16362] csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8. 3-raos

guengel at users.sourceforge.net guengel at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Dec 4 16:24:16 CET 2011

Revision: 16362
Author:   guengel
Date:     2011-12-04 15:24:16 +0000 (Sun, 04 Dec 2011)
Log Message:
postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos: Alternatives in place. Package split done. Contrib stuff still missing.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/Makefile	2011-12-04 13:02:53 UTC (rev 16361)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/Makefile	2011-12-04 15:24:16 UTC (rev 16362)
@@ -29,8 +29,40 @@
 # is unversioned and cannot be changed by passing arguments to configure. This
 # shortcoming can be lifted by adjusting $(pkglibdir) in
 # $(WORKSRC)/src/Makefile.global.in which is what we do.
+# Note 3: Alternatives
+# ------
+# I was unable to get the alternatives system to work with using
+#  ALTERNATIVES_CSWpostgresql83-server = server_amd64 server_pentium_pro
+# and then defining those alternatives. /opt/csw/sbin/alternatives choked on
+# the one file generated for server containing two distinct alternatives. So I
+# cooked my own soup:
+#  1. Create for server, client, contrib, devel separate files containing the
+#     alternatives for the ISAs
+#  2. Adjust the prototype to add include the class 'cswalternatives' for the
+#     files in question.
+# The problem appeared to be having two lines in the same file. So my approach
+# is to generate one file per line of alternatives.
+# Note 4:  New upstream releases
+# ------
+# 1. Adjust BASE_VERSION and/or PATCHLEVEL.
+# 2. `mgar merge`
+# 3. If step 2 succeeded, check the prototype of
+#    CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) for files that have slipped by and put
+#    them in the proper place.
 # This BUILD is NOT READY!  It needs work before it's usable.
 # TODO: Initialize the database cluster during installation if not already
@@ -45,7 +77,7 @@
 NAME = postgresql
@@ -58,22 +90,148 @@
 define BLURB
-MIGRATE_FILES_CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G)    = postgresql.conf
-MIGRATE_DEST_DIR_CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G) = $(sysconfdir)
+# Here we will fetch various variables that are used in this recipe. I decided
+# to place those in a separate file for the sake of uncluttering this recipe.
+# Many of the varibles defined in pgconf.mk depend on the various $(VERSION*)
+# variables.
+include pgconf.mk
+EXPANDVARS  = CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT).postinstall
 MASTER_SITES = http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v$(VERSION)/
 DISTFILES  = $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
-DISTFILES += cswpostgres.tmpl
-DISTFILES += cswusergroup.tmpl
-DISTFILES += postgresql.conf.tmpl
-DISTFILES += CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G).postinstall
-# ARCHALL_CSWpostgresql                       = 1
-# ARCHALL_CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G)-doc = 1
+INITSMF = $(sysconfdir)/init\.d/$(INITSCRIPTFILE_VERSIONED)
+PROTOTYPE_MODIFIERS = pgdata alternatives
+PROTOTYPE_USER_pgdata = postgres
+PROTOTYPE_GROUP_pgdata = sys
+PROTOTYPE_PERMS_pgdata = 0700
+PROTOTYPE_CLASS_pgdata = ugfiles
+PROTOTYPE_FILES_alternatives = .*/alternatives/$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT).*
+PROTOTYPE_CLASS_alternatives = cswalternatives
+# This is the catchall package. It should not contain any files from
+# $(PKGROOT). After building all the packages, I check the prototype of this
+# package to make sure there are no files slipped by.
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-server  = $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_SERVER),.*$(n)$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-server += $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_SERVER),.*/man1/$(n)\.1$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-server += .*/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/timezone(sets|)/.*
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-server += .*$(sysconfdir)/init\.d/.*
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-server += .*/alternatives/$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)_server.*
+#ALTERNATIVES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-server = $(foreach i,$(BUILD_ISAS), server_$(i))
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-client = $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_CLIENT),.*$(n)$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-client += $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_CLIENT),.*/man1/$(n)\.1$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-client += .*/alternatives/$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)_client.*
+#ALTERNATIVES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-client = $(foreach i,$(BUILD_ISAS), client_$(i))
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-contrib = $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_CONTRIB),.*$(n)$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-contrib += $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_CONTRIB),.*/man1/$(n)\.1$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-contrib += .*/alternatives/$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)_contrib.*
+#ALTERNATIVES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-contrib = $(foreach i,$(BUILD_ISAS), contrib_$(i))
+SPKG_DESC_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-devel = PostgreSQL $(VERSION), Development Files
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-devel += $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_DEVEL),.*$(n)$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-devel += $(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES_DEVEL),.*/man1/$(n)\.1$$)
+PKGFILES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-devel += .*/alternatives/$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)_devel.*
+#ALTERNATIVES_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-devel = $(foreach i,$(BUILD_ISAS), devel_$(i))
+SPKG_DESC_CSW$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)-doc = PostgreSQL $(VERSION), Documentation Files
+PACKAGES += CSWlibecpg_compat3-0
+CATALOGNAME_CSWlibecpg_compat3-0 = libecpg_compat3_0
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibecpg_compat3-0 = PostgreSQL $(VERSION), libecpg_compat
+PKGFILES_CSWlibecpg_compat3-0  = $(call pkgfiles_lib,libecpg_compat.so.3)
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg_compat3-0  = CSWlibecpg6-0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg_compat3-0 += CSWlibpgtypes3-0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg_compat3-0 += CSWlibpq5-1
+PACKAGES += CSWlibecpg6-0
+CATALOGNAME_CSWlibecpg6-0 = libecpg6_0
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibecpg6-0 = PostgreSQL $(VERSION), libecpg
+PKGFILES_CSWlibecpg6-0  = $(call pkgfiles_lib,libecpg.so.6)
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg6-0 += CSWlibpgtypes3-0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg6-0 += CSWlibpq5-1
+PACKAGES += CSWlibpgtypes3-0
+CATALOGNAME_CSWlibpgtypes3-0 = libpgtypes3_0
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibpgtypes3-0 = PostgreSQL $(VERSION), libpgtypes
+PKGFILES_CSWlibpgtypes3-0  = $(call pkgfiles_lib,libpgtypes.so.3)
+PACKAGES += CSWlibpq5-1
+CATALOGNAME_CSWlibpq5-1 = libpq5_1
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibpq5-1 = PostgreSQL $(VERSION), libpq
+PKGFILES_CSWlibpq5-1  = $(call pkgfiles_lib,libpq.so.5)
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibpq5-1  = CSWosslrt
 BUILD_DEP_PKGS  = CSWlibxml2-dev
 BUILD_DEP_PKGS += CSWlibxslt-dev
@@ -83,15 +241,9 @@
 BUILD_DEP_PKGS += CSWgsed # gsed is used in this recipe
 BUILD_DEP_PKGS += CSWlibz-dev
-# Why's that? --raos
-# EXTRA_INC = $(BUILD_PREFIX)/include
 EXTRA_LD_OPTIONS  = -R$(prefix)/lib/\$$ISALIST
 BUILD64 = 1
 # There was a discussion about whether to use ISAEXEC by default.  The argument
 # is that enabling 64-bit by default where possible (using isaexec) is a waste.
 # I'm not completely convinced.  Leaving this line commented out for future
@@ -105,21 +257,7 @@
 # 64-bit versions?
-# Postgres specific variables
-PGBINDIR		= $(libexecdir)/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_G)
-PGSBINDIR       	= $(libexecdir)/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_G)
-PGDATADIR		= $(datadir)/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_G)
-PGDOCDIR		= $(datadir)/doc/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_G)
-PGLOCALSTATEDIR_BASE	= $(localstatedir)/$(NAME)
-USERGROUPDIR		= $(sysconfdir)/pkg/$(NAME)
 # This is one of the quirks mentioned at the beginning: --program-suffix is not
 # supported, so IMHO, binaries should go to --libexecdir
@@ -134,12 +272,12 @@
 #CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-thread-safety
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-gssapi
-# CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-krb5
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-pam
-# CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-bonjour
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-openssl
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-libxml
 CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-libxslt
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --without-krb5
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --without-bonjour
 # Skipping tests to save time during packaging, and to enable x86 builds.
@@ -149,107 +287,6 @@
 TEST_TARGET = check
-# PKGFILES_CSWpostgresql                        = NOFILES
-# initscript_base_name = cswpostgres_$(subst .,_,$(BASE_VERSION))
-#initscript_base_name = cswpostgres_$(VERSION_NODOT)
-#INITSMF = /etc$(prefix)/init\.d/$(initscript_base_name)
-#PRESERVECONF = $(sysconfdir)/postgresql\.conf
-PROTOTYPE_USER_pgdata = postgres
-PROTOTYPE_GROUP_pgdata = sys
-PROTOTYPE_PERMS_pgdata = 0700
-PROTOTYPE_CLASS_pgdata = ugfiles
-EXPANDVARS  = CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G).postinstall
-EXPANDVARS += cswpostgres.tmpl
-# This is one of the rare cases where a protoype filter is needed.
-# Do not copy this for other Makefiles unless you understand exactly what it does!!
-# (explanation: It adds -isaexec to the isaexec-name of the binaries to be isaexec'ed)
-# Since we are not using isaexec, this line is not needed, right? --raos
-#PROTOTYPE_FILTER = perl -npe 's,=/opt/csw/bin/isaexec,-isaexec=/opt/csw/bin/isaexec,'
-# Here come the alternatives we use to let the user choose between 32/64bit
-# variants of the binaries
-BIN_NAMES  = clusterdb
-BIN_NAMES += createdb
-BIN_NAMES += createlang
-BIN_NAMES += createuser
-BIN_NAMES += dropdb
-BIN_NAMES += droplang
-BIN_NAMES += dropuser
-BIN_NAMES += ecpg
-BIN_NAMES += initdb
-BIN_NAMES += oid2name
-BIN_NAMES += pg_config
-BIN_NAMES += pg_controldata
-BIN_NAMES += pg_ctl
-BIN_NAMES += pg_dump
-BIN_NAMES += pg_dumpall
-BIN_NAMES += pg_resetxlog
-BIN_NAMES += pg_restore
-BIN_NAMES += pg_standby
-BIN_NAMES += pgbench
-BIN_NAMES += postgres
-BIN_NAMES += postmaster
-BIN_NAMES += psql
-BIN_NAMES += reindexdb
-BIN_NAMES += vacuumdb
-BIN_NAMES += vacuumlo
-# Bad voodoo coming up...
-$(foreach alt,$(ALTERNATIVES), $(eval ALTERNATIVE_$(alt) = $(subst /$(DEFAULT_ISA)/,/,$(foreach n,$(BIN_NAMES),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_G) $(NAME)-$(BASE_VERSION_G) $(libexecdir)/$(alt)/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_G)/$(n) 20))))
-# ISAEXEC_FILES = $(addsuffix -isaexec,$(foreach B,$(BIN_NAMES),$(bindir_install)/$B))
-# ALTERNATIVE_$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_G)-32 = $(bindir_install)/$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) $(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) $(bindir_install)/$(ISA_DEFAULT)/$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) 100
-# ALTERNATIVE_$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_G)-32 += $(foreach B,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(BIN_NAMES)),$(BIN_NAMES)),$(bindir_install)/$B $B $(bindir_install)/$(ISA_DEFAULT)/$B)
-# ALTERNATIVE_$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_G)-64 = $(bindir_install)/$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) $(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) $(bindir_install)/$(ISA_DEFAULT64)/$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) 200
-# ALTERNATIVE_$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_G)-64 += $(foreach B,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(BIN_NAMES)),$(BIN_NAMES)),$(bindir_install)/$B $B $(bindir_install)/$(ISA_DEFAULT64)/$B)
-# ALTERNATIVE_$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_G)-auto = $(bindir_install)/$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) $(firstword $(BIN_NAMES)) $(bindir_install)/$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES))-isaexec 300
-# ALTERNATIVE_$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_G)-auto += $(foreach B,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(BIN_NAMES)),$(BIN_NAMES)),$(bindir_install)/$B $B $(bindir_install)/$B-isaexec)
-# # checkpkg does not detect this dependency automatically
-# CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G) += surplus-dependency|CSWalternatives
-# PACKAGES += CSWlibpq5
-# CATALOGNAME_CSWlibpq5 = libpq5
-# PKGFILES_CSWlibpq5 += $(call baseisadirs,$(prefix)/lib,libpq\.so\.5(\.\d+)*)
-# SPKG_DESC_CSWlibpq5 += PostgreSQL C client library (built from $(BASE_VERSION).x sources), libpq.so.5
-# RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibpq5 += CSWlibgssapi-krb5-2
-# RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibpq5 += CSWosslrt
-# PACKAGES += CSWlibecpg6
-# CATALOGNAME_CSWlibecpg6 = libecpg6
-# PKGFILES_CSWlibecpg6 += $(call baseisadirs,$(prefix)/lib,libecpg\.so\.6(\.\d+)*)
-# SPKG_DESC_CSWlibecpg6 += Embedded PostgreSQL for C library (built from $(BASE_VERSION).x sources), libecpg.so.6
-# RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg6 += CSWlibpgtypes3
-# RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg6 += CSWlibpq5
-# PACKAGES += CSWlibecpg-compat3
-# CATALOGNAME_CSWlibecpg-compat3 = libecpg_compat3
-# PKGFILES_CSWlibecpg-compat3 += $(call baseisadirs,$(prefix)/lib,libecpg_compat\.so\.3(\.\d+)*)
-# SPKG_DESC_CSWlibecpg-compat3 += Older version of run-time library for ECPG programs (built from $(BASE_VERSION).x sources), libecpg_compat.so.3
-# RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg-compat3 += CSWlibecpg6
-# RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg-compat3 += CSWlibpgtypes3
-# RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibecpg-compat3 += CSWlibpq5
-# PACKAGES += CSWlibpgtypes3
-# CATALOGNAME_CSWlibpgtypes3 = libpgtypes3
-# PKGFILES_CSWlibpgtypes3 += $(call baseisadirs,$(prefix)/lib,libpgtypes\.so\.3\.0)
-# PKGFILES_CSWlibpgtypes3 += $(call baseisadirs,$(prefix)/lib,libpgtypes\.so\.3(\.\d+)*)
-# SPKG_DESC_CSWlibpgtypes3 += Used by programs built with ecpg (Embedded PostgreSQL for C, from $(BASE_VERSION).x sources), libpgtypes.so.3
 # PACKAGES += CSWlibpq-dev
 # CATALOGNAME_CSWlibpq-dev = libpq_dev
 # SPKG_DESC_CSWlibpq-dev = PostgreSQL C client headers (built from $(BASE_VERSION).x sources)
@@ -273,13 +310,6 @@
 # RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibpq-dev += CSWlibecpg-compat3
 # RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibpq-dev += CSWlibpgtypes3
-# PACKAGES += CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G)
-# CATALOGNAME_CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G) = postgresql_$(BASE_VERSION_G)
-# SPKG_DESC_CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G) = PostgreSQL, version $(BASE_VERSION).x
-# # Private shared libraries have sonames, which triggers this error.
-# CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWpostgresql-$(BASE_VERSION_G) += soname-not-part-of-filename
 # # Legacy libraries
 # PACKAGES += CSWlibpq3
 # CATALOGNAME_CSWlibpq3 = libpq3
@@ -343,16 +373,30 @@
 # RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibpq += CSWlibpq5
 include gar/category.mk
+# This variable will be increased in the course of the following foreach loops
+alt_priority = 20
+# This will generate the ALTERNATIVEs for the binaries in $(libexecdir)/postgresql/XY.
+# I consider this bad voodoo.
+## Server
+$(foreach alt,$(BUILD_ISAS), $(eval alt_priority=$(shell expr $(alt_priority) + 10)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_server_$(alt) = $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst server_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n))) $(alt_priority)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_server_$(alt) += $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst server_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n)))) )
+## Client
+# reset priority
+alt_priority = 20
+$(foreach alt,$(BUILD_ISAS), $(eval alt_priority=$(shell expr $(alt_priority) + 10)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_client_$(alt) = $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst client_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n))) $(alt_priority)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_client_$(alt) += $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst client_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n)))) )
+## Contrib
+# reset priority
+alt_priority = 20
+$(foreach alt,$(BUILD_ISAS), $(eval alt_priority=$(shell expr $(alt_priority) + 10)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_contrib_$(alt) = $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst contrib_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n))) $(alt_priority)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_contrib_$(alt) += $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst contrib_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n)))) )
+## Devel
+# reset priority
+alt_priority = 20
+$(foreach alt,$(BUILD_ISAS), $(eval alt_priority=$(shell expr $(alt_priority) + 10)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_devel_$(alt) = $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(firstword $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst devel_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n))) $(alt_priority)) $(eval ALTERNATIVE_devel_$(alt) += $(subst /$(ISA_DEFAULT)/,/,$(foreach n,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(BIN_NAMES_SERVER)),$(bindir)/$(n)-$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) $(libexecdir)/$(subst devel_,,$(alt))/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/$(n)))) )
-# what's that good for? --raos
-#CFLAGS := $(filter-out -I%,$(CFLAGS))
 # We adjust the $(pkglibdir) found in $(WORKSRC)/src/Makefile.global.in, so
 # that it should be possible to install 8.x and 8.y concurrently
 	if [ -r $(WORKSRC)/src/Makefile.global.in ] ; then \
-		gsed -i -r -e 's|^(pkglibdir[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*)\$$\(libdir\).*$$|\1$$(libdir)/postgresql/$(BASE_VERSION_G)|' $(WORKSRC)/src/Makefile.global.in ; \
+		gsed -i -r -e 's|^(pkglibdir[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*)\$$\(libdir\).*$$|\1$$(libdir)/postgresql/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)|' $(WORKSRC)/src/Makefile.global.in ; \
@@ -360,21 +404,29 @@
 	$(BUILD_ENV) gmake -C $(WORKSRC)/contrib all
-	$(INSTALL_ENV) gmake -C $(WORKSRC)/contrib DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install
-	ginstall -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
-	[ -r $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pg_config ] && \
-	gmv -v $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pg_config $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin || true
+# 	$(INSTALL_ENV) gmake -C $(WORKSRC)/contrib DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install
+# 	ginstall -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
+# 	[ -r $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pg_config ] && \
+# 	gmv -v $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pg_config $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin || true
 # Create the PGDATA directory
 	ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)$(PGDATA)
-# Create the directory for the user group file
+# The usergroup file
 	ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)$(USERGROUPDIR)
-# PGLOCALSTATEDIR_BASE has been chosen, because this should be stable, i.e
-# unversioned, across different PostgreSQL installation
+# The init script
+	ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)$(sysconfdir)/init.d
+# The init script config
+# Create my alternatives files
+	$(foreach a,$(myALTERNATIVES), $(foreach i,$(BUILD_ISAS), $(shell ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)$(sharedstatedir)/alternatives ; echo "$(ALTERNATIVE_$(a)_$(i))" > $(PKGROOT)$(sharedstatedir)/alternatives/$(NAME)$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)_$(a)_$(i))))
+# Create the directory for the usergroup file and install it
 # 	ginstall -d $(PKGROOT)/etc$(prefix)/init.d
 # 	ginstall \
 # 		$(WORKDIR)/cswpostgres.tmpl \
@@ -425,4 +477,4 @@
 # 			../../lib/$(ISA_DEFAULT64)/`basename $${f}` \
 # 			$(PKGROOT)$(prefix)/postgresql/lib/$(ISA_DEFAULT64); \
 # 	done

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/cswpostgres.tmpl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/cswpostgres.tmpl	2011-12-04 13:02:53 UTC (rev 16361)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/cswpostgres.tmpl	2011-12-04 15:24:16 UTC (rev 16362)
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# PostgreSQL startup script - part of the CSWpostgresql package
-# mark at blastwave.org
-# 2009-11-29  Maciej Blizinski (maciej at opencsw.org)
-#   - Parametrized file locations
-#   - Style changes
-# This files is a template.  The following variables need to be substituted
-# before it can be run:
-# - bindir
-# - sysconfdir
-# Read in the user configuration file
-[ -s /opt/csw/etc/postgresql.conf ] && . /opt/csw/etc/postgresql.conf
-[ -s @sysconfdir@/postgresql.conf ] && . @sysconfdir@/postgresql.conf
-# Defaults
-[ -z "${PGDATA}" ] && PGDATA=@PGDATA@
-[ -z "${PGCTL}" ] && PGCTL=@bindir@/pg_ctl
-[ -z "${PGINIT}" ] && PGINIT=@bindir@/initdb
-# Exit if postgres user hasn't been created.
-# FIXME: This bit of code is old. It might be obsolete.
-if grep '^postgres:' /etc/passwd >/dev/null; then
-	echo > /dev/null
-  getent passwd postgres >/dev/null
-  if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-         exit 0
-  fi
-# Change to /var/tmp, as pgctl etc. need to be started from
-# a directory that they can read
-cd /var/tmp
-case "$1" in
-      if [ -d ${PGDATA} -a `ls -l ${PGDATA} 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then
-         # PostgreSQL data directory exists and is populated
-         echo "Starting PostgreSQL..."
-         su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log start ${SERVEROPTS}"
-      fi
-      ;;
-     echo "Stopping PostgreSQL database..."
-     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log stop"
-     true  # The previous command fails when there's no .pid file
-     ;;
-     echo "Restarting PostgreSQL database..."
-     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log restart ${SERVEROPTS}"
-     ;;
-     echo "Reloading PostgreSQL database..."
-     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log reload ${SERVEROPTS}"
-     ;;
-     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} status"
-     ;;
-     # create and initialise data directory
-     echo "Creating PostgreSQL data directory at ${PGDATA}..."
-     # Create it, unless it's already there and empty
-     [ -d "${PGDATA}" -a `ls -l ${PGDATA} 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -eq 1 ] || mkdir -p "${PGDATA}"
-     chown postgres "${PGDATA}"
-     chmod 0700 "${PGDATA}"
-     echo "Initialising PostgreSQL database..."
-     su postgres -c "\"${PGINIT}\" -D \"${PGDATA}\" -E utf-8"
-     ;;
-     echo "Usage: ${0} (init|start|stop|restart|reload|status)"
-     ;;
-# vim:set ft=sh sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 expandtab si ci:

Copied: csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/cswpostgresql.tmpl (from rev 16347, csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/cswpostgres.tmpl)
--- csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/cswpostgresql.tmpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/cswpostgresql.tmpl	2011-12-04 15:24:16 UTC (rev 16362)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# $Id$
+# PostgreSQL startup script - part of the CSWpostgresql package
+# mark at blastwave.org
+# 2009-11-29  Maciej Blizinski (maciej at opencsw.org)
+#   - Parametrized file locations
+#   - Style changes
+# This files is a template.  The following variables need to be substituted
+# before it can be run:
+# - bindir
+# - sysconfdir
+USERCONF=postgresql- at BASE_VERSION_NODOT@.conf
+PGCTL=@bindir@/pg_ctl- at BASE_VERSION_NODOT@
+PGINIT=@bindir@/initdb- at BASE_VERSION_NODOT@
+# Read in the user configuration file
+[ -s /opt/csw/etc/${USERCONF} ] && . /opt/csw/etc/${USERCONF}
+[ -s @sysconfdir@/${USERCONF} ] && . @sysconfdir@/${USERCONF}
+# Defaults
+[ -z "${PGDATA}" ] && PGDATA=@PGDATA@
+# Exit if postgres user hasn't been created.
+# FIXME: This bit of code is old. It might be obsolete.
+if grep '^postgres:' /etc/passwd >/dev/null; then
+	echo > /dev/null
+  getent passwd postgres >/dev/null
+  if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+         exit 0
+  fi
+# Change to ${PGDATA}, as pgctl etc. need to be started from
+# a directory that they can read
+cd "${PGDATA}"
+case "$1" in
+      if [ -d ${PGDATA} -a `ls -l ${PGDATA} 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then
+         # PostgreSQL data directory exists and is populated
+         echo "Starting PostgreSQL..."
+         su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log start ${SERVEROPTS}"
+      fi
+      ;;
+     echo "Stopping PostgreSQL database..."
+     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log stop"
+     true  # The previous command fails when there's no .pid file
+     ;;
+     echo "Restarting PostgreSQL database..."
+     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log restart ${SERVEROPTS}"
+     ;;
+     echo "Reloading PostgreSQL database..."
+     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/postgresql.log reload ${SERVEROPTS}"
+     ;;
+     su postgres -c "${PGCTL} -D ${PGDATA} status"
+     ;;
+     # create and initialise data directory
+     echo "Creating PostgreSQL data directory at ${PGDATA}..."
+     # Create it, unless it's already there and empty
+     [ -d "${PGDATA}" -a `ls -l ${PGDATA} 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -eq 1 ] || mkdir -p "${PGDATA}"
+     chown postgres "${PGDATA}"
+     chmod 0700 "${PGDATA}"
+     echo "Initialising PostgreSQL database..."
+     su postgres -c "\"${PGINIT}\" -D \"${PGDATA}\" -E utf-8"
+     ;;
+     echo "Usage: ${0} (init|start|stop|restart|reload|status)"
+     ;;
+# vim:set ft=sh sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 expandtab si ci:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/postgresql.conf.tmpl
--- csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/postgresql.conf.tmpl	2011-12-04 13:02:53 UTC (rev 16361)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/files/postgresql.conf.tmpl	2011-12-04 15:24:16 UTC (rev 16362)
@@ -3,27 +3,13 @@
 # Provided by the OpenCSW package of PostgreSQL.  This file is read by the
 # /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswpostgres startup script, and can be used to override
 # the defaults.
+# Please use alternatives to choose between 32/64bit version of the server.
 # The location of the data directory.
-# Default : /opt/csw/var/pgdata
+# Default : @PGDATA@
-# Which binaries to use, 32- or 64-bit.  Only use the 64-bit server if you're
-# sure you need it.  Make sure you have read
-# /opt/csw/postgresql/share/doc/README-CSW.txt before changing these, as your
-# databases may not work without a 'dump and restore' cycle!
-# 32-bit server - default, and fine for most uses
-# PGCTL=/opt/csw/postgresql/bin/sparcv8/pg_ctl
-# PGINIT=/opt/csw/postgresql/bin/sparcv8/initdb
-# 64-bit server - uncomment these lines only if you really need them.
-# PGCTL=/opt/csw/postgresql/bin/sparcv9/pg_ctl
-# PGINIT=/opt/csw/postgresql/bin/sparcv9/initdb
 # Additional options to pass to postmaster.
 # These options will be passed to the postmaster program. The most common use
@@ -34,4 +20,3 @@
 # directory.
 # SERVEROPTS="-o -i"

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/pgconf.mk
--- csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/pgconf.mk	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/pgconf.mk	2011-12-04 15:24:16 UTC (rev 16362)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# $Id$
+# Postgres specific variables
+PGBINDIR		= $(libexecdir)/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)
+PGDOCDIR		= $(datadir)/doc/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)
+PGLOCALSTATEDIR_BASE	= $(localstatedir)/$(NAME)
+# Those BIN_NAMES_* are used both, for package creation and alternatives
+BIN_NAMES_SERVER	= initdb ipcclean pg_controldata pg_ctl pg_resetxlog postmaster postgres
+BIN_NAMES_DEVEL		= ecpg pg_config
+BIN_NAMES_CLIENT	= clusterdb createdb createlang createuser dropdb droplang dropuser pg_dump pg_dumpall pg_restore psql reindexdb vacuumdb
+BIN_NAMES_CONTRIB	= oid2name pgbench pg_standby vacuumlo
+# These are shared objects used by the server. Please note, contrib installs
+# also shared object in the same place, so make sure you don't mix up things
+SO_NAMES_SERVER		 = ascii_and_mic.so cyrillic_and_mic.so dict_snowball.so euc_cn_and_mic.so
+SO_NAMES_SERVER 	+= euc_jis_2004_and_shift_jis_2004.so euc_jp_and_sjis.so euc_kr_and_mic.so
+SO_NAMES_SERVER		+= euc_tw_and_big5.so latin2_and_win1250.so latin_and_mic.so plpgsql.so
+SO_NAMES_SERVER		+= utf8_and_ascii.so utf8_and_big5.so utf8_and_cyrillic.so utf8_and_euc_cn.so
+SO_NAMES_SERVER		+= utf8_and_euc_jis_2004.so utf8_and_euc_jp.so utf8_and_euc_kr.so utf8_and_euc_tw.so
+SO_NAMES_SERVER		+= utf8_and_gb18030.so utf8_and_gbk.so utf8_and_iso8859.so utf8_and_iso8859_1.so
+SO_NAMES_SERVER		+= utf8_and_johab.so utf8_and_shift_jis_2004.so utf8_and_sjis.so utf8_and_uhc.so utf8_and_win.so
+# Miscellaneous files
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/conversion_create.sql
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/information_schema.sql
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/pg_hba.conf.sample
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/pg_ident.conf.sample
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/pg_service.conf.sample
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/postgres.bki
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/postgres.description
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/postgres.shdescription
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/postgresql.conf.sample
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/recovery.conf.sample
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/snowball_create.sql
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/sql_features.txt
+MISC_NAMES_SERVER	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/system_views.sql
+MISC_NAMES_CLIENT	+= .*/share/$(NAME)/$(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)/psqlrc.sample
+# Used for the PostgreSQL user. Please note, although the file does not feature
+# a version number here, it will be installed with $(BASE_VERSION_NODOT)
+# appended.
+USERGROUPDIR		= $(sysconfdir)/pkg/$(NAME)
+USERGROUPFILE		= cswusergroup
+# The configuration file for the init.d script. Please note, although the file
+# does not feature a version number here, it will be installed with
+# $(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) inserted.
+CSWPGSQLCONFFILE	= postgresql.conf
+# The initscript. Please note, although the file does not feature a version
+# number here, it will be installed with $(BASE_VERSION_NODOT) appended
+INITSCRIPTFILE		= cswpostgresql
+# These are the alternatives provided for the packages.
+myALTERNATIVES= server client devel contrib

Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/branches/postgresql-8.3-raos/pgconf.mk
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

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