[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[13141] csw/mgar/pkg/gettext/trunk/Makefile

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Mon Feb 7 12:24:54 CET 2011

Hi folks,

Am 06.02.2011 um 14:37 schrieb Ben Walton:

> Excerpts from Maciej Bliziński's message of Sun Feb 06 07:26:44 -0500 2011:
>>>  post-merge:
>>> -       @(cd $(PKGROOT)$(docdir); \
>>> -               find . -type f -print0 | \
>>> +       @(cd $(PKGROOT); \
>>> +               find .$(docdir) .$(datadir)/aclocal -type f -print0 | \
>>>                xargs -0 perl -pi \
>>>                        -e "s#/usr/share#/opt/csw/share#g;" \
>>> -                       -e "s#/usr/local#/opt/csw#g;")
>>> +                       -e "s#/usr/local#/opt/csw#g;"; \
>>> +               perl -pi \
>>> +                       -e "s#/usr/share#/opt/csw/share#g;" \
>>> +                       -e "s#/usr/local#/opt/csw#g;" \
>>> +                               .$(bindir)/ggettextize \
>>> +                               .$(infodir)/gettext.info; )
>> Could we make it a GAR default?
> I think it would be ok.  I wouldn't want this for $(bindir) and a few
> other locations, but we could likely make this rule apply on
> $(datadir) without issues.  Dago?

Not as general replacement, because there are several issues where there
are valid references to /usr/share etc. I could imagine something like
  CSW_PATH_REPLACEMENTS_usr-share = $(docdir)/.* $(datadir)/aclocal
  CSW_PATH_REPLACEMENTS_usr-local = $(docdir)/.* $(datadir)/aclocal $(bindir)/ggettextsize $(infodir)/gettext.info

Best regards

  -- Dago

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