[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: opencsw:[298] web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw

wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Feb 19 19:40:53 CET 2011

Revision: 298
Author:   wbonnet
Date:     2011-02-19 18:40:53 +0000 (Sat, 19 Feb 2011)

Log Message:
Add last activity to maintainer page

Modified Paths:

Modified: web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/maintainer.php
--- web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/maintainer.php	2011-02-19 15:59:19 UTC (rev 297)
+++ web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/maintainer.php	2011-02-19 18:40:53 UTC (rev 298)
@@ -8,13 +8,16 @@
     // Create the DAO object
     $maintDAO = new maintainersDAO();
+    $qaDAO = new qaDAO();
     // Connect to database
+    $qaDAO->connect();
     // Retrieve the information from the database
     $maintainerLogin    = $wp_query->get('maintainerName');
     $arrayInfo          = $maintDAO->getMaintainerInformation($maintainerLogin);
+    $lastActivityInfo   = $qaDAO->getMaintainerLastUnstableSubmitDate($maintainerLogin);
     $maintainerFullName = $arrayInfo[1] ;
     $maintainerStatus   = $arrayInfo[2] ;
@@ -50,6 +53,9 @@
         print         "<tr>\n" ;
         print             "<th>Bug tracking</th><td><a href=/buglist/maintainer.cgi?maintainer='" . $maintainerLogin . "'>List of open/relevant bugs for " . $maintainerFullName . "</a>\n" ;
         print         "</tr>\n" ;
+        print         "<tr>\n" ;
+        print             "<th>Last activity date</th><td><a href=/package/" . $lastActivityInfo[0]["software"] . ">" . $lastActivityInfo[0]["software"] . "</a> has been added to unstable on " .  $lastActivityInfo[0]["date"] . "</td>\n" ;
+        print         "</tr>\n" ;
         print     "</tbody>";
         print     "</table>";

Modified: web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qaDAO.php
--- web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qaDAO.php	2011-02-19 15:59:19 UTC (rev 297)
+++ web/wordpresscsw/wp-content/themes/opencsw/qaDAO.php	2011-02-19 18:40:53 UTC (rev 298)
@@ -463,5 +463,35 @@
         // Return the array to the caller
         return $output;                                         // Return the array to the caller
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    // Get the last submission date of a maintainer. This is the date he last submitted to unstable
+    //
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function getMaintainerLastUnstableSubmitDate($maintName) {
+        // Define the query used to retrieve the packages from the database
+        $sqlQuery  = "select p.software , h.HIST_VERSION_DATE from UWATCH_VERSION_HISTORY as h , UWATCH_PKG_VERSION as v , packages as p where p.maintlogin =  '" . $maintName . "'  and p.software = v.PKG_CATALOGNAME and v.ID_PKG = h.ID_PKG and h.HIST_VERSION_TYPE = 'unstable' order by h.HIST_VERSION_DATE desc limit 1 ; ";
+        // Execute the query to retrieve the row to update
+        $this->execQuery($sqlQuery);
+        // Return value
+        $output   = array();                                 // Array used to store the output
+        $idxCount = 0;                                       // Index on the current line in the array
+        // Check if there is a result
+        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($this->result)) {
+            $output[$idxCount]    = array(                   // Copy the current row into the array of results
+                "software"        => $row[0],                // Copy the field into the array of results
+                "date"            => $row[1]                 // Copy the field into the array of results
+            );
+            $idxCount++;                                     // Increase the index
+        }
+        // Return the array to the caller
+        return $output;                                      // Return the array to the caller
+    }

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