[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: opencsw:[321] gar-wrapper/mgar

skayser at users.sourceforge.net skayser at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 22 18:42:44 CET 2011

Revision: 321
Author:   skayser
Date:     2011-02-22 17:42:44 +0000 (Tue, 22 Feb 2011)

Log Message:
mgar: add (advanced and undocumented) up --self option

Modified Paths:

Modified: gar-wrapper/mgar
--- gar-wrapper/mgar	2011-02-22 09:43:11 UTC (rev 320)
+++ gar-wrapper/mgar	2011-02-22 17:42:44 UTC (rev 321)
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Todos:
+# * When packaging mgar, shield mgar up --self so that it won't override
+#   the package binary, but place it somewhere else.
+# * In commit mode, if (msg -eq ""): Fire up $EDITOR (with prepoulated msg)
 # * In commit mode, if (pwd.endswith('trunk') and svn.rev -eq 0) commit ..
-# * Add command to update mgar itself
 # * Recipes: Move from svn:externals to GARTYPE
 # * Integrate the creation of a new package (with sanity check whether
 #   package already exists). Use per-directory Makefile.template files.
@@ -44,6 +46,8 @@
@@ -65,6 +69,37 @@
+function update_self {
+    __rev=${1:-HEAD}
+    [ -f $0.tmp ] && rm $0.tmp
+    svn export -r $__rev $SVN_SELF $0.tmp >/dev/null
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "Error: Retrieval from SVN failed. Script untouched." >&2
+        exit 1;
+    fi
+    oldv=`grep '# $Id' $0 | head -1`
+    newv=`grep '# $Id' $0.tmp | head -1`
+    if [ "$oldv" == "$newv" ]; then
+        echo "Script is already at the desired version. No replacement needed."
+        echo "Current version: $oldv"
+        rm $0.tmp
+        exit;
+    fi
+    mv $0.tmp $0
+    cat <<EOM
+Script replaced.
+Old version: $oldv
+New version: $newv
 function read_config_value {
   [ -f ~/.garrc ] || die_config_missing
@@ -330,9 +365,11 @@
         commit|ci) shift; verify_local_status_and_commit "$@";;
               scm) shift; svn $@;;
                up) if [ "${2:-}" == "--all" ]; then
-                     $0 up-all;
+                     $0 up-all
+                   elif [ "${2:-}" == "--self" ]; then
+                     update_self ${3:-}
-                     $0 up-pkg;
+                     $0 up-pkg
            up-all) echo "Updating full build tree (this will take some time)"

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