[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: opencsw:[375] gar-wrapper/mgar

skayser at users.sourceforge.net skayser at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jul 5 22:31:35 CEST 2011

Revision: 375
Author:   skayser
Date:     2011-07-05 20:31:35 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jul 2011)

Log Message:
mgar: fix newpkg skeleton generation logic

Modified Paths:

Modified: gar-wrapper/mgar
--- gar-wrapper/mgar	2011-06-26 21:35:22 UTC (rev 374)
+++ gar-wrapper/mgar	2011-07-05 20:31:35 UTC (rev 375)
@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Todos:
+# * Enable checkout of a specific revision for build recipe + GAR
+#   (~/opencsw/.buildsys/vX at YYYY, ~/opencsw/foo/trunk at YYYY)
 # * Add template for ~/.garrc (think new users)
 # * When packaging mgar, shield mgar up --self so that it won't override
 #   the package binary, but place it somewhere else.
-# * In commit mode, if (pwd.endswith('trunk') and svn.rev -eq 0) commit ..
 # * Recipes: Move from svn:externals to GARTYPE
-# * Improve errors messages when buildsys can't be found
+# * Improve error messages when buildsys can't be found
+# * Improve error messages when pwd != build dir (refer to miss./wrong Makefile)
 # * In commit mode: verify that checksums is up to date (DISTFILES listed?)
 # Bugs:
@@ -423,10 +425,12 @@
   echo "Creating package skeleton for ${__pkgname} ${__version}."
   svn mkdir --parents ${__pkgname}/trunk/files ${__pkgname}/{branches,tags} 
   touch ${__pkgname}/trunk/checksums
-  perl -p -e "\
-    s,%NAME%,${__pkgname},; \
-    s,%VERSION%,${__version},; \
-    " ${__template} > ${__pkgname}/trunk/Makefile
+  echo -e '%:\n\t$(MAKE) -C trunk $*' > ${__pkgname}/Makefile
+  python -c "from mako.template import Template; \
+        v = { 'name': \"${__pkgname}\", 'version': \"${__version}\" }; \
+        t = Template(filename=\"${__template}\"); \
+        print t.render(**v)" > ${__pkgname}/trunk/Makefile
+  svn add ${__pkgname}/Makefile
   svn add ${__pkgname}/trunk/Makefile
   svn add ${__pkgname}/trunk/checksums

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