[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[15091] csw/mgar/pkg

Maciej Bliziński maciej at opencsw.org
Tue Jul 19 19:19:19 CEST 2011

Em 19/07/2011 17:52, "rupert THURNER" <rupert at opencsw.org> escreveu:
> 2011/7/19 Maciej Bliziński <maciej at opencsw.org>:
> > What kind of disturbance do you have in mind?
> for a local checkout:
> set the symbolic links for all the ckeckout.

Symbolic links from where to where? I assume it's not about symlinks to GAR,
because that was solved by mgar.

> for a git migration:
> e.g. remove svn:externals to move to git, or create and commit symbolic

Same question - where from and where to? Symlinks to GAR are not necessary.

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